path: root/container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/search/yql/
diff options
authorJon Bratseth <>2016-06-15 23:09:44 +0200
committerJon Bratseth <>2016-06-15 23:09:44 +0200
commit72231250ed81e10d66bfe70701e64fa5fe50f712 (patch)
tree2728bba1131a6f6e5bdf95afec7d7ff9358dac50 /container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/search/yql/
Diffstat (limited to 'container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/search/yql/')
1 files changed, 1549 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/search/yql/ b/container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/search/yql/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a8d1bc43a4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/search/yql/
@@ -0,0 +1,1549 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+import org.antlr.v4.runtime.BaseErrorListener;
+import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStream;
+import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
+import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext;
+import org.antlr.v4.runtime.RecognitionException;
+import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Recognizer;
+import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token;
+import org.antlr.v4.runtime.TokenStream;
+import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.PredictionMode;
+import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.NotNull;
+import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.Nullable;
+import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree;
+import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.RuleNode;
+import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.TerminalNode;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+ * Translate the ANTLR grammar into the logical representation.
+ */
+final class ProgramParser {
+ public yqlplusParser prepareParser(String programName, InputStream input) throws IOException {
+ return prepareParser(programName, new CaseInsensitiveInputStream(input));
+ }
+ public yqlplusParser prepareParser(String programName, String input) throws IOException {
+ return prepareParser(programName, new CaseInsensitiveInputStream(input));
+ }
+ public yqlplusParser prepareParser(File file) throws IOException {
+ return prepareParser(file.getAbsoluteFile().toString(), new CaseInsensitiveFileStream(file.getAbsolutePath()));
+ }
+ private yqlplusParser prepareParser(final String programName, CharStream input) {
+ yqlplusLexer lex = new yqlplusLexer(input);
+ lex.addErrorListener(new BaseErrorListener() {
+ @Override
+ public void syntaxError(@NotNull Recognizer<?, ?> recognizer,
+ @Nullable Object offendingSymbol,
+ int line,
+ int charPositionInLine,
+ @NotNull String msg,
+ @Nullable RecognitionException e)
+ {
+ throw new ProgramCompileException(new Location(programName, line, charPositionInLine), msg);
+ }
+ });
+ TokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lex);
+ yqlplusParser parser = new yqlplusParser(tokens);
+ parser.addErrorListener(new BaseErrorListener() {
+ @Override
+ public void syntaxError(@NotNull Recognizer<?, ?> recognizer,
+ @Nullable Object offendingSymbol,
+ int line,
+ int charPositionInLine,
+ @NotNull String msg,
+ @Nullable RecognitionException e)
+ {
+ throw new ProgramCompileException(new Location(programName, line, charPositionInLine), msg);
+ }
+ });
+ parser.getInterpreter().setPredictionMode(PredictionMode.SLL);
+ return parser;
+ }
+ private ProgramContext parseProgram(yqlplusParser parser) throws RecognitionException {
+ try {
+ return parser.program();
+ } catch (RecognitionException e) {
+ //Retry parsing using full LL mode
+ parser.reset();
+ parser.getInterpreter().setPredictionMode(PredictionMode.LL);
+ return parser.program();
+ }
+ }
+ public OperatorNode<StatementOperator> parse(String programName, InputStream program) throws IOException, RecognitionException {
+ yqlplusParser parser = prepareParser(programName, program);
+ return convertProgram(parseProgram(parser), parser, programName);
+ }
+ public OperatorNode<StatementOperator> parse(String programName, String program) throws IOException, RecognitionException {
+ yqlplusParser parser = prepareParser(programName, program);
+ return convertProgram(parseProgram(parser), parser, programName);
+ }
+ public OperatorNode<StatementOperator> parse(File input) throws IOException, RecognitionException {
+ yqlplusParser parser = prepareParser(input);
+ return convertProgram(parseProgram(parser), parser, input.getAbsoluteFile().toString());
+ }
+ public OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> parseExpression(String input) throws IOException, RecognitionException {
+ return convertExpr(prepareParser("<expression>", input).expression(false).getRuleContext(), new Scope());
+ }
+ public OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> parseExpression(String input, Set<String> visibleAliases) throws IOException, RecognitionException {
+ Scope scope = new Scope();
+ final Location loc = new Location("<expression>", -1, -1);
+ for (String alias : visibleAliases) {
+ scope.defineDataSource(loc, alias);
+ }
+ return convertExpr(prepareParser("<expression>", input).expression(false).getRuleContext(), scope);
+ }
+ private Location toLocation(Scope scope, ParseTree node) {
+ Token start;
+ if (node instanceof ParserRuleContext) {
+ start = ((ParserRuleContext)node).start;
+ } else if (node instanceof TerminalNode) {
+ start = ((TerminalNode)node).getSymbol();
+ } else {
+ throw new ProgramCompileException("Location is not available for type " + node.getClass());
+ }
+ Location location = new Location(scope != null? scope.programName: "<string>", start.getLine(), start.getCharPositionInLine());
+ return location;
+ }
+ private List<String> readName(Namespaced_nameContext node) {
+ List<String> path = Lists.newArrayList();
+ for (ParseTree elt:node.children) {
+ if (!(getParseTreeIndex(elt) == yqlplusParser.DOT)) {
+ path.add(elt.getText());
+ }
+ }
+ return path;
+ }
+ static class Binding {
+ private final List<String> binding;
+ Binding(String moduleName, String exportName) {
+ this.binding = ImmutableList.of(moduleName, exportName);
+ }
+ Binding(String moduleName) {
+ this.binding = ImmutableList.of(moduleName);
+ }
+ Binding(List<String> binding) {
+ this.binding = binding;
+ }
+ public List<String> toPath() {
+ return binding;
+ }
+ public List<String> toPathWith(List<String> rest) {
+ return ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables.concat(toPath(), rest));
+ }
+ }
+ static class Scope {
+ final Scope root;
+ final Scope parent;
+ Set<String> cursors = ImmutableSet.of();
+ Set<String> variables = ImmutableSet.of();
+ Set<String> views = Sets.newHashSet();
+ Map<String, Binding> bindings = Maps.newHashMap();
+ final yqlplusParser parser;
+ final String programName;
+ Scope() {
+ this.parser = null;
+ this.programName = null;
+ this.root = this;
+ this.parent = null;
+ }
+ Scope(yqlplusParser parser, String programName) {
+ this.parser = parser;
+ this.programName = programName;
+ this.root = this;
+ this.parent = null;
+ }
+ Scope(Scope root, Scope parent) {
+ this.root = root;
+ this.parent = parent;
+ this.parser = parent.parser;
+ this.programName = parent.programName;
+ }
+ public yqlplusParser getParser() {
+ return parser;
+ }
+ public String getProgramName() {
+ return programName;
+ }
+ public Set<String> getCursors() {
+ return cursors;
+ }
+ boolean isBound(String name) {
+ // bindings live only in the 'root' node
+ return root.bindings.containsKey(name);
+ }
+ public Binding getBinding(String name) {
+ return root.bindings.get(name);
+ }
+ public List<String> resolvePath(List<String> path) {
+ if (path.size() < 1 || !isBound(path.get(0))) {
+ return path;
+ } else {
+ return getBinding(path.get(0)).toPathWith(path.subList(1, path.size()));
+ }
+ }
+ boolean isCursor(String name) {
+ return cursors.contains(name) || (parent != null && parent.isCursor(name));
+ }
+ boolean isVariable(String name) {
+ return variables.contains(name) || (parent != null && parent.isVariable(name));
+ }
+ public void bindModule(Location loc, List<String> binding, String symbolName) {
+ if (isBound(symbolName)) {
+ throw new ProgramCompileException(loc, "Name '%s' is already used.", symbolName);
+ }
+ root.bindings.put(symbolName, new Binding(binding));
+ }
+ public void bindModuleSymbol(Location loc, List<String> moduleName, String exportName, String symbolName) {
+ ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
+ builder.addAll(moduleName);
+ builder.add(exportName);
+ bindModule(loc,, symbolName);
+ }
+ public void defineDataSource(Location loc, String name) {
+ if (isCursor(name)) {
+ throw new ProgramCompileException(loc, "Alias '%s' is already used.", name);
+ }
+ if (cursors.isEmpty()) {
+ cursors = Sets.newHashSet();
+ }
+ cursors.add(name);
+ }
+ public void defineVariable(Location loc, String name) {
+ if (isVariable(name)) {
+ throw new ProgramCompileException(loc, "Variable/argument '%s' is already used.", name);
+ }
+ if (variables.isEmpty()) {
+ variables = Sets.newHashSet();
+ }
+ variables.add(name);
+ }
+ public void defineView(Location loc, String text) {
+ if (this != root) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Views MUST be defined in 'root' scope only");
+ }
+ if (views.contains(text)) {
+ throw new ProgramCompileException(loc, "View '%s' already defined", text);
+ }
+ views.add(text);
+ }
+ Scope child() {
+ return new Scope(root, this);
+ }
+ Scope getRoot() {
+ return root;
+ }
+ }
+ private OperatorNode<SequenceOperator> convertSelectOrInsertOrUpdateOrDelete(ParseTree node, Scope scopeParent) {
+ Preconditions.checkArgument(node instanceof Select_statementContext || node instanceof Insert_statementContext ||
+ node instanceof Update_statementContext || node instanceof Delete_statementContext);
+ // SELECT^ select_field_spec select_source where? orderby? limit? offset? timeout? fallback?
+ // select is the only place to define where/orderby/limit/offset and joins
+ Scope scope = scopeParent.child();
+ ProjectionBuilder proj = null;
+ OperatorNode<SequenceOperator> source = null;
+ OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> filter = null;
+ List<OperatorNode<SortOperator>> orderby = null;
+ OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> offset = null;
+ OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> limit = null;
+ OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> timeout = null;
+ OperatorNode<SequenceOperator> fallback = null;
+ OperatorNode<SequenceOperator> insertValues = null;
+ OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> updateValues = null;
+ ParseTree sourceNode;
+ if (node instanceof Select_statementContext ) {
+ sourceNode = node.getChild(2) != null ? node.getChild(2).getChild(0):null;
+ } else {
+ sourceNode = node.getChild(1);
+ }
+ if (sourceNode != null) {
+ switch (getParseTreeIndex(sourceNode)) {
+ // *|source_name,... are parsed
+ // They can't be used directly with the JOIN syntax at this time
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_select_source_all: {
+ Location location = toLocation(scope, sourceNode.getChild(2));
+ source = OperatorNode.create(location, SequenceOperator.ALL);
+ source.putAnnotation("alias", "row");
+ scope.defineDataSource(location, "row");
+ }
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_select_source_multi:
+ Source_listContext multiSourceContext = ((Select_source_multiContext) sourceNode).source_list();
+ source = readMultiSource(scope, multiSourceContext);
+ source.putAnnotation("alias", "row");
+ scope.defineDataSource(toLocation(scope, multiSourceContext), "row");
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_select_source_join:
+ source = convertSource((ParserRuleContext) sourceNode.getChild(1), scope);
+ List<Join_exprContext> joinContexts = ((Select_source_joinContext)sourceNode).join_expr();
+ for (Join_exprContext joinContext:joinContexts) {
+ source = convertJoin(joinContext, source, scope);
+ }
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_insert_source:
+ Insert_sourceContext insertSourceContext = (Insert_sourceContext) sourceNode;
+ source = convertSource((ParserRuleContext)insertSourceContext.getChild(1), scope);
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_delete_source:
+ source = convertSource((ParserRuleContext)sourceNode.getChild(1), scope);
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_update_source:
+ source = convertSource((ParserRuleContext)sourceNode.getChild(0), scope);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ source = OperatorNode.create(SequenceOperator.EMPTY);
+ }
+ for (int i = 1; i < node.getChildCount(); ++i) {
+ ParseTree child = node.getChild(i);
+ switch (getParseTreeIndex(child)) {
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_select_field_spec:
+ if (getParseTreeIndex(child.getChild(0)) == yqlplusParser.RULE_project_spec) {
+ proj = readProjection(((Project_specContext) child.getChild(0)).field_def(), scope);
+ }
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_returning_spec:
+ proj = readProjection(((Returning_specContext) child).select_field_spec().project_spec().field_def(), scope);
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_where:
+ filter = convertExpr(((WhereContext) child).expression(), scope);
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_orderby:
+ // OrderbyContext orderby()
+ List<Orderby_fieldContext> orderFieds = ((OrderbyContext) child)
+ .orderby_fields().orderby_field();
+ orderby = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(orderFieds.size());
+ for (int j = 0; j < orderFieds.size(); ++j) {
+ orderby.add(convertSortKey(orderFieds.get(j), scope));
+ }
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_limit:
+ limit = convertExpr(((LimitContext) child).fixed_or_parameter(), scope);
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_offset:
+ offset = convertExpr(((OffsetContext) child).fixed_or_parameter(), scope);
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_timeout:
+ timeout = convertExpr(((TimeoutContext) child).fixed_or_parameter(), scope);
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_fallback:
+ fallback = convertQuery(((FallbackContext) child).select_statement(), scope);
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_insert_values:
+ if (child.getChild(0) instanceof yqlplusParser.Query_statementContext) {
+ insertValues = convertQuery(child.getChild(0).getChild(0), scope);
+ } else {
+ insertValues = readBatchValues(((Insert_valuesContext) child).field_names_spec(), ((Insert_valuesContext)child).field_values_group_spec(), scope);
+ }
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_update_values:
+ if (getParseTreeIndex(child.getChild(0)) == yqlplusParser.RULE_field_def) {
+ updateValues = readValues(((Update_valuesContext)child).field_def(), scope);
+ } else {
+ updateValues = readValues((Field_names_specContext)child.getChild(0), (Field_values_specContext)child.getChild(2), scope);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // now assemble the logical plan
+ OperatorNode<SequenceOperator> result = source;
+ // filter
+ if (filter != null) {
+ result = OperatorNode.create(SequenceOperator.FILTER, result, filter);
+ }
+ // insert values
+ if (insertValues != null) {
+ result = OperatorNode.create(SequenceOperator.INSERT, result, insertValues);
+ }
+ // update
+ if (updateValues != null) {
+ if (filter != null) {
+ result = OperatorNode.create(SequenceOperator.UPDATE, source, updateValues, filter);
+ } else {
+ result = OperatorNode.create(SequenceOperator.UPDATE_ALL, source, updateValues);
+ }
+ }
+ // delete
+ if (getParseTreeIndex(node) == yqlplusParser.RULE_delete_statement) {
+ if (filter != null) {
+ result = OperatorNode.create(SequenceOperator.DELETE, source, filter);
+ } else {
+ result = OperatorNode.create(SequenceOperator.DELETE_ALL, source);
+ }
+ }
+ // then sort (or project and sort)
+ boolean projectBeforeSort = false;
+ if (orderby != null) {
+ if (proj != null) {
+ for (OperatorNode<SortOperator> sortKey : orderby) {
+ OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> sortExpression = sortKey.getArgument(0);
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> sortReadFields = getReadFieldExpressions(sortExpression);
+ for (OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> sortReadField : sortReadFields) {
+ String sortKeyField = sortReadField.getArgument(1);
+ if (proj.isAlias(sortKeyField)) {
+ // TODO: Add support for "mixed" case
+ projectBeforeSort = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (projectBeforeSort) {
+ result = OperatorNode.create(SequenceOperator.SORT, proj.make(result), orderby);
+ } else {
+ result = OperatorNode.create(SequenceOperator.SORT, result, orderby);
+ }
+ }
+ // then offset/limit (must be done after sorting!)
+ if (offset != null && limit != null) {
+ result = OperatorNode.create(SequenceOperator.SLICE, result, offset, limit);
+ } else if (offset != null) {
+ result = OperatorNode.create(SequenceOperator.OFFSET, result, offset);
+ } else if (limit != null) {
+ result = OperatorNode.create(SequenceOperator.LIMIT, result, limit);
+ }
+ // finally, project (if not already)
+ if (proj != null && !projectBeforeSort) {
+ result = proj.make(result);
+ }
+ if (timeout != null) {
+ result = OperatorNode.create(SequenceOperator.TIMEOUT, result, timeout);
+ }
+ // if there's a fallback, emit a fallback node
+ if (fallback != null) {
+ result = OperatorNode.create(SequenceOperator.FALLBACK, result, fallback);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> readValues(List<Field_defContext> fieldDefs, Scope scope) {
+ List<String> fieldNames;
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> fieldValues;
+ int numPairs = fieldDefs.size();
+ fieldNames = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(numPairs);
+ fieldValues = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(numPairs);
+ for (int j = 0; j < numPairs; j++) {
+ ParseTree startNode = fieldDefs.get(j);
+ while(startNode.getChildCount() < 3) {
+ startNode = startNode.getChild(0);
+ }
+ fieldNames.add((String) convertExpr(startNode.getChild(0), scope).getArgument(1));
+ fieldValues.add(convertExpr(startNode.getChild(2), scope));
+ }
+ return OperatorNode.create(ExpressionOperator.MAP, fieldNames, fieldValues);
+ }
+ private OperatorNode<SequenceOperator> readMultiSource(Scope scope, Source_listContext multiSource) {
+ List<List<String>> sourceNameList = Lists.newArrayList();
+ List<Namespaced_nameContext> nameSpaces = multiSource.namespaced_name();
+ for(Namespaced_nameContext node : nameSpaces) {
+ List<String> name = readName(node);
+ sourceNameList.add(name);
+ }
+ return OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, multiSource), SequenceOperator.MULTISOURCE, sourceNameList);
+ }
+// pipeline_step
+// : namespaced_name arguments[false]?
+// ;
+ private OperatorNode<SequenceOperator> convertPipe(Query_statementContext queryStatementContext, List<Pipeline_stepContext> nodes, Scope scope) {
+ OperatorNode<SequenceOperator> result = convertQuery(queryStatementContext.getChild(0), scope.getRoot());
+ for (Pipeline_stepContext step:nodes) {
+ if (getParseTreeIndex(step.getChild(0)) == yqlplusParser.RULE_vespa_grouping) {
+ result = OperatorNode.create(SequenceOperator.PIPE, result, ImmutableList.<String>of(),
+ ImmutableList.of(convertExpr(step.getChild(0), scope)));
+ } else {
+ List<String> name = readName(step.namespaced_name());
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> args = ImmutableList.of();
+ //LPAREN (argument[$in_select] (COMMA argument[$in_select])*) RPAREN
+ if (step.getChildCount() > 1) {
+ ArgumentsContext arguments = step.arguments();
+ if (arguments.getChildCount() > 2) {
+ List<ArgumentContext> argumentContextList = arguments.argument();
+ args = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(argumentContextList.size());
+ for (ArgumentContext argumentContext: argumentContextList) {
+ args.add(convertExpr(argumentContext.expression(), scope.getRoot()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ result = OperatorNode.create(SequenceOperator.PIPE, result, scope.resolvePath(name), args);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private OperatorNode<SequenceOperator> convertMerge(List<Merge_componentContext> mergeComponentList, Scope scope) {
+ Preconditions.checkArgument(mergeComponentList != null);
+ List<OperatorNode<SequenceOperator>> sources = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(mergeComponentList.size());
+ for (Merge_componentContext mergeComponent:mergeComponentList) {
+ Select_statementContext selectContext = mergeComponent.select_statement();
+ Source_statementContext sourceContext = mergeComponent.source_statement();
+ if (selectContext != null) {
+ sources.add(convertQuery(selectContext, scope.getRoot()));
+ } else {
+ sources.add(convertQuery(sourceContext, scope.getRoot()));
+ }
+ }
+ return OperatorNode.create(SequenceOperator.MERGE, sources);
+ }
+ private OperatorNode<SequenceOperator> convertQuery(ParseTree node, Scope scope) {
+ if (node instanceof Select_statementContext
+ || node instanceof Insert_statementContext
+ || node instanceof Update_statementContext
+ || node instanceof Delete_statementContext) {
+ return convertSelectOrInsertOrUpdateOrDelete(node, scope.getRoot());
+ } else if (node instanceof Source_statementContext) { //for pipe
+ Source_statementContext sourceStatementContext = (Source_statementContext)node;
+ return convertPipe(sourceStatementContext.query_statement(), sourceStatementContext.pipeline_step(), scope);
+ } else if (node instanceof Merge_statementContext) {
+ return convertMerge(((Merge_statementContext)node).merge_component(), scope);
+ } else {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected argument type to convertQueryStatement: " + node.toStringTree());
+ }
+ }
+ private OperatorNode<SequenceOperator> convertJoin(Join_exprContext node, OperatorNode<SequenceOperator> left, Scope scope) {
+ Source_specContext sourceSpec = node.source_spec();
+ OperatorNode<SequenceOperator> right = convertSource(sourceSpec, scope);
+ JoinExpressionContext joinContext = node.joinExpression();
+ OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> joinExpression = readBinOp(ExpressionOperator.valueOf("EQ"), joinContext.getChild(0), joinContext.getChild(2), scope);
+ if (joinExpression.getOperator() != ExpressionOperator.EQ) {
+ throw new ProgramCompileException(joinExpression.getLocation(), "Unexpected join expression type: %s (expected EQ)", joinExpression.getOperator());
+ }
+ return OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, sourceSpec), node.join_spec().LEFT() != null ? SequenceOperator.LEFT_JOIN : SequenceOperator.JOIN, left, right, joinExpression);
+ }
+ private String assignAlias(String alias, ParserRuleContext node, Scope scope) {
+ if (alias == null) {
+ alias = "source";
+ }
+ if (node != null && node instanceof yqlplusParser.Alias_defContext) {
+ //alias_def : (AS? ID);
+ ParseTree idChild = node;
+ if (node.getChildCount() > 1) {
+ idChild = node.getChild(1);
+ }
+ alias = idChild.getText();
+ if (scope.isCursor(alias)) {
+ throw new ProgramCompileException(toLocation(scope, idChild), "Source alias '%s' is already used", alias);
+ }
+ scope.defineDataSource(toLocation(scope, idChild), alias);
+ return alias;
+ } else {
+ String candidate = alias;
+ int c = 0;
+ while (scope.isCursor(candidate)) {
+ candidate = alias + (++c);
+ }
+ scope.defineDataSource(null, candidate);
+ return alias;
+ }
+ }
+ private OperatorNode<SequenceOperator> convertSource(ParserRuleContext sourceSpecNode, Scope scope) {
+ // DataSources
+ String alias;
+ OperatorNode<SequenceOperator> result;
+ ParserRuleContext dataSourceNode = sourceSpecNode;
+ ParserRuleContext aliasContext = null;
+ //data_source
+ //: call_source
+ //| LPAREN source_statement RPAREN
+ //| sequence_source
+ //;
+ if (sourceSpecNode instanceof Source_specContext) {
+ dataSourceNode = (ParserRuleContext)sourceSpecNode.getChild(0);
+ if (sourceSpecNode.getChildCount() == 2) {
+ aliasContext = (ParserRuleContext)sourceSpecNode.getChild(1);
+ }
+ if (dataSourceNode.getChild(0) instanceof Call_sourceContext ||
+ dataSourceNode.getChild(0) instanceof Sequence_sourceContext) {
+ dataSourceNode = (ParserRuleContext)dataSourceNode.getChild(0);
+ } else { //source_statement
+ dataSourceNode = (ParserRuleContext)dataSourceNode.getChild(1);
+ }
+ }
+ switch (getParseTreeIndex(dataSourceNode)) {
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_write_data_source:
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_call_source: {
+ List<String> names = readName((Namespaced_nameContext)dataSourceNode.getChild(Namespaced_nameContext.class, 0));
+ alias = assignAlias(names.get(names.size() - 1), aliasContext, scope);
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> arguments = ImmutableList.of();
+ ArgumentsContext argumentsContext = dataSourceNode.getRuleContext(ArgumentsContext.class,0);
+ if ( argumentsContext != null) {
+ List<ArgumentContext> argumentContexts = argumentsContext.argument();
+ arguments = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(argumentContexts.size());
+ for (ArgumentContext argumentContext:argumentContexts) {
+ arguments.add(convertExpr(argumentContext, scope));
+ }
+ }
+ if (names.size() == 1 && scope.isVariable(names.get(0))) {
+ String ident = names.get(0);
+ if (arguments.size() > 0) {
+ throw new ProgramCompileException(toLocation(scope, argumentsContext), "Invalid call-with-arguments on local source '%s'", ident);
+ }
+ result = OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, dataSourceNode), SequenceOperator.EVALUATE, OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, dataSourceNode), ExpressionOperator.VARREF, ident));
+ } else {
+ result = OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, dataSourceNode), SequenceOperator.SCAN, scope.resolvePath(names), arguments);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_sequence_source: {
+ IdentContext identContext = dataSourceNode.getRuleContext(IdentContext.class,0);
+ String ident = identContext.getText();
+ if (!scope.isVariable(ident)) {
+ throw new ProgramCompileException(toLocation(scope, identContext), "Unknown variable reference '%s'", ident);
+ }
+ alias = assignAlias(ident, aliasContext, scope);
+ result = OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, dataSourceNode), SequenceOperator.EVALUATE, OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, dataSourceNode), ExpressionOperator.VARREF, ident));
+ break;
+ }
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_source_statement: {
+ alias = assignAlias(null, dataSourceNode, scope);
+ result = convertQuery(dataSourceNode, scope);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected argument type to convertSource: " + dataSourceNode.getText());
+ }
+ result.putAnnotation("alias", alias);
+ return result;
+ }
+ private OperatorNode<TypeOperator> decodeType(Scope scope, TypenameContext type) {
+ TypeOperator op;
+ ParseTree typeNode = type.getChild(0);
+ switch (getParseTreeIndex(typeNode)) {
+ case yqlplusParser.TYPE_BOOLEAN:
+ op = TypeOperator.BOOLEAN;
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.TYPE_BYTE:
+ op = TypeOperator.BYTE;
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.TYPE_DOUBLE:
+ op = TypeOperator.DOUBLE;
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.TYPE_INT16:
+ op = TypeOperator.INT16;
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.TYPE_INT32:
+ op = TypeOperator.INT32;
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.TYPE_INT64:
+ op = TypeOperator.INT64;
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.TYPE_STRING:
+ op = TypeOperator.STRING;
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.TYPE_TIMESTAMP:
+ op = TypeOperator.TIMESTAMP;
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_arrayType:
+ return OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, typeNode), TypeOperator.ARRAY, decodeType(scope, ((ArrayTypeContext)typeNode).getChild(TypenameContext.class, 0)));
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_mapType:
+ return OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, typeNode), TypeOperator.MAP, decodeType(scope, ((MapTypeContext)typeNode).getChild(TypenameContext.class, 0)));
+ default:
+ throw new ProgramCompileException("Unknown type " + typeNode.getText());
+ }
+ return OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, typeNode), op);
+ }
+ private List<String> createBindingName(ParseTree node) {
+ if (node instanceof ModuleNameContext) {
+ if (((ModuleNameContext)node).namespaced_name() != null) {
+ return readName(((ModuleNameContext)node).namespaced_name());
+ } else if (((ModuleNameContext)node).literalString() != null) {
+ return ImmutableList.of(((ModuleNameContext)node).literalString().STRING().getText());
+ }
+ } else if (node instanceof ModuleIdContext) {
+ return ImmutableList.of(node.getText());
+ }
+ throw new ProgramCompileException("Wrong context");
+ }
+ private OperatorNode<StatementOperator> convertProgram(
+ ParserRuleContext program, yqlplusParser parser, String programName) {
+ Scope scope = new Scope(parser, programName);
+ List<OperatorNode<StatementOperator>> stmts = Lists.newArrayList();
+ int output = 0;
+ for (ParseTree node : program.children) {
+ if (!(node instanceof ParserRuleContext)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ParserRuleContext ruleContext = (ParserRuleContext) node;
+ switch (ruleContext.getRuleIndex()) {
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_params: {
+ // ^(ARGUMENT ident typeref expression?)
+ ParamsContext paramsContext = (ParamsContext) ruleContext;
+ Program_arglistContext program_arglistContext = paramsContext.program_arglist();
+ if (program_arglistContext != null) {
+ List<Procedure_argumentContext> argList = program_arglistContext.procedure_argument();
+ for (Procedure_argumentContext procedureArgumentContext : argList) {
+ String name = procedureArgumentContext.ident().getText();
+ OperatorNode<TypeOperator> type = decodeType(scope, procedureArgumentContext.getChild(TypenameContext.class, 0));
+ OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> defaultValue = OperatorNode.create(ExpressionOperator.NULL);
+ if (procedureArgumentContext.expression() != null) {
+ defaultValue = convertExpr(procedureArgumentContext.expression(), scope);
+ }
+ scope.defineVariable(toLocation(scope, procedureArgumentContext), name);
+ stmts.add(OperatorNode.create(StatementOperator.ARGUMENT, name, type, defaultValue));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_import_statement: {
+ Import_statementContext importContext = (Import_statementContext) ruleContext;
+ if (null == importContext.import_list()) {
+ List<String> name = createBindingName(node.getChild(1));
+ String target;
+ Location location = toLocation(scope, node.getChild(1));
+ if (node.getChildCount() == 2) {
+ target = name.get(0);
+ } else if (node.getChildCount() == 4) {
+ target = node.getChild(3).getText();
+ } else {
+ throw new ProgramCompileException("Unknown node count for IMPORT: " + node.toStringTree());
+ }
+ scope.bindModule(location, name, target);
+ } else {
+ // | FROM moduleName IMPORT import_list -> ^(IMPORT_FROM
+ // moduleName import_list+)
+ Import_listContext importListContext = importContext.import_list();
+ List<String> name = createBindingName(importContext.moduleName());
+ Location location = toLocation(scope, importContext.moduleName());
+ List<ModuleIdContext> moduleIds = importListContext.moduleId();
+ List<String> symbols = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(moduleIds.size());
+ for (ModuleIdContext cnode : moduleIds) {
+ symbols.add(cnode.ID().getText());
+ }
+ for (String sym : symbols) {
+ scope.bindModuleSymbol(location, name, sym, sym);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // DDL
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_ddl:
+ ruleContext = (ParserRuleContext)ruleContext.getChild(0);
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_view: {
+ // view and projection expansion now has to be done by the
+ // execution engine
+ // since views/projections, in order to be useful, have to
+ // support being used from outside the same program
+ ViewContext viewContext = (ViewContext) ruleContext;
+ Location loc = toLocation(scope, viewContext);
+ scope.getRoot().defineView(loc, viewContext.ID().getText());
+ stmts.add(OperatorNode.create(loc, StatementOperator.DEFINE_VIEW, viewContext.ID().getText(), convertQuery(viewContext.source_statement(), scope.getRoot())));
+ break;
+ }
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_statement: {
+ // ^(STATEMENT_QUERY source_statement paged_clause?
+ // output_spec?)
+ StatementContext statementContext = (StatementContext) ruleContext;
+ switch (getParseTreeIndex(ruleContext.getChild(0))) {
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_selectvar_statement: {
+ // ^(STATEMENT_SELECTVAR ident source_statement)
+ Selectvar_statementContext selectVarContext = (Selectvar_statementContext) ruleContext.getChild(0);
+ String variable = selectVarContext.ident().getText();
+ OperatorNode<SequenceOperator> query = convertQuery(selectVarContext.source_statement(), scope);
+ Location location = toLocation(scope, selectVarContext.ident());
+ scope.defineVariable(location, variable);
+ stmts.add(OperatorNode.create(location, StatementOperator.EXECUTE, query, variable));
+ break;
+ }
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_next_statement: {
+ // NEXT^ literalString OUTPUT! AS! ident
+ Next_statementContext nextStateContext = (Next_statementContext) ruleContext.getChild(0);
+ String continuationValue = StringUnescaper.unquote(nextStateContext.literalString().getText());
+ String variable = nextStateContext.ident().getText();
+ Location location = toLocation(scope, node);
+ OperatorNode<SequenceOperator> next = OperatorNode.create(location, SequenceOperator.NEXT, continuationValue);
+ stmts.add(OperatorNode.create(location, StatementOperator.EXECUTE, next, variable));
+ stmts.add(OperatorNode.create(location, StatementOperator.OUTPUT, variable));
+ scope.defineVariable(location, variable);
+ break;
+ }
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_output_statement:
+ Source_statementContext source_statement = statementContext.output_statement().source_statement();
+ OperatorNode<SequenceOperator> query;
+ if (source_statement.getChildCount() == 1) {
+ query = convertQuery( source_statement.query_statement().getChild(0), scope);
+ } else {
+ query = convertQuery(source_statement, scope);
+ }
+ String variable = "result" + (++output);
+ boolean isCountVariable = false;
+ OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> pageSize = null;
+ ParseTree outputStatement = node.getChild(0);
+ Location location = toLocation(scope, outputStatement);
+ for (int i = 1; i < outputStatement.getChildCount(); ++i) {
+ ParseTree child = outputStatement.getChild(i);
+ switch (getParseTreeIndex(child)) {
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_paged_clause:
+ Paged_clauseContext pagedContext = (Paged_clauseContext) child;
+ pageSize = convertExpr(pagedContext.fixed_or_parameter(), scope);
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_output_spec:
+ Output_specContext outputSpecContext = (Output_specContext) child;
+ variable = outputSpecContext.ident().getText();
+ if (outputSpecContext.COUNT() != null) {
+ isCountVariable = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new ProgramCompileException( "Unknown statement attribute: " + child.toStringTree());
+ }
+ }
+ scope.defineVariable(location, variable);
+ if (pageSize != null) {
+ query = OperatorNode.create(SequenceOperator.PAGE, query, pageSize);
+ }
+ stmts.add(OperatorNode.create(location, StatementOperator.EXECUTE, query, variable));
+ stmts.add(OperatorNode.create(location, isCountVariable ? StatementOperator.COUNT:StatementOperator.OUTPUT, variable));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ throw new ProgramCompileException("Unknown program element: " + node.getText());
+ }
+ }
+ // traverse the tree, find all of the namespaced calls not covered by
+ // imports so we can
+ // define "implicit" import statements for them (to make engine
+ // implementation easier)
+ return OperatorNode.create(StatementOperator.PROGRAM, stmts);
+ }
+ private OperatorNode<SortOperator> convertSortKey(Orderby_fieldContext node, Scope scope) {
+ TerminalNode descDef = node.DESC();
+ OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> exprNode = convertExpr(node.expression(), scope);
+ if (descDef != null ) {
+ return OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, descDef), SortOperator.DESC, exprNode);
+ } else {
+ return OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, node), SortOperator.ASC, exprNode);
+ }
+ }
+ private ProjectionBuilder readProjection(List<Field_defContext> fieldDefs, Scope scope) {
+ if (null == fieldDefs)
+ throw new ProgramCompileException("Null fieldDefs");
+ ProjectionBuilder proj = new ProjectionBuilder();
+ for (Field_defContext rulenode : fieldDefs) {
+ // FIELD
+ // expression alias_def?
+ OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> expr = convertExpr((ExpressionContext)rulenode.getChild(0), scope);
+ String aliasName = null;
+ if (rulenode.getChildCount() > 1) {
+ // ^(ALIAS ID)
+ aliasName = rulenode.alias_def().ID().getText();
+ }
+ proj.addField(aliasName, expr);
+ // no grammar for the other rule types at this time
+ }
+ return proj;
+ }
+ public static int getParseTreeIndex(ParseTree parseTree) {
+ if (parseTree instanceof TerminalNode) {
+ return ((TerminalNode)parseTree).getSymbol().getType();
+ } else {
+ return ((RuleNode)parseTree).getRuleContext().getRuleIndex();
+ }
+ }
+ public OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> convertExpr(ParseTree parseTree,
+ Scope scope) {
+ switch (getParseTreeIndex(parseTree)) {
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_vespa_grouping: {
+ ParseTree firstChild = parseTree.getChild(0);
+ if (getParseTreeIndex(firstChild) == yqlplusParser.RULE_annotation) {
+ ParseTree secondChild = parseTree.getChild(1);
+ OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> annotation = convertExpr(((AnnotationContext) firstChild)
+ .constantMapExpression(), scope);
+ OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> expr = OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, secondChild),
+ ExpressionOperator.VESPA_GROUPING, secondChild.getText());
+ List<String> names = (List<String>) annotation.getArgument(0);
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> annotates = (List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>>) annotation
+ .getArgument(1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i) {
+ expr.putAnnotation(names.get(i), readConstantExpression(annotates.get(i)));
+ }
+ return expr;
+ } else {
+ return OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, firstChild), ExpressionOperator.VESPA_GROUPING,
+ firstChild.getText());
+ }
+ }
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_nullOperator:
+ return OperatorNode.create(ExpressionOperator.NULL);
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_argument:
+ return convertExpr(parseTree.getChild(0), scope);
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_fixed_or_parameter: {
+ ParseTree firstChild = parseTree.getChild(0);
+ if (getParseTreeIndex(firstChild) == yqlplusParser.INT) {
+ return OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, firstChild), ExpressionOperator.LITERAL, new Integer(firstChild.getText()));
+ } else {
+ return convertExpr(firstChild, scope);
+ }
+ }
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_constantMapExpression: {
+ List<ConstantPropertyNameAndValueContext> propertyList = ((ConstantMapExpressionContext) parseTree).constantPropertyNameAndValue();
+ List<String> names = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(propertyList.size());
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> exprs = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(propertyList.size());
+ for (ConstantPropertyNameAndValueContext child : propertyList) {
+ // : propertyName ':' expression[$expression::namespace] ->
+ // ^(PROPERTY propertyName expression)
+ names.add(StringUnescaper.unquote(child.getChild(0).getText()));
+ exprs.add(convertExpr(child.getChild(2), scope));
+ }
+ return OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, parseTree),ExpressionOperator.MAP, names, exprs);
+ }
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_mapExpression: {
+ List<PropertyNameAndValueContext> propertyList = ((MapExpressionContext)parseTree).propertyNameAndValue();
+ List<String> names = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(propertyList.size());
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> exprs = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(propertyList.size());
+ for (PropertyNameAndValueContext child : propertyList) {
+ // : propertyName ':' expression[$expression::namespace] ->
+ // ^(PROPERTY propertyName expression)
+ names.add(StringUnescaper.unquote(child.getChild(0).getText()));
+ exprs.add(convertExpr(child.getChild(2), scope));
+ }
+ return OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, parseTree),ExpressionOperator.MAP, names, exprs);
+ }
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_constantArray: {
+ List<ConstantExpressionContext> expressionList = ((ConstantArrayContext)parseTree).constantExpression();
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> values = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(expressionList.size());
+ for (ConstantExpressionContext expr : expressionList) {
+ values.add(convertExpr(expr, scope));
+ }
+ return OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, expressionList.isEmpty()? parseTree:expressionList.get(0)), ExpressionOperator.ARRAY, values);
+ }
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_arrayLiteral: {
+ List<ExpressionContext> expressionList = ((ArrayLiteralContext) parseTree).expression();
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> values = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(expressionList.size());
+ for (ExpressionContext expr : expressionList) {
+ values.add(convertExpr(expr, scope));
+ }
+ return OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, expressionList.isEmpty()? parseTree:expressionList.get(0)), ExpressionOperator.ARRAY, values);
+ }
+ //dereferencedExpression: primaryExpression(indexref[in_select]| propertyref)*
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_dereferencedExpression: {
+ DereferencedExpressionContext dereferencedExpression = (DereferencedExpressionContext) parseTree;
+ Iterator<ParseTree> it = dereferencedExpression.children.iterator();
+ OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> result = convertExpr(, scope);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ ParseTree defTree =;
+ if (getParseTreeIndex(defTree) == yqlplusParser.RULE_propertyref) {
+ //DOT nm=ID
+ result = OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, parseTree), ExpressionOperator.PROPREF, result, defTree.getChild(1).getText());
+ } else {
+ //indexref
+ result = OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, parseTree), ExpressionOperator.INDEX, result, convertExpr(defTree.getChild(1), scope));
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_primaryExpression: {
+ // ^(CALL namespaced_name arguments)
+ ParseTree firstChild = parseTree.getChild(0);
+ switch (getParseTreeIndex(firstChild)) {
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_fieldref: {
+ return convertExpr(firstChild, scope);
+ }
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_callExpresion: {
+ List<ArgumentContext> args = ((ArgumentsContext) firstChild.getChild(1)).argument();
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> arguments = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(args.size());
+ for (ArgumentContext argContext : args) {
+ arguments.add(convertExpr(argContext.expression(),scope));
+ }
+ return OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, parseTree), ExpressionOperator.CALL, scope.resolvePath(readName((Namespaced_nameContext) firstChild.getChild(0))), arguments);
+ }
+ // TODO add processing this is not implemented in V3
+ // case yqlplusParser.APPLY:
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_parameter:
+ // external variable reference
+ return OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, firstChild), ExpressionOperator.VARREF, firstChild.getChild(1).getText());
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_scalar_literal:
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_arrayLiteral:
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_mapExpression:
+ return convertExpr(firstChild, scope);
+ case yqlplusParser.LPAREN:
+ return convertExpr(parseTree.getChild(1), scope);
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: Temporarily disable CAST - think through how types are named
+ // case yqlplusParser.CAST: {
+ //
+ // return new Cast()
+ // }
+ // return new CastExpression(payload);
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_parameter: {
+ // external variable reference
+ ParserRuleContext parameterContext = (ParserRuleContext) parseTree;
+ IdentContext identContext = parameterContext.getRuleContext(IdentContext.class, 0);
+ return OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, identContext), ExpressionOperator.VARREF, identContext.getText());
+ }
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_annotateExpression: {
+ //annotation logicalORExpression
+ AnnotationContext annotateExpressionContext = ((AnnotateExpressionContext)parseTree).annotation();
+ OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> annotation = convertExpr(annotateExpressionContext.constantMapExpression(), scope);
+ OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> expr = convertExpr(parseTree.getChild(1), scope);
+ List<String> names = (List<String>) annotation.getArgument(0);
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> annotates = (List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>>) annotation.getArgument(1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i) {
+ expr.putAnnotation(names.get(i), readConstantExpression(annotates.get(i)));
+ }
+ return expr;
+ }
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_expression: {
+ return convertExpr(parseTree.getChild(0), scope);
+ }
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_logicalANDExpression:
+ LogicalANDExpressionContext andExpressionContext = (LogicalANDExpressionContext) parseTree;
+ return readConjOp(ExpressionOperator.AND, andExpressionContext.equalityExpression(), scope);
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_logicalORExpression: {
+ int childCount = parseTree.getChildCount();
+ LogicalORExpressionContext logicalORExpressionContext = (LogicalORExpressionContext) parseTree;
+ if (childCount > 1) {
+ return readConjOrOp(ExpressionOperator.OR, logicalORExpressionContext, scope);
+ } else {
+ List<EqualityExpressionContext> equalityExpressionList = ((LogicalANDExpressionContext) parseTree.getChild(0)).equalityExpression();
+ if (equalityExpressionList.size() > 1) {
+ return readConjOp(ExpressionOperator.AND, equalityExpressionList, scope);
+ } else {
+ return convertExpr(equalityExpressionList.get(0), scope);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_equalityExpression: {
+ EqualityExpressionContext equalityExpression = (EqualityExpressionContext) parseTree;
+ RelationalExpressionContext relationalExpressionContext = equalityExpression.relationalExpression(0);
+ OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> expr = convertExpr(relationalExpressionContext, scope);
+ InNotInTargetContext inNotInTarget = equalityExpression.inNotInTarget();
+ int childCount = equalityExpression.getChildCount();
+ if (childCount == 1) {
+ return expr;
+ }
+ if (inNotInTarget != null) {
+ Literal_listContext literalListContext = inNotInTarget.literal_list();
+ boolean isIN = equalityExpression.IN() != null;
+ if (literalListContext == null) {
+ Select_statementContext selectStatementContext = inNotInTarget.select_statement();
+ OperatorNode<SequenceOperator> query = convertQuery(selectStatementContext, scope);
+ return OperatorNode.create(expr.getLocation(),isIN ? ExpressionOperator.IN_QUERY: ExpressionOperator.NOT_IN_QUERY, expr, query);
+ } else {
+ // we need to identify the type of the target; if it's a
+ // scalar we need to wrap it in a CREATE_ARRAY
+ // if it's already a CREATE ARRAY then it's fine, otherwise
+ // we need to know the variable type
+ // return readBinOp(node.getType() == yqlplusParser.IN ?
+ // ExpressionOperator.IN : ExpressionOperator.NOT_IN, node,
+ // scope);
+ return readBinOp(isIN ? ExpressionOperator.IN: ExpressionOperator.NOT_IN, equalityExpression.getChild(0), literalListContext, scope);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ParseTree firstChild = equalityExpression.getChild(1);
+ if (equalityExpression.getChildCount() == 2) {
+ switch (getParseTreeIndex(firstChild)) {
+ case yqlplusParser.IS_NULL:
+ return readUnOp(ExpressionOperator.IS_NULL, relationalExpressionContext, scope);
+ case yqlplusParser.IS_NOT_NULL:
+ return readUnOp(ExpressionOperator.IS_NOT_NULL, relationalExpressionContext, scope);
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (getParseTreeIndex(firstChild.getChild(0))) {
+ case yqlplusParser.EQ:
+ return readBinOp(ExpressionOperator.EQ, equalityExpression.getChild(0), equalityExpression.getChild(2), scope);
+ case yqlplusParser.NEQ:
+ return readBinOp(ExpressionOperator.NEQ, equalityExpression.getChild(0), equalityExpression.getChild(2), scope);
+ case yqlplusParser.LIKE:
+ return readBinOp(ExpressionOperator.LIKE, equalityExpression.getChild(0), equalityExpression.getChild(2), scope);
+ case yqlplusParser.NOTLIKE:
+ return readBinOp(ExpressionOperator.NOT_LIKE, equalityExpression.getChild(0), equalityExpression.getChild(2), scope);
+ case yqlplusParser.MATCHES:
+ return readBinOp(ExpressionOperator.MATCHES, equalityExpression.getChild(0), equalityExpression.getChild(2), scope);
+ case yqlplusParser.NOTMATCHES:
+ return readBinOp(ExpressionOperator.NOT_MATCHES, equalityExpression.getChild(0), equalityExpression.getChild(2), scope);
+ case yqlplusParser.CONTAINS:
+ return readBinOp(ExpressionOperator.CONTAINS, equalityExpression.getChild(0), equalityExpression.getChild(2), scope);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_relationalExpression: {
+ RelationalExpressionContext relationalExpressionContext = (RelationalExpressionContext) parseTree;
+ RelationalOpContext opContext = relationalExpressionContext.relationalOp();
+ if (opContext != null) {
+ switch (getParseTreeIndex(relationalExpressionContext.relationalOp().getChild(0))) {
+ case yqlplusParser.LT:
+ return readBinOp(ExpressionOperator.LT, parseTree, scope);
+ case yqlplusParser.LTEQ:
+ return readBinOp(ExpressionOperator.LTEQ, parseTree, scope);
+ case yqlplusParser.GT:
+ return readBinOp(ExpressionOperator.GT, parseTree, scope);
+ case yqlplusParser.GTEQ:
+ return readBinOp(ExpressionOperator.GTEQ, parseTree, scope);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return convertExpr(relationalExpressionContext.additiveExpression(0), scope);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_additiveExpression:
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_multiplicativeExpression: {
+ if (parseTree.getChildCount() > 1) {
+ String opStr = parseTree.getChild(1).getText();
+ switch (opStr) {
+ case "+":
+ return readBinOp(ExpressionOperator.ADD, parseTree, scope);
+ case "-":
+ return readBinOp(ExpressionOperator.SUB, parseTree, scope);
+ case "/":
+ return readBinOp(ExpressionOperator.DIV, parseTree, scope);
+ case "*":
+ return readBinOp(ExpressionOperator.MULT, parseTree, scope);
+ case "%":
+ return readBinOp(ExpressionOperator.MOD, parseTree, scope);
+ default:
+ if (parseTree.getChild(0) instanceof UnaryExpressionContext) {
+ return convertExpr(parseTree.getChild(0), scope);
+ } else {
+ throw new ProgramCompileException(toLocation(scope, parseTree), "Unknown expression type: " + parseTree.toStringTree());
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (parseTree.getChild(0) instanceof UnaryExpressionContext) {
+ return convertExpr(parseTree.getChild(0), scope);
+ } else if (parseTree.getChild(0) instanceof MultiplicativeExpressionContext) {
+ return convertExpr(parseTree.getChild(0), scope);
+ } else {
+ throw new ProgramCompileException(toLocation(scope, parseTree), "Unknown expression type: " + parseTree.getText());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_unaryExpression: {
+ if (1 == parseTree.getChildCount()) {
+ return convertExpr(parseTree.getChild(0), scope);
+ } else if (2 == parseTree.getChildCount()) {
+ if ("-".equals(parseTree.getChild(0).getText())) {
+ return readUnOp(ExpressionOperator.NEGATE, parseTree, scope);
+ } else if ("!".equals(parseTree.getChild(0).getText())) {
+ return readUnOp(ExpressionOperator.NOT, parseTree, scope);
+ }
+ throw new ProgramCompileException(toLocation(scope, parseTree),"Unknown unary operator " + parseTree.getText());
+ } else {
+ throw new ProgramCompileException(toLocation(scope, parseTree),"Unknown child count " + parseTree.getChildCount() + " of " + parseTree.getText());
+ }
+ }
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_fieldref:
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_joinDereferencedExpression: {
+ // all in-scope data sources should be defined in scope
+ // the 'first' field in a namespaced reference must be:
+ // - a field name if (and only if) there is exactly one data source
+ // in scope OR
+ // - an alias name, which will be followed by a field name
+ // ^(FIELDREF<FieldReference>[$expression::namespace]
+ // namespaced_name)
+ List<String> path = readName((Namespaced_nameContext) parseTree.getChild(0));
+ Location loc = toLocation(scope, parseTree.getChild(0));
+ String alias = path.get(0);
+ OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> result = null;
+ int start = 0;
+ if (scope.isCursor(alias)) {
+ if (path.size() > 1) {
+ result = OperatorNode.create(loc, ExpressionOperator.READ_FIELD, alias, path.get(1));
+ start = 2;
+ } else {
+ result = OperatorNode.create(loc, ExpressionOperator.READ_RECORD, alias);
+ start = 1;
+ }
+ } else if (scope.isBound(alias)) {
+ return OperatorNode.create(loc, ExpressionOperator.READ_MODULE, scope.getBinding(alias).toPathWith(path.subList(1, path.size())));
+ } else if (scope.getCursors().size() == 1) {
+ alias = scope.getCursors().iterator().next();
+ result = OperatorNode.create(loc, ExpressionOperator.READ_FIELD, alias, path.get(0));
+ start = 1;
+ } else {
+ // ah ha, we can't end up with a 'loose' UDF call because it
+ // won't be a module or known alias
+ // so we need not support implicit imports for constants used in
+ // UDFs
+ throw new ProgramCompileException(loc, "Unknown field or alias '%s'", alias);
+ }
+ for (int idx = start; idx < path.size(); ++idx) {
+ result = OperatorNode.create(loc, ExpressionOperator.PROPREF, result, path.get(idx));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_scalar_literal:
+ return OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, parseTree), ExpressionOperator.LITERAL, convertLiteral((Scalar_literalContext) parseTree));
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_insert_values:
+ return readValues((Insert_valuesContext) parseTree, scope);
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_constantExpression:
+ return convertExpr(parseTree.getChild(0), scope);
+ case yqlplusParser.RULE_literal_list:
+ if (getParseTreeIndex(parseTree.getChild(1)) == yqlplusParser.RULE_array_parameter) {
+ return convertExpr(parseTree.getChild(1), scope);
+ } else {
+ List<Literal_elementContext> elements = ((Literal_listContext) parseTree).literal_element();
+ ParseTree firldElement = elements.get(0).getChild(0);
+ if (elements.size() == 1 && scope.getParser().isArrayParameter(firldElement)) {
+ return convertExpr(firldElement, scope);
+ } else {
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> values = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(elements.size());
+ for (Literal_elementContext child : elements) {
+ values.add(convertExpr(child.getChild(0), scope));
+ }
+ return OperatorNode.create(toLocation(scope, elements.get(0)),ExpressionOperator.ARRAY, values);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ throw new ProgramCompileException(toLocation(scope, parseTree),
+ "Unknown expression type: " + parseTree.getText());
+ }
+ public Object convertLiteral(Scalar_literalContext literal) {
+ int parseTreeIndex = getParseTreeIndex(literal.getChild(0));
+ String text = literal.getChild(0).getText();
+ switch(parseTreeIndex) {
+ case yqlplusParser.INT:
+ return new Integer(text);
+ case yqlplusParser.FLOAT:
+ return new Double(text);
+ case yqlplusParser.STRING:
+ return StringUnescaper.unquote(text);
+ case yqlplusParser.TRUE:
+ case yqlplusParser.FALSE:
+ return new Boolean(text);
+ case yqlplusParser.LONG_INT:
+ return Long.parseLong(text.substring(0, text.length()-1));
+ default:
+ throw new ProgramCompileException("Unknow literal type " + text);
+ }
+ }
+ private Object readConstantExpression(OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> node) {
+ switch (node.getOperator()) {
+ case LITERAL:
+ return node.getArgument(0);
+ case MAP: {
+ ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> map = ImmutableMap.builder();
+ List<String> names = (List<String>) node.getArgument(0);
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> exprs = (List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>>) node.getArgument(1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i) {
+ map.put(names.get(i), readConstantExpression(exprs.get(i)));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ case ARRAY: {
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> exprs = (List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>>) node.getArgument(0);
+ ImmutableList.Builder<Object> lst = ImmutableList.builder();
+ for (OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> expr : exprs) {
+ lst.add(readConstantExpression(expr));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ throw new ProgramCompileException(node.getLocation(), "Internal error: Unknown constant expression type: " + node.getOperator());
+ }
+ }
+ private OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> readBinOp(ExpressionOperator op, ParseTree node, Scope scope) {
+ assert node.getChildCount() == 3;
+ return OperatorNode.create(op, convertExpr(node.getChild(0), scope), convertExpr(node.getChild(2), scope));
+ }
+ private OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> readBinOp(ExpressionOperator op, ParseTree operand1, ParseTree operand2, Scope scope) {
+ return OperatorNode.create(op, convertExpr(operand1, scope), convertExpr(operand2, scope));
+ }
+ private OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> readConjOp(ExpressionOperator op, List<EqualityExpressionContext> nodes, Scope scope) {
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> arguments = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(nodes.size());
+ for (ParseTree child : nodes) {
+ arguments.add(convertExpr(child, scope));
+ }
+ return OperatorNode.create(op, arguments);
+ }
+ private OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> readConjOrOp(ExpressionOperator op, LogicalORExpressionContext node, Scope scope) {
+ List<LogicalANDExpressionContext> andExpressionList = node.logicalANDExpression();
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> arguments = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(andExpressionList.size());
+ for (LogicalANDExpressionContext child : andExpressionList) {
+ List<EqualityExpressionContext> equalities = child.equalityExpression();
+ if (equalities.size() == 1) {
+ arguments.add(convertExpr(equalities.get(0), scope));
+ } else {
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> andArguments = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(equalities.size());
+ for (EqualityExpressionContext subTreeChild:equalities) {
+ andArguments.add(convertExpr(subTreeChild, scope));
+ }
+ arguments.add(OperatorNode.create(ExpressionOperator.AND, andArguments));
+ }
+ }
+ return OperatorNode.create(op, arguments);
+ }
+ // unaryExpression
+ private OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> readUnOp(ExpressionOperator op, ParseTree node, Scope scope) {
+ assert (node instanceof TerminalNode) || (node.getChildCount() == 1) || (node instanceof UnaryExpressionContext);
+ if (node instanceof TerminalNode) {
+ return OperatorNode.create(op, convertExpr(node, scope));
+ } else if (node.getChildCount() == 1) {
+ return OperatorNode.create(op, convertExpr(node.getChild(0), scope));
+ } else {
+ return OperatorNode.create(op, convertExpr(node.getChild(1), scope));
+ }
+ }
+ private OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> readValues(Field_names_specContext nameDefs, Field_values_specContext values, Scope scope) {
+ List<Field_defContext> fieldDefs = nameDefs.field_def();
+ List<ExpressionContext> valueDefs = values.expression();
+ assert fieldDefs.size() == valueDefs.size();
+ List<String> fieldNames;
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> fieldValues;
+ int numPairs = fieldDefs.size();
+ fieldNames = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(numPairs);
+ fieldValues = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(numPairs);
+ for (int i = 0; i < numPairs; i++) {
+ fieldNames.add((String) convertExpr(fieldDefs.get(i).expression(), scope).getArgument(1));
+ fieldValues.add(convertExpr(valueDefs.get(i), scope));
+ }
+ return OperatorNode.create(ExpressionOperator.MAP, fieldNames, fieldValues);
+ }
+ private OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> readValues(ParserRuleContext node, Scope scope) {
+ List<String> fieldNames;
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> fieldValues;
+ if (node.getRuleIndex() == yqlplusParser.RULE_field_def) {
+ Field_defContext fieldDefContext = (Field_defContext)node;
+ //TODO double check
+ fieldNames = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(node.getChildCount());
+ fieldValues = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(node.getChildCount());
+ for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildCount(); i++) {
+ fieldNames.add((String) convertExpr(node.getChild(i).getChild(0).getChild(0), scope).getArgument(1));
+ fieldValues.add(convertExpr(node.getChild(i).getChild(0).getChild(1), scope));
+ }
+ } else {
+ assert node.getChildCount() % 2 == 0;
+ int numPairs = node.getChildCount() / 2;
+ fieldNames = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(numPairs);
+ fieldValues = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(numPairs);
+ for (int i = 0; i < numPairs; i++) {
+ fieldNames.add((String) convertExpr(node.getChild(i).getChild(0), scope).getArgument(1));
+ fieldValues.add(convertExpr(node.getChild(numPairs + i), scope));
+ }
+ }
+ return OperatorNode.create(ExpressionOperator.MAP, fieldNames, fieldValues);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Converts node list
+ *
+ * a_name, b_name, c_name, a_value_1, b_value_1, c_value_1, a_value_2, b_value_2, c_value2, a_value_3, b_value_3, c_value_3
+ *
+ * into corresponding constant sequence:
+ *
+ * [ { a_name : a_value_1, b_name : b_value_1, c_name : c_value_1 }, ... ]
+ *
+ */
+ private OperatorNode<SequenceOperator> readBatchValues(Field_names_specContext nameDefs, List<Field_values_group_specContext> valueGroups, Scope scope) {
+ List<Field_defContext> nameContexts = nameDefs.field_def();
+ List<String> fieldNames = Lists.newArrayList();
+ for (Field_defContext nameContext:nameContexts) {
+ fieldNames.add((String) convertExpr(nameContext.getChild(0), scope).getArgument(1));
+ }
+ List<OperatorNode> records = Lists.newArrayList();
+ for (Field_values_group_specContext valueGorup:valueGroups) {
+ List<ExpressionContext> expressionList = valueGorup.expression();
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> fieldValues = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(expressionList.size());
+ for (ExpressionContext expressionContext:expressionList) {
+ fieldValues.add(convertExpr(expressionContext, scope));
+ }
+ records.add(OperatorNode.create(ExpressionOperator.MAP, fieldNames, fieldValues));
+ }
+ // Return constant sequence of records with the given name/values
+ return OperatorNode.create(SequenceOperator.EVALUATE, OperatorNode.create(ExpressionOperator.ARRAY, records));
+ }
+ /*
+ * Scans the given node for READ_FIELD expressions.
+ *
+ * TODO: Search recursively and consider additional operators
+ *
+ * @param in the node to scan
+ * @return list of READ_FIELD expressions
+ */
+ private List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> getReadFieldExpressions(OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> in) {
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> readFieldList = Lists.newArrayList();
+ switch (in.getOperator()) {
+ case READ_FIELD:
+ readFieldList.add(in);
+ break;
+ case CALL:
+ List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> callArgs = in.getArgument(1);
+ for (OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> callArg : callArgs) {
+ if (callArg.getOperator() == ExpressionOperator.READ_FIELD) {
+ readFieldList.add(callArg);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return readFieldList;
+ }