path: root/container-search/src/main/javacc/com/yahoo/prelude
diff options
authorJon Bratseth <>2016-06-15 23:09:44 +0200
committerJon Bratseth <>2016-06-15 23:09:44 +0200
commit72231250ed81e10d66bfe70701e64fa5fe50f712 (patch)
tree2728bba1131a6f6e5bdf95afec7d7ff9358dac50 /container-search/src/main/javacc/com/yahoo/prelude
Diffstat (limited to 'container-search/src/main/javacc/com/yahoo/prelude')
1 files changed, 649 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/container-search/src/main/javacc/com/yahoo/prelude/semantics/parser/SemanticsParser.jj b/container-search/src/main/javacc/com/yahoo/prelude/semantics/parser/SemanticsParser.jj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..82c95578147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/container-search/src/main/javacc/com/yahoo/prelude/semantics/parser/SemanticsParser.jj
@@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+ * @author bratseth
+ */
+options {
+ CACHE_TOKENS = true;
+ DEBUG_PARSER = false;
+ STATIC = false;
+public class SemanticsParser {
+ " " | "\f" | "\r" | "\t"
+ <SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT: "#" (~["\n","\r"])* ("\n"|"\r"|"\r\n")? >
+ <NUMBER: <DECIMAL> (["l","L"])? | <HEX> (["l","L"])? | <OCTAL> (["l","L"])?> |
+ <#DECIMAL: ["1"-"9"] (["0"-"9"])*> |
+ <#HEX: "0" ["x","X"] (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])+> |
+ <#OCTAL: "0" (["0"-"7"])*>
+ <AUTOMATADIRECTIVE: "@automata"> |
+ <COLON: ":"> |
+ <COMMA: ","> |
+ <CONDITION: ":-"> |
+ <CONTAINS: "=~"> |
+ <DASH: "-"> |
+ <DEFAULTDIRECTIVE: "@default"> |
+ <DIFFERENT: "!="> |
+ <DOLLAR: "$"> |
+ <DOT: "."> |
+ <ELLIPSIS: "..."> |
+ <EQUALS: "="> |
+ <EXCLAMATION: "!"> |
+ <INCLUDEDIRECTIVE: "@include"> |
+ <LARGER: ">"> |
+ <LARGEREQUALS: ">="> |
+ <LEFTBRACE: "("> |
+ <LITERAL: "'" (~["'"] | "\\'")* "'"> |
+ <NL: "\n"> |
+ <PLUS: "+"> |
+ <PRODUCE: "+>"> |
+ <QUESTION: "?"> |
+ <QUOTE: "\""> |
+ <REPLACE: "->"> |
+ <RIGHTBRACE: ")"> |
+ <SEMICOLON: ";"> |
+ <SLASH: "/"> |
+ <SMALLER: "<"> |
+ <STEMMINGDIRECTIVE: "@stemming"> |
+ <SUPERDIRECTIVE: "@super"> |
+ ])+>
+/** Parses a search definition and returns the resulting object */
+RuleBase semanticRules(RuleBase rules,RuleImporter importer) :
+ ( LOOKAHEAD(2) <NL> |
+ directive(rules,importer) |
+ LOOKAHEAD(4) namedCondition(rules) |
+ productionRule(rules) ) *
+ { return rules; }
+// ---------------------------------- Directive ---------------------------------------
+RuleBase directive(RuleBase rules,RuleImporter importer) :
+ String name;
+ ( includeDirective(rules,importer) | defaultDirective(rules) | automataDirective(rules,importer) | stemmingDirective(rules) )
+ { return rules; }
+void includeDirective(RuleBase rules,RuleImporter importer) :
+ String name;
+ {
+ try {
+ importer.include(name,rules);
+ }
+ catch ( e) {
+ ParseException ep=new ParseException("Could not read included rule base '" +
+ name + "'");
+ ep.initCause(e);
+ throw ep;
+ }
+ }
+void automataDirective(RuleBase rules,RuleImporter importer) :
+ String name;
+ {
+ importer.setAutomata(rules,name);
+ }
+void defaultDirective(RuleBase rules) :
+ {
+ rules.setDefault(true);
+ }
+void stemmingDirective(RuleBase rules) :
+ String booleanString;
+ {
+ rules.setStemming(Boolean.parseBoolean(booleanString));
+ }
+// ---------------------------------- Production rules --------------------------------
+void productionRule(RuleBase rules) :
+ ProductionRule rule;
+ Condition condition;
+ ProductionList production=null;
+ condition=topLevelCondition() rule=productionRuleType() ( production=productionList() )? <SEMICOLON>
+ {
+ rule.setCondition(condition);
+ if (production!=null) rule.setProduction(production);
+ rules.addRule(rule);
+ }
+ProductionRule productionRuleType() :
+ ( <REPLACE> { return new ReplacingProductionRule(); } ) |
+ ( <PRODUCE> { return new AddingProductionRule(); } )
+ProductionList productionList() :
+ ProductionList productionList=new ProductionList();
+ Production production;
+ int weight=100;
+ ( production=production() (<EXCLAMATION> weight=number())?
+ {
+ production.setWeight(weight);
+ productionList.addProduction(production);
+ weight=100;
+ } (<NL>)*
+ ) +
+ { return productionList; }
+Production production() :
+ Production production;
+ ( LOOKAHEAD(2) production=namespaceProduction() | production=termProduction() )
+ { return production; }
+TermProduction termProduction() :
+ TermProduction termProduction;
+ TermType termType;
+ String label=null;
+ termType=termType()
+ ( LOOKAHEAD(2) label=label() )?
+ ( termProduction=nonphraseTermProduction() | termProduction=phraseProduction() )
+ {
+ termProduction.setLabel(label);
+ termProduction.setTermType(termType);
+ return termProduction;
+ }
+TermProduction nonphraseTermProduction() :
+ TermProduction termProduction;
+ ( termProduction=referenceTermProduction() |
+ termProduction=literalTermProduction() )
+ {
+ return termProduction;
+ }
+LiteralPhraseProduction phraseProduction() :
+ LiteralPhraseProduction phraseProduction=new LiteralPhraseProduction();
+ String term=null;
+ (
+ term=identifier()
+ { phraseProduction.addTerm(term); }
+ )+
+ { return phraseProduction; }
+NamespaceProduction namespaceProduction() :
+ String namespace;
+ String key;
+ String value=null;
+ namespace=identifier() <DOT> key=stringOrLiteral() <EQUALS> value=identifierOrLiteral()
+ { return new NamespaceProduction(namespace,key,value); }
+ReferenceTermProduction referenceTermProduction() :
+ String reference;
+ <LEFTSQUAREBRACKET> reference=referenceIdentifier() <RIGHTSQUAREBRACKET>
+ { return new ReferenceTermProduction(reference); }
+LiteralTermProduction literalTermProduction() :
+ String literal;
+ literal=identifier()
+ { return new LiteralTermProduction(literal); }
+TermType termType() :
+ <QUESTION> { return TermType.OR; } |
+ <DOLLAR> { return TermType.RANK; } |
+ <PLUS> { return TermType.AND; } |
+ <DASH> { return TermType.NOT; } |
+ { return TermType.DEFAULT; }
+String referenceIdentifier() :
+ String reference;
+ ( reference=identifier() { return reference; } )
+ |
+ ( <ELLIPSIS> { return "..."; } )
+// ---------------------------------- Conditions -------------------------------------
+void namedCondition(RuleBase rules) :
+ String conditionName;
+ Condition condition;
+ <LEFTSQUAREBRACKET> conditionName=identifier() <RIGHTSQUAREBRACKET> <CONDITION> condition=topLevelCondition() <SEMICOLON>
+ { rules.addCondition(new NamedCondition(conditionName,condition)); }
+Condition topLevelCondition() :
+ Condition condition;
+ boolean startAnchor=false;
+ boolean endAnchor=false;
+ ( <DOT> { startAnchor=true; } )?
+ (
+ LOOKAHEAD(3) condition=choiceCondition() |
+ LOOKAHEAD(3) condition=sequenceCondition()
+ )
+ ( LOOKAHEAD(2) <DOT> { endAnchor=true; } )?
+ {
+ condition.setAnchor(Condition.Anchor.create(startAnchor,endAnchor));
+ return condition;
+ }
+Condition condition() :
+ Condition condition;
+ (
+ ( LOOKAHEAD(3) condition=choiceCondition()
+ | condition=terminalCondition() )
+ {
+ return condition;
+ }
+ )
+Condition terminalOrSequenceCondition() :
+ Condition condition;
+ ( LOOKAHEAD(3) condition=sequenceCondition() |
+ condition=terminalCondition() )
+ { return condition; }
+Condition terminalCondition() :
+ Condition condition;
+ ( condition=notCondition() | condition=terminalOrComparisonCondition() )
+ { return condition; }
+Condition terminalOrComparisonCondition() :
+ Condition condition,rightCondition;
+ String comparison;
+ condition=reallyTerminalCondition()
+ ( comparison=comparison() ( LOOKAHEAD(2) rightCondition=nestedCondition() | rightCondition=reallyTerminalCondition() )
+// ( comparison=comparison() rightCondition=condition()
+ { condition=new ComparisonCondition(condition,comparison,rightCondition); }
+ ) ?
+ { return condition; }
+Condition reallyTerminalCondition() :
+ String label=null;
+ String context=null;
+ String nameSpace=null;
+ Condition condition=null;
+// This body looks like this to distinguish these two cases
+// namespace.condition
+// condition . (end anchor)
+ (
+ ( LOOKAHEAD(2) context=context() )?
+ ( nameSpace=nameSpace() )
+ ( LOOKAHEAD(2) label=label() )?
+ condition=terminalConditionBody()
+ )
+ |
+ (
+ ( LOOKAHEAD(2) context=context() )?
+ ( LOOKAHEAD(2) label=label() )?
+ condition=terminalConditionBody()
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ if (context!=null)
+ condition.setContextName(context);
+ condition.setLabel(label);
+ condition.setNameSpace(nameSpace);
+ return condition;
+ }
+Condition terminalConditionBody() :
+ Condition condition=null;
+ (
+ LOOKAHEAD(2) condition=conditionReference() |
+ condition=termCondition() |
+ condition=nestedCondition() |
+ condition=nonReferableEllipsisCondition() |
+ condition=referableEllipsisCondition() |
+ condition=superCondition() |
+ condition=literalCondition() |
+ condition=compositeItemCondition())
+ { return condition; }
+Condition notCondition() :
+ Condition condition;
+ <EXCLAMATION> condition=terminalOrComparisonCondition()
+ { return new NotCondition(condition); }
+ConditionReference conditionReference() :
+ String conditionName;
+ { return new ConditionReference(conditionName); }
+EllipsisCondition nonReferableEllipsisCondition() :
+ <ELLIPSIS> { return new EllipsisCondition(false); }
+EllipsisCondition referableEllipsisCondition() :
+ { return new EllipsisCondition(); }
+Condition nestedCondition() :
+ Condition condition;
+ <LEFTBRACE> condition=choiceCondition() <RIGHTBRACE>
+ { return condition; }
+Condition sequenceCondition() :
+ SequenceCondition sequenceCondition=new SequenceCondition();
+ Condition condition;
+ condition=terminalCondition()
+ { sequenceCondition.addCondition(condition); }
+ ( LOOKAHEAD(2) condition=terminalCondition()
+ { sequenceCondition.addCondition(condition); }
+ )*
+ {
+ if (sequenceCondition.conditionSize()==1)
+ return sequenceCondition.removeCondition(0);
+ else
+ return sequenceCondition;
+ }
+Condition choiceCondition() :
+ ChoiceCondition choiceCondition=new ChoiceCondition();
+ Condition condition;
+ condition=terminalOrSequenceCondition()
+ { choiceCondition.addCondition(condition); }
+ ( LOOKAHEAD(3) (<NL>)* <COMMA> (<NL>)* condition=terminalOrSequenceCondition()
+ { choiceCondition.addCondition(condition); }
+ ) *
+ {
+ if (choiceCondition.conditionSize()==1)
+ return choiceCondition.removeCondition(0);
+ else
+ return choiceCondition;
+ }
+TermCondition termCondition() :
+ String str;
+ ( str = identifier() )
+ { return new TermCondition(str); }
+SuperCondition superCondition() : { }
+ { return new SuperCondition(); }
+LiteralCondition literalCondition() :
+ String str;
+ ( str = literal() )
+ { return new LiteralCondition(str); }
+CompositeItemCondition compositeItemCondition() :
+ Condition condition;
+ CompositeItemCondition compositeItemCondition = new CompositeItemCondition();
+ ( <QUOTE> ( condition=terminalConditionBody() { compositeItemCondition.addCondition(condition); } ) <QUOTE> )
+ { return compositeItemCondition; }
+// ---------------------------------- Primitives -------------------------------------
+String context() :
+ String str;
+ ( str = identifier() <SLASH> )
+ { return str; }
+String label() :
+ String str;
+ ( str = identifier() <COLON> )
+ { return str; }
+String nameSpace() :
+ String str;
+ ( str = identifier() <DOT> )
+ { return str; }
+String identifier() : { }
+ { return token.image; }
+String stringOrLiteral() :
+ String str;
+ ( str = string() | str = literal() )
+ { return str; }
+String identifierOrLiteral() :
+ String str;
+ ( str = identifier() | str = literal() )
+ { return str; }
+String comparison() : { }
+ { return token.image; }
+String string() :
+ StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
+ ( ( <SLASH> | <IDENTIFIER> | <DOT> | <DASH> ) { str.append(token.image); } ) +
+ { return str.toString(); }
+String literal() : { }
+ ( <LITERAL> )
+ { return UnicodeUtilities.unquote(token.image); }
+int number() : { }
+ <NUMBER> { return Integer.decode(token.image); }