path: root/container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/prelude/querytransform/
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authorJon Bratseth <>2016-06-15 23:09:44 +0200
committerJon Bratseth <>2016-06-15 23:09:44 +0200
commit72231250ed81e10d66bfe70701e64fa5fe50f712 (patch)
tree2728bba1131a6f6e5bdf95afec7d7ff9358dac50 /container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/prelude/querytransform/
Diffstat (limited to 'container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/prelude/querytransform/')
1 files changed, 556 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/prelude/querytransform/ b/container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/prelude/querytransform/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..da969986394
--- /dev/null
+++ b/container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/prelude/querytransform/
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
+import static;
+ * <p>Detects query phrases using an automaton. This class is thread safe.</p>
+ *
+ * @author <a href="">Jon Bratseth</a>
+ */
+public class PhraseMatcher {
+ private FSA phraseFSA;
+ private boolean matchPhraseItems=false;
+ private boolean matchSingleItems=false;
+ /** Whether this should ignore regular plural/singular form differences when matching */
+ private boolean ignorePluralForm=false;
+ /** False to matche the longest phrase, true to match <i>all</i> phrases */
+ private boolean matchAll =false;
+ /** For null subclass only */
+ PhraseMatcher() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a phrase matcher. This will not ignore plural/singular form differences when matching
+ *
+ * @param phraseAutomatonFile the file containing phrases to match
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the file is not found
+ */
+ public PhraseMatcher(String phraseAutomatonFile) {
+ this(phraseAutomatonFile,false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a phrase matcher
+ *
+ * @param phraseAutomatonFile the file containing phrases to match
+ * @param ignorePluralForm whether we should ignore plural and singular forms as matches
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the file is not found
+ */
+ public PhraseMatcher(String phraseAutomatonFile,boolean ignorePluralForm) {
+ this.ignorePluralForm=ignorePluralForm;
+ phraseFSA=new FSA(phraseAutomatonFile);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a phrase matcher
+ *
+ * @param phraseAutomatonFSA the fsa containing phrases to match
+ * @param ignorePluralForm whether we should ignore plural and singular forms as matches
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if FSA is null
+ */
+ public PhraseMatcher(FSA phraseAutomatonFSA,boolean ignorePluralForm) {
+ if(phraseAutomatonFSA==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("FSA is null");
+ this.ignorePluralForm=ignorePluralForm;
+ phraseFSA=phraseAutomatonFSA;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set whether to match words contained in phrase items as well.
+ * Default is false - don't match words contained in phrase items
+ */
+ public void setMatchPhraseItems(boolean matchPhraseItems) {
+ this.matchPhraseItems=matchPhraseItems;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets whether single items should be matched and returned as phrase matches.
+ * Default is false.
+ */
+ public void setMatchSingleItems(boolean matchSingleItems) {
+ this.matchSingleItems=matchSingleItems;
+ }
+ /** Sets whether we should ignore plural/singular form when matching */
+ public void setIgnorePluralForm(boolean ignorePluralForm) { this.ignorePluralForm=ignorePluralForm; }
+ /**
+ * Sets whether to return the longest matching phrase when there are overlapping matches (default),
+ * or <i>all</i> matching phrases
+ */
+ public void setMatchAll(boolean matchAll) { this.matchAll =matchAll; }
+ /**
+ * Finds all phrases (word sequences of length 1 or higher)
+ * of the same index, not negative items of a notitem,
+ * which constitutes a complete entry in the automaton of this matcher
+ *
+ * @param queryItem the root query item in which to match phrases
+ * @return the matched phrases, or <b>null</b> if there was no matches
+ */
+ public List<Phrase> matchPhrases(Item queryItem) {
+ if (matchSingleItems && (queryItem instanceof TermItem)) {
+ return matchSingleItem((TermItem)queryItem);
+ }
+ else {
+ MatchedPhrases phrases=new MatchedPhrases();
+ recursivelyMatchPhrases(queryItem,phrases);
+ return phrases.toList();
+ }
+ }
+ /** Returns null if this word does not match the automaton, a single-item list if it does */
+ private List<Phrase> matchSingleItem(TermItem termItem) {
+ String matchWord=toLowerCase(termItem.stringValue());
+ String replaceWord=null;
+ FSA.State state = phraseFSA.getState();
+ if (!matches(state,matchWord)) {
+ if (!ignorePluralForm) return null;
+ matchWord=switchForm(matchWord);
+ if (!matches(state,matchWord)) return null;
+ replaceWord=matchWord;
+ }
+ List<Phrase> itemList=new java.util.ArrayList<>(1);
+ itemList.add(new Phrase(termItem,replaceWord,state.dataString()));
+ return itemList;
+ }
+ private boolean matches(FSA.State state,String word) {
+ state.start();
+ return state.isFinal();
+ }
+ /** Find matches within a composite */
+ private void recursivelyMatchPhrases(Item item,MatchedPhrases phrases) {
+ if (item==null) return;
+ if ( ! (item instanceof CompositeItem) ) return;
+ if ( !matchPhraseItems && item instanceof PhraseItem ) return;
+ CompositeItem owner=(CompositeItem)item;
+ int i=0;
+ int checkItemCount=owner.getItemCount();
+ if (owner instanceof NotItem)
+ checkItemCount=1; // Skip negatives
+ while (i<checkItemCount) {
+ int largestFoundLength=findPhrasesAtStartpoint(i,owner,phrases);
+ if (largestFoundLength==0 || matchAll) {
+ recursivelyMatchPhrases(owner.getItem(i),phrases);
+ i=i+1;
+ }
+ else {
+ i=i+largestFoundLength;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * If (!matchAll), finds longest possible phrase starting at the
+ * given index in the owner and adds it to phrases.
+ *
+ * If (matchAll), finds all possible phrases starting at the given index
+ *
+ * @return the length of the largest phrase found at this starting point, or 0 if none
+ */
+ private int findPhrasesAtStartpoint(int startIndex,CompositeItem owner,MatchedPhrases phrases) {
+ FSA.State state = phraseFSA.getState();
+ int currentIndex=startIndex;
+ Phrase phrase=null;
+ List<String> replaceList=null;
+ String index=null;
+ state.start();
+ while (currentIndex<owner.getItemCount()) { // Loop until the largest possible phrase is passed
+ Item current=owner.getItem(currentIndex);
+ if (! (current instanceof TermItem) ) break;
+ TermItem termItem=(TermItem)current;
+ if (state.isStartState())
+ index=termItem.getIndexName();
+ else
+ if (!termItem.getIndexName().equals(index)) break;
+ String lowercased = toLowerCase(termItem.stringValue());
+ boolean matched=state.tryDeltaWord(lowercased);
+ if (!matched && ignorePluralForm) {
+ String invertedWord=switchForm(lowercased);
+ matched=state.tryDeltaWord(invertedWord);
+ if (matched)
+ replaceList=setReplace(replaceList,currentIndex-startIndex,invertedWord);
+ }
+ if (!matched) break;
+ if (state.isFinal()) // Legal return point reached, but we'll look for longer ones too
+ phrase=new Phrase(owner,replaceList,startIndex,currentIndex-startIndex+1,state.dataString());
+ if (matchAll)
+ phrases.add(phrase);
+ currentIndex++;
+ }
+ if (phrase==null) return 0;
+ if (!matchAll)
+ phrases.add(phrase);
+ return phrase.getLength();
+ }
+ /** Adds a replace word at an index, and any required null's to get to this item. Creates the list if it is null */
+ private List<String> setReplace(List<String> replaceList,int index,String invertedWord) {
+ if (replaceList==null)
+ replaceList=new ArrayList<>();
+ while (replaceList.size()<index)
+ replaceList.add(null);
+ replaceList.add(invertedWord);
+ return replaceList;
+ }
+ /** Makes this plural if it is singular and vice-versa */
+ private String switchForm(String word) {
+ if (word.endsWith("s") && word.length()>2)
+ return word.substring(0,word.length()-1);
+ return word + "s";
+ }
+ /** Holder of a lazily created list of matched phrases */
+ private static class MatchedPhrases {
+ private List<Phrase> phrases=null;
+ private void add(Phrase phrase) {
+ if (phrase==null) return;
+ if (phrases==null)
+ phrases=new java.util.ArrayList<>(5);
+ phrases.add(phrase);
+ }
+ /** Returns the list of contained phrases, or null */
+ public List<Phrase> toList() { return phrases; }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Points to a collection of word items (one or more)
+ * which is matches a complete listing in an automat
+ */
+ public static class Phrase {
+ /** Points to the single or multiple words matched by this phrase */
+ private Matched matched;
+ private String data;
+ private Phrase(Matched matched,String data) {
+ this.matched=matched;
+ }
+ public Phrase(TermItem item,String replace,String data) {
+ this(new MatchedWord(item,replace),data);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a phrase match
+ *
+ * @param owner the composite we have matched within
+ * @param replace the list of string to replace the matched by, or null to not replace.
+ * This transfers ownership of this list to this class - it can not subsequently be accessed
+ * by the caller. If this list is set, it must have the same length as <code>length</code>.
+ * No replacement is represented by null items within the list.
+ * @param startIndex the first index in composite to match
+ * @param length the length of the matched terms
+ * @param data the data accompanying this match
+ */
+ private Phrase(CompositeItem owner,List<String> replace,int startIndex,int length,String data) {
+ this(new MatchedComposite(owner,replace,startIndex,length),data);
+ }
+ /** Returns the owner, or null if this is a single item phrase with no owner */
+ public CompositeItem getOwner() { return matched.getOwner(); }
+ public int getStartIndex() { return matched.getStartIndex(); }
+ public int getLength() { return matched.getLength(); }
+ /** Returns the data stored by the automaton for this phrase at this position, or null if none */
+ public String getData() { return data; }
+ /** Returns the n'th item in this, throws if index out of bounds */
+ public TermItem getItem(int index) {
+ return matched.getItem(index);
+ }
+ /** Returns true if this phrase contains all the words of the owner, or if there is no owner */
+ public boolean isComplete() {
+ return matched.isComplete();
+ }
+ /** Replaces the words items of this phrase with a phrase item. Does nothing if this is not a composite match */
+ public void replace() {
+ matched.replace();
+ }
+ /** Removes the word items of this phrase. Does nothing nuless this is a composite */
+ public void remove() {
+ matched.remove();
+ }
+ /** Returns the length of the underlying phrase */
+ public int getBackedLength() {
+ return matched.getBackedLength();
+ }
+ /** Returns the items of this phrase as a read-only iterator */
+ public MatchIterator itemIterator() {
+ return new MatchIterator(this);
+ }
+ public String toString() {
+ StringBuilder buffer=new StringBuilder("\"");
+ for (Iterator<Item> i=itemIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ buffer.append(;
+ if (i.hasNext())
+ buffer.append(" ");
+ }
+ buffer.append("\"");
+ return buffer.toString();
+ }
+ private abstract static class Matched {
+ public abstract CompositeItem getOwner();
+ public abstract int getStartIndex();
+ public abstract int getLength();
+ public abstract boolean isComplete();
+ /** Returns whether there is an index at the current item */
+ public abstract boolean hasItemAt(int index);
+ public void replace() {}
+ public void remove() {}
+ public abstract TermItem getItem(int index);
+ public abstract String getReplace(int index);
+ /** Returns the length of the underlying item */
+ public abstract int getBackedLength();
+ public abstract boolean hasReplaces();
+ }
+ private static class MatchedWord extends Matched {
+ /** The term matched by this */
+ private TermItem item;
+ /** The word to replace the matched word by, or null to not replace */
+ private String replace;
+ public MatchedWord(TermItem item,String replace) {
+ this.item=item;
+ this.replace=replace;
+ }
+ public Item getItem() { return item; }
+ public boolean hasItemAt(int index) {
+ return index==0;
+ }
+ public CompositeItem getOwner() { return null; }
+ public int getStartIndex() { return 0; }
+ public int getLength() { return 1; }
+ public @Override TermItem getItem(int index) {
+ if (index!=0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("No word at " + index + " in " + this);
+ return item;
+ }
+ public boolean isComplete() { return true; }
+ public int getBackedLength() { return 1; }
+ public String getReplace(int index) { return replace; }
+ public boolean hasReplaces() { return replace!=null; }
+ }
+ private static class MatchedComposite extends Matched {
+ /** The item having the phrase words as direct descendants */
+ private CompositeItem owner;
+ /** The number of phrase items */
+ private int length;
+ private int initialOwnerLength;
+ /** The (0-base) index of the first phrase word item in the owner */
+ private int startIndex;
+ /** The first matched item */
+ private Item startItem;
+ /**
+ * The word to replace by at the given index, or null if none of the phrase words should be replaced
+ * This is either null, or of length <code>length</code>, with null values where nothing should be replaced
+ */
+ private List<String> replace=null;
+ public MatchedComposite(CompositeItem owner,List<String> replace,int startIndex,int length) {
+ this.owner=owner;
+ this.initialOwnerLength=owner.getItemCount();
+ this.replace = replace;
+ this.startIndex=startIndex;
+ this.startItem=owner.getItem(startIndex);
+ this.length=length;
+ }
+ public CompositeItem getOwner() { return owner; }
+ public int getStartIndex() { return startIndex; }
+ public int getLength() { return length; }
+ public int getBackedLength() { return owner.getItemCount()-startIndex; }
+ public boolean hasItemAt(int index) {
+ adjustIfBackingChanged();
+ if (startIndex<0) return false; // Invalid state because of backing changes
+ if ( index >= length ) return false;
+ if ( index+startIndex >= owner.getItemCount() ) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ public boolean isComplete() {
+ return startIndex==0 && length==owner.getItemCount();
+ }
+ public @Override TermItem getItem(int index) {
+ adjustIfBackingChanged();
+ return (TermItem)owner.getItem(startIndex+index);
+ }
+ public String getReplace(int index) {
+ if (replace==null) return null;
+ return replace.get(index);
+ }
+ public void replace() {
+ PhraseItem phrase=new PhraseItem();
+ TermItem firstWord=(TermItem)owner.setItem(startIndex,phrase);
+ replace(firstWord,0);
+ phrase.setIndexName(firstWord.getIndexName());
+ phrase.addItem(firstWord);
+ for (int i=1; i<length; i++) {
+ TermItem followingWord=(TermItem)owner.removeItem(startIndex+1);
+ replace(followingWord,i);
+ phrase.addItem(followingWord);
+ }
+ }
+ private void replace(TermItem item,int index) {
+ if (replace==null) return;
+ String replaceString=replace.get(index);
+ if (replaceString==null) return;
+ item.setValue(replaceString);
+ }
+ public void remove() {
+ for (int i=startIndex+length-1; i>=startIndex; i--)
+ owner.removeItem(i);
+ }
+ public boolean hasReplaces() { return replace!=null; }
+ /**
+ * Detects and attemts to compensate for a changed backing. Stop-gap measure until we get a through
+ * design for this
+ */
+ private void adjustIfBackingChanged() {
+ if (owner.getItemCount()==initialOwnerLength) return;
+ startIndex=owner.getItemIndex(startItem);
+ }
+ }
+ public static class MatchIterator implements Iterator<Item> {
+ private Phrase phrase;
+ private int currentIndex=0;
+ public MatchIterator(Phrase phrase) {
+ this.phrase=phrase;
+ }
+ public boolean hasNext() {
+ return phrase.matched.hasItemAt(currentIndex);
+ //return (currentIndex<phrase.getLength());
+ //return phrase.matched.hasItemAt(currentIndex);
+ }
+ /** Returns the value to replace the item last returned by next(), or null to keep it as-is */
+ public String getReplace() {
+ return phrase.matched.getReplace(currentIndex-1);
+ }
+ public Item next() {
+ if (!hasNext())
+ throw new NoSuchElementException(this + " has no more elements");
+ currentIndex++;
+ if ((phrase.matched instanceof MatchedWord))
+ return ((MatchedWord)phrase.matched).getItem();
+ else
+ return phrase.getOwner().getItem(phrase.getStartIndex()+currentIndex-1);
+ }
+ public void remove() {
+ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can not remove from a phrasematcher phrase");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** Returns a phrase matcher which (quickly) never matches anything */
+ public static PhraseMatcher getNullMatcher() {
+ return new PhraseMatcher() {
+ public List<Phrase> matchPhrases(Item item) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ };
+ }