diff options
authorHåvard Pettersen <>2023-05-11 10:03:18 +0000
committerHåvard Pettersen <>2023-06-12 13:34:15 +0000
commitb9ff25d0b1d17339356578577a00072ce883a12a (patch)
parenta8588e074f7f556eb275c631a2b1d67299d21aba (diff)
rw spin lock
still only experimental; both the lock itself and its benchmarking
8 files changed, 653 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/vespalib/CMakeLists.txt b/vespalib/CMakeLists.txt
index 6d19988b96b..c1f6f2cbbff 100644
--- a/vespalib/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/vespalib/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ vespa_define_module(
+ src/tests/rw_spin_lock
diff --git a/vespalib/src/tests/rw_spin_lock/CMakeLists.txt b/vespalib/src/tests/rw_spin_lock/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d05322e79f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vespalib/src/tests/rw_spin_lock/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+vespa_add_executable(vespalib_rw_spin_lock_test_app TEST
+ rw_spin_lock_test.cpp
+ vespalib
+vespa_add_test(NAME vespalib_rw_spin_lock_test_app COMMAND vespalib_rw_spin_lock_test_app)
diff --git a/vespalib/src/tests/rw_spin_lock/rw_spin_lock_test.cpp b/vespalib/src/tests/rw_spin_lock/rw_spin_lock_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..207284d0db0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vespalib/src/tests/rw_spin_lock/rw_spin_lock_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+#include <vespa/vespalib/util/spin_lock.h>
+#include <vespa/vespalib/util/rw_spin_lock.h>
+#include <vespa/vespalib/util/atomic.h>
+#include <vespa/vespalib/util/time.h>
+#include <vespa/vespalib/util/classname.h>
+#include <vespa/vespalib/test/thread_meets.h>
+#include <vespa/vespalib/testkit/test_kit.h>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include <ranges>
+#include <random>
+#include <array>
+using namespace vespalib;
+using namespace vespalib::atomic;
+duration budget = 250ms;
+constexpr size_t LOOP_CNT = 4096;
+constexpr double LOOP_FACTOR = double(LOOP_CNT);
+struct DummyLock {
+ constexpr DummyLock() noexcept {}
+ // BasicLockable
+ constexpr void lock() noexcept {}
+ constexpr void unlock() noexcept {}
+ // SharedLockable
+ constexpr void lock_shared() noexcept {}
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool try_lock_shared() noexcept { return true; }
+ constexpr void unlock_shared() noexcept {}
+ // rw_upgrade_downgrade_lock
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool try_convert_read_to_write() noexcept { return true; }
+ constexpr void convert_write_to_read() noexcept {}
+struct MyState {
+ static constexpr size_t SZ = 5;
+ std::array<size_t,SZ> state = {0,0,0,0,0};
+ std::atomic<size_t> inconsistent_reads = 0;
+ void update() {
+ std::array<size_t,SZ> tmp;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < SZ; ++i) {
+ tmp[i] = load_ref_relaxed(state[i]);
+ }
+ for (int n = 0; n < 1024; ++n) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < SZ; ++i) {
+ store_ref_relaxed(state[i], tmp[i] + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void peek() {
+ std::array<size_t,SZ> tmp;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < SZ; ++i) {
+ tmp[i] = load_ref_relaxed(state[i]);
+ }
+ for (int n = 0; n < 1024; ++n) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < SZ; ++i) {
+ if (load_ref_relaxed(state[i]) != tmp[i]) [[unlikely]] {
+ inconsistent_reads.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool check(size_t expect) const {
+ if (inconsistent_reads > 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (const auto& value: state) {
+ if (load_ref_relaxed(value) != expect) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void report(size_t expect, const char *name) const {
+ if (check(expect)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s is thread safe\n", name);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s is not thread safe\n", name);
+ fprintf(stderr, " inconsistent reads: %zu\n", inconsistent_reads.load());
+ fprintf(stderr, " expected %zu, got [%zu,%zu,%zu,%zu,%zu]\n",
+ expect, state[0], state[1], state[2], state[3], state[4]);
+ }
+ }
+// do work while waiting for other threads to be ready
+class ActiveBarrier : Rendezvous<bool,bool> {
+ std::atomic<uint32_t> _ready_cnt;
+ void mingle() override {
+, std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ }
+ ActiveBarrier(size_t n) : Rendezvous<bool,bool>(n), _ready_cnt(0) {}
+ void operator()(auto &do_work) {
+ if (_ready_cnt.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed) + 1 < size()) {
+ do_work();
+ }
+ while (_ready_cnt.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) < size()) {
+ do_work();
+ }
+ rendezvous(false);
+ }
+// random generator used to make per-thread decisions
+class Rnd {
+ std::mt19937 _engine;
+ std::uniform_int_distribution<int> _dist;
+ Rnd(uint32_t seed) : _engine(seed), _dist(0,9999) {}
+ bool operator()(int bp) { return _dist(_engine) < bp; }
+void fork_join(auto &&thread_fun, size_t num_threads) {
+ assert(num_threads > 0);
+ ThreadPool pool;
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < num_threads; ++i) {
+ pool.start([i,&thread_fun]{ thread_fun(i); });
+ }
+ thread_fun(0);
+ pool.join();
+auto apply_merge(auto &&inputs, auto &&perform, auto &&merge) {
+ using output_t = std::decay_t<decltype(perform(*inputs.begin()))>;
+ std::mutex lock;
+ std::optional<output_t> output;
+ auto handle_result = [&](output_t result) {
+ std::lock_guard guard(lock);
+ if (output.has_value()) {
+ output = merge(std::move(output).value(), std::move(result));
+ } else {
+ output = std::move(result);
+ }
+ };
+ ThreadPool pool;
+ for (auto &&item: inputs) {
+ pool.start([item,&perform,&handle_result]{ handle_result(perform(item)); });
+ }
+ pool.join();
+ return output.value();
+template<typename T>
+concept basic_lockable = requires(T a) {
+ { a.lock() } -> std::same_as<void>;
+ { a.unlock() } -> std::same_as<void>;
+template<typename T>
+concept lockable = requires(T a) {
+ { a.try_lock() } -> std::same_as<bool>;
+ { a.lock() } -> std::same_as<void>;
+ { a.unlock() } -> std::same_as<void>;
+template<typename T>
+concept shared_lockable = requires(T a) {
+ { a.try_lock_shared() } -> std::same_as<bool>;
+ { a.lock_shared() } -> std::same_as<void>;
+ { a.unlock_shared() } -> std::same_as<void>;
+template<typename T>
+concept can_upgrade = requires(std::shared_lock<T> a, std::unique_lock<T> b) {
+ { try_upgrade(std::move(a)) } -> std::same_as<std::unique_lock<T>>;
+ { downgrade(std::move(b)) } -> std::same_as<std::shared_lock<T>>;
+template <size_t N>
+auto run_loop(auto &f) {
+ static_assert(N % 4 == 0);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N / 4; ++i) {
+ f(); f(); f(); f();
+ }
+double measure_ns(auto &work) __attribute__((noinline));
+double measure_ns(auto &work) {
+ auto t0 = steady_clock::now();
+ run_loop<LOOP_CNT>(work);
+ return count_ns(steady_clock::now() - t0) / LOOP_FACTOR;
+struct BenchmarkResult {
+ double cost_ns = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+ double range_ns = 0.0;
+struct Meets {
+ vespalib::test::ThreadMeets::Vote vote;
+ vespalib::test::ThreadMeets::Avg avg;
+ vespalib::test::ThreadMeets::Range<double> range;
+ ActiveBarrier active_wait;
+ Meets(size_t num_threads)
+ : vote(num_threads), avg(num_threads), range(num_threads), active_wait(num_threads) {}
+ ~Meets();
+Meets::~Meets() = default;
+BenchmarkResult benchmark_ns(auto &&work, size_t num_threads = 1) {
+ Timer timer;
+ Meets meets(num_threads);
+ BenchmarkResult result;
+ auto hook = [&](size_t thread_id) {
+ for (bool once_more = true;; once_more = (timer.elapsed() < budget)) {
+ auto my_ns = measure_ns(work);
+ meets.active_wait(work);
+ auto cost_ns = meets.avg(my_ns);
+ auto range_ns = meets.range(my_ns);
+ if (thread_id == 0 && cost_ns < result.cost_ns) {
+ result.cost_ns = cost_ns;
+ result.range_ns = range_ns;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ fork_join(hook, num_threads);
+ return result;
+template <typename T>
+void estimate_cost() {
+ T lock;
+ auto name = getClassName(lock);
+ static_assert(basic_lockable<T>);
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s unique lock/unlock: %g ns\n", name.c_str(),
+ benchmark_ns([&lock]{ lock.lock(); lock.unlock(); }).cost_ns);
+ if constexpr (shared_lockable<T>) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s shared lock/unlock: %g ns\n", name.c_str(),
+ benchmark_ns([&lock]{ lock.lock_shared(); lock.unlock_shared(); }).cost_ns);
+ }
+ if constexpr (can_upgrade<T>) {
+ auto guard = std::shared_lock(lock);
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s upgrade/downgrade: %g ns\n", name.c_str(),
+ benchmark_ns([&lock]{
+ assert(lock.try_convert_read_to_write());
+ lock.convert_write_to_read();
+ }).cost_ns);
+ }
+template <typename T>
+size_t thread_safety_loop(T &lock, MyState &state, Meets &meets, int read_bp, size_t thread_id) {
+ Timer timer;
+ Rnd rnd(thread_id);
+ size_t write_cnt = 0;
+ BenchmarkResult result;
+ auto do_work = [&]
+ {
+ if (rnd(read_bp)) {
+ if constexpr (shared_lockable<T>) {
+ std::shared_lock guard(lock);
+ state.peek();
+ } else {
+ std::lock_guard guard(lock);
+ state.peek();
+ }
+ } else {
+ {
+ std::lock_guard guard(lock);
+ state.update();
+ }
+ ++write_cnt;
+ }
+ };
+ for (bool once_more = true;; once_more = (timer.elapsed() < budget)) {
+ auto my_est = measure_ns(do_work);
+ meets.active_wait(do_work);
+ auto cost_ns = meets.avg(my_est);
+ auto range_ns = meets.range(my_est);
+ if (cost_ns < result.cost_ns) {
+ result.cost_ns = cost_ns;
+ result.range_ns = range_ns;
+ }
+ }
+ if (thread_id == 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "---> %s with %2zu threads (%5d bp r): %12.2f ns, range: %12.2f ns\n",
+ getClassName(lock).c_str(),, read_bp, result.cost_ns, result.range_ns);
+ }
+ return write_cnt;
+TEST("require that rw spin locks can be used with lock_guard, unique_lock and shared_lock") {
+ static_assert(basic_lockable<RWSpinLock>);
+ static_assert(lockable<RWSpinLock>);
+ static_assert(shared_lockable<RWSpinLock>);
+ static_assert(can_upgrade<RWSpinLock>);
+ RWSpinLock lock;
+ { auto guard = std::lock_guard(lock); }
+ { auto guard = std::unique_lock(lock); }
+ { auto guard = std::shared_lock(lock); }
+TEST("estimate basic cost") {
+ Rnd rnd(123);
+ MyState state;
+ fprintf(stderr, " rnd cost: %8.2f ns\n", benchmark_ns([&]{ rnd(50); }).cost_ns);
+ fprintf(stderr, " peek cost: %8.2f ns\n", benchmark_ns([&]{ state.peek(); }).cost_ns);
+ fprintf(stderr, "update cost: %8.2f ns\n", benchmark_ns([&]{ state.update(); }).cost_ns);
+void benchmark_lock(auto &lock) {
+ size_t expect = 0;
+ auto state = std::make_unique<MyState>();
+ for (size_t bp: {10000, 9999, 5000, 0}) {
+ for (size_t num_threads: {8, 4, 2, 1}) {
+ Meets meets(num_threads);
+ auto hook = [&](size_t thread_id) {
+ return thread_safety_loop(lock, *state, meets, bp, thread_id);
+ };
+ expect += apply_merge(std::views::iota(size_t(0), num_threads), hook, [](auto a, auto b){ return a + b; });
+ }
+ }
+ state->report(expect, getClassName(lock).c_str());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(state->check(expect));
+TEST_F("benchmark RWSpinLock", RWSpinLock()) { benchmark_lock(f1); }
+TEST_F("benchmark std::shared_mutex", std::shared_mutex()) { benchmark_lock(f1); }
+TEST_F("benchmark std::mutex", std::mutex()) { benchmark_lock(f1); }
+TEST_F("benchmark SpinLock", SpinLock()) { benchmark_lock(f1); }
+TEST("estimate single-threaded lock/unlock cost") {
+ estimate_cost<DummyLock>();
+ estimate_cost<SpinLock>();
+ estimate_cost<std::mutex>();
+ estimate_cost<RWSpinLock>();
+ estimate_cost<std::shared_mutex>();
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ TEST_MASTER.init(__FILE__);
+ if ((argc == 2) && (argv[1] == std::string("bench"))) {
+ budget = 5s;
+ }
+ return (TEST_MASTER.fini() ? 0 : 1);
diff --git a/vespalib/src/tests/shared_string_repo/shared_string_repo_test.cpp b/vespalib/src/tests/shared_string_repo/shared_string_repo_test.cpp
index dfcba14ba63..910c2d017ba 100644
--- a/vespalib/src/tests/shared_string_repo/shared_string_repo_test.cpp
+++ b/vespalib/src/tests/shared_string_repo/shared_string_repo_test.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
#include <vespa/vespalib/util/shared_string_repo.h>
-#include <vespa/vespalib/util/rendezvous.h>
+#include <vespa/vespalib/test/thread_meets.h>
#include <vespa/vespalib/util/time.h>
#include <vespa/vespalib/util/size_literals.h>
#include <vespa/vespalib/util/stringfmt.h>
@@ -115,41 +115,8 @@ std::unique_ptr<StringIdVector> make_weak_handles(const Handles &handles) {
-struct Avg : Rendezvous<double, double> {
- explicit Avg(size_t n) : Rendezvous<double, double>(n) {}
- void mingle() override {
- double sum = 0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
- sum += in(i);
- }
- double result = sum / size();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
- out(i) = result;
- }
- }
- double operator()(double value) { return rendezvous(value); }
-struct Vote : Rendezvous<bool, bool> {
- explicit Vote(size_t n) : Rendezvous<bool, bool>(n) {}
- void mingle() override {
- size_t true_cnt = 0;
- size_t false_cnt = 0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
- if (in(i)) {
- ++true_cnt;
- } else {
- ++false_cnt;
- }
- }
- bool result = (true_cnt > false_cnt);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
- out(i) = result;
- }
- }
- [[nodiscard]] size_t num_threads() const { return size(); }
- bool operator()(bool flag) { return rendezvous(flag); }
+using Avg = vespalib::test::ThreadMeets::Avg;
+using Vote = vespalib::test::ThreadMeets::Vote;
@@ -174,7 +141,7 @@ struct Fixture {
: avg(num_threads), vote(num_threads), work(make_strings(work_size)), direct_work(make_direct_strings(work_size)), start_time(steady_clock::now()) {}
~Fixture() {
if (verbose) {
- fprintf(stderr, "benchmark results for %zu threads:\n", vote.num_threads());
+ fprintf(stderr, "benchmark results for %zu threads:\n", vote.size());
for (const auto &[tag, ms_cost]: time_ms) {
fprintf(stderr, " %s: %g ms\n", tag.c_str(), ms_cost);
diff --git a/vespalib/src/vespa/vespalib/test/thread_meets.cpp b/vespalib/src/vespa/vespalib/test/thread_meets.cpp
index 9d23e0eab28..607179c53f9 100644
--- a/vespalib/src/vespa/vespalib/test/thread_meets.cpp
+++ b/vespalib/src/vespa/vespalib/test/thread_meets.cpp
@@ -9,4 +9,35 @@ ThreadMeets::Nop::mingle()
+ double sum = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
+ sum += in(i);
+ }
+ double result = sum / size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
+ out(i) = result;
+ }
+ size_t true_cnt = 0;
+ size_t false_cnt = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
+ if (in(i)) {
+ ++true_cnt;
+ } else {
+ ++false_cnt;
+ }
+ }
+ bool result = (true_cnt > false_cnt);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
+ out(i) = result;
+ }
diff --git a/vespalib/src/vespa/vespalib/test/thread_meets.h b/vespalib/src/vespa/vespalib/test/thread_meets.h
index 62ca7779935..7ef4dcb9921 100644
--- a/vespalib/src/vespa/vespalib/test/thread_meets.h
+++ b/vespalib/src/vespa/vespalib/test/thread_meets.h
@@ -12,10 +12,67 @@ namespace vespalib::test {
struct ThreadMeets {
// can be used as a simple thread barrier
struct Nop : vespalib::Rendezvous<bool,bool> {
- Nop(size_t N) : vespalib::Rendezvous<bool,bool>(N) {}
+ explicit Nop(size_t N) : vespalib::Rendezvous<bool,bool>(N) {}
void operator()() { rendezvous(false); }
void mingle() override;
+ // calculate the average value across threads
+ struct Avg : Rendezvous<double, double> {
+ explicit Avg(size_t n) : Rendezvous<double, double>(n) {}
+ double operator()(double value) { return rendezvous(value); }
+ void mingle() override;
+ };
+ // threads vote for true/false, majority wins (false on tie)
+ struct Vote : Rendezvous<bool, bool> {
+ explicit Vote(size_t n) : Rendezvous<bool, bool>(n) {}
+ bool operator()(bool flag) { return rendezvous(flag); }
+ void mingle() override;
+ };
+ // sum of values across all threads
+ template <typename T>
+ struct Sum : vespalib::Rendezvous<T,T> {
+ using vespalib::Rendezvous<T,T>::in;
+ using vespalib::Rendezvous<T,T>::out;
+ using vespalib::Rendezvous<T,T>::size;
+ using vespalib::Rendezvous<T,T>::rendezvous;
+ explicit Sum(size_t N) : vespalib::Rendezvous<T,T>(N) {}
+ T operator()(T value) { return rendezvous(value); }
+ void mingle() override {
+ T acc{};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
+ acc += in(i);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
+ out(i) = acc;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // range of values across all threads
+ template <typename T>
+ struct Range : vespalib::Rendezvous<T,T> {
+ using vespalib::Rendezvous<T,T>::in;
+ using vespalib::Rendezvous<T,T>::out;
+ using vespalib::Rendezvous<T,T>::size;
+ using vespalib::Rendezvous<T,T>::rendezvous;
+ explicit Range(size_t N) : vespalib::Rendezvous<T,T>(N) {}
+ T operator()(T value) { return rendezvous(value); }
+ void mingle() override {
+ T min = in(0);
+ T max = in(0);
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < size(); ++i) {
+ if (in(i) < min) {
+ min = in(i);
+ }
+ if (in(i) > max) {
+ max = in(i);
+ }
+ }
+ T result = (max - min);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
+ out(i) = result;
+ }
+ }
+ };
// swap values between 2 threads
template <typename T>
struct Swap : vespalib::Rendezvous<T,T> {
@@ -25,8 +82,8 @@ struct ThreadMeets {
Swap() : vespalib::Rendezvous<T,T>(2) {}
T operator()(T input) { return rendezvous(input); }
void mingle() override {
- out(1) = in(0);
- out(0) = in(1);
+ out(1) = std::move(in(0));
+ out(0) = std::move(in(1));
diff --git a/vespalib/src/vespa/vespalib/util/rendezvous.h b/vespalib/src/vespa/vespalib/util/rendezvous.h
index 2880f325d96..17a8729c54c 100644
--- a/vespalib/src/vespa/vespalib/util/rendezvous.h
+++ b/vespalib/src/vespa/vespalib/util/rendezvous.h
@@ -50,14 +50,6 @@ private:
- * Obtain the number of input and output values to be handled by
- * mingle. This function is called by mingle.
- *
- * @return number of input and output values
- **/
- size_t size() const { return _size; }
- /**
* Obtain an input parameter. This function is called by mingle.
* @return reference to the appropriate input
@@ -87,6 +79,11 @@ public:
virtual ~Rendezvous();
+ * @return number of participants
+ **/
+ size_t size() const { return _size; }
+ /**
* Called by individual threads to synchronize execution and share
* state with the mingle function.
diff --git a/vespalib/src/vespa/vespalib/util/rw_spin_lock.h b/vespalib/src/vespa/vespalib/util/rw_spin_lock.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f2c15dcc0eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vespalib/src/vespa/vespalib/util/rw_spin_lock.h
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+#pragma once
+#include <mutex>
+#include <shared_mutex>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <thread>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <utility>
+namespace vespalib {
+ * A reader-writer spin lock implementation.
+ *
+ * reader: shared access for any number of readers
+ * writer: exclusive access for a single writer
+ *
+ * valid lock combinations:
+ * {}
+ * {N readers}
+ * {1 writer}
+ *
+ * Trying to obtain a write lock will lead to not granting new read
+ * locks.
+ *
+ * This lock is intended for use-cases that involves mostly reading,
+ * with a little bit of writing.
+ *
+ * This class implements the Lockable and SharedLockable named
+ * requirements from the standard library, making it directly usable
+ * with std::shared_lock (reader) and std::unique_lock (writer)
+ *
+ * There is also some special glue added for lock upgrading and
+ * downgrading.
+ *
+ * NOTE: this implementation is experimental, mostly intended for
+ * benchmarking and trying to identify use-cases that work with
+ * rw locks. Upgrade locks that do not block readers might be
+ * implementet in the future.
+ **/
+class RWSpinLock {
+ // [31: num readers][1: pending writer]
+ // a reader gets the lock by:
+ // increasing the number of readers while the pending writer bit is not set.
+ // a writer gets the lock by:
+ // changing the pending writer bit from 0 to 1 and then
+ // waiting for the number of readers to become 0
+ // an upgrade is successful when:
+ // a reader is able to obtain the pending writer bit
+ std::atomic<uint32_t> _state;
+ // Convenience function used to check if the pending writer bit is
+ // set in the given value.
+ bool has_pending_writer(uint32_t value) noexcept {
+ return (value & 1);
+ }
+ // Wait for all readers to release their locks.
+ void wait_for_zero_readers(uint32_t &value) {
+ while (value != 1) {
+ std::this_thread::yield();
+ value = _state.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
+ }
+ }
+ RWSpinLock() noexcept : _state(0) {
+ static_assert(std::atomic<uint32_t>::is_always_lock_free);
+ }
+ // implementation of Lockable named requirement - vvv
+ void lock() noexcept {
+ uint32_t expected = 0;
+ uint32_t desired = 1;
+ while (!_state.compare_exchange_weak(expected, desired,
+ std::memory_order_acquire,
+ std::memory_order_relaxed))
+ {
+ while (has_pending_writer(expected)) {
+ std::this_thread::yield();
+ expected = _state.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ }
+ desired = expected + 1;
+ }
+ wait_for_zero_readers(desired);
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] bool try_lock() noexcept {
+ uint32_t expected = 0;
+ return _state.compare_exchange_strong(expected, 1,
+ std::memory_order_acquire,
+ std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ }
+ void unlock() noexcept {
+, std::memory_order_release);
+ }
+ // implementation of Lockable named requirement - ^^^
+ // implementation of SharedLockable named requirement - vvv
+ void lock_shared() noexcept {
+ uint32_t expected = 0;
+ uint32_t desired = 2;
+ while (!_state.compare_exchange_weak(expected, desired,
+ std::memory_order_acquire,
+ std::memory_order_relaxed))
+ {
+ while (has_pending_writer(expected)) {
+ std::this_thread::yield();
+ expected = _state.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ }
+ desired = expected + 2;
+ }
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] bool try_lock_shared() noexcept {
+ uint32_t expected = 0;
+ uint32_t desired = 2;
+ while (!_state.compare_exchange_weak(expected, desired,
+ std::memory_order_acquire,
+ std::memory_order_relaxed))
+ {
+ if (has_pending_writer(expected)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ desired = expected + 2;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void unlock_shared() noexcept {
+ _state.fetch_sub(2, std::memory_order_release);
+ }
+ // implementation of SharedLockable named requirement - ^^^
+ // try to upgrade a read (shared) lock to a write (unique) lock
+ bool try_convert_read_to_write() noexcept {
+ uint32_t expected = 2;
+ uint32_t desired = 1;
+ while (!_state.compare_exchange_weak(expected, desired,
+ std::memory_order_acquire,
+ std::memory_order_relaxed))
+ {
+ if (has_pending_writer(expected)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ desired = expected - 1;
+ }
+ wait_for_zero_readers(desired);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // convert a write (unique) lock to a read (shared) lock
+ void convert_write_to_read() noexcept {
+, std::memory_order_release);
+ }
+template<typename T>
+concept rw_upgrade_downgrade_lock = requires(T a, T b) {
+ { a.try_convert_read_to_write() } -> std::same_as<bool>;
+ { b.convert_write_to_read() } -> std::same_as<void>;
+template <rw_upgrade_downgrade_lock T>
+[[nodiscard]] std::unique_lock<T> try_upgrade(std::shared_lock<T> &&guard) noexcept {
+ assert(guard.owns_lock());
+ if (guard.mutex()->try_convert_read_to_write()) {
+ return {*guard.release(), std::adopt_lock};
+ } else {
+ return {};
+ }
+template <rw_upgrade_downgrade_lock T>
+[[nodiscard]] std::shared_lock<T> downgrade(std::unique_lock<T> &&guard) noexcept {
+ assert(guard.owns_lock());
+ guard.mutex()->convert_write_to_read();
+ return {*guard.release(), std::adopt_lock};