path: root/searchcore/src
diff options
authorHenning Baldersheim <>2019-10-31 17:29:11 +0000
committerHenning Baldersheim <>2019-11-16 20:54:08 +0000
commitc11bd88ab54edd6e2c370ed7e82094707de19726 (patch)
treec18fae6b73be3dafd32cc7480cdd6b6aef0dab9c /searchcore/src
parentb24dd074584ad83a547a81b95e19d49261d7b849 (diff)
Now fdispatch reliques can go
Diffstat (limited to 'searchcore/src')
5 files changed, 12 insertions, 320 deletions
diff --git a/searchcore/src/vespa/searchcore/config/CMakeLists.txt b/searchcore/src/vespa/searchcore/config/CMakeLists.txt
index 3d62309161c..e31300e51c8 100644
--- a/searchcore/src/vespa/searchcore/config/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/searchcore/src/vespa/searchcore/config/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -3,10 +3,6 @@ vespa_add_library(searchcore_fconfig STATIC
-vespa_generate_config(searchcore_fconfig partitions.def)
-vespa_generate_config(searchcore_fconfig fdispatchrc.def)
vespa_generate_config(searchcore_fconfig proton.def)
vespa_generate_config(searchcore_fconfig ranking-constants.def)
diff --git a/searchcore/src/vespa/searchcore/config/fdispatchrc.def b/searchcore/src/vespa/searchcore/config/fdispatchrc.def
deleted file mode 100644
index f9464815f6a..00000000000
--- a/searchcore/src/vespa/searchcore/config/fdispatchrc.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
-## Default bias used when calculating docsum slowness limit. The
-## formula used is: factor * Average Docsum Time + bias. If a node
-## uses more time than this limit, it is considered slow. This config
-## value may be overridden per dataset by using the slowdocsumlimitbias
-## keyword in the partitions file.
-defaultslowdocsumlimitbias double default=1.0 restart
-## Default factor used when calculating docsum slowness limit. The
-## formula used is: factor * Average Docsum Time + bias. If a node
-## uses more time than this limit, it is considered slow. This config
-## value may be overridden per dataset by using the slowdocsumlimitfactor
-## keyword in the partitions file.
-defaultslowdocsumlimitfactor double default=2.0 restart
-## Default bias used when calculating query slowness limit. The
-## formula used is: factor * Average Search Time + bias. If a node
-## uses more time than this limit, it is considered slow. This config
-## value may be overridden per dataset by using the slowquerylimitbias
-## keyword in the partitions file.
-defaultslowquerylimitbias double default=1.0 restart
-## Default factor used when calculating query slowness limit. The
-## formula used is: factor * Average Search Time + bias. If a node
-## uses more time than this limit, it is considered slow. This config
-## value may be overridden per dataset by using the slowquerylimitfactor
-## keyword in the partitions file.
-defaultslowquerylimitfactor double default=2.0 restart
-## The port where FNET Remote Tools RPC service should be made available.
-## If 0, fdispatch will not offer RPC service.
-frtport int default=0 restart
-## Port for health reporting
-healthport int default=0 restart
-## The maximum time between successful reads on a socket before timeout.
-maxsocksilent double default=5.0 restart
-## The maximum number of threads used. 0 means no limit.
-maxthreads int default=150 restart
-## The number of transport threads used when talking to search nodes.
-transportthreads int default=1 restart
-## specifies the partition we provide upwards in a multi-level dispatch system.
-partition int default=0 restart
-## specifies the port number for the persistent internal transport
-## protocol provided for a multi-level dispatch system. If this value
-## is 0, MLD service is not provided, and this process cannot be used
-## by other fdispatch processes.
-ptport int default=0 restart
-## The name of the upwards transport to be used. If empty, use
-## the default transport.
-## This config setting is unused and should be removed.
-transport string default=""
-## If present, the TCP_NODELAY option is set on the persistent
-## transport connections. This causes non-full packets to be sent even
-## though previously sent data has not yet been acknowledged (e.g. due
-## to the delayed ack feature present on various tcp stacks).
-transportnodelay bool default=true restart
-## Minimum size of packets to compress (0 means no compression)
-packetcompresslimit int default = 1024 restart
-## Compression level for packets
-## Default value is 3
-packetcompresslevel int default = 3 restart
-## Compression type for packets
-## Default is LZ4
-packetcompresstype enum {NONE, LZ4} default=LZ4 restart
-## Specifies at which level this dispatcher is in a multi-level dispatch system.
-## The top-level dispatcher is at level 0.
-dispatchlevel int default=0 restart
diff --git a/searchcore/src/vespa/searchcore/config/partitions.def b/searchcore/src/vespa/searchcore/config/partitions.def
deleted file mode 100644
index b9c3aabb37e..00000000000
--- a/searchcore/src/vespa/searchcore/config/partitions.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
-## each dataset must be identified by a unique id, preferably a small integer.
-## note that the array index in the dataset[] array is never significant.
-dataset[].id int
-## Define the cost of using a dataset. fdispatch will try to
-## spread queries not specifying dataset over all datasets having a
-## nonzero refcost to minimize the maximum active refcost.
-dataset[].refcost int default=0
-## Number of searchable copies on each node.
-## Searchable copies - nodes down < 1 will trigger an estimate of coverage.
-dataset[].searchablecopies long default=1
-## Defines the number of bits used to encode the partition number
-## internally on a dispatch node. The value must be in the range [1,8].
-## The default value is 6, allowing the numparts parameter to be up to 63.
-dataset[].partbits int default=8
-## Defines the number of bits used to encode the row number internally
-## on a dispatch node. A nonzero value is needed to allow slightly
-## different engines to be on the same partition.
-dataset[].rowbits int default=0
-## Defines the number of partitions below this fdispatch process.
-## The fsearch and fdispatch processes contacted must provide a partition
-## number in the range [ firstpart, firstpart + partitions - 1 ]
-## The legal range for numparts is limited by the partbits parameter.
-## For PLAIN datasets numparts must be positive.
-dataset[].numparts int default=0
-## Defines the lowest partition number accepted by this fdispatch
-## process.
-dataset[].firstpart int default=0
-## Minimum number of partitions available for the dataset to be
-## considered up. If any dataset is considered down then the HTTP
-## interface on fdispatch is temporarily closed. A dispatch node below
-## can represent multiple partitions, e.g. a dispatch node having 5
-## dispatch nodes below that each has 20 search nodes below can have
-## 100 partitions. Setting minpartitions to 95 will then mean that at
-## most 5 search nodes can be down before the top level dispatch node
-## takes down it's HTTP interface.
-dataset[].minpartitions int default=0
-## Minimum number of good engines in a partition before the partition is
-## used for queries.
-dataset[].mpp int default=1
-## Maximum number of nodes that can be down in a row while still using this row
-## for queries when using the FIXEDROW query distribution.
-dataset[].maxnodesdownperfixedrow int default=0
-## Use simple roundrobin or adaptive based on latency.
-dataset[].useroundrobinforfixedrow bool default=true
-## specifies where a fdispatch or fsearch process can be contacted.
-## must be in the format hostname:port/id where /id is optional.
-## Normally you have at least as many engine array members as
-## the number of partitions specified. To reduce the impact of
-## packet loss, multiple instances of the same host and port but
-## with different ids can be used.
-dataset[].engine[].name_and_port string
-## If a non-negative partition number is specified then the engine
-## is hardwired to that partition number and considered to be down if
-## the monitoring partition ID doesn't match (but see overridepartids).
-dataset[].engine[].partid int default=0
-## If rowbits is nonzero you can specify a rowid for each engine.
-## Then engines with different rowid and the same partition number
-## don't need to be completely identical. If the rowid can't be
-## encoded within the number of rowbits then the behaviour is undefined.
-dataset[].engine[].rowid int default=0
-## If the engine is a dispatch node, the subdatasetid specifies
-## which of the engine's datasets should be used.
-dataset[].engine[].subdatasetid int default=0
-## The refcost is used for load balancing between different engines
-## in the same partition (column) in the same manner as the refcost
-## parameter for datasets. A refcost of 0 means that the engine won't
-## be selected as part of load balancing.
-dataset[].engine[].refcost int default=1
-## When set to true, overrides of the partition id reported by the node.
-## This only affects the engine if the partid is specified.
-dataset[].engine[].overridepartids bool default=true
-## Maximum number of hits that will be requested from a single node
-## in this dataset. If not set, there is no limit. Using this option
-## may help reduce network traffic when searching in datasets with big
-## fan-out, but it will also result in incorrect and incomplete results;
-## don't use it if you don't (really) mean it.
-dataset[].maxhitspernode int default=2147483647
-## When using this dataset as an estimation dataset
-## only use estparts number of partitions instead of the full numparts.
-## The partitions are randomly chosen and the estimate multiplied with
-## numparts/estparts. If estparts=0 the entire dataset is used.
-dataset[].estparts int default=0
-## When using this dataset as an estimation dataset only consider
-## the partitions with partition number below estpartcutoff.
-## estpartcutoff=0 means no cutoff. Avoid using this parameter.
-dataset[].estpartcutoff int default=0
-## Minimum active requests before considering estimates.
-dataset[].minactive int default=500
-## Maximum active requests before queueing.
-dataset[].maxactive int default=500
-## Maximum active requests before cutoff.
-dataset[].cutoffactive int default=1000
-## Minimum estimated active requests before queueing.
-dataset[].minestactive int default=500
-## Maximum estimated active requests before early drop.
-dataset[].maxestactive int default=1000
-## Maximum estimated active requests (100% early drop).
-dataset[].cutoffestactive int default=1000
-## Maximum query queue drain rate.
-dataset[].queuedrainrate double default=400
-## Maximum queued queries drained at once.
-dataset[].queuedrainmax double default=40
-## Factor used when calculating query slowness limit. The formula
-## used is: factor * Average Search Time + bias. If a node uses more
-## time than this limit, it is considered slow. The default value is
-## defined by the defaultslowquerylimitfactor config value in the
-## fdispatchrc config.
-dataset[].slowquerylimitfactor double default=0.0
-## Bias used when calculating query slowness limit.
-dataset[].slowquerylimitbias double default=100.0
-## Factor used when calculating docsum slowness limit. The formula
-## used is: factor * Average Docsum Time + bias. If a node uses more
-## time than this limit, it is considered slow. The default value is
-## defined by the defaultslowdocsumlimitfactor config value in the
-## fdispatchrc config.
-dataset[].slowdocsumlimitfactor double default=0
-## Bias used when calculating docsum slowness limit.
-dataset[].slowdocsumlimitbias double default=100.0
-## The number of seconds between sending monitor requests to the
-## attached search nodes.
-dataset[].monitorinterval double default=1.0
-## The maximum number of seconds to wait for the resultset after
-## minimal search coverage is reached.
-dataset[].higher_coverage_maxsearchwait double default=1.0
-## The minimum number of seconds to wait for the resultset while
-## full search coverage is still not reached.
-dataset[].higher_coverage_minsearchwait double default=0.0
-## If less time than the base wait has elapsed then boost the timeouts
-## above with the difference between the base wait and the elapsed
-## time. This compensates somewhat for quick responses (e.g. cached
-## response on most nodes) without impacting the timeouts for
-## responses that are not so quick.
-dataset[].higher_coverage_basesearchwait double default=0.1
-## The minimum search coverage, as a percentage.
-dataset[].minimal_searchcoverage double default=100.0
-## The maximum number of seconds to wait for document summaries
-## after minimum docsum coverage is reached.
-dataset[].higher_coverage_maxdocsumwait double default=0.3
-## The minimum number of seconds to wait for document summaries
-## while full docsum coverage is still not reached.
-dataset[].higher_coverage_mindocsumwait double default=0.1
-## If less time than the base wait has elapsed then boost the timeouts
-## above with the difference between the base wait and the elapsed
-## time. This compensates somewhat for quick responses (e.g. cached
-## response on most nodes) without impacting the timeouts for
-## responses that are not so quick.
-dataset[].higher_coverage_basedocsumwait double default=0.1
-## The minimum docsum coverage, as a percentage.
-dataset[].minimal_docsumcoverage double default=100.0
-## If random, use standard load balancing.
-## if deterministic, use deterministic query forwarding
-## If auto, use deterministic when the frequence distribution of
-## the queries are relatively well balanced, and fall back to
-## standard load balancing when not.
-dataset[].querydistribution enum { RANDOM, AUTOMATIC, FIXEDROW } default=AUTOMATIC
-## Minimum coverage for allowing a group to be considered for serving.
-dataset[].min_group_coverage double default=100
-## Required activedocs coverage for a group, as a percentage
-dataset[].min_activedocs_coverage double default=97.0
-## Decay rate used when loadbalancing between groups.
-## Lower number will react faster to changes in cluster.
-dataset[].latency_decay_rate double default=1000
diff --git a/searchcore/src/vespa/searchcore/grouping/mergingmanager.cpp b/searchcore/src/vespa/searchcore/grouping/mergingmanager.cpp
index 6c0d201c28c..1fcb8a56acb 100644
--- a/searchcore/src/vespa/searchcore/grouping/mergingmanager.cpp
+++ b/searchcore/src/vespa/searchcore/grouping/mergingmanager.cpp
@@ -20,18 +20,14 @@ private:
uint32_t _rowBits;
uint32_t _partId;
uint32_t _rowId;
- bool _mld;
typedef search::aggregation::FS4Hit FS4Hit;
- PathMangler(uint32_t partBits, uint32_t rowBits, uint32_t partId, uint32_t rowId, bool mld)
- : _partBits(partBits), _rowBits(rowBits), _partId(partId), _rowId(rowId), _mld(mld) {}
+ PathMangler(uint32_t partBits, uint32_t rowBits, uint32_t partId, uint32_t rowId)
+ : _partBits(partBits), _rowBits(rowBits), _partId(partId), _rowId(rowId) {}
bool check(const vespalib::Identifiable &obj) const override;
void execute(vespalib::Identifiable &obj) override __attribute__((noinline));
uint32_t computeNewPath(uint32_t path) const {
- if (_mld) {
- path = (path + 1) << _partBits;
- }
path += _partId;
if (_rowBits > 0) {
path = (path << _rowBits) + _rowId;
@@ -70,18 +66,16 @@ MergingManager::~MergingManager()
-MergingManager::addResult(uint32_t partId, uint32_t rowId, bool mld,
+MergingManager::addResult(uint32_t partId, uint32_t rowId,
const char *groupResult, size_t groupResultLen)
- _input.push_back(Entry(partId, rowId, mld, groupResult, groupResultLen));
+ _input.push_back(Entry(partId, rowId, groupResult, groupResultLen));
bool MergingManager::needMerge() const
if (_input.size() == 1) {
- PathMangler pathMangler(_partBits, _rowBits,
- _input[0].partId, _input[0].rowId,
- _input[0].mld);
+ PathMangler pathMangler(_partBits, _rowBits, _input[0].partId, _input[0].rowId);
if (pathMangler.computeNewPath(0) == 0) {
return false;
@@ -110,7 +104,7 @@ namespace {
void mergeOne(MAP & map, const MergingManager::Entry & input, uint32_t partBits, uint32_t rowBits) __attribute__((noinline));
void mergeOne(MAP & map, const MergingManager::Entry & input, uint32_t partBits, uint32_t rowBits) {
- PathMangler pathMangler(partBits, rowBits, input.partId, input.rowId, input.mld);
+ PathMangler pathMangler(partBits, rowBits, input.partId, input.rowId);
vespalib::nbostream is(, input.length);
vespalib::NBOSerializer nis(is);
uint32_t cnt = 0;
diff --git a/searchcore/src/vespa/searchcore/grouping/mergingmanager.h b/searchcore/src/vespa/searchcore/grouping/mergingmanager.h
index ea2c62909b9..08349e8629a 100644
--- a/searchcore/src/vespa/searchcore/grouping/mergingmanager.h
+++ b/searchcore/src/vespa/searchcore/grouping/mergingmanager.h
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
-namespace search {
-namespace grouping {
+namespace search::grouping {
* Wrapper class used to handle merging of grouping results. All input
@@ -16,17 +15,16 @@ class MergingManager
* Simple wrapper for all the grouping results from a single
- * search/fdispatch node.
+ * search node.
struct Entry {
uint32_t partId;
uint32_t rowId;
- bool mld;
const char *data;
size_t length;
- Entry(uint32_t part, uint32_t row, bool m, const char *pt, size_t len)
- : partId(part), rowId(row), mld(m), data(pt), length(len) {}
+ Entry(uint32_t part, uint32_t row, const char *pt, size_t len)
+ : partId(part), rowId(row), data(pt), length(len) {}
@@ -61,11 +59,10 @@ public:
* @param partId which partition these results came from
* @param rowId which row these results came from
- * @param mld true if the node below is a dispatch node
* @param groupSpec group spec
* @param groupSpecLen length of the group spec
- void addResult(uint32_t partId, uint32_t rowId, bool mld,
+ void addResult(uint32_t partId, uint32_t rowId,
const char *groupResult, size_t groupResultLen);
@@ -98,6 +95,4 @@ public:
char *stealGroupResult();
-} // namespace search::grouping
-} // namespace search