path: root/node-admin
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authorValerij Fredriksen <>2018-10-18 09:40:11 +0200
committerValerij Fredriksen <>2018-10-18 09:40:11 +0200
commitdaa04a8676d394a649434473abd62e583dcfe691 (patch)
treedd9f0683852983ef20e699d057f0ff226b2eee7c /node-admin
parentb3a08d788b28ac4febdd26596f8d628397dabc2d (diff)
Remove FilebeatConfigProvider
Diffstat (limited to 'node-admin')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 352 deletions
diff --git a/node-admin/src/main/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/node/admin/logging/ b/node-admin/src/main/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/node/admin/logging/
deleted file mode 100644
index ce751548f75..00000000000
--- a/node-admin/src/main/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/node/admin/logging/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
-import java.util.Optional;
- * @author mortent
- */
-public class FilebeatConfigProvider {
- private static final String TENANT_FIELD = "%%TENANT%%";
- private static final String APPLICATION_FIELD = "%%APPLICATION%%";
- private static final String INSTANCE_FIELD = "%%INSTANCE%%";
- private static final String ENVIRONMENT_FIELD = "%%ENVIRONMENT%%";
- private static final String REGION_FIELD = "%%REGION%%";
- private static final String FILEBEAT_SPOOL_SIZE_FIELD = "%%FILEBEAT_SPOOL_SIZE%%";
- private static final String LOGSTASH_HOSTS_FIELD = "%%LOGSTASH_HOSTS%%";
- private static final String LOGSTASH_WORKERS_FIELD = "%%LOGSTASH_WORKERS%%";
- private static final String LOGSTASH_BULK_MAX_SIZE_FIELD = "%%LOGSTASH_BULK_MAX_SIZE%%";
- private static final int logstashWorkers = 3;
- private static final int logstashBulkMaxSize = 2048;
- private final Environment environment;
- public FilebeatConfigProvider(Environment environment) {
- this.environment = environment;
- }
- public Optional<String> getConfig(NodeAgentContext context, NodeSpec node) {
- if (environment.getLogstashNodes().size() == 0 || !node.getOwner().isPresent()) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- NodeSpec.Owner owner = node.getOwner().get();
- int spoolSize = environment.getLogstashNodes().size() * logstashWorkers * logstashBulkMaxSize;
- String logstashNodeString = environment.getLogstashNodes().stream()
- .map(this::addQuotes)
- .collect(Collectors.joining(","));
- return Optional.of(getTemplate(context)
- .replaceAll(ENVIRONMENT_FIELD, environment.getEnvironment())
- .replaceAll(REGION_FIELD, environment.getRegion())
- .replaceAll(FILEBEAT_SPOOL_SIZE_FIELD, Integer.toString(spoolSize))
- .replaceAll(LOGSTASH_HOSTS_FIELD, logstashNodeString)
- .replaceAll(LOGSTASH_WORKERS_FIELD, Integer.toString(logstashWorkers))
- .replaceAll(LOGSTASH_BULK_MAX_SIZE_FIELD, Integer.toString(logstashBulkMaxSize))
- .replaceAll(TENANT_FIELD, owner.getTenant())
- .replaceAll(APPLICATION_FIELD, owner.getApplication())
- .replaceAll(INSTANCE_FIELD, owner.getInstance()));
- }
- private String addQuotes(String logstashNode) {
- return logstashNode.startsWith("\"")
- ? logstashNode
- : String.format("\"%s\"", logstashNode);
- }
- private String getTemplate(NodeAgentContext context) {
- return "################### Filebeat Configuration Example #########################\n" +
- "\n" +
- "############################# Filebeat ######################################\n" +
- "filebeat:\n" +
- " # List of prospectors to fetch data.\n" +
- " prospectors:\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # vespa\n" +
- " - paths:\n" +
- " - " + context.pathInNodeUnderVespaHome("logs/vespa/vespa.log") + "\n" +
- " exclude_files: [\".gz$\"]\n" +
- " document_type: vespa\n" +
- " fields:\n" +
- " HV-tenant: %%TENANT%%\n" +
- " HV-application: %%APPLICATION%%\n" +
- " HV-instance: %%INSTANCE%%\n" +
- " HV-region: %%REGION%%\n" +
- " HV-environment: %%ENVIRONMENT%%\n" +
- " index_source: \"hosted-instance_%%TENANT%%_%%APPLICATION%%_%%REGION%%_%%ENVIRONMENT%%_%%INSTANCE%%\"\n" +
- " fields_under_root: true\n" +
- " close_older: 20m\n" +
- " force_close_files: true\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # vespa qrs\n" +
- " - paths:\n" +
- " - " + context.pathInNodeUnderVespaHome("logs/vespa/qrs/QueryAccessLog.*.*") + "\n" +
- " exclude_files: [\".gz$\"]\n" +
- " exclude_lines: [\"reserved-for-internal-use/feedapi\"]\n" +
- " document_type: vespa-qrs\n" +
- " fields:\n" +
- " HV-tenant: %%TENANT%%\n" +
- " HV-application: %%APPLICATION%%\n" +
- " HV-instance: %%INSTANCE%%\n" +
- " HV-region: %%REGION%%\n" +
- " HV-environment: %%ENVIRONMENT%%\n" +
- " index_source: \"hosted-instance_%%TENANT%%_%%APPLICATION%%_%%REGION%%_%%ENVIRONMENT%%_%%INSTANCE%%\"\n" +
- " fields_under_root: true\n" +
- " close_older: 20m\n" +
- " force_close_files: true\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # General filebeat configuration options\n" +
- " #\n" +
- " # Event count spool threshold - forces network flush if exceeded\n" +
- " spool_size: %%FILEBEAT_SPOOL_SIZE%%\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # Defines how often the spooler is flushed. After idle_timeout the spooler is\n" +
- " # Flush even though spool_size is not reached.\n" +
- " #idle_timeout: 5s\n" +
- " publish_async: false\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # Name of the registry file. Per default it is put in the current working\n" +
- " # directory. In case the working directory is changed after when running\n" +
- " # filebeat again, indexing starts from the beginning again.\n" +
- " registry_file: /var/lib/filebeat/registry\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # Full Path to directory with additional prospector configuration files. Each file must end with .yml\n" +
- " # These config files must have the full filebeat config part inside, but only\n" +
- " # the prospector part is processed. All global options like spool_size are ignored.\n" +
- " # The config_dir MUST point to a different directory then where the main filebeat config file is in.\n" +
- " #config_dir:\n" +
- "\n" +
- "###############################################################################\n" +
- "############################# Libbeat Config ##################################\n" +
- "# Base config file used by all other beats for using libbeat features\n" +
- "\n" +
- "############################# Output ##########################################\n" +
- "\n" +
- "# Configure what outputs to use when sending the data collected by the beat.\n" +
- "# Multiple outputs may be used.\n" +
- "output:\n" +
- "\n" +
- " ### Logstash as output\n" +
- " logstash:\n" +
- " # The Logstash hosts\n" +
- " hosts: [%%LOGSTASH_HOSTS%%]\n" +
- "\n" +
- " timeout: 15\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # Number of workers per Logstash host.\n" +
- " worker: %%LOGSTASH_WORKERS%%\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # Set gzip compression level.\n" +
- " compression_level: 3\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # Optional load balance the events between the Logstash hosts\n" +
- " loadbalance: true\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # Optional index name. The default index name depends on the each beat.\n" +
- " # For Packetbeat, the default is set to packetbeat, for Topbeat\n" +
- " # top topbeat and for Filebeat to filebeat.\n" +
- " #index: filebeat\n" +
- "\n" +
- " bulk_max_size: %%LOGSTASH_BULK_MAX_SIZE%%\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # Optional TLS. By default is off.\n" +
- " #tls:\n" +
- " # List of root certificates for HTTPS server verifications\n" +
- " #certificate_authorities: [\"/etc/pki/root/ca.pem\"]\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # Certificate for TLS client authentication\n" +
- " #certificate: \"/etc/pki/client/cert.pem\"\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # Client Certificate Key\n" +
- " #certificate_key: \"/etc/pki/client/cert.key\"\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # Controls whether the client verifies server certificates and host name.\n" +
- " # If insecure is set to true, all server host names and certificates will be\n" +
- " # accepted. In this mode TLS based connections are susceptible to\n" +
- " # man-in-the-middle attacks. Use only for testing.\n" +
- " #insecure: true\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # Configure cipher suites to be used for TLS connections\n" +
- " #cipher_suites: []\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # Configure curve types for ECDHE based cipher suites\n" +
- " #curve_types: []\n" +
- "\n" +
- "############################# Shipper #########################################\n" +
- "\n" +
- "shipper:\n" +
- "\n" +
- "############################# Logging #########################################\n" +
- "\n" +
- "# There are three options for the log ouput: syslog, file, stderr.\n" +
- "# Under Windos systems, the log files are per default sent to the file output,\n" +
- "# under all other system per default to syslog.\n" +
- "logging:\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # Send all logging output to syslog. On Windows default is false, otherwise\n" +
- " # default is true.\n" +
- " to_syslog: false\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # Write all logging output to files. Beats automatically rotate files if rotateeverybytes\n" +
- " # limit is reached.\n" +
- " to_files: true\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # To enable logging to files, to_files option has to be set to true\n" +
- " files:\n" +
- " # The directory where the log files will written to.\n" +
- " path: " + context.pathInNodeUnderVespaHome("logs/filebeat") + "\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # The name of the files where the logs are written to.\n" +
- " name: filebeat\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # Configure log file size limit. If limit is reached, log file will be\n" +
- " # automatically rotated\n" +
- " rotateeverybytes: 10485760 # = 10MB\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # Number of rotated log files to keep. Oldest files will be deleted first.\n" +
- " keepfiles: 7\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # Enable debug output for selected components. To enable all selectors use [\"*\"]\n" +
- " # Other available selectors are beat, publish, service\n" +
- " # Multiple selectors can be chained.\n" +
- " #selectors: [ ]\n" +
- "\n" +
- " # Sets log level. The default log level is error.\n" +
- " # Available log levels are: critical, error, warning, info, debug\n" +
- " level: warning\n";
- }
diff --git a/node-admin/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/node/admin/logging/ b/node-admin/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/node/admin/logging/
deleted file mode 100644
index d4fadabe695..00000000000
--- a/node-admin/src/test/java/com/yahoo/vespa/hosted/node/admin/logging/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
-import org.junit.Test;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Optional;
-import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString;
-import static org.hamcrest.core.IsNot.not;
-import static org.junit.Assert.*;
- * @author mortent
- */
-public class FilebeatConfigProviderTest {
- private static final String tenant = "vespa";
- private static final String application = "music";
- private static final String instance = "default";
- private static final String environment = "prod";
- private static final String region = "us-north-1";
- private static final String system = "main";
- private static final List<String> logstashNodes = ImmutableList.of("logstash1", "logstash2");
- private final NodeAgentContext context = new NodeAgentContextImpl.Builder("node-123.hostname.tld").build();
- @Test
- public void it_replaces_all_fields_correctly() {
- FilebeatConfigProvider filebeatConfigProvider = new FilebeatConfigProvider(getEnvironment(logstashNodes));
- Optional<String> config = filebeatConfigProvider.getConfig(context, createNodeRepositoryNode(tenant, application, instance));
- assertTrue(config.isPresent());
- String configString = config.get();
- assertThat(configString, not(containsString("%%")));
- }
- @Test
- public void it_does_not_generate_config_when_no_logstash_nodes() {
- Environment env = getEnvironment(Collections.emptyList());
- FilebeatConfigProvider filebeatConfigProvider = new FilebeatConfigProvider(env);
- Optional<String> config = filebeatConfigProvider.getConfig(context, createNodeRepositoryNode(tenant, application, instance));
- assertFalse(config.isPresent());
- }
- @Test
- public void it_does_not_generate_config_for_nodes_wihout_owner() {
- FilebeatConfigProvider filebeatConfigProvider = new FilebeatConfigProvider(getEnvironment(logstashNodes));
- NodeSpec node = new NodeSpec.Builder()
- .flavor("flavor")
- .state(
- .nodeType(NodeType.tenant)
- .hostname("hostname")
- .minCpuCores(1)
- .minMainMemoryAvailableGb(1)
- .minDiskAvailableGb(1)
- .build();
- Optional<String> config = filebeatConfigProvider.getConfig(context, node);
- assertFalse(config.isPresent());
- }
- @Test
- public void it_generates_correct_index_source() {
- assertThat(getConfigString(), containsString("index_source: \"hosted-instance_vespa_music_us-north-1_prod_default\""));
- }
- @Test
- public void it_sets_logstash_nodes_properly() {
- assertThat(getConfigString(), containsString("hosts: [\"logstash1\",\"logstash2\"]"));
- }
- @Test
- public void it_does_not_add_double_quotes() {
- Environment environment = getEnvironment(ImmutableList.of("unquoted", "\"quoted\""));
- FilebeatConfigProvider filebeatConfigProvider = new FilebeatConfigProvider(environment);
- Optional<String> config = filebeatConfigProvider.getConfig(context, createNodeRepositoryNode(tenant, application, instance));
- assertThat(config.get(), containsString("hosts: [\"unquoted\",\"quoted\"]"));
- }
- @Test
- public void it_generates_correct_spool_size() {
- // 2 nodes, 3 workers, 2048 buffer size -> 12288
- assertThat(getConfigString(), containsString("spool_size: 12288"));
- }
- private String getConfigString() {
- FilebeatConfigProvider filebeatConfigProvider = new FilebeatConfigProvider(getEnvironment(logstashNodes));
- NodeSpec node = createNodeRepositoryNode(tenant, application, instance);
- return filebeatConfigProvider.getConfig(context, node).orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("Failed to get filebeat config"));
- }
- private Environment getEnvironment(List<String> logstashNodes) {
- return new Environment.Builder()
- .configServerConfig(new ConfigServerConfig(new ConfigServerConfig.Builder()))
- .environment(environment)
- .region(region)
- .system(system)
- .logstashNodes(logstashNodes)
- .cloud("mycloud")
- .dockerNetworking(DockerNetworking.HOST_NETWORK)
- .build();
- }
- private NodeSpec createNodeRepositoryNode(String tenant, String application, String instance) {
- NodeSpec.Owner owner = new NodeSpec.Owner(tenant, application, instance);
- return new NodeSpec.Builder()
- .owner(owner)
- .flavor("flavor")
- .state(
- .nodeType(NodeType.tenant)
- .hostname("hostname")
- .minCpuCores(1)
- .minMainMemoryAvailableGb(1)
- .minDiskAvailableGb(1)
- .build();
- }