path: root/screwdriver.yaml
diff options
authorArnstein Ressem <aressem@yahooinc.com>2023-02-27 16:44:22 +0100
committerArnstein Ressem <aressem@yahooinc.com>2023-03-06 17:27:05 +0100
commit20641097dfea3ff122e5c15ca7a9bfd7ebbe82a5 (patch)
tree18ee20587aa105686cd383eed4f2fb0f1ba8568f /screwdriver.yaml
parentf39d2844563d3e28ef2471cb0c6ee81ae310185f (diff)
Add job to publish generic Intel based container image
Diffstat (limited to 'screwdriver.yaml')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/screwdriver.yaml b/screwdriver.yaml
index 9d423cacfe7..729847f7b5e 100644
--- a/screwdriver.yaml
+++ b/screwdriver.yaml
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ jobs:
VESPA_REF=$(meta get vespa.ref)
if [[ $VESPA_VERSION == null ]] || [[ $VESPA_REF == null ]]; then
echo "Must have valid Vespa version and reference to continue (got VESPA_VERSION=$VESPA_VERSION, VESPA_REF=$VESPA_REF)."
- exit 1
+ return 1
meta set vespa.version $VESPA_VERSION
- install-dependencies: |
@@ -236,6 +236,95 @@ jobs:
- update-sample-apps: |
screwdriver/update-vespa-version-in-sample-apps.sh $VESPA_VERSION
+ publish-legacy-release:
+ image: docker.io/vespaengine/vespa-build-centos-stream8:latest
+ annotations:
+ screwdriver.cd/cpu: 7
+ screwdriver.cd/ram: 16
+ screwdriver.cd/disk: HIGH
+ screwdriver.cd/timeout: 300
+ screwdriver.cd/dockerEnabled: true
+ screwdriver.cd/dockerCpu: TURBO
+ screwdriver.cd/dockerRam: HIGH
+ screwdriver.cd/buildPeriodically: H 6 1 * *
+ environment:
+ IMAGE_NAME: "vespaengine/vespa-generic-intel-x86_64"
+ secrets:
+ steps:
+ - get-vespa-version: |
+ set -x
+ VESPA_VERSION=$(meta get vespa.version --external sd@8683:publish-release)
+ if [[ $VESPA_VERSION == null ]] || [[ $VESPA_REF == null ]]; then
+ echo "Must have valid Vespa version to continue (got VESPA_VERSION=$VESPA_VERSION)."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ - install-dependencies: |
+ dnf config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo
+ dnf install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io
+ docker system info
+ - checkout: |
+ mkdir -p workdir
+ cd workdir
+ export WORKDIR=$(pwd)
+ git clone -q https://github.com/vespa-engine/vespa
+ (cd vespa && git checkout v$VESPA_VERSION)
+ git clone -q https://github.com/vespa-engine/system-test
+ # Set correct version in pom.xml files
+ (cd vespa && screwdriver/replace-vespa-version-in-poms.sh $VESPA_VERSION $(pwd) )
+ - build-rpms: |
+ make -C $WORKDIR/vespa -f .copr/Makefile srpm outdir=$WORKDIR
+ rpmbuild --rebuild \
+ --define="_topdir $WORKDIR/vespa-rpmbuild" \
+ --define "debug_package %{nil}" \
+ --define "_debugsource_template %{nil}" \
+ --define '_cmake_extra_opts "-DDEFAULT_VESPA_CPU_ARCH_FLAGS=-msse3 -mcx16 -mtune=intel"' \
+ *.src.rpm
+ rm -f *.src.rpm
+ mv $WORKDIR/vespa-rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/*.rpm .
+ - build-container-image: |
+ cat <<EOF > Dockerfile
+ FROM docker.io/vespaengine/vespa:\$VESPA_VERSION
+ USER root
+ RUN --mount=type=bind,target=/rpms/,source=. dnf reinstall -y /rpms/vespa*rpm && dnf clean all
+ USER vespa
+ docker build --progress plain --build-arg VESPA_VERSION=$VESPA_VERSION --tag docker.io/$IMAGE_NAME:$VESPA_VERSION \
+ --tag docker.io/$IMAGE_NAME:latest --file Dockerfile .
+ - verify-container-image: |
+ # Trick to be able to use the documentation testing to verify the image built locally
+ docker tag docker.io/$IMAGE_NAME:$VESPA_VERSION vespaengine/vespa:latest
+ # Clone and setup doc tests
+ git clone -q --depth 1 https://github.com/vespa-engine/documentation
+ cd documentation
+ python3 -m pip install -qqq -r test/requirements.txt --user
+ echo -e "urls:\n - en/vespa-quick-start.html" > test/_quick-start.yaml
+ # Get the required vespa CLI
+ VESPA_CLI_VERSION=$(curl -fsSL https://api.github.com/repos/vespa-engine/vespa/releases/latest | grep -Po '"tag_name": "v\K.*?(?=")') && \
+ curl -fsSL https://github.com/vespa-engine/vespa/releases/download/v${VESPA_CLI_VERSION}/vespa-cli_${VESPA_CLI_VERSION}_linux_amd64.tar.gz | tar -zxf - -C /opt && \
+ ln -sf /opt/vespa-cli_${VESPA_CLI_VERSION}_linux_amd64/bin/vespa /usr/local/bin/
+ # Run test
+ test/test.py -c test/_quick-start.yaml
+ - publish-test-image: |
+ if [[ -z $SD_PULL_REQUEST ]]; then
+ if curl -fsSL https://index.docker.io/v1/repositories/$IMAGE_NAME/tags/$VESPA_VERSION &> /dev/null; then
+ echo "Container image docker.io/$IMAGE_NAME:$VESPA_VERSION aldready exists."
+ else
+ OPT_STATE="$(set +o)"
+ set +x
+ docker login --username aressem --password "$DOCKER_HUB_DEPLOY_KEY"
+ eval "$OPT_STATE"
+ docker push docker.io/$IMAGE_NAME:$VESPA_VERSION
+ docker push docker.io/$IMAGE_NAME:latest
+ fi
+ fi
image: homebrew/brew:latest