path: root/metrics/src/tests/metricsettest.cpp
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authorJon Bratseth <>2016-06-15 23:09:44 +0200
committerJon Bratseth <>2016-06-15 23:09:44 +0200
commit72231250ed81e10d66bfe70701e64fa5fe50f712 (patch)
tree2728bba1131a6f6e5bdf95afec7d7ff9358dac50 /metrics/src/tests/metricsettest.cpp
Diffstat (limited to 'metrics/src/tests/metricsettest.cpp')
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/metrics/src/tests/metricsettest.cpp b/metrics/src/tests/metricsettest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9ce141feaf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics/src/tests/metricsettest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+#include <vespa/fastos/fastos.h>
+#include <vespa/vdstestlib/cppunit/macros.h>
+#include <vespa/vespalib/objects/floatingpointtype.h>
+#include <vespa/metrics/metrics.h>
+namespace metrics {
+struct MetricSetTest : public CppUnit::TestFixture {
+ void testNormalUsage();
+ void supportMultipleMetricsWithSameNameDifferentDimensions();
+ void uniqueTargetMetricsAreAddedToMetricSet();
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testNormalUsage);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(supportMultipleMetricsWithSameNameDifferentDimensions);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(uniqueTargetMetricsAreAddedToMetricSet);
+namespace {
+ struct TestMetricVisitor : public MetricVisitor {
+ std::ostringstream ost;
+ uint32_t setsToVisit;
+ TestMetricVisitor(uint32_t setsToVisit_ = 100)
+ : ost(), setsToVisit(setsToVisit_) {}
+ virtual bool visitMetricSet(const MetricSet& set, bool autoGenerated) {
+ ost << "[" << (autoGenerated ? "*" : "") << set.getName() << "]\n";
+ if (setsToVisit > 0) {
+ --setsToVisit;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ virtual bool visitMetric(const Metric& m, bool autoGenerated) {
+ ost << (autoGenerated ? "*" : "") << m.getName() << "\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ // Set up some metrics to test..
+ MetricSet set("a", "foo", "");
+ DoubleValueMetric v1("c", "foo", "", &set);
+ LongAverageMetric v2("b", "", "", &set);
+ LongCountMetric v3("d", "bar", "", &set);
+ MetricSet set2("e", "bar", "", &set);
+ LongCountMetric v4("f", "foo", "", &set2);
+ // Give them some values
+ v1.addValue(4.2);
+ v2.addValue(8);
+ // Check that we can register through registerMetric function too.
+ LongCountMetric v5("g", "", "");
+ set.registerMetric(v5);
+ v5.dec();
+ // Check that getMetric works, and doesn't return copy.
+ LongAverageMetric* v2copy(
+ dynamic_cast<LongAverageMetric*>(set.getMetric("b")));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(v2copy != 0);
+ v2copy->addValue(9);
+ Metric* nonExistingCopy = set.getMetric("nonexisting");
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(nonExistingCopy == 0);
+ nonExistingCopy = set.getMetric("non.existing");
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(nonExistingCopy == 0);
+ // Check that paths are set
+ MetricSet topSet("top", "", "");
+ topSet.registerMetric(set);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(vespalib::string("a"), set.getPath());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(vespalib::string("a.c"), v1.getPath());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(vespalib::string("a.b"), v2.getPath());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(vespalib::string("a.d"), v3.getPath());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(vespalib::string("a.e"), set2.getPath());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(vespalib::string("a.e.f"), v4.getPath());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(vespalib::string("a.g"), v5.getPath());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(vespalib::string("a.b"), v2copy->getPath());
+ // Verify XML output. Should be in register order.
+ std::string expected("'\n"
+ "a:\n"
+ " c average=4.2 last=4.2 min=4.2 max=4.2 count=1 total=4.2\n"
+ " b average=8.5 last=9 min=8 max=9 count=2 total=17\n"
+ " d count=1\n"
+ " e:\n"
+ " f count=3\n"
+ " g count=2'"
+ );
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, "'\n" + set.toString() + "'");
+ // Verify that visiting works. That you get all metrics if you answer
+ // true to all sets, and that you don't get members of sets you answer
+ // false to get.
+ {
+ TestMetricVisitor visitor(2);
+ set.visit(visitor);
+ expected = "[a]\nc\nb\nd\n[e]\nf\ng\n";
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL("\n" + expected, "\n" + visitor.ost.str());
+ }
+ {
+ TestMetricVisitor visitor(1);
+ set.visit(visitor);
+ expected = "[a]\nc\nb\nd\n[e]\ng\n";
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL("\n" + expected, "\n" + visitor.ost.str());
+ }
+ {
+ TestMetricVisitor visitor(0);
+ set.visit(visitor);
+ expected = "[a]\n";
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL("\n" + expected, "\n" + visitor.ost.str());
+ }
+ MetricSet set("dimset", {{"foo", "bar"}}, "");
+ DoubleValueMetric v1("stuff", {{"baz", "blarg"}}, "", &set);
+ LongAverageMetric v2("stuff", {{"flarn", "yarn"}}, "", &set);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(size_t(2), set.getRegisteredMetrics().size());
+ MetricSet set1("a", "foo", "");
+ LongCountMetric v1("wow", "foo", "", &set1);
+ MetricSet set2("e", "bar", "");
+ LongCountMetric v2("doge", "foo", "", &set2);
+ // Have to actually assign a value to metrics or they won't be carried over.
+ // 'doge' metric in set2 must be preserved even though it does not exist
+ // in set1.
+ std::vector<Metric::LP> ownerList;
+ set1.addToSnapshot(set2, ownerList);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(set2.getMetric("wow") != nullptr);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(set2.getMetric("doge") != nullptr);
+} // metrics