path: root/storage/src/tests/storageserver/mergethrottlertest.cpp
diff options
authorJon Bratseth <bratseth@yahoo-inc.com>2016-06-15 23:09:44 +0200
committerJon Bratseth <bratseth@yahoo-inc.com>2016-06-15 23:09:44 +0200
commit72231250ed81e10d66bfe70701e64fa5fe50f712 (patch)
tree2728bba1131a6f6e5bdf95afec7d7ff9358dac50 /storage/src/tests/storageserver/mergethrottlertest.cpp
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/src/tests/storageserver/mergethrottlertest.cpp')
1 files changed, 1566 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/src/tests/storageserver/mergethrottlertest.cpp b/storage/src/tests/storageserver/mergethrottlertest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e705db80788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/src/tests/storageserver/mergethrottlertest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1566 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+#include <vespa/fastos/fastos.h>
+#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <vespa/vespalib/util/document_runnable.h>
+#include <vespa/storage/frameworkimpl/component/storagecomponentregisterimpl.h>
+#include <tests/common/testhelper.h>
+#include <tests/common/storagelinktest.h>
+#include <tests/common/teststorageapp.h>
+#include <tests/common/dummystoragelink.h>
+#include <vespa/storage/storageserver/mergethrottler.h>
+#include <vespa/storage/persistence/messages.h>
+#include <vespa/storageapi/message/bucket.h>
+#include <vespa/storageapi/message/state.h>
+using namespace document;
+using namespace storage::api;
+namespace storage {
+namespace {
+struct MergeBuilder
+ document::BucketId _bucket;
+ api::Timestamp _maxTimestamp;
+ std::vector<uint16_t> _nodes;
+ std::vector<uint16_t> _chain;
+ uint64_t _clusterStateVersion;
+ MergeBuilder(const document::BucketId& bucket)
+ : _bucket(bucket),
+ _maxTimestamp(1234),
+ _chain(),
+ _clusterStateVersion(1)
+ {
+ nodes(0, 1, 2);
+ }
+ MergeBuilder& nodes(uint16_t n0) {
+ _nodes.push_back(n0);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ MergeBuilder& nodes(uint16_t n0, uint16_t n1) {
+ _nodes.push_back(n0);
+ _nodes.push_back(n1);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ MergeBuilder& nodes(uint16_t n0, uint16_t n1, uint16_t n2) {
+ _nodes.push_back(n0);
+ _nodes.push_back(n1);
+ _nodes.push_back(n2);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ MergeBuilder& maxTimestamp(api::Timestamp maxTs) {
+ _maxTimestamp = maxTs;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ MergeBuilder& clusterStateVersion(uint64_t csv) {
+ _clusterStateVersion = csv;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ MergeBuilder& chain(uint16_t n0) {
+ _chain.clear();
+ _chain.push_back(n0);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ MergeBuilder& chain(uint16_t n0, uint16_t n1) {
+ _chain.clear();
+ _chain.push_back(n0);
+ _chain.push_back(n1);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ MergeBuilder& chain(uint16_t n0, uint16_t n1, uint16_t n2) {
+ _chain.clear();
+ _chain.push_back(n0);
+ _chain.push_back(n1);
+ _chain.push_back(n2);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ api::MergeBucketCommand::SP create() const {
+ std::vector<api::MergeBucketCommand::Node> n;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _nodes.size(); ++i) {
+ n.push_back(_nodes[i]);
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(_bucket, n, _maxTimestamp,
+ _clusterStateVersion, _chain));
+ StorageMessageAddress address("storage", lib::NodeType::STORAGE, _nodes[0]);
+ cmd->setAddress(address);
+ return cmd;
+ }
+makeSystemStateCmd(const std::string& state)
+ return std::make_shared<api::SetSystemStateCommand>(
+ lib::ClusterState(state));
+} // anon ns
+class MergeThrottlerTest : public CppUnit::TestFixture
+ CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(MergeThrottlerTest);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testMergesConfig);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testChain);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testWithSourceOnlyNode);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(test42DistributorBehavior);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(test42DistributorBehaviorDoesNotTakeOwnership);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testEndOfChainExecutionDoesNotTakeOwnership);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testResendHandling);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testPriorityQueuing);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testCommandInQueueDuplicateOfKnownMerge);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testInvalidReceiverNode);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testForwardQueuedMerge);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testExecuteQueuedMerge);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testFlush);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testUnseenMergeWithNodeInChain);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testMergeWithNewerClusterStateFlushesOutdatedQueued);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testUpdatedClusterStateFlushesOutdatedQueued);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(test42MergesDoNotTriggerFlush);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testOutdatedClusterStateMergesAreRejectedOnArrival);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testUnknownMergeWithSelfInChain);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testBusyReturnedOnFullQueue);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testBrokenCycle);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testGetBucketDiffCommandNotInActiveSetIsRejected);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testApplyBucketDiffCommandNotInActiveSetIsRejected);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testNewClusterStateAbortsAllOutdatedActiveMerges);
+ void setUp();
+ void tearDown();
+ void testMergesConfig();
+ void testChain();
+ void testWithSourceOnlyNode();
+ void test42DistributorBehavior();
+ void test42DistributorBehaviorDoesNotTakeOwnership();
+ void testEndOfChainExecutionDoesNotTakeOwnership();
+ void testResendHandling();
+ void testPriorityQueuing();
+ void testCommandInQueueDuplicateOfKnownMerge();
+ void testInvalidReceiverNode();
+ void testForwardQueuedMerge();
+ void testExecuteQueuedMerge();
+ void testFlush();
+ void testUnseenMergeWithNodeInChain();
+ void testMergeWithNewerClusterStateFlushesOutdatedQueued();
+ void testUpdatedClusterStateFlushesOutdatedQueued();
+ void test42MergesDoNotTriggerFlush();
+ void testOutdatedClusterStateMergesAreRejectedOnArrival();
+ void testUnknownMergeWithSelfInChain();
+ void testBusyReturnedOnFullQueue();
+ void testBrokenCycle();
+ void testGetBucketDiffCommandNotInActiveSetIsRejected();
+ void testApplyBucketDiffCommandNotInActiveSetIsRejected();
+ void testNewClusterStateAbortsAllOutdatedActiveMerges();
+ static const int _storageNodeCount = 3;
+ static const int _messageWaitTime = 100;
+ // Using n storage node links and dummy servers
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DummyStorageLink> > _topLinks;
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TestServiceLayerApp> > _servers;
+ std::vector<MergeThrottler*> _throttlers;
+ std::vector<DummyStorageLink*> _bottomLinks;
+ api::MergeBucketCommand::SP sendMerge(const MergeBuilder&);
+ void sendAndExpectReply(
+ const std::shared_ptr<api::StorageMessage>& msg,
+ const api::MessageType& expectedReplyType,
+ api::ReturnCode::Result expectedResultCode);
+const int MergeThrottlerTest::_storageNodeCount;
+const int MergeThrottlerTest::_messageWaitTime;
+ vdstestlib::DirConfig config(getStandardConfig(true));
+ for (int i = 0; i < _storageNodeCount; ++i) {
+ std::unique_ptr<TestServiceLayerApp> server(
+ new TestServiceLayerApp(DiskCount(1), NodeIndex(i)));
+ server->setClusterState(lib::ClusterState(
+ "distributor:100 storage:100 version:1"));
+ std::unique_ptr<DummyStorageLink> top;
+ top.reset(new DummyStorageLink);
+ MergeThrottler* throttler = new MergeThrottler(config.getConfigId(), server->getComponentRegister());
+ // MergeThrottler will be sandwiched in between two dummy links
+ top->push_back(std::unique_ptr<StorageLink>(throttler));
+ DummyStorageLink* bottom = new DummyStorageLink;
+ throttler->push_back(std::unique_ptr<StorageLink>(bottom));
+ _servers.push_back(std::shared_ptr<TestServiceLayerApp>(server.release()));
+ _throttlers.push_back(throttler);
+ _bottomLinks.push_back(bottom);
+ top->open();
+ _topLinks.push_back(std::shared_ptr<DummyStorageLink>(top.release()));
+ }
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < _topLinks.size(); ++i) {
+ if (_topLinks[i]->getState() == StorageLink::OPENED) {
+ _topLinks[i]->close();
+ _topLinks[i]->flush();
+ }
+ _topLinks[i] = std::shared_ptr<DummyStorageLink>();
+ }
+ _topLinks.clear();
+ _bottomLinks.clear();
+ _throttlers.clear();
+ _servers.clear();
+namespace {
+template <typename Iterator>
+checkChain(const StorageMessage::SP& msg,
+ Iterator first, Iterator end)
+ const MergeBucketCommand& cmd =
+ dynamic_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*msg);
+ if (cmd.getChain().size() != static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(first, end))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return std::equal(cmd.getChain().begin(), cmd.getChain().end(), first);
+void waitUntilMergeQueueIs(MergeThrottler& throttler, std::size_t sz, int timeout)
+ std::time_t start = std::time(0);
+ while (true) {
+ std::size_t count;
+ {
+ vespalib::LockGuard lock(throttler.getStateLock());
+ count = throttler.getMergeQueue().size();
+ }
+ if (count == sz) {
+ break;
+ }
+ std::time_t now = std::time(0);
+ if (now - start > timeout) {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << "Timeout while waiting for merge queue with " << sz << " items. Had "
+ << count << " at timeout.";
+ throw vespalib::IllegalStateException(os.str(), VESPA_STRLOC);
+ }
+ FastOS_Thread::Sleep(1);
+ }
+// Extremely simple test that just checks that (min|max)_merges_per_node
+// under the stor-server config gets propagated to all the nodes
+ for (int i = 0; i < _storageNodeCount; ++i) {
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint32_t(25), _throttlers[i]->getThrottlePolicy().getMaxPendingCount());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(20), _throttlers[i]->getMaxQueueSize());
+ }
+// Test that a distributor sending a merge to the lowest-index storage
+// node correctly invokes a merge forwarding chain and subsequent unwind.
+ uint16_t indices[_storageNodeCount];
+ for (int i = 0; i < _storageNodeCount; ++i) {
+ indices[i] = i;
+ _servers[i]->setClusterState(lib::ClusterState("distributor:100 storage:100 version:123"));
+ }
+ BucketId bid(14, 0x1337);
+ // Use different node permutations to ensure it works no matter which node is
+ // set as the executor. More specifically, _all_ permutations.
+ do {
+ uint16_t lastNodeIdx = _storageNodeCount - 1;
+ uint16_t executorNode = indices[0];
+ //std::cout << "\n----\n";
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ for (int i = 0; i < _storageNodeCount; ++i) {
+ nodes.push_back(MergeBucketCommand::Node(indices[i], (i + executorNode) % 2 == 0));
+ //std::cout << indices[i] << " ";
+ }
+ //std::cout << "\n";
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(bid, nodes, UINT_MAX, 123));
+ cmd->setPriority(7);
+ cmd->setTimeout(54321);
+ StorageMessageAddress address("storage", lib::NodeType::STORAGE, 0);
+ cmd->setAddress(address);
+ const uint16_t distributorIndex = 123;
+ cmd->setSourceIndex(distributorIndex); // Dummy distributor index that must be forwarded
+ StorageMessage::SP fwd = cmd;
+ StorageMessage::SP fwdToExec;
+ // TODO: make generic wrt. _storageNodeCount
+ for (int i = 0; i < _storageNodeCount - 1; ++i) {
+ if (i == executorNode) {
+ fwdToExec = fwd;
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint16_t(i), _servers[i]->getIndex());
+ // No matter the node order, command is always sent to node 0 -> 1 -> 2 etc
+ _topLinks[i]->sendDown(fwd);
+ _topLinks[i]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET, _messageWaitTime);
+ //std::cout << "fwd " << i << " -> " << i+1 << "\n";
+ // Forwarded merge should not be sent down. Should not be necessary
+ // to lock throttler here, since it should be sleeping like a champion
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _bottomLinks[i]->getNumCommands());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(1), _topLinks[i]->getNumReplies());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(1), _throttlers[i]->getActiveMerges().size());
+ fwd = _topLinks[i]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint16_t(i + 1), fwd->getAddress()->getIndex());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(distributorIndex, dynamic_cast<const StorageCommand&>(*fwd).getSourceIndex());
+ {
+ //uint16_t chain[] = { 0 };
+ std::vector<uint16_t> chain;
+ for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
+ chain.push_back(j);
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(checkChain(fwd, chain.begin(), chain.end()));
+ }
+ // Ensure priority, cluster state version and timeout is correctly forwarded
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(7, static_cast<int>(fwd->getPriority()));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint32_t(123), dynamic_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*fwd).getClusterStateVersion());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint32_t(54321), dynamic_cast<const StorageCommand&>(*fwd).getTimeout());
+ }
+ _topLinks[lastNodeIdx]->sendDown(fwd);
+ // If node 2 is the first in the node list, it should immediately execute
+ // the merge. Otherwise, a cycle with the first node should be formed.
+ if (executorNode != lastNodeIdx) {
+ //std::cout << "cycle " << lastNodeIdx << " -> " << executorNode << "\n";
+ _topLinks[lastNodeIdx]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET, _messageWaitTime);
+ // Forwarded merge should not be sent down
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _bottomLinks[lastNodeIdx]->getNumCommands());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(1), _topLinks[lastNodeIdx]->getNumReplies());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(1), _throttlers[lastNodeIdx]->getActiveMerges().size());
+ fwd = _topLinks[lastNodeIdx]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint16_t(executorNode), fwd->getAddress()->getIndex());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(distributorIndex, dynamic_cast<const StorageCommand&>(*fwd).getSourceIndex());
+ {
+ std::vector<uint16_t> chain;
+ for (int j = 0; j < _storageNodeCount; ++j) {
+ chain.push_back(j);
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(checkChain(fwd, chain.begin(), chain.end()));
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(7, static_cast<int>(fwd->getPriority()));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint32_t(123), dynamic_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*fwd).getClusterStateVersion());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint32_t(54321), dynamic_cast<const StorageCommand&>(*fwd).getTimeout());
+ _topLinks[executorNode]->sendDown(fwd);
+ }
+ _bottomLinks[executorNode]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET, _messageWaitTime);
+ // Forwarded merge has now been sent down to persistence layer
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(1), _bottomLinks[executorNode]->getNumCommands());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _topLinks[executorNode]->getNumReplies()); // No reply sent yet
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(1), _throttlers[executorNode]->getActiveMerges().size()); // no re-registering merge
+ if (executorNode != lastNodeIdx) {
+ // The MergeBucketCommand that is kept in the executor node should
+ // be the one from the node it initially got it from, NOT the one
+ // from the last node, since the chain has looped
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(_throttlers[executorNode]->getActiveMerges().find(bid)
+ != _throttlers[executorNode]->getActiveMerges().end());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<StorageMessage*>(fwdToExec.get()),
+ _throttlers[executorNode]->getActiveMerges().find(bid)->second.getMergeCmd().get());
+ }
+ // Send reply up from persistence layer to simulate a completed
+ // merge operation. Chain should now unwind properly
+ fwd = _bottomLinks[executorNode]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(7, static_cast<int>(fwd->getPriority()));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint32_t(123), dynamic_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*fwd).getClusterStateVersion());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint32_t(54321), dynamic_cast<const StorageCommand&>(*fwd).getTimeout());
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketReply> reply(
+ new MergeBucketReply(dynamic_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*fwd)));
+ reply->setResult(ReturnCode(ReturnCode::OK, "Great success! :D-|-<"));
+ _bottomLinks[executorNode]->sendUp(reply);
+ _topLinks[executorNode]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY, _messageWaitTime);
+ if (executorNode != lastNodeIdx) {
+ // Merge should not be removed yet from executor, since it's pending an unwind
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(1), _throttlers[executorNode]->getActiveMerges().size());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<StorageMessage*>(fwdToExec.get()),
+ _throttlers[executorNode]->getActiveMerges().find(bid)->second.getMergeCmd().get());
+ }
+ // MergeBucketReply waiting to be sent back to node 2. NOTE: we don't have any
+ // transport context stuff set up here to perform the reply mapping, so we
+ // have to emulate it
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(1), _topLinks[executorNode]->getNumReplies());
+ StorageMessage::SP unwind = _topLinks[executorNode]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint16_t(executorNode), unwind->getAddress()->getIndex());
+ // eg: 0 -> 2 -> 1 -> 0. Or: 2 -> 1 -> 0 if no cycle
+ for (int i = (executorNode != lastNodeIdx ? _storageNodeCount - 1 : _storageNodeCount - 2); i >= 0; --i) {
+ //std::cout << "unwind " << i << "\n";
+ _topLinks[i]->sendDown(unwind);
+ _topLinks[i]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY, _messageWaitTime);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _bottomLinks[i]->getNumCommands());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(1), _topLinks[i]->getNumReplies());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _throttlers[i]->getActiveMerges().size());
+ unwind = _topLinks[i]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint16_t(i), unwind->getAddress()->getIndex());
+ }
+ const MergeBucketReply& mbr = dynamic_cast<const MergeBucketReply&>(*unwind);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(ReturnCode::OK, mbr.getResult().getResult());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(vespalib::string("Great success! :D-|-<"), mbr.getResult().getMessage());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(bid, mbr.getBucketId());
+ } while (std::next_permutation(indices, indices + _storageNodeCount));
+ //std::cout << "\n" << *_topLinks[0] << "\n";
+ BucketId bid(14, 0x1337);
+ StorageMessageAddress address("storage", lib::NodeType::STORAGE, 0);
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ nodes.push_back(2);
+ nodes.push_back(MergeBucketCommand::Node(1, true));
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(bid, nodes, UINT_MAX, 123));
+ cmd->setAddress(address);
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET, _messageWaitTime);
+ StorageMessage::SP fwd = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint16_t(1), fwd->getAddress()->getIndex());
+ _topLinks[1]->sendDown(fwd);
+ _topLinks[1]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET, _messageWaitTime);
+ fwd = _topLinks[1]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint16_t(2), fwd->getAddress()->getIndex());
+ _topLinks[2]->sendDown(fwd);
+ _topLinks[2]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET, _messageWaitTime);
+ fwd = _topLinks[2]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint16_t(0), fwd->getAddress()->getIndex());
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(fwd);
+ _bottomLinks[0]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET, _messageWaitTime);
+ _bottomLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketReply> reply(
+ new MergeBucketReply(dynamic_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*fwd)));
+ reply->setResult(ReturnCode(ReturnCode::OK, "Great success! :D-|-<"));
+ _bottomLinks[0]->sendUp(reply);
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY, _messageWaitTime);
+ fwd = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint16_t(0), fwd->getAddress()->getIndex());
+ // Assume everything's fine from here on out
+// 4.2 distributors don't guarantee they'll send to lowest node
+// index, so we must detect such situations and execute the merge
+// immediately rather than attempt to chain it. Test that this
+// is done correctly.
+ BucketId bid(32, 0xfeef00);
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ nodes.push_back(1);
+ nodes.push_back(2);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(bid, nodes, 1234));
+ // Send to node 1, which is not the lowest index
+ StorageMessageAddress address("storage", lib::NodeType::STORAGE, 1);
+ cmd->setAddress(address);
+ _topLinks[1]->sendDown(cmd);
+ _bottomLinks[1]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET, _messageWaitTime);
+ // Should now have been sent to persistence layer
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(1), _bottomLinks[1]->getNumCommands());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _topLinks[1]->getNumReplies()); // No reply sent yet
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(1), _throttlers[1]->getActiveMerges().size());
+ // Send reply up from persistence layer to simulate a completed
+ // merge operation. Merge should be removed from state.
+ _bottomLinks[1]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketReply> reply(
+ new MergeBucketReply(dynamic_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*cmd)));
+ reply->setResult(ReturnCode(ReturnCode::OK, "Tonight we dine on turtle soup!"));
+ _bottomLinks[1]->sendUp(reply);
+ _topLinks[1]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY, _messageWaitTime);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _bottomLinks[1]->getNumCommands());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(1), _topLinks[1]->getNumReplies());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _throttlers[1]->getActiveMerges().size());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint64_t(1), _throttlers[1]->getMetrics().local.ok.getValue());
+// Test that we don't take ownership of the merge command when we're
+// just passing it through to the persistence layer when receiving
+// a merge command that presumably comes form a 4.2 distributor
+ BucketId bid(32, 0xfeef00);
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ nodes.push_back(1);
+ nodes.push_back(2);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(bid, nodes, 1234));
+ // Send to node 1, which is not the lowest index
+ StorageMessageAddress address("storage", lib::NodeType::STORAGE, 1);
+ cmd->setAddress(address);
+ _topLinks[1]->sendDown(cmd);
+ _bottomLinks[1]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET, _messageWaitTime);
+ // Should now have been sent to persistence layer
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(1), _bottomLinks[1]->getNumCommands());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _topLinks[1]->getNumReplies()); // No reply sent yet
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(1), _throttlers[1]->getActiveMerges().size());
+ _bottomLinks[1]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ // To ensure we don't try to deref any non-owned messages
+ framework::HttpUrlPath path("?xml");
+ std::ostringstream ss;
+ _throttlers[1]->reportStatus(ss, path);
+ // Flush throttler (synchronously). Should NOT generate a reply
+ // for the merge command, as it is not owned by the throttler
+ StorageLinkTest::callOnFlush(*_throttlers[1], true);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _bottomLinks[1]->getNumCommands());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _topLinks[1]->getNumReplies());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _throttlers[1]->getActiveMerges().size());
+ // Send a belated reply from persistence up just to ensure the
+ // throttler doesn't throw a fit if it receives an unknown merge
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketReply> reply(
+ new MergeBucketReply(dynamic_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*cmd)));
+ reply->setResult(ReturnCode(ReturnCode::OK, "Tonight we dine on turtle soup!"));
+ _bottomLinks[1]->sendUp(reply);
+ _topLinks[1]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY, _messageWaitTime);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _bottomLinks[1]->getNumCommands());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(1), _topLinks[1]->getNumReplies());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _throttlers[1]->getActiveMerges().size());
+// Test that we don't take ownership of the merge command when we're
+// just passing it through to the persistence layer when we're at the
+// the end of the chain and also the designated executor
+ BucketId bid(32, 0xfeef00);
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(2);
+ nodes.push_back(1);
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ std::vector<uint16_t> chain;
+ chain.push_back(0);
+ chain.push_back(1);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(bid, nodes, 1234, 1, chain));
+ // Send to last node, which is not the lowest index
+ StorageMessageAddress address("storage", lib::NodeType::STORAGE, 3);
+ cmd->setAddress(address);
+ _topLinks[2]->sendDown(cmd);
+ _bottomLinks[2]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET, _messageWaitTime);
+ // Should now have been sent to persistence layer
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(1), _bottomLinks[2]->getNumCommands());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _topLinks[2]->getNumReplies()); // No reply sent yet
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(1), _throttlers[2]->getActiveMerges().size());
+ _bottomLinks[2]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ // To ensure we don't try to deref any non-owned messages
+ framework::HttpUrlPath path("");
+ std::ostringstream ss;
+ _throttlers[2]->reportStatus(ss, path);
+ // Flush throttler (synchronously). Should NOT generate a reply
+ // for the merge command, as it is not owned by the throttler
+ StorageLinkTest::callOnFlush(*_throttlers[2], true);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _bottomLinks[2]->getNumCommands());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _topLinks[2]->getNumReplies());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _throttlers[2]->getActiveMerges().size());
+ // Send a belated reply from persistence up just to ensure the
+ // throttler doesn't throw a fit if it receives an unknown merge
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketReply> reply(
+ new MergeBucketReply(dynamic_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*cmd)));
+ reply->setResult(ReturnCode(ReturnCode::OK, "Tonight we dine on turtle soup!"));
+ _bottomLinks[2]->sendUp(reply);
+ _topLinks[2]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY, _messageWaitTime);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _bottomLinks[2]->getNumCommands());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(1), _topLinks[2]->getNumReplies());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _throttlers[2]->getActiveMerges().size());
+// Test that nodes resending a merge command won't lead to duplicate
+// state registration/forwarding or erasing the already present state
+// information.
+ BucketId bid(32, 0xbadbed);
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ nodes.push_back(1);
+ nodes.push_back(2);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(bid, nodes, 1234));
+ StorageMessageAddress address("storage", lib::NodeType::STORAGE, 1);
+ cmd->setAddress(address);
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET, _messageWaitTime);
+ StorageMessage::SP fwd = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ // Resend from "distributor". Just use same message, as that won't matter here
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY, _messageWaitTime);
+ // Reply should be BUSY
+ StorageMessage::SP reply = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY);
+ static_cast<MergeBucketReply&>(*reply).getResult().getResult(),
+ ReturnCode::BUSY);
+ _topLinks[1]->sendDown(fwd);
+ _topLinks[1]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET, _messageWaitTime);
+ fwd = _topLinks[1]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ _topLinks[2]->sendDown(fwd);
+ _topLinks[2]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET, _messageWaitTime);
+ _topLinks[2]->sendDown(fwd);
+ _topLinks[2]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY, _messageWaitTime);
+ // Reply should be BUSY
+ reply = _topLinks[2]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY);
+ static_cast<MergeBucketReply&>(*reply).getResult().getResult(),
+ ReturnCode::BUSY);
+ fwd = _topLinks[2]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(fwd);
+ _bottomLinks[0]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET, _messageWaitTime);
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(fwd);
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY, _messageWaitTime);
+ reply = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY);
+ static_cast<MergeBucketReply&>(*reply).getResult().getResult(),
+ ReturnCode::BUSY);
+ // Fill up all active merges
+ std::size_t maxPending = _throttlers[0]->getThrottlePolicy().getMaxPendingCount();
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ nodes.push_back(1);
+ nodes.push_back(2);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(maxPending >= 4u);
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < maxPending; ++i) {
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0xf00baa00 + i), nodes, 1234));
+ cmd->setPriority(100);
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ }
+ // Wait till we have maxPending replies and 0 queued
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessages(maxPending, 5);
+ waitUntilMergeQueueIs(*_throttlers[0], 0, _messageWaitTime);
+ // Queue up some merges with different priorities
+ int priorities[4] = { 200, 150, 120, 240 };
+ int sortedPris[4] = { 120, 150, 200, 240 };
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, i), nodes, 1234));
+ cmd->setPriority(priorities[i]);
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ }
+ waitUntilMergeQueueIs(*_throttlers[0], 4, _messageWaitTime);
+ // Remove all but 4 forwarded merges
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < maxPending - 4; ++i) {
+ _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _topLinks[0]->getNumCommands());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(4), _topLinks[0]->getNumReplies());
+ // Now when we start replying to merges, queued merges should be
+ // processed in priority order
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ StorageMessage::SP replyTo = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketReply> reply(
+ new MergeBucketReply(dynamic_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*replyTo)));
+ reply->setResult(ReturnCode(ReturnCode::OK, "whee"));
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(reply);
+ }
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessages(8, _messageWaitTime); // 4 merges, 4 replies
+ waitUntilMergeQueueIs(*_throttlers[0], 0, _messageWaitTime);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ StorageMessage::SP cmd = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint8_t(sortedPris[i]), cmd->getPriority());
+ }
+// Test that we can detect and reject merges that due to resending
+// and potential priority queue sneaking etc may end up with duplicates
+// in the queue for a merge that is already known.
+ // Fill up all active merges and 1 queued one
+ std::size_t maxPending = _throttlers[0]->getThrottlePolicy().getMaxPendingCount();
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(maxPending < 100);
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < maxPending + 1; ++i) {
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ nodes.push_back(2 + i);
+ nodes.push_back(5 + i);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0xf00baa00 + i), nodes, 1234));
+ cmd->setPriority(100 - i);
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ }
+ // Wait till we have maxPending replies and 3 queued
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessages(maxPending, _messageWaitTime);
+ waitUntilMergeQueueIs(*_throttlers[0], 1, _messageWaitTime);
+ // Add a merge for the same bucket twice to the queue
+ {
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ nodes.push_back(12);
+ nodes.push_back(123);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0xf000feee), nodes, 1234));
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ }
+ {
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ nodes.push_back(124); // Different node set doesn't matter
+ nodes.push_back(14);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0xf000feee), nodes, 1234));
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ }
+ waitUntilMergeQueueIs(*_throttlers[0], 3, _messageWaitTime);
+ StorageMessage::SP fwd = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ // Remove and success-reply for 2 merges. This will give enough room
+ // for the 2 first queued merges to be processed, the last one having a
+ // duplicate in the queue.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ StorageMessage::SP fwd2 = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketReply> reply(
+ new MergeBucketReply(dynamic_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*fwd2)));
+ reply->setResult(ReturnCode(ReturnCode::OK, ""));
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(reply);
+ }
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessages(maxPending + 1, _messageWaitTime);
+ waitUntilMergeQueueIs(*_throttlers[0], 1, _messageWaitTime);
+ // Remove all current merge commands/replies so we can work with a clean slate
+ _topLinks[0]->getRepliesOnce();
+ // Send a success-reply for fwd, allowing the duplicate from the queue
+ // to have its moment to shine only to then be struck down mercilessly
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketReply> reply(
+ new MergeBucketReply(dynamic_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*fwd)));
+ reply->setResult(ReturnCode(ReturnCode::OK, ""));
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(reply);
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessages(2, _messageWaitTime);
+ waitUntilMergeQueueIs(*_throttlers[0], 0, _messageWaitTime);
+ // First reply is the successful merge reply
+ StorageMessage::SP reply2 = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY);
+ static_cast<MergeBucketReply&>(*reply2).getResult().getResult(),
+ ReturnCode::OK);
+ // Second reply should be the BUSY-rejected duplicate
+ StorageMessage::SP reply1 = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY);
+ static_cast<MergeBucketReply&>(*reply1).getResult().getResult(),
+ ReturnCode::BUSY);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(static_cast<MergeBucketReply&>(*reply1).getResult()
+ .getMessage().find("out of date;") != std::string::npos);
+// Test that sending a merge command to a node not in the set of
+// to-be-merged nodes is handled gracefully.
+// This is not a scenario that should ever actually happen, but for
+// the sake of robustness, include it anyway.
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(1);
+ nodes.push_back(5);
+ nodes.push_back(9);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0xf00baaaa), nodes, 1234));
+ // Send to node with index 0
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY, _messageWaitTime);
+ StorageMessage::SP reply = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY);
+ static_cast<MergeBucketReply&>(*reply).getResult().getResult(),
+ ReturnCode::REJECTED);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(static_cast<MergeBucketReply&>(*reply).getResult()
+ .getMessage().find("which is not in its forwarding chain") != std::string::npos);
+// Test that the throttling policy kicks in after a certain number of
+// merges are forwarded and that the rest are queued in a prioritized
+// order.
+ // Fill up all active merges and then 3 queued ones
+ std::size_t maxPending = _throttlers[0]->getThrottlePolicy().getMaxPendingCount();
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(maxPending < 100);
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < maxPending + 3; ++i) {
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ nodes.push_back(2 + i);
+ nodes.push_back(5 + i);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0xf00baa00 + i), nodes, 1234));
+ cmd->setPriority(100 - i);
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ }
+ // Wait till we have maxPending replies and 3 queued
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessages(maxPending, _messageWaitTime);
+ waitUntilMergeQueueIs(*_throttlers[0], 3, _messageWaitTime);
+ // Merge queue state should not be touched by worker thread now
+ StorageMessage::SP nextMerge = _throttlers[0]->getMergeQueue().begin()->_msg;
+ StorageMessage::SP fwd = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ // Remove all the rest of the active merges
+ while (!_topLinks[0]->getReplies().empty()) {
+ _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketReply> reply(
+ new MergeBucketReply(dynamic_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*fwd)));
+ reply->setResult(ReturnCode(ReturnCode::OK, "Celebrate good times come on"));
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(reply);
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY, _messageWaitTime); // Success rewind reply
+ // Remove reply bound for distributor
+ StorageMessage::SP distReply = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY);
+ static_cast<MergeBucketReply&>(*distReply).getResult().getResult(),
+ ReturnCode::OK);
+ waitUntilMergeQueueIs(*_throttlers[0], 2, _messageWaitTime);
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET, _messageWaitTime);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _topLinks[0]->getNumCommands());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(1), _topLinks[0]->getNumReplies());
+ // First queued merge should now have been registered and forwarded
+ fwd = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ static_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*fwd).getBucketId(),
+ static_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*nextMerge).getBucketId());
+ static_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*fwd).getNodes()
+ == static_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*nextMerge).getNodes());
+ // Ensure forwarded merge has a higher priority than the next queued one
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(fwd->getPriority() < _throttlers[0]->getMergeQueue().begin()->_msg->getPriority());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint64_t(1), _throttlers[0]->getMetrics().chaining.ok.getValue());
+ /*framework::HttpUrlPath path("?xml");
+ _forwarders[0]->reportStatus(std::cerr, path);*/
+ MergeThrottler& throttler(*_throttlers[1]);
+ DummyStorageLink& topLink(*_topLinks[1]);
+ DummyStorageLink& bottomLink(*_bottomLinks[1]);
+ // Fill up all active merges and then 3 queued ones
+ std::size_t maxPending = throttler.getThrottlePolicy().getMaxPendingCount();
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(maxPending < 100);
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < maxPending + 3; ++i) {
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(1);
+ nodes.push_back(5 + i);
+ nodes.push_back(7 + i);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0xf00baa00 + i), nodes, 1234, 1));
+ cmd->setPriority(250 - i + 5);
+ topLink.sendDown(cmd);
+ }
+ // Wait till we have maxPending replies and 3 queued
+ topLink.waitForMessages(maxPending, _messageWaitTime);
+ waitUntilMergeQueueIs(throttler, 3, _messageWaitTime);
+ // Sneak in a higher priority message that is bound to be executed
+ // on the given node
+ {
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(1);
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ std::vector<uint16_t> chain;
+ chain.push_back(0);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0x1337), nodes, 1234, 1, chain));
+ cmd->setPriority(0);
+ topLink.sendDown(cmd);
+ }
+ waitUntilMergeQueueIs(throttler, 4, _messageWaitTime);
+ // Merge queue state should not be touched by worker thread now
+ StorageMessage::SP nextMerge(throttler.getMergeQueue().begin()->_msg);
+ /*StorageMessage::SP nextMerge;
+ {
+ vespalib::LockGuard lock(_throttlers[0]->getStateLock());
+ // Dirty: have to check internal state
+ nextMerge = _throttlers[0]->getMergeQueue().begin()->_msg;
+ }*/
+ BucketId(32, 0x1337),
+ dynamic_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*nextMerge).getBucketId());
+ StorageMessage::SP fwd(topLink.getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET));
+ // Remove all the rest of the active merges
+ while (!topLink.getReplies().empty()) {
+ topLink.getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ }
+ // Free up a merge slot
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketReply> reply(
+ new MergeBucketReply(dynamic_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*fwd)));
+ reply->setResult(ReturnCode(ReturnCode::OK, "Celebrate good times come on"));
+ topLink.sendDown(reply);
+ topLink.waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY, _messageWaitTime);
+ // Remove chain reply
+ StorageMessage::SP distReply(topLink.getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY));
+ static_cast<MergeBucketReply&>(*distReply).getResult().getResult(),
+ ReturnCode::OK);
+ waitUntilMergeQueueIs(throttler, 3, _messageWaitTime);
+ bottomLink.waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET, _messageWaitTime);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), topLink.getNumCommands());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), topLink.getNumReplies());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(1), bottomLink.getNumCommands());
+ // First queued merge should now have been registered and sent down
+ StorageMessage::SP cmd(bottomLink.getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET));
+ static_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*cmd).getBucketId(),
+ static_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*nextMerge).getBucketId());
+ static_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*cmd).getNodes()
+ == static_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*nextMerge).getNodes());
+ // Fill up all active merges and then 3 queued ones
+ std::size_t maxPending = _throttlers[0]->getThrottlePolicy().getMaxPendingCount();
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(maxPending < 100);
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < maxPending + 3; ++i) {
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ nodes.push_back(1);
+ nodes.push_back(2);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0xf00baa00 + i), nodes, 1234, 1));
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ }
+ // Wait till we have maxPending replies and 3 queued
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessages(maxPending, _messageWaitTime);
+ waitUntilMergeQueueIs(*_throttlers[0], 3, _messageWaitTime);
+ // Remove all forwarded commands
+ uint32_t removed = _topLinks[0]->getRepliesOnce().size();
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(removed >= 5);
+ // Flush the storage link, triggering an abort of all commands
+ // no matter what their current state is.
+ _topLinks[0]->close();
+ _topLinks[0]->flush();
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessages(maxPending + 3 - removed, _messageWaitTime);
+ while (!_topLinks[0]->getReplies().empty()) {
+ StorageMessage::SP reply = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY);
+ ReturnCode::ABORTED,
+ static_cast<const MergeBucketReply&>(*reply).getResult().getResult());
+ }
+ // NOTE: merges that have been immediately executed (i.e. not cycled)
+ // on the node should _not_ be replied to, since they're not owned
+ // by the throttler at that point in time
+// If a node goes down and another node has a merge chained through it in
+// its queue, the original node can receive a final chain hop forwarding
+// it knows nothing about when it comes back up. If this is not handled
+// properly, it will attempt to forward this node again with a bogus
+// index. This should be implicitly handled by checking for a full node
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ nodes.push_back(5);
+ nodes.push_back(9);
+ std::vector<uint16_t> chain;
+ chain.push_back(0);
+ chain.push_back(5);
+ chain.push_back(9);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0xdeadbeef), nodes, 1234, 1, chain));
+ StorageMessageAddress address("storage", lib::NodeType::STORAGE, 9);
+ cmd->setAddress(address);
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ // First, test that we get rejected when processing merge immediately
+ // Should get a rejection in return
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY, _messageWaitTime);
+ StorageMessage::SP reply = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY);
+ ReturnCode::REJECTED,
+ dynamic_cast<const MergeBucketReply&>(*reply).getResult().getResult());
+ // Second, test that we get rejected before queueing up. This is to
+ // avoid a hypothetical deadlock scenario.
+ // Fill up all active merges
+ {
+ std::size_t maxPending(
+ _throttlers[0]->getThrottlePolicy().getMaxPendingCount());
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < maxPending; ++i) {
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> fillCmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0xf00baa00 + i), nodes, 1234));
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(fillCmd);
+ }
+ }
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY, _messageWaitTime);
+ reply = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY);
+ ReturnCode::REJECTED,
+ dynamic_cast<const MergeBucketReply&>(*reply).getResult().getResult());
+ // Fill up all active merges and then 3 queued ones with the same
+ // system state
+ std::size_t maxPending = _throttlers[0]->getThrottlePolicy().getMaxPendingCount();
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(maxPending < 100);
+ std::vector<api::StorageMessage::Id> ids;
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < maxPending + 3; ++i) {
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ nodes.push_back(1);
+ nodes.push_back(2);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0xf00baa00 + i), nodes, 1234, 1));
+ ids.push_back(cmd->getMsgId());
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ }
+ // Wait till we have maxPending replies and 3 queued
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessages(maxPending, _messageWaitTime);
+ waitUntilMergeQueueIs(*_throttlers[0], 3, _messageWaitTime);
+ // Send down merge with newer system state
+ {
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ nodes.push_back(1);
+ nodes.push_back(2);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0x12345678), nodes, 1234, 2));
+ ids.push_back(cmd->getMsgId());
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ }
+ // Queue should now be flushed with all messages being returned with
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessages(maxPending + 3, _messageWaitTime);
+ waitUntilMergeQueueIs(*_throttlers[0], 1, _messageWaitTime);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ StorageMessage::SP reply = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY);
+ static_cast<MergeBucketReply&>(*reply).getResult().getResult(),
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1u, static_cast<MergeBucketReply&>(*reply).getClusterStateVersion());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(ids[maxPending + i], reply->getMsgId());
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint64_t(3), _throttlers[0]->getMetrics().chaining.failures.wrongdistribution.getValue());
+ // State is version 1. Send down several merges with state version 2.
+ std::size_t maxPending = _throttlers[0]->getThrottlePolicy().getMaxPendingCount();
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(maxPending < 100);
+ std::vector<api::StorageMessage::Id> ids;
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < maxPending + 3; ++i) {
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ nodes.push_back(1);
+ nodes.push_back(2);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0xf00baa00 + i), nodes, 1234, 2));
+ ids.push_back(cmd->getMsgId());
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ }
+ // Wait till we have maxPending replies and 4 queued
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessages(maxPending, _messageWaitTime);
+ waitUntilMergeQueueIs(*_throttlers[0], 3, _messageWaitTime);
+ // Send down new system state (also set it explicitly)
+ _servers[0]->setClusterState(lib::ClusterState("distributor:100 storage:100 version:3"));
+ std::shared_ptr<api::SetSystemStateCommand> stateCmd(
+ new api::SetSystemStateCommand(lib::ClusterState("distributor:100 storage:100 version:3")));
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(stateCmd);
+ // Queue should now be flushed with all being replied to with WRONG_DISTRIBUTION
+ waitUntilMergeQueueIs(*_throttlers[0], 0, _messageWaitTime);
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessages(maxPending + 3, 5);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ StorageMessage::SP reply = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY);
+ static_cast<MergeBucketReply&>(*reply).getResult().getResult(),
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(2u, static_cast<MergeBucketReply&>(*reply).getClusterStateVersion());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(ids[maxPending + i], reply->getMsgId());
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint64_t(3), _throttlers[0]->getMetrics().chaining.failures.wrongdistribution.getValue());
+ // Fill up all active merges and then 1 queued one
+ std::size_t maxPending = _throttlers[0]->getThrottlePolicy().getMaxPendingCount();
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(maxPending < 100);
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < maxPending + 1; ++i) {
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ nodes.push_back(1);
+ nodes.push_back(2);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0xf00baa00 + i), nodes, 1234, 1));
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ }
+ // Wait till we have maxPending replies and 1 queued
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessages(maxPending, _messageWaitTime);
+ waitUntilMergeQueueIs(*_throttlers[0], 1, _messageWaitTime);
+ StorageMessage::SP fwd = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ // Remove all the rest of the active merges
+ while (!_topLinks[0]->getReplies().empty()) {
+ _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ }
+ // Send down a merge with a cluster state version of 0, which should
+ // be ignored and queued as usual
+ {
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ nodes.push_back(1);
+ nodes.push_back(2);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0xbaaadbed), nodes, 1234, 0));
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ }
+ waitUntilMergeQueueIs(*_throttlers[0], 2, _messageWaitTime);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _topLinks[0]->getNumCommands());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _topLinks[0]->getNumReplies());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint64_t(0), _throttlers[0]->getMetrics().local.failures.wrongdistribution.getValue());
+// Test that a merge that arrive with a state version that is less than
+// that of the node is rejected immediately
+ _servers[0]->setClusterState(lib::ClusterState("distributor:100 storage:100 version:10"));
+ // Send down a merge with a cluster state version of 9, which should
+ // be rejected
+ {
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ nodes.push_back(1);
+ nodes.push_back(2);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0xfeef00), nodes, 1234, 9));
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ }
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessages(1, _messageWaitTime);
+ StorageMessage::SP reply = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY);
+ static_cast<MergeBucketReply&>(*reply).getResult().getResult(),
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint64_t(1), _throttlers[0]->getMetrics().chaining.failures.wrongdistribution.getValue());
+// Test erroneous case where node receives merge where the merge does
+// not exist in the state, but it exists in the chain without the chain
+// being full. This is something that shouldn't happen, but must still
+// not crash the node
+ BucketId bid(32, 0xbadbed);
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ nodes.push_back(1);
+ nodes.push_back(2);
+ std::vector<uint16_t> chain;
+ chain.push_back(0);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(bid, nodes, 1234, 1, chain));
+ StorageMessageAddress address("storage", lib::NodeType::STORAGE, 1);
+ cmd->setAddress(address);
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY, _messageWaitTime);
+ StorageMessage::SP reply = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY);
+ ReturnCode::REJECTED,
+ static_cast<MergeBucketReply&>(*reply).getResult().getResult());
+ std::size_t maxPending = _throttlers[0]->getThrottlePolicy().getMaxPendingCount();
+ std::size_t maxQueue = _throttlers[0]->getMaxQueueSize();
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(maxPending < 100);
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < maxPending + maxQueue; ++i) {
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ nodes.push_back(1);
+ nodes.push_back(2);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0xf00000 + i), nodes, 1234, 1));
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ }
+ // Wait till we have maxPending replies and maxQueue queued
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessages(maxPending, _messageWaitTime);
+ waitUntilMergeQueueIs(*_throttlers[0], maxQueue, _messageWaitTime);
+ // Clear all forwarded merges
+ _topLinks[0]->getRepliesOnce();
+ // Send down another merge which should be immediately busy-returned
+ {
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ nodes.push_back(1);
+ nodes.push_back(2);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0xf000baaa), nodes, 1234, 1));
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(cmd);
+ }
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY, _messageWaitTime);
+ StorageMessage::SP reply = _topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY);
+ BucketId(32, 0xf000baaa),
+ static_cast<MergeBucketReply&>(*reply).getBucketId());
+ ReturnCode::BUSY,
+ static_cast<MergeBucketReply&>(*reply).getResult().getResult());
+ _throttlers[0]->getMetrics().chaining
+ .failures.busy.getValue());
+ _throttlers[0]->getMetrics().local
+ .failures.busy.getValue());
+ std::vector<MergeBucketCommand::Node> nodes;
+ nodes.push_back(1);
+ nodes.push_back(0);
+ nodes.push_back(2);
+ {
+ std::vector<uint16_t> chain;
+ chain.push_back(0);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0xfeef00), nodes, 1234, 1, chain));
+ _topLinks[1]->sendDown(cmd);
+ }
+ _topLinks[1]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET, _messageWaitTime);
+ StorageMessage::SP fwd = _topLinks[1]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint16_t(2), fwd->getAddress()->getIndex());
+ // Send cycled merge which will be executed
+ {
+ std::vector<uint16_t> chain;
+ chain.push_back(0);
+ chain.push_back(1);
+ chain.push_back(2);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0xfeef00), nodes, 1234, 1, chain));
+ _topLinks[1]->sendDown(cmd);
+ }
+ _bottomLinks[1]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET, _messageWaitTime);
+ StorageMessage::SP cycled = _bottomLinks[1]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ // Now, node 2 goes down, auto sending back a failed merge
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketReply> nodeDownReply(
+ new MergeBucketReply(dynamic_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*fwd)));
+ nodeDownReply->setResult(ReturnCode(ReturnCode::NOT_CONNECTED, "Node went sightseeing"));
+ _topLinks[1]->sendDown(nodeDownReply);
+ // Merge reply also arrives from persistence
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketReply> persistenceReply(
+ new MergeBucketReply(dynamic_cast<const MergeBucketCommand&>(*cycled)));
+ persistenceReply->setResult(ReturnCode(ReturnCode::ABORTED, "Oh dear"));
+ _bottomLinks[1]->sendUp(persistenceReply);
+ // Should now be two replies from node 1, one to node 2 and one to node 0
+ // since we must handle broken chains
+ _topLinks[1]->waitForMessages(2, _messageWaitTime);
+ // Unwind reply shares the result of the persistence reply
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ StorageMessage::SP reply = _topLinks[1]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET_REPLY);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(api::ReturnCode(ReturnCode::ABORTED, "Oh dear"),
+ static_cast<MergeBucketReply&>(*reply).getResult());
+ }
+ // Make sure it has been removed from the internal state so we can
+ // send new merges for the bucket
+ {
+ std::vector<uint16_t> chain;
+ chain.push_back(0);
+ std::shared_ptr<MergeBucketCommand> cmd(
+ new MergeBucketCommand(BucketId(32, 0xfeef00), nodes, 1234, 1, chain));
+ _topLinks[1]->sendDown(cmd);
+ }
+ _topLinks[1]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET, 5);
+ fwd = _topLinks[1]->getAndRemoveMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(uint16_t(2), fwd->getAddress()->getIndex());
+ const std::shared_ptr<api::StorageMessage>& msg,
+ const api::MessageType& expectedReplyType,
+ api::ReturnCode::Result expectedResultCode)
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(msg);
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessage(expectedReplyType, _messageWaitTime);
+ StorageMessage::SP reply(_topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(
+ expectedReplyType));
+ api::StorageReply& storageReply(
+ dynamic_cast<api::StorageReply&>(*reply));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expectedResultCode,
+ storageReply.getResult().getResult());
+ document::BucketId bucket(16, 1234);
+ std::vector<api::GetBucketDiffCommand::Node> nodes;
+ std::shared_ptr<api::GetBucketDiffCommand> getDiffCmd(
+ new api::GetBucketDiffCommand(bucket, nodes, api::Timestamp(1234)));
+ sendAndExpectReply(getDiffCmd,
+ api::MessageType::GETBUCKETDIFF_REPLY,
+ api::ReturnCode::ABORTED);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _bottomLinks[0]->getNumCommands());
+ document::BucketId bucket(16, 1234);
+ std::vector<api::GetBucketDiffCommand::Node> nodes;
+ std::shared_ptr<api::ApplyBucketDiffCommand> applyDiffCmd(
+ new api::ApplyBucketDiffCommand(bucket, nodes, api::Timestamp(1234)));
+ sendAndExpectReply(applyDiffCmd,
+ api::ReturnCode::ABORTED);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _bottomLinks[0]->getNumCommands());
+MergeThrottlerTest::sendMerge(const MergeBuilder& builder)
+ api::MergeBucketCommand::SP cmd(builder.create());
+ _topLinks[builder._nodes[0]]->sendDown(cmd);
+ return cmd;
+ document::BucketId bucket(16, 6789);
+ _throttlers[0]->getThrottlePolicy().setMaxPendingCount(1);
+ // Merge will be forwarded (i.e. active).
+ sendMerge(MergeBuilder(bucket).clusterStateVersion(10));
+ _topLinks[0]->waitForMessage(MessageType::MERGEBUCKET, _messageWaitTime);
+ StorageMessage::SP fwd(_topLinks[0]->getAndRemoveMessage(
+ MessageType::MERGEBUCKET));
+ _topLinks[0]->sendDown(makeSystemStateCmd(
+ "version:11 distributor:100 storage:100"));
+ // Cannot send reply until we're unwinding
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(std::size_t(0), _topLinks[0]->getNumReplies());
+ // Trying to diff the bucket should now fail
+ {
+ std::shared_ptr<api::GetBucketDiffCommand> getDiffCmd(
+ new api::GetBucketDiffCommand(bucket, {}, api::Timestamp(123)));
+ sendAndExpectReply(getDiffCmd,
+ api::MessageType::GETBUCKETDIFF_REPLY,
+ api::ReturnCode::ABORTED);
+ }
+// TODO test message queue aborting (use rendezvous functionality--make guard)
+} // namespace storage