path: root/searchlib/src
diff options
authorGeir Storli <>2024-02-08 08:25:34 +0000
committerGeir Storli <>2024-02-08 09:17:30 +0000
commit6fcdda5bd19b786adc9350106d20f8f96b1b4f07 (patch)
treedc64dcbd059e1b341e2f8278ffe8e77c2f28d1eb /searchlib/src
parent35530c2572a37e0d26fe0506f168f4fb7ee44cf5 (diff)
Add low-level benchmark program for search iterators.
Currently, it can benchmark the following query operators over an attribute vector: Single term, In, WeightedSet, DotProduct, Or.
Diffstat (limited to 'searchlib/src')
4 files changed, 413 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/searchlib/src/tests/queryeval/iterator_benchmark/CMakeLists.txt b/searchlib/src/tests/queryeval/iterator_benchmark/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ea0ffbae9f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/searchlib/src/tests/queryeval/iterator_benchmark/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Copyright Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+vespa_add_executable(searchlib_iterator_benchmark_test_app TEST
+ iterator_benchmark_test.cpp
+ searchlib
+ searchlib_test
+ GTest::GTest
+# Note: this should not be executed as a unit test, so the vespa_add_test() command is not specified.
diff --git a/searchlib/src/tests/queryeval/iterator_benchmark/iterator_benchmark_test.cpp b/searchlib/src/tests/queryeval/iterator_benchmark/iterator_benchmark_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0d4cdaed446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/searchlib/src/tests/queryeval/iterator_benchmark/iterator_benchmark_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+// Copyright Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+#include <vespa/searchcommon/attribute/config.h>
+#include <vespa/searchcommon/attribute/iattributecontext.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/attribute/attribute_blueprint_factory.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/attribute/attributefactory.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/attribute/attributevector.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/attribute/integerbase.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/attribute/stringbase.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/fef/matchdata.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/query/tree/integer_term_vector.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/query/tree/node.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/query/tree/simplequery.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/queryeval/blueprint.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/queryeval/fake_requestcontext.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/queryeval/field_spec.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/queryeval/intermediate_blueprints.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/test/mock_attribute_context.h>
+#include <vespa/vespalib/gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <vespa/vespalib/stllike/hash_set.h>
+#include <vespa/vespalib/util/benchmark_timer.h>
+#include <numeric>
+#include <random>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace search::attribute::test;
+using namespace search::attribute;
+using namespace search::fef;
+using namespace search::query;
+using namespace search::queryeval;
+using namespace search;
+using namespace vespalib;
+// TODO: Re-seed for each benchmark setup
+constexpr uint32_t default_seed = 1234;
+std::mt19937 gen(default_seed);
+const vespalib::string field = "myfield";
+double budget_sec = 1.0;
+using DocidVector = std::vector<uint32_t>;
+random_docids(uint32_t docid_limit, uint32_t count)
+ std::uniform_int_distribution<uint32_t> distr(1, docid_limit - 1);
+ vespalib::hash_set<uint32_t> unique_docids;
+ while (unique_docids.size() < count) {
+ unique_docids.insert(distr(gen));
+ }
+ DocidVector result;
+ result.reserve(count);
+ std::copy_n(unique_docids.begin(), count, std::back_inserter(result));
+ std::sort(result.begin(), result.end());
+ return result;
+struct HitSpec {
+ uint32_t term_value;
+ uint32_t num_hits;
+ HitSpec(uint32_t term_value_in, uint32_t num_hits_in) : term_value(term_value_in), num_hits(num_hits_in) {}
+using HitSpecs = std::vector<HitSpec>;
+make_hit_specs(uint32_t num_terms, uint32_t hits_per_term, uint32_t first_term_value)
+ HitSpecs res;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_terms; ++i) {
+ res.push_back({first_term_value + i, hits_per_term});
+ }
+ return res;
+template <typename AttributeType, bool is_string, bool is_multivalue>
+populate_attribute(AttributeType& attr, uint32_t docid_limit, const HitSpecs& hit_specs)
+ size_t updated = 0;
+ constexpr uint32_t commit_freq = 10000;
+ for (auto spec : hit_specs) {
+ for (uint32_t docid : random_docids(docid_limit, spec.num_hits)) {
+ if constexpr (is_string) {
+ if constexpr (is_multivalue) {
+ attr.append(docid, std::to_string(spec.term_value), 1);
+ } else {
+ attr.update(docid, std::to_string(spec.term_value));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if constexpr (is_multivalue) {
+ attr.append(docid, spec.term_value, 1);
+ } else {
+ attr.update(docid, spec.term_value);
+ }
+ }
+ ++updated;
+ if (updated % commit_freq == 0) {
+ attr.commit(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ attr.commit(true);
+make_attribute(const Config& cfg, uint32_t num_docs, const HitSpecs& hit_specs)
+ auto attr = AttributeFactory::createAttribute(field, cfg);
+ attr->addReservedDoc();
+ attr->addDocs(num_docs);
+ uint32_t docid_limit = attr->getNumDocs();
+ assert(docid_limit == (num_docs + 1));
+ bool is_multivalue = cfg.collectionType() != CollectionType::SINGLE;
+ if (attr->isStringType()) {
+ auto& real = dynamic_cast<StringAttribute&>(*attr);
+ if (is_multivalue) {
+ populate_attribute<StringAttribute, true, true>(real, docid_limit, hit_specs);
+ } else {
+ populate_attribute<StringAttribute, true, false>(real, docid_limit, hit_specs);
+ }
+ } else {
+ auto& real = dynamic_cast<IntegerAttribute&>(*attr);
+ if (is_multivalue) {
+ populate_attribute<IntegerAttribute, false, true>(real, docid_limit, hit_specs);
+ } else {
+ populate_attribute<IntegerAttribute, false, false>(real, docid_limit, hit_specs);
+ }
+ }
+ return attr;
+make_attribute_context(const Config& cfg, uint32_t num_docs, const HitSpecs& hit_specs)
+ auto attr = make_attribute(cfg, num_docs, hit_specs);
+ auto res = std::make_unique<MockAttributeContext>();
+ res->add(std::move(attr));
+ return res;
+struct BenchmarkResult {
+ double time_ms;
+ uint32_t seeks;
+ uint32_t hits;
+ double estimate;
+ double cost;
+ BenchmarkResult() : BenchmarkResult(0, 0, 0, 0, 0) {}
+ BenchmarkResult(double time_ms_in, uint32_t seeks_in, uint32_t hits_in, double estimate_in, double cost_in)
+ : time_ms(time_ms_in), seeks(seeks_in), hits(hits_in), estimate(estimate_in), cost(cost_in) {}
+ double time_per_seek_ns() const { return (time_ms / seeks) * 1000.0 * 1000.0; }
+ double time_per_cost_ms() const { return (time_ms / cost); }
+strict_search(SearchIterator& itr, uint32_t docid_limit, double estimate, double strict_cost)
+ BenchmarkTimer timer(budget_sec);
+ uint32_t hits = 0;
+ while (timer.has_budget()) {
+ timer.before();
+ hits = 0;
+ itr.initRange(1, docid_limit);
+ uint32_t docid = itr.seekFirst(1);
+ while (docid < docid_limit) {
+ ++hits;
+ docid = itr.seekNext(docid + 1);
+ }
+ timer.after();
+ }
+ return {timer.min_time() * 1000.0, hits + 1, hits, estimate, strict_cost};
+non_strict_search(SearchIterator& itr, uint32_t docid_limit, double estimate, double non_strict_cost)
+ BenchmarkTimer timer(budget_sec);
+ uint32_t seeks = 0;
+ uint32_t hits = 0;
+ while (timer.has_budget()) {
+ timer.before();
+ seeks = 0;
+ hits = 0;
+ itr.initRange(1, docid_limit);
+ for (uint32_t docid = 1; !itr.isAtEnd(docid); ++docid) {
+ ++seeks;
+ if ( {
+ ++hits;
+ }
+ }
+ timer.after();
+ }
+ return {timer.min_time() * 1000.0, seeks, hits, estimate, non_strict_cost};
+benchmark_search(Blueprint::UP blueprint, uint32_t docid_limit, bool strict)
+ blueprint->sort(strict, true);
+ blueprint->fetchPostings(ExecuteInfo::createForTest(strict));
+ // Note: All blueprints get the same TermFieldMatchData instance.
+ // This is OK as long as we don't do unpacking and only use 1 thread.
+ auto md = MatchData::makeTestInstance(1, 1);
+ if (strict) {
+ auto iterator = blueprint->createSearch(*md, true);
+ assert(iterator.get());
+ return strict_search(*iterator, docid_limit, blueprint->estimate(), blueprint->strict_cost());
+ } else {
+ auto iterator = blueprint->createSearch(*md, false);
+ assert(iterator.get());
+ return non_strict_search(*iterator, docid_limit, blueprint->estimate(), blueprint->cost());
+ }
+make_blueprint(const Node& node, IAttributeContext& attr_ctx, uint32_t docid_limit)
+ FakeRequestContext request_ctx(&attr_ctx);
+ AttributeBlueprintFactory source;
+ auto blueprint = source.createBlueprint(request_ctx, FieldSpec(field, 0, 0), node);
+ assert(blueprint.get());
+ blueprint->setDocIdLimit(docid_limit);
+ blueprint->update_flow_stats(docid_limit);
+ return blueprint;
+enum class QueryOperator {
+ Term,
+ In,
+ WeightedSet,
+ DotProduct,
+ Or
+to_string(QueryOperator query_op)
+ switch (query_op) {
+ case QueryOperator::Term: return "Term";
+ case QueryOperator::In: return "In";
+ case QueryOperator::WeightedSet: return "WeightedSet";
+ case QueryOperator::DotProduct: return "DotProduct";
+ case QueryOperator::Or: return "Or";
+ }
+ return "unknown";
+make_query_node(QueryOperator query_op, const HitSpecs& hit_specs)
+ if (query_op == QueryOperator::Term) {
+ assert(hit_specs.size() == 1);
+ return std::make_unique<SimpleNumberTerm>(std::to_string(hit_specs[0].term_value), field, 0, Weight(1));
+ } else if (query_op == QueryOperator::In) {
+ auto terms = std::make_unique<IntegerTermVector>(hit_specs.size());
+ for (auto spec: hit_specs) {
+ terms->addTerm(spec.term_value);
+ }
+ return std::make_unique<SimpleInTerm>(std::move(terms), MultiTerm::Type::INTEGER, field, 0, Weight(1));
+ } else if (query_op == QueryOperator::WeightedSet) {
+ auto res = std::make_unique<SimpleWeightedSetTerm>(hit_specs.size(), field, 0, Weight(1));
+ for (auto spec: hit_specs) {
+ res->addTerm(spec.term_value, Weight(1));
+ }
+ return res;
+ } else if (query_op == QueryOperator::DotProduct) {
+ auto res = std::make_unique<SimpleDotProduct>(hit_specs.size(), field, 0, Weight(1));
+ for (auto spec: hit_specs) {
+ res->addTerm(spec.term_value, Weight(1));
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ return {};
+run_benchmark(IAttributeContext& attr_ctx, QueryOperator query_op, const HitSpecs& hit_specs, uint32_t docid_limit, bool strict)
+ if (query_op == QueryOperator::Or) {
+ auto blueprint = std::make_unique<OrBlueprint>();
+ for (auto spec: hit_specs) {
+ SimpleNumberTerm term(std::to_string(spec.term_value), field, 0, Weight(1));
+ auto child = make_blueprint(term, attr_ctx, docid_limit);
+ blueprint->addChild(std::move(child));
+ }
+ blueprint->setDocIdLimit(docid_limit);
+ blueprint->update_flow_stats(docid_limit);
+ return benchmark_search(std::move(blueprint), docid_limit, strict);
+ } else {
+ auto query_node = make_query_node(query_op, hit_specs);
+ auto blueprint = make_blueprint(*query_node, attr_ctx, docid_limit);
+ return benchmark_search(std::move(blueprint), docid_limit, strict);
+ }
+run_benchmark(const Config& cfg, uint32_t num_docs, const HitSpecs& hit_specs, double hit_ratio, QueryOperator query_op, bool strict)
+ auto attr_ctx = make_attribute_context(cfg, num_docs, hit_specs);
+ BenchmarkResult res = run_benchmark(*attr_ctx, query_op, hit_specs, num_docs + 1, strict);
+ std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3)
+ << "children=" << std::setw(4) << hit_specs.size()
+ << ", strict=" << std::setw(5) << (strict ? "true" : "false")
+ << ", t_ratio=" << std::setw(5) << hit_ratio
+ << ", a_ratio=" << std::setw(5) << ((double)res.hits / (double)num_docs)
+ << ", est=" << std::setw(5) << res.estimate
+ << ", hits=" << std::setw(7) << res.hits
+ << ", seeks=" << std::setw(8) << res.seeks
+ << ", time_ms:" << std::setw(9) << res.time_ms
+ << ", cost=" << std::setw(8) << res.cost
+ << ", ns_per_seek=" << std::setw(8) << res.time_per_seek_ns()
+ << ", ms_per_cost=" << std::setw(8) << res.time_per_cost_ms() << std::endl;
+struct BenchmarkSetup {
+ uint32_t num_docs;
+ Config attr_cfg;
+ QueryOperator query_op;
+ std::vector<double> hit_ratios;
+ std::vector<uint32_t> child_counts;
+ std::vector<bool> strictness;
+ BenchmarkSetup(uint32_t num_docs_in,
+ Config attr_cfg_in,
+ QueryOperator query_op_in,
+ const std::vector<double>& hit_ratios_in,
+ const std::vector<uint32_t>& child_counts_in,
+ const std::vector<bool>& strictness_in)
+ : num_docs(num_docs_in),
+ attr_cfg(attr_cfg_in),
+ query_op(query_op_in),
+ hit_ratios(hit_ratios_in),
+ child_counts(child_counts_in),
+ strictness(strictness_in)
+ {}
+ ~BenchmarkSetup() {}
+run_benchmarks(const BenchmarkSetup& setup)
+ std::cout << "-------- run_benchmarks: " << to_string(setup.query_op) << " --------" << std::endl;
+ for (bool strict : setup.strictness) {
+ for (double hit_ratio : setup.hit_ratios) {
+ uint32_t num_hits = setup.num_docs * hit_ratio;
+ for (uint32_t children : setup.child_counts) {
+ uint32_t hits_per_term = num_hits / children;
+ run_benchmark(setup.attr_cfg, setup.num_docs, make_hit_specs(children, hits_per_term, 55555), hit_ratio, setup.query_op, strict);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+make_config(BasicType basic_type, CollectionType col_type, bool fast_search)
+ Config res(basic_type, col_type);
+ res.setFastSearch(fast_search);
+ return res;
+constexpr uint32_t num_docs = 10'000'000;
+const std::vector<double> hit_ratios = {0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5};
+const std::vector<uint32_t> child_counts = {1, 10, 100, 1000};
+const Config int32_fs = make_config(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::SINGLE, true);
+const Config int32_wset_fs = make_config(BasicType::INT32, CollectionType::WSET, true);
+TEST(IteratorBenchmark, term_benchmark)
+ BenchmarkSetup setup(num_docs, int32_fs, QueryOperator::Term, hit_ratios, {1}, {true, false});
+ run_benchmarks(setup);
+TEST(IteratorBenchmark, in_benchmark)
+ BenchmarkSetup setup(num_docs, int32_fs, QueryOperator::In, hit_ratios, child_counts, {true, false});
+ run_benchmarks(setup);
+TEST(IteratorBenchmark, weighted_set_benchmark)
+ BenchmarkSetup setup(num_docs, int32_fs, QueryOperator::WeightedSet, hit_ratios, child_counts, {true, false});
+ run_benchmarks(setup);
+TEST(IteratorBenchmark, dot_product_benchmark)
+ BenchmarkSetup setup(num_docs, int32_wset_fs, QueryOperator::DotProduct, hit_ratios, child_counts, {true, false});
+ run_benchmarks(setup);
+TEST(IteratorBenchmark, or_benchmark)
+ BenchmarkSetup setup(num_docs, int32_fs, QueryOperator::Or, hit_ratios, child_counts, {true, false});
+ run_benchmarks(setup);
diff --git a/searchlib/src/vespa/searchlib/test/mock_attribute_context.cpp b/searchlib/src/vespa/searchlib/test/mock_attribute_context.cpp
index ccf44e49cde..75e85d9d828 100644
--- a/searchlib/src/vespa/searchlib/test/mock_attribute_context.cpp
+++ b/searchlib/src/vespa/searchlib/test/mock_attribute_context.cpp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ MockAttributeContext::get(const string &name) const {
if (_vectors.find(name) == _vectors.end()) {
return 0;
- return _vectors.find(name)->second;
+ return _vectors.find(name)->second.get();
const IAttributeVector *
MockAttributeContext::getAttribute(const string &name) const {
@@ -22,17 +22,13 @@ MockAttributeContext::getAttributeStableEnum(const string &name) const {
MockAttributeContext::getAttributeList(std::vector<const IAttributeVector *> & list) const {
for (const auto& elem : _vectors) {
- list.push_back(elem.second);
- }
-MockAttributeContext::~MockAttributeContext() {
- for (auto& elem : _vectors) {
- delete elem.second;
+ list.push_back(elem.second.get());
+MockAttributeContext::~MockAttributeContext() = default;
-MockAttributeContext::add(IAttributeVector *attr) {
+MockAttributeContext::add(std::shared_ptr<IAttributeVector> attr) {
_vectors[attr->getName()] = attr;
diff --git a/searchlib/src/vespa/searchlib/test/mock_attribute_context.h b/searchlib/src/vespa/searchlib/test/mock_attribute_context.h
index 3b025f05299..5b522e907b1 100644
--- a/searchlib/src/vespa/searchlib/test/mock_attribute_context.h
+++ b/searchlib/src/vespa/searchlib/test/mock_attribute_context.h
@@ -4,18 +4,19 @@
#include <vespa/searchcommon/attribute/iattributecontext.h>
#include <map>
+#include <memory>
namespace search::attribute::test {
class MockAttributeContext : public IAttributeContext
- using Map = std::map<string, IAttributeVector *>;
+ using Map = std::map<string, std::shared_ptr<IAttributeVector>>;
Map _vectors;
~MockAttributeContext() override;
- void add(IAttributeVector *attr);
+ void add(std::shared_ptr<IAttributeVector> attr);
const IAttributeVector *get(const string &name) const;
const IAttributeVector * getAttribute(const string &name) const override;