#pragma once #include "audio_enums.h" #include "AudioCollision.h" #include "PolRadio.h" class tSound { public: int32 m_nEntityIndex; // audio entity index #if GTA_VERSION >= GTA3_PC_10 uint32 m_nCounter; // I'm not sure what this is but it looks like a virtual counter to determine the same sound in queue // Values higher than 255 are used by reflections #else uint8 m_nCounter; #endif uint32 m_nSampleIndex; // An index of sample from AudioSamples.h uint8 m_nBankIndex; // A sound bank index. IDK what's the point of it here since samples are hardcoded anyway bool8 m_bIs2D; // If TRUE then sound is played in 2D space (such as frontend or police radio) uint32 m_nPriority; // The multiplier for the sound priority (see m_nFinalPriority below). Lesser value means higher priority uint32 m_nFrequency; // Sound frequency, plain and simple uint8 m_nVolume; // Sound volume (0..127), only used as an actual volume without EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND (see m_nEmittingVolume) float m_fDistance; // Distance to camera (useless if m_bIs2D == TRUE) uint32 m_nLoopCount; // 0 - always loop, 1 - don't loop, other values never seen #ifndef GTA_PS2 // Loop offsets uint32 m_nLoopStart; int32 m_nLoopEnd; #endif #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND uint8 m_nEmittingVolume; // The volume in 3D space, provided to 3D audio engine #endif float m_fSpeedMultiplier; // Used for doppler effect. 0.0f - unaffected by doppler #if GTA_VERSION >= GTA3_PC_10 float m_MaxDistance; // The maximum distance at which sound could be heard. Minimum distance = MaxDistance / 5 or MaxDistance / 4 in case of emitting volume (useless if m_bIs2D == TRUE) #else uint32 m_MaxDistance; #endif bool8 m_bStatic; // If TRUE then sound parameters cannot be changed during playback (frequency, position, etc.) CVector m_vecPos; // Position of sound in 3D space. Unused if m_bIs2D == TRUE bool8 m_bReverb; // Toggles reverb effect #ifdef AUDIO_REFLECTIONS uint8 m_nReflectionDelay; // Number of frames before reflection could be played. This is calculated internally by AudioManager and shouldn't be set by queued sample bool8 m_bReflections; // Add sound reflections #endif uint8 m_nPan; // Sound panning (0-127). Controls the volume of the playback coming from left and right speaker. Calculated internally unless m_bIs2D==TRUE. // 0 = L 100% R 0% // 63 = L 100% R 100% // 127 = L 0% R 100% #ifndef FIX_BUGS uint32 m_nFramesToPlay; // Number of frames the sound would be played (if it stops being queued). // This one is being set by queued sample for looping sounds, otherwise calculated inside AudioManager #else float m_nFramesToPlay; // Made into float for high fps fix #endif // all fields below are internal to AudioManager calculations and aren't set by queued sample bool8 m_bIsBeingPlayed; // Set to TRUE when the sound was added or changed on current frame to avoid it being overwritten bool8 m_bIsPlayingFinished; // Not sure about the name. Set to TRUE when sampman channel becomes free #if GTA_VERSION < GTA3_PC_10 int32 unk; // (inherited from GTA 2) Only on PS2, used by static non-looped sounds (AFAIK) // Looks like it's keeping a number of frames left to play with the purpose of setting m_bIsPlayingFinished=TRUE once value reaches 0 // Default value is -3 for whatever reason #endif uint32 m_nFinalPriority; // Actual value used to compare priority, calculated using volume and m_nPriority. Lesser value means higher priority int8 m_nVolumeChange; // How much m_nVolume should reduce per each frame. #if defined(FIX_BUGS) && defined(EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND) int8 m_nEmittingVolumeChange; // same as above but for m_nEmittingVolume #endif }; VALIDATE_SIZE(tSound, 92); class CPhysical; class CAutomobile; class tAudioEntity { public: eAudioType m_nType; void *m_pEntity; bool8 m_bIsUsed; bool8 m_bStatus; int16 m_awAudioEvent[NUM_AUDIOENTITY_EVENTS]; float m_afVolume[NUM_AUDIOENTITY_EVENTS]; uint8 m_AudioEvents; }; VALIDATE_SIZE(tAudioEntity, 40); class tPedComment { public: uint32 m_nSampleIndex; int32 m_nEntityIndex; CVector m_vecPos; float m_fDistance; uint8 m_nVolume; int8 m_nProcess; #if defined(EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND) && defined(FIX_BUGS) uint8 m_nEmittingVolume; #endif }; VALIDATE_SIZE(tPedComment, 28); class cPedComments { public: tPedComment m_asPedComments[NUM_PED_COMMENTS_BANKS][NUM_PED_COMMENTS_SLOTS]; uint8 m_nIndexMap[NUM_PED_COMMENTS_BANKS][NUM_PED_COMMENTS_SLOTS]; uint8 m_nCommentsInBank[NUM_PED_COMMENTS_BANKS]; uint8 m_nActiveBank; cPedComments() { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PED_COMMENTS_SLOTS; i++) for (int j = 0; j < NUM_PED_COMMENTS_BANKS; j++) { m_asPedComments[j][i].m_nProcess = -1; m_nIndexMap[j][i] = NUM_PED_COMMENTS_SLOTS; } for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PED_COMMENTS_BANKS; i++) m_nCommentsInBank[i] = 0; m_nActiveBank = 0; } void Add(tPedComment *com); void Process(); }; VALIDATE_SIZE(cPedComments, 1164); // name made up class cAudioScriptObjectManager { public: int32 m_anScriptObjectEntityIndices[NUM_SCRIPT_MAX_ENTITIES]; int32 m_nScriptObjectEntityTotal; cAudioScriptObjectManager() { m_nScriptObjectEntityTotal = 0; } ~cAudioScriptObjectManager() { m_nScriptObjectEntityTotal = 0; } }; class cTransmission; class CEntity; class CPlane; class CVehicle; class CPed; class cPedParams { public: bool8 m_bDistanceCalculated; float m_fDistance; CPed *m_pPed; cPedParams() { m_bDistanceCalculated = false; m_fDistance = 0.0f; m_pPed = nil; } }; class cVehicleParams { public: bool8 m_bDistanceCalculated; float m_fDistance; CVehicle *m_pVehicle; cTransmission *m_pTransmission; uint32 m_nIndex; float m_fVelocityChange; cVehicleParams() { m_bDistanceCalculated = false; m_fDistance = 0.0f; m_pVehicle = nil; m_pTransmission = nil; m_nIndex = 0; m_fVelocityChange = 0.0f; } }; VALIDATE_SIZE(cVehicleParams, 0x18); enum { /* REFLECTION_YMAX = 0, top REFLECTION_YMIN = 1, bottom REFLECTION_XMIN = 2, left REFLECTION_XMAX = 3, right REFLECTION_ZMAX = 4, */ REFLECTION_TOP = 0, REFLECTION_BOTTOM, REFLECTION_LEFT, REFLECTION_RIGHT, REFLECTION_UP, MAX_REFLECTIONS, }; enum PLAY_STATUS { PLAY_STATUS_STOPPED = 0, PLAY_STATUS_PLAYING, PLAY_STATUS_FINISHED }; enum LOADING_STATUS { LOADING_STATUS_NOT_LOADED = 0, LOADING_STATUS_LOADED, LOADING_STATUS_FAILED }; class cAudioManager { public: bool8 m_bIsInitialised; bool8 m_bIsSurround; // unused until VC bool8 m_bReduceReleasingPriority; uint8 m_nActiveSamples; bool8 m_bDoubleVolume; // unused #if GTA_VERSION >= GTA3_PC_10 bool8 m_bDynamicAcousticModelingStatus; #endif float m_fSpeedOfSound; bool8 m_bTimerJustReset; uint32 m_nTimer; tSound m_sQueueSample; uint8 m_nActiveQueue; tSound m_aRequestedQueue[NUM_SOUND_QUEUES][NUM_CHANNELS_GENERIC]; uint8 m_aRequestedOrderList[NUM_SOUND_QUEUES][NUM_CHANNELS_GENERIC]; uint8 m_nRequestedCount[NUM_SOUND_QUEUES]; tSound m_asActiveSamples[NUM_CHANNELS_GENERIC]; tAudioEntity m_asAudioEntities[NUM_AUDIOENTITIES]; uint32 m_aAudioEntityOrderList[NUM_AUDIOENTITIES]; uint32 m_nAudioEntitiesCount; #ifdef AUDIO_REFLECTIONS CVector m_avecReflectionsPos[MAX_REFLECTIONS]; float m_afReflectionsDistances[MAX_REFLECTIONS]; #endif cAudioScriptObjectManager m_sAudioScriptObjectManager; cPedComments m_sPedComments; int32 m_nFireAudioEntity; int32 m_nWaterCannonEntity; int32 m_nPoliceChannelEntity; cPoliceRadioQueue m_sPoliceRadioQueue; cAMCrime m_aCrimes[10]; int32 m_nFrontEndEntity; int32 m_nCollisionEntity; cAudioCollisionManager m_sCollisionManager; int32 m_nProjectileEntity; int32 m_nBridgeEntity; // Mission audio stuff CVector m_vecMissionAudioPosition; bool8 m_bIsMissionAudio2D; uint32 m_nMissionAudioSampleIndex; uint8 m_nMissionAudioLoadingStatus; uint8 m_nMissionAudioPlayStatus; bool8 m_bIsMissionAudioPlaying; int32 m_nMissionAudioFramesToPlay; // possibly unsigned bool8 m_bIsMissionAudioAllowedToPlay; int32 m_anRandomTable[5]; uint8 m_nTimeSpent; bool8 m_bIsPaused; bool8 m_bWasPaused; uint32 m_FrameCounter; cAudioManager(); ~cAudioManager(); void Initialise(); void Terminate(); void Service(); int32 CreateEntity(eAudioType type, void *entity); void DestroyEntity(int32 id); bool8 GetEntityStatus(int32 id); void SetEntityStatus(int32 id, bool8 status); void *GetEntityPointer(int32 id); void PlayOneShot(int32 index, uint16 sound, float vol); void SetEffectsMasterVolume(uint8 volume); void SetMusicMasterVolume(uint8 volume); void SetEffectsFadeVol(uint8 volume); void SetMusicFadeVol(uint8 volume); void SetMonoMode(bool8 mono); void ResetTimers(uint32 time); void DestroyAllGameCreatedEntities(); #ifdef GTA_PC uint8 GetNum3DProvidersAvailable(); char *Get3DProviderName(uint8 id); int8 GetCurrent3DProviderIndex(); int8 SetCurrent3DProvider(uint8 which); void SetSpeakerConfig(int32 conf); bool8 IsMP3RadioChannelAvailable(); void ReleaseDigitalHandle(); void ReacquireDigitalHandle(); #ifdef AUDIO_REFLECTIONS void SetDynamicAcousticModelingStatus(bool8 status); #endif bool8 CheckForAnAudioFileOnCD(); char GetCDAudioDriveLetter(); bool8 IsAudioInitialised(); #endif void ServiceSoundEffects(); uint32 FL(float f); // not used uint8 ComputeVolume(uint8 emittingVolume, float maxDistance, float distance); void TranslateEntity(Const CVector *v1, CVector *v2); int32 ComputePan(float, CVector *); uint32 ComputeDopplerEffectedFrequency(uint32 oldFreq, float position1, float position2, float speedMultiplier); // inlined on PS2 int32 RandomDisplacement(uint32 seed); void InterrogateAudioEntities(); // inlined on PS2 void AddSampleToRequestedQueue(); void AddDetailsToRequestedOrderList(uint8 sample); // inlined on PS2 #ifdef AUDIO_REFLECTIONS void AddReflectionsToRequestedQueue(); void UpdateReflections(); #endif void AddReleasingSounds(); void ProcessActiveQueues(); void ClearRequestedQueue(); // inlined on PS2 void ClearActiveSamples(); void GenerateIntegerRandomNumberTable(); // inlined on PS2 void LoadBankIfNecessary(uint8 bank); // this is used only on PS2 but technically not a platform code #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND // actually must have been && AUDIO_MSS as well void AdjustSamplesVolume(); uint8 ComputeEmittingVolume(uint8 emittingVolume, float maxDistance, float distance); #endif // audio logic void PreInitialiseGameSpecificSetup(); void PostInitialiseGameSpecificSetup(); void PreTerminateGameSpecificShutdown(); void PostTerminateGameSpecificShutdown(); void ResetAudioLogicTimers(uint32 timer); void ProcessReverb(); float GetDistanceSquared(const CVector &v); void CalculateDistance(bool8 &condition, float dist); void ProcessSpecial(); void ProcessEntity(int32 sound); void ProcessPhysical(int32 id); // vehicles void ProcessVehicle(CVehicle *vehicle); void ProcessRainOnVehicle(cVehicleParams ¶ms); bool8 ProcessReverseGear(cVehicleParams ¶ms); void ProcessModelCarEngine(cVehicleParams ¶ms); bool8 ProcessVehicleRoadNoise(cVehicleParams ¶ms); bool8 ProcessWetRoadNoise(cVehicleParams ¶ms); bool8 ProcessVehicleEngine(cVehicleParams ¶ms); void UpdateGasPedalAudio(CAutomobile *automobile); // inlined on PS2 void PlayerJustGotInCar(); void PlayerJustLeftCar(); void AddPlayerCarSample(uint8 emittingVolume, uint32 freq, uint32 sample, uint8 bank, uint8 counter, bool8 notLooping); void ProcessCesna(cVehicleParams ¶ms); void ProcessPlayersVehicleEngine(cVehicleParams ¶ms, CAutomobile *automobile); bool8 ProcessVehicleSkidding(cVehicleParams ¶ms); float GetVehicleDriveWheelSkidValue(uint8 wheel, CAutomobile *automobile, cTransmission *transmission, float velocityChange); float GetVehicleNonDriveWheelSkidValue(uint8 wheel, CAutomobile *automobile, cTransmission *transmission, float velocityChange); // inlined on PS2 void ProcessVehicleHorn(cVehicleParams ¶ms); bool8 UsesSiren(uint32 model); // inlined on PS2 bool8 UsesSirenSwitching(uint32 model); // inlined on PS2 bool8 ProcessVehicleSirenOrAlarm(cVehicleParams ¶ms); bool8 UsesReverseWarning(uint32 model); // inlined on PS2 bool8 ProcessVehicleReverseWarning(cVehicleParams ¶ms); bool8 ProcessVehicleDoors(cVehicleParams ¶ms); bool8 ProcessAirBrakes(cVehicleParams ¶ms); bool8 HasAirBrakes(uint32 model); // inlined on PS2 bool8 ProcessEngineDamage(cVehicleParams ¶ms); bool8 ProcessCarBombTick(cVehicleParams ¶ms); void ProcessVehicleOneShots(cVehicleParams ¶ms); bool8 ProcessTrainNoise(cVehicleParams ¶ms); bool8 ProcessBoatEngine(cVehicleParams ¶ms); bool8 ProcessBoatMovingOverWater(cVehicleParams ¶ms); bool8 ProcessHelicopter(cVehicleParams ¶ms); void ProcessPlane(cVehicleParams ¶ms); // inlined on PS2 void ProcessJumbo(cVehicleParams ¶ms); void ProcessJumboTaxi(); // inlined on PS2 void ProcessJumboAccel(CPlane *plane); void ProcessJumboTakeOff(CPlane *plane); // inlined on PS2 void ProcessJumboFlying(); // inlined on PS2 void ProcessJumboLanding(CPlane *plane); // inlined on PS2 void ProcessJumboDecel(CPlane *plane); // inlined on PS2 bool8 SetupJumboTaxiSound(uint8 vol); bool8 SetupJumboWhineSound(uint8 emittingVol, uint32 freq); bool8 SetupJumboEngineSound(uint8 vol, uint32 freq); bool8 SetupJumboFlySound(uint8 emittingVol); bool8 SetupJumboRumbleSound(uint8 emittingVol); int32 GetJumboTaxiFreq(); // inlined on PS2 // peds void ProcessPed(CPhysical *ped); // inlined on PS2 void ProcessPedHeadphones(cPedParams ¶ms); void ProcessPedOneShots(cPedParams ¶ms); // ped comments void SetupPedComments(cPedParams ¶ms, uint16 sound); int32 GetPedCommentSfx(CPed *ped, uint16 sound); void GetPhrase(uint32 &phrase, uint32 &prevPhrase, uint32 sample, uint32 maxOffset); // inlined on PS2 uint32 GetPlayerTalkSfx(uint16 sound); // inlined on PS2 uint32 GetCopTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetSwatTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetFBITalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetArmyTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetMedicTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetFiremanTalkSfx(uint16 sound); // inlined on PS2 uint32 GetBusinessMaleOldTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetBusinessMaleYoungTalkSfx(uint16 sound, uint32 model); uint32 GetMafiaTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetTriadTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetDiabloTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetYakuzaTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetYardieTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetColumbianTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetHoodTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetBlackCriminalTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetWhiteCriminalTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetCasualMaleOldTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetCasualMaleYoungTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetBlackCasualFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetWhiteCasualFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetFemaleNo3TalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetWhiteBusinessFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound, uint32 model); uint32 GetBlackFatFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetWhiteFatMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetBlackFatMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetWhiteFatFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetBlackFemaleProstituteTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetWhiteFemaleProstituteTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetBlackProjectMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound, uint32 model); uint32 GetBlackProjectFemaleOldTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetBlackProjectFemaleYoungTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetChinatownMaleOldTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetChinatownMaleYoungTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetChinatownFemaleOldTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetChinatownFemaleYoungTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetLittleItalyMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetLittleItalyFemaleOldTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetLittleItalyFemaleYoungTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetWhiteDockerMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetBlackDockerMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetScumMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetScumFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetWhiteWorkerMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetBlackWorkerMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetBlackBusinessFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetSupermodelMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetSupermodelFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetStewardMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetStewardFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetFanMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound, uint32 model); uint32 GetFanFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetHospitalMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetHospitalFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); // inlined on PS2 uint32 GetWhiteConstructionWorkerTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetBlackConstructionWorkerTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetShopperFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound, uint32 model); uint32 GetStudentMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetStudentFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetSpecialCharacterTalkSfx(uint32 modelIndex, uint16 sound); uint32 GetEightBallTalkSfx(uint16 sound); // inlined on PS2 uint32 GetSalvatoreTalkSfx(uint16 sound); // inlined on PS2 uint32 GetMistyTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetOldJapTalkSfx(uint16 sound); // inlined on PS2 uint32 GetCatalinaTalkSfx(uint16 sound); // inlined on PS2 uint32 GetBomberTalkSfx(uint16 sound); // inlined on PS2 uint32 GetSecurityGuardTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetChunkyTalkSfx(uint16 sound); // inlined on PS2 uint32 GetAsianTaxiDriverTalkSfx(uint16 sound); // inlined on PS2 uint32 GetPimpTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetNormalMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetGenericMaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); uint32 GetGenericFemaleTalkSfx(uint16 sound); // particles void ProcessExplosions(int32 explosion); void ProcessFires(int32 entity); void ProcessWaterCannon(int32); // script objects void ProcessScriptObject(int32 id); // inlined on PS2 void ProcessOneShotScriptObject(uint8 sound); void ProcessLoopingScriptObject(uint8 sound); void ProcessPornCinema(uint8 sound); void ProcessWorkShopScriptObject(uint8 sound); void ProcessSawMillScriptObject(uint8 sound); void ProcessLaunderetteScriptObject(uint8 sound); void ProcessShopScriptObject(uint8 sound); void ProcessAirportScriptObject(uint8 sound); void ProcessCinemaScriptObject(uint8 sound); void ProcessDocksScriptObject(uint8 sound); void ProcessHomeScriptObject(uint8 sound); void ProcessPoliceCellBeatingScriptObject(uint8 sound); // misc void ProcessWeather(int32 id); void ProcessFrontEnd(); void ProcessCrane(); void ProcessProjectiles(); void ProcessGarages(); void ProcessFireHydrant(); // bridge void ProcessBridge(); // inlined on PS2 void ProcessBridgeWarning(); void ProcessBridgeMotor(); void ProcessBridgeOneShots(); // mission audio bool8 MissionScriptAudioUsesPoliceChannel(uint32 soundMission); void PreloadMissionAudio(Const char *name); uint8 GetMissionAudioLoadingStatus(); void SetMissionAudioLocation(float x, float y, float z); void PlayLoadedMissionAudio(); bool8 IsMissionAudioSampleFinished(); bool8 IsMissionAudioSamplePlaying() { return m_nMissionAudioPlayStatus == PLAY_STATUS_PLAYING; } bool8 ShouldDuckMissionAudio() { return IsMissionAudioSamplePlaying(); } void ClearMissionAudio(); void ProcessMissionAudio(); // police radio void InitialisePoliceRadioZones(); void InitialisePoliceRadio(); void ResetPoliceRadio(); void SetMissionScriptPoliceAudio(uint32 sfx); int8 GetMissionScriptPoliceAudioPlayingStatus(); void DoPoliceRadioCrackle(); void ServicePoliceRadio(); void ServicePoliceRadioChannel(uint8 wantedLevel); bool8 SetupCrimeReport(); void SetupSuspectLastSeenReport(); void ReportCrime(eCrimeType crime, const CVector &pos); void PlaySuspectLastSeen(float x, float y, float z); void AgeCrimes(); // inlined on PS2 // collision stuff void ReportCollision(CEntity *entity1, CEntity *entity2, uint8 surface1, uint8 surface2, float collisionPower, float intensity2); void ServiceCollisions(); void SetUpOneShotCollisionSound(const cAudioCollision &col); void SetUpLoopingCollisionSound(const cAudioCollision &col, uint8 counter); uint32 SetLoopingCollisionRequestedSfxFreqAndGetVol(const cAudioCollision &audioCollision); float GetCollisionOneShotRatio(uint32 a, float b); float GetCollisionLoopingRatio(uint32 a, uint32 b, float c); // not used float GetCollisionRatio(float a, float b, float c, float d); // inlined on PS2 }; /* Manual loop points are not on PS2 so let's have these macros to avoid massive ifndefs. Setting these manually was pointless anyway since they never change from sdt values. What were they thinking? */ #ifndef GTA_PS2 #define RESET_LOOP_OFFSETS \ m_sQueueSample.m_nLoopStart = 0; \ m_sQueueSample.m_nLoopEnd = -1; #define SET_LOOP_OFFSETS(sample) \ m_sQueueSample.m_nLoopStart = SampleManager.GetSampleLoopStartOffset(sample); \ m_sQueueSample.m_nLoopEnd = SampleManager.GetSampleLoopEndOffset(sample); #else #define RESET_LOOP_OFFSETS #define SET_LOOP_OFFSETS(sample) #endif #ifdef EXTERNAL_3D_SOUND #define SET_EMITTING_VOLUME(vol) m_sQueueSample.m_nEmittingVolume = vol #else #define SET_EMITTING_VOLUME(vol) #endif #ifdef AUDIO_REFLECTIONS #define SET_SOUND_REFLECTION(b) m_sQueueSample.m_bReflections = b #else #define SET_SOUND_REFLECTION(b) #endif #if defined(AUDIO_MSS) && !defined(PS2_AUDIO_CHANNELS) static_assert(sizeof(cAudioManager) == 19220, "cAudioManager: error"); #endif extern cAudioManager AudioManager;