path: root/jrt_test/src
diff options
authorHarald Musum <>2018-10-19 12:07:23 +0200
committerGitHub <>2018-10-19 12:07:23 +0200
commit9d27c8df1f0e11f314b58d21d2369d7331c13748 (patch)
treecf37878a77318b7feb96f7cad961f6da3ed4b5bf /jrt_test/src
parent5ac10d9e9c036d0448ebd4e1ff9d3704a675b69e (diff)
Revert "Move classes in to security-utils"
Diffstat (limited to 'jrt_test/src')
2 files changed, 62 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/jrt_test/src/binref/ b/jrt_test/src/binref/
index 7c4c299b488..49a213c9719 100755
--- a/jrt_test/src/binref/
+++ b/jrt_test/src/binref/
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
diff --git a/jrt_test/src/java/build.xml b/jrt_test/src/java/build.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b6b141300a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jrt_test/src/java/build.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. -->
+<project basedir="." default="all" name="jrt-test">
+ <!-- Written to assume that classpath is rooted in the current directory. -->
+ <!-- So this should be OK if you make this script in the root of a filesystem. -->
+ <!-- If not, just change src.dir to be the root of your sources' package tree -->
+ <!-- and use e.g. View over a Filesystem to mount that subdirectory with all capabilities. -->
+ <!-- The idea is that both Ant and NetBeans have to know what the package root is -->
+ <!-- for the classes in your application. -->
+ <!-- Don't worry if you don't know the Ant syntax completely or need help on some tasks! -->
+ <!-- The standard Ant documentation can be downloaded from AutoUpdate and -->
+ <!-- and then you can access the Ant manual in the online help. -->
+ <property file="" />
+ <target name="init">
+ <property location="classes" name="classes.dir"/>
+ <property location="." name="src.dir"/>
+ <property location="doc/api" name="javadoc.dir"/>
+ <property name="" value="${}"/>
+ <property location="${}.jar" name="jar"/>
+ </target>
+ <target depends="init" name="compile">
+ <!-- Both srcdir and destdir should be package roots. -->
+ <mkdir dir="${classes.dir}"/>
+ <javac debug="true" deprecation="true" destdir="${classes.dir}" srcdir="${src.dir}">
+ <classpath>
+ <pathelement location="${JRT_DIR}/lib/jars/jrt.jar"/>
+ </classpath>
+ <!-- To add something to the classpath: -->
+ <!-- <classpath><pathelement location="${mylib}"/></classpath> -->
+ <!-- To exclude some files: -->
+ <!-- <exclude name="com/foo/"/><exclude name="com/foo/somepackage/"/> -->
+ </javac>
+ </target>
+ <target depends="init,compile" name="jar">
+ <!-- To make a standalone app, insert into <jar>: -->
+ <!-- <manifest><attribute name="Main-Class" value=""/></manifest> -->
+ <jar basedir="${classes.dir}" compress="true" jarfile="${jar}"/>
+ </target>
+ <target depends="init,jar" description="Build everything." name="all"/>
+ <target depends="init" description="Javadoc for my API." name="javadoc">
+ <mkdir dir="${javadoc.dir}"/>
+ <javadoc destdir="${javadoc.dir}" packagenames="*">
+ <sourcepath>
+ <pathelement location="${src.dir}"/>
+ </sourcepath>
+ </javadoc>
+ </target>
+ <target depends="init" description="Clean all build products." name="clean">
+ <delete dir="${classes.dir}"/>
+ <delete dir="${javadoc.dir}"/>
+ <delete file="${jar}"/>
+ </target>