path: root/container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/search/pagetemplates/PageTemplateSearcher.java
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authorJon Bratseth <bratseth@yahoo-inc.com>2016-06-15 23:09:44 +0200
committerJon Bratseth <bratseth@yahoo-inc.com>2016-06-15 23:09:44 +0200
commit72231250ed81e10d66bfe70701e64fa5fe50f712 (patch)
tree2728bba1131a6f6e5bdf95afec7d7ff9358dac50 /container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/search/pagetemplates/PageTemplateSearcher.java
Diffstat (limited to 'container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/search/pagetemplates/PageTemplateSearcher.java')
1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/search/pagetemplates/PageTemplateSearcher.java b/container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/search/pagetemplates/PageTemplateSearcher.java
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/search/pagetemplates/PageTemplateSearcher.java
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+package com.yahoo.search.pagetemplates;
+import com.google.inject.Inject;
+import com.yahoo.component.ComponentId;
+import com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies.Provides;
+import com.yahoo.component.provider.ComponentRegistry;
+import com.yahoo.search.Query;
+import com.yahoo.search.Result;
+import com.yahoo.search.Searcher;
+import com.yahoo.search.intent.model.IntentModel;
+import com.yahoo.search.pagetemplates.config.PageTemplateConfigurer;
+import com.yahoo.search.pagetemplates.engine.Organizer;
+import com.yahoo.search.pagetemplates.engine.Resolution;
+import com.yahoo.search.pagetemplates.engine.Resolver;
+import com.yahoo.search.pagetemplates.engine.resolvers.DeterministicResolver;
+import com.yahoo.search.pagetemplates.engine.resolvers.RandomResolver;
+import com.yahoo.search.pagetemplates.engine.resolvers.ResolverRegistry;
+import com.yahoo.search.pagetemplates.model.Choice;
+import com.yahoo.search.pagetemplates.model.PageElement;
+import com.yahoo.search.pagetemplates.model.Source;
+import com.yahoo.processing.request.CompoundName;
+import com.yahoo.search.result.ErrorMessage;
+import com.yahoo.search.searchchain.Execution;
+import java.util.*;
+ * Enables page optimization templates.
+ * This searcher should be placed before federation points in the search chain.
+ * <p>
+ * <b>Input query properties:</b>
+ * <ul>
+ * <li><code>page.idList</code> - a List&lt;String&gt; of id strings of the page templates this should choose between</li>
+ * <li><code>page.id</code> - a space-separated string of ids of the page templates this should choose between.
+ * This property is ignored if <code>page.idList</code> is set</li>
+ * <li><code>page.resolver</code> the id of the resolver to use to resolve choices. This is either the component id
+ * of a deployed resolver component, or one of the strings
+ * <code>native.deterministic</code> (which always pics the last choice) or <code>native.random</code></li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <b>Output query properties:</b>
+ * <ul>
+ * <li><code>page.ListOfPageTemplate</code>A List&lt;PageTemplate&gt;
+ * containing a list of the page templates used for this query
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * The set of page templates chosen for the query specifies a list of sources to be queries (the page template sources).
+ * In addition, the query may contain
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>a set of sources set explicitly in the Request, a query property or a searcher (the query model sources)
+ * <li>a set of sources specified in the {@link com.yahoo.search.intent.model.IntentModel} (the intent model sources)
+ * </ul>
+ * This searcher combines these sources into a single set in query.model by the following rules:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>If the query model sources is set (not empty), it is not changed
+ * <li>If the page template sources contains the ANY source AND there is an intent model
+ * the query model sources is set to the union of the page template sources and the intent model sources
+ * <li>If the page template sources contains the ANY source AND there is no intent model,
+ * the query model sources is left empty (causing all sources to be queried)
+ * <li>Otherwise, the query model sources is set to the page template sources
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * @author bratseth
+ */
+public class PageTemplateSearcher extends Searcher {
+ /** The name of the query property containing the resolved candidate page template list */
+ public static final CompoundName pagePageTemplateListName=new CompoundName("page.PageTemplateList");
+ /** The name of the query property containing a list of candidate pages to consider */
+ public static final CompoundName pageIdListName=new CompoundName("page.idList");
+ /** The name of the query property containing the page id to use */
+ public static final CompoundName pageIdName=new CompoundName("page.id");
+ /** The name of the query property containing the resolver id to use */
+ public static final CompoundName pageResolverName=new CompoundName("page.resolver");
+ private final ResolverRegistry resolverRegistry;
+ private final Organizer organizer = new Organizer();
+ private final PageTemplateRegistry templateRegistry;
+ /** Creates this from a configuration. This will be called by the container. */
+ @Inject
+ public PageTemplateSearcher(PageTemplatesConfig pageTemplatesConfig, ComponentRegistry<Resolver> resolverRegistry) {
+ this(PageTemplateConfigurer.toRegistry(pageTemplatesConfig), resolverRegistry.allComponents());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates this from an existing page template registry, using only built-in resolvers
+ *
+ * @param templateRegistry the page template registry. This will be frozen by this call.
+ * @param resolvers the resolvers to use, in addition to the default resolvers
+ */
+ public PageTemplateSearcher(PageTemplateRegistry templateRegistry, Resolver... resolvers) {
+ this(templateRegistry, Arrays.asList(resolvers));
+ }
+ private PageTemplateSearcher(PageTemplateRegistry templateRegistry, List<Resolver> resolvers) {
+ this.templateRegistry = templateRegistry;
+ templateRegistry.freeze();
+ this.resolverRegistry = new ResolverRegistry(resolvers);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Result search(Query query, Execution execution) {
+ // Pre execution: Choose template and sources
+ List<PageElement> pages=selectPageTemplates(query);
+ if (pages.isEmpty()) return execution.search(query); // Bypass if no page template chosen
+ addSources(pages,query);
+ // Set the page template list for inspection by other searchers
+ query.properties().set(pagePageTemplateListName, pages);
+ // Execute
+ Result result=execution.search(query);
+ // Post execution: Resolve choices and organize the result as dictated by the resolved template
+ Choice pageTemplateChoice=Choice.createSingletons(pages);
+ Resolution resolution=selectResolver(query).resolve(pageTemplateChoice,query,result);
+ organizer.organize(pageTemplateChoice,resolution,result);
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the list of page templates specified in the query, or the default if none, or the
+ * empty list if no default, never null.
+ */
+ private List<PageElement> selectPageTemplates(Query query) {
+ // Determine the list of page template ids
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ List<String> pageIds = (List<String>) query.properties().get(pageIdListName);
+ if (pageIds==null) {
+ String pageIdString=query.properties().getString(pageIdName,"").trim();
+ if (pageIdString.length()>0)
+ pageIds=Arrays.asList(pageIdString.split(" "));
+ }
+ // If none set, just return the default or null if none
+ if (pageIds==null) {
+ PageElement defaultPage=templateRegistry.getComponent("default");
+ return (defaultPage==null ? Collections.<PageElement>emptyList() : Collections.singletonList(defaultPage));
+ }
+ // Resolve the id list to page templates
+ List<PageElement> pages=new ArrayList<>(pageIds.size());
+ for (String pageId : pageIds) {
+ PageTemplate page=templateRegistry.getComponent(pageId);
+ if (page==null)
+ query.errors().add(ErrorMessage.createInvalidQueryParameter("Could not resolve requested page template '" +
+ pageId + "'"));
+ else
+ pages.add(page);
+ }
+ return pages;
+ }
+ private Resolver selectResolver(Query query) {
+ String resolverId=query.properties().getString(pageResolverName);
+ if (resolverId==null) return resolverRegistry.defaultResolver();
+ Resolver resolver=resolverRegistry.getComponent(resolverId);
+ if (resolver==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No page template resolver '" + resolverId + "'");
+ return resolver;
+ }
+ /** Sets query.getModel().getSources() to the right value and add source parameters specified in templates */
+ private void addSources(List<PageElement> pages,Query query) {
+ // Determine all wanted sources
+ Set<Source> pageSources=new HashSet<>();
+ for (PageElement page : pages)
+ pageSources.addAll(((PageTemplate)page).getSources());
+ addErrorIfSameSourceMultipleTimes(pages,pageSources,query);
+ if (query.getModel().getSources().size() > 0) {
+ // Add properties if the source list is set explicitly, but do not modify otherwise
+ addParametersForIncludedSources(pageSources,query);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pageSources.contains(Source.any)) {
+ IntentModel intentModel=IntentModel.getFrom(query);
+ if (intentModel!=null) {
+ query.getModel().getSources().addAll(intentModel.getSourceNames());
+ addPageTemplateSources(pageSources,query);
+ }
+ // otherwise leave empty to search all
+ }
+ else { // Let the page templates decide
+ addPageTemplateSources(pageSources,query);
+ }
+ }
+ private void addPageTemplateSources(Set<Source> pageSources,Query query) {
+ for (Source pageSource : pageSources) {
+ if (pageSource==Source.any) continue;
+ query.getModel().getSources().add(pageSource.getName());
+ addParameters(pageSource,query);
+ }
+ }
+ private void addParametersForIncludedSources(Set<Source> sources,Query query) {
+ for (Source source : sources) {
+ if (source.parameters().size()>0 && query.getModel().getSources().contains(source.getName()))
+ addParameters(source,query);
+ }
+ }
+ /** Adds parameters specified in the source to the correct namespace in the query */
+ private void addParameters(Source source,Query query) {
+ for (Map.Entry<String,String> parameter : source.parameters().entrySet())
+ query.properties().set("source." + source.getName() + "." + parameter.getKey(),parameter.getValue());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Currently executing multiple queries to the same source with different parameter sets,
+ * is not supported. (Same parameter sets in multiple templates is supported,
+ * and will be just one entry in this set).
+ */
+ private void addErrorIfSameSourceMultipleTimes(List<PageElement> pages,Set<Source> sources,Query query) {
+ Set<String> sourceNames=new HashSet<>();
+ for (Source source : sources) {
+ if (sourceNames.contains(source.getName()))
+ query.errors().add(ErrorMessage.createInvalidQueryParameter(
+ "Querying the same source multiple times with different parameter sets as part of one query " +
+ "is not supported. " + pages + " requests this for source '" + source + "'"));
+ sourceNames.add(source.getName());
+ }
+ }