path: root/storage
diff options
authorTor Brede Vekterli <>2023-06-29 14:53:32 +0200
committerTor Brede Vekterli <>2023-07-20 14:29:42 +0200
commit0f1ac2a350a47f7a0aa116e8db31ff9a0c75d62f (patch)
tree1dd81c6f5324cd0dc0a31c3c0b54d061523dec42 /storage
parentf21d2e870a5ad48fdb513a5bdfc0c84fe3f27f72 (diff)
Add PlusCal/TLA+ spec for potential changes to bucket metadata synchronization
This spec models a potential direction for future changes to the bucket state synchronization protocols; in this case greatly simplified to involve just a single data bucket between multiple distributors and a single content node. The core assumption is that if this mechanism is correct for one bucket, it will be correct for any larger set of buckets (assuming bucket independence, which is a half-truth due to splits and joins in an actual system). It is important to note that this only models single-replica eventual consistency. It is not intended to cover cross-replica consistency, as that is inherently a much more complex story. The model may be expanded to cover this case later. This specification is explicitly bounded in its state space and is therefore only able to model a subset of the infinite state space of a real system. Such is life.
Diffstat (limited to 'storage')
2 files changed, 667 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/specs/bucketinfo/.gitignore b/storage/specs/bucketinfo/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..da11540811a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/specs/bucketinfo/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/storage/specs/bucketinfo/bucketinfo.tla b/storage/specs/bucketinfo/bucketinfo.tla
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ba540ae1763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/specs/bucketinfo/bucketinfo.tla
@@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
+------------------------------ MODULE bucketinfo ------------------------------
+EXTENDS Naturals, FiniteSets, Sequences, Integers, TLC
+(* This spec models the state synchronization mechanisms for a single data *)
+(* bucket between distributors and a single content node. The core *)
+(* assumption is that if this mechanism is correct for one bucket, *)
+(* it will be correct for any larger set of buckets (assuming bucket *)
+(* independence, which is a half-truth due to splits and joins in an *)
+(* actual system). It is important to note that this only models *)
+(* single-replica eventual consistency. It is not intended to handle *)
+(* cross-replica consistency. *)
+(* *)
+(* This specification is explicitly bounded in its state space and is *)
+(* therefore only able to model a subset of the infinite state space of *)
+(* a real system. Such is life. *)
+(* *)
+(* Example configuration: *)
+(* *)
+(* ContentNode <- [model value] *)
+(* DistributorNodes <- [model value] <symmetrical> {D1, D2} *)
+(* MutatingOps <- [model value] <symmetrical> {M1, M2} *)
+(* Null <- [model value] *)
+(* ClusterStates <- {1, 2} *)
+(* NodeEpochs <- {1} *)
+(* *)
+(* State space explosion warning: letting NodeEpochs have a cardinality *)
+(* higher than 1 will send the number of explorable states to the moon, *)
+(* as the content node may then "restart" at any possible time. *)
+(* Example (exact counts may be out of date): *)
+(* *)
+(* The above configuration yields 358,189 states. *)
+(* *)
+(* Changing NodeEpochs to {1,2} yields 2,326,694,797 states. *)
+(* *)
+(* Note: this spec represents a possible future state of the system, it *)
+(* does not represent the current working state. *)
+CONSTANTS DistributorNodes, ContentNode, ClusterStates,
+ NodeEpochs, MutatingOps, Null
+ASSUME /\ IsFiniteSet(DistributorNodes)
+ /\ Cardinality(DistributorNodes) > 0
+ /\ IsFiniteSet(ClusterStates)
+ /\ Cardinality(ClusterStates) > 0
+ /\ IsFiniteSet(NodeEpochs)
+ /\ Cardinality(NodeEpochs) > 0
+ /\ IsFiniteSet(MutatingOps)
+ /\ Cardinality(MutatingOps) > 0
+ /\ ClusterStates \subseteq (Nat \ {0})
+ /\ NodeEpochs \subseteq (Nat \ {0})
+ /\ DistributorNodes \intersect {ContentNode} = {}
+(*--algorithm bucketinfo
+ proposedMuts = {},
+ publishedStates = {},
+ storEpoch \in NodeEpochs,
+ messages = {}; \* model messages as unordered set to test reordering "for free"
+ SeqToSet(s) == {s[i]: i \in 1..Len(s)}
+ HasMessage(t, d) == \E m \in messages: (m.type = t /\ m.dest = d)
+ MessagesOfTypeTo(t, d) == {m \in messages: m.type = t /\ m.dest = d}
+ UnpublishedStateVersions == {s \in ClusterStates:
+ \A p \in publishedStates: s > p.version}
+ Max(s) == CHOOSE x \in s: \A y \in s: x >= y
+ NullDistributorDbState == [muts |-> <<>>, epoch |-> 0, seqNo |-> 0]
+end define;
+macro Send(msgs) begin
+ messages := messages \union msgs;
+end macro;
+macro MarkReceivedAndSend(recvd, msgs) begin
+ messages := (messages \union msgs) \ recvd;
+end macro;
+macro MarkReceived(msg) begin
+ messages := messages \ {msg};
+end macro;
+macro EnqueueMutMsg(msg) begin
+ mutQ := mutQ \union {msg};
+end macro;
+macro DequeueMutMsg(msg) begin
+ mutQ := mutQ \ {msg};
+end macro;
+(* The cluster controller may publish new cluster states at any time, and *)
+(* these will eventually be picked up by the node processes. The new *)
+(* cluster state will have a higher version than any previously published *)
+(* states and includes the distributor that owns the bucket in the *)
+(* given state. The owning distributor in any given state is *)
+(* non-deterministic. *)
+fair process ClusterController = "cc"
+begin CCPublish:
+ while TRUE do
+ either
+ with v \in UnpublishedStateVersions, d \in DistributorNodes do
+ publishedStates := publishedStates \union {[version |-> v, owner |-> d]};
+ end with
+ or
+ skip;
+ end either;
+ end while;
+end process;
+(* Distributor processes manage a disjoint subset of the bucket space for *)
+(* any given cluster state version. For our single bucket model, only one *)
+(* of the distributors is designated as the bucket owner for any given *)
+(* state. *)
+(* *)
+(* A distributor process that is the owner in its most recent state may *)
+(* propose a mutation to the bucket. *)
+(* *)
+(* It is expected (and this specification verifies) that if a distributor *)
+(* owns a bucket in a state, it will eventually observe the actual state *)
+(* of the bucket as it exists on the content node. *)
+fair+ process Distributor \in DistributorNodes
+ curStateD = [version |-> 0, epoch |-> 0, owner |-> Null],
+ pendingStateD = Null,
+ distDbState = NullDistributorDbState; \* mutations for a single bucket
+begin DEventLoop:
+ while TRUE do
+ either
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ (* Process new cluster state, if one has been published. This also *)
+ (* emulates the special case where a content node has restarted and *)
+ (* the cluster controller lets distributors know by sending the *)
+ (* node's start timestamp (epoch) as metadata in the cluster state. *)
+ (* This can happen even without a new cluster state version being *)
+ (* published, so we treat the two as separate events. We assume *)
+ (* that distributors will eventually observe the new epoch. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* A new cluster state (or epoch) triggers a bucket info request *)
+ (* towards the content node, as the distributor may have outdated *)
+ (* (or non-existing) metadata about its bucket(s). In this *)
+ (* transition period between receiving the cluster state and *)
+ (* applying the bucket information required to handle operations *)
+ (* for it, the distributor explicitly marks the state as pending. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* The distributor always purges all knowledge of buckets it is *)
+ (* not supposed to manage (own) as part of the cluster state *)
+ (* observation edge. *)
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ with s \in {p \in publishedStates:
+ \/ p.version > curStateD.version
+ \/ /\ p.version = curStateD.version
+ /\ storEpoch > curStateD.epoch} do
+ if \/ pendingStateD = Null
+ \/ pendingStateD.cs.version < s.version
+ \/ pendingStateD.epoch < storEpoch then
+ Send({[type |-> "bucket-info-request",
+ src |-> self,
+ version |-> s.version,
+ dest |-> ContentNode]});
+ pendingStateD := [cs |-> s, epoch |-> storEpoch];
+ if s.owner # self then
+ \* "as-if" purged state for non-owned bucket
+ distDbState := NullDistributorDbState;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end with;
+ (***********************************************************************)
+ (* The below states are only transitively reachable if we have *)
+ (* observed at least one state *)
+ (***********************************************************************)
+ or
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ (* If we are the owner in what we believe is the most recent state, *)
+ (* send a mutating operation. The content node may reject this *)
+ (* operation if it disagrees with the current state. *)
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ with op \in (MutatingOps \ proposedMuts) do
+ if curStateD.owner = self then
+ proposedMuts := proposedMuts \union {op};
+ Send({[type |-> "mutation-request",
+ src |-> self,
+ dest |-> ContentNode,
+ mut |-> op]});
+ end if;
+ end with;
+ or
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ (* Receive mutation response. Only apply to state iff it represents *)
+ (* a more recent state than what we already have. *)
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ with m \in MessagesOfTypeTo("mutation-response", self) do
+ MarkReceived(m);
+ if /\ m.ack
+ /\ (pendingStateD # Null) => (pendingStateD.cs.owner = self)
+ /\ (pendingStateD = Null) => (curStateD.owner = self)
+ /\ \/ m.epoch > distDbState.epoch
+ \/ /\ m.epoch = distDbState.epoch
+ /\ m.state.seqNo > distDbState.seqNo then
+ distDbState := [muts |-> m.state.muts,
+ epoch |-> m.epoch,
+ seqNo |-> m.state.seqNo];
+ end if;
+ end with;
+ or
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ (* Process bucket info returned from the content node. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* In today's actual implementation we explicitly differentiate *)
+ (* between full bucket fetches (which are used for state *)
+ (* transitions) and single-bucket fetches (which are not). *)
+ (* Since we only have a single bucket we muddle the waters a bit *)
+ (* by having one operation with the semantics of both. *)
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ with m \in MessagesOfTypeTo("bucket-info-response", self) do
+ with effVer = IF pendingStateD # Null
+ THEN pendingStateD.cs.version
+ ELSE curStateD.version do
+ if m.version = effVer then
+ MarkReceived(m);
+ if pendingStateD # Null then
+ assert(curStateD.version <= pendingStateD.cs.version);
+ curStateD := [version |-> pendingStateD.cs.version,
+ owner |-> pendingStateD.cs.owner,
+ epoch |-> pendingStateD.epoch];
+ pendingStateD := Null;
+ end if;
+ if /\ m.ack /\ \/ m.epoch > distDbState.epoch
+ \/ /\ m.epoch = distDbState.epoch
+ /\ m.state.seqNo > distDbState.seqNo then
+ distDbState := [muts |-> m.state.muts,
+ epoch |-> m.epoch,
+ seqNo |-> m.state.seqNo];
+ end if;
+ else
+ \* Resend; expect stale node to eventually catch up
+ if m.version < effVer then
+ MarkReceivedAndSend({m}, {
+ [type |-> "bucket-info-request",
+ src |-> self,
+ version |-> effVer,
+ dest |-> ContentNode]});
+ else
+ MarkReceived(m);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end with;
+ end with;
+ or
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ (* Not modelling distributor restart, as that always refreshes *)
+ (* metadata state anyway. *)
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ skip;
+ end either;
+ end while;
+end process;
+(* The content node process responds to bucket info and mutation requests *)
+(* from the distributors, as well as listening for cluster state changes. *)
+(* *)
+(* The content node has a persistence operation queue for mutating *)
+(* operations. We model this queue explicitly as a set to simulate *)
+(* reordering caused by differing operation priorities etc. *)
+fair process Content = "content"
+ curStateS = [version |-> 0, owner |-> Null],
+ ephemeralSeqNo = 1,
+ mutQ = {},
+ storDbState = [muts |-> <<>>, seqNo |-> 0];
+begin CEventLoop:
+ while TRUE do
+ either
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ (* Apply new cluster state *)
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ with s \in {p \in publishedStates: p.version > curStateS.version} do
+ curStateS := s;
+ end with
+ or
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ (* Process bucket info requests from distributors in the context *)
+ (* of the node's currently applied cluster state. *)
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ with m \in MessagesOfTypeTo("bucket-info-request", ContentNode) do
+ with acked = /\ m.version = curStateS.version
+ /\ m.src = curStateS.owner do
+ MarkReceivedAndSend({m}, {
+ [type |-> "bucket-info-response",
+ src |-> ContentNode,
+ dest |-> m.src,
+ ack |-> acked,
+ version |-> curStateS.version,
+ epoch |-> storEpoch,
+ state |-> storDbState]});
+ end with;
+ end with;
+ or
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ (* Add incoming mutation request to persistence queue. No checking *)
+ (* is performed at this point. *)
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ with m \in MessagesOfTypeTo("mutation-request", ContentNode) do
+ MarkReceived(m);
+ EnqueueMutMsg(m);
+ end with;
+ or
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ (* Process queued mutation. Apply operation iff the sender is the *)
+ (* owner in the current cluster state. *)
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ with qm \in mutQ do
+ DequeueMutMsg(qm);
+ with acked = (qm.src = curStateS.owner) do
+ if acked = TRUE then
+ storDbState := [muts |-> Append(storDbState.muts, qm.mut),
+ seqNo |-> ephemeralSeqNo];
+ ephemeralSeqNo := ephemeralSeqNo + 1;
+ end if;
+ Send({
+ [type |-> "mutation-response",
+ src |-> ContentNode,
+ dest |-> qm.src,
+ ack |-> acked,
+ epoch |-> storEpoch,
+ state |-> storDbState]});
+ end with;
+ end with;
+ or
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ (* Restart node (if we "can"). Restarting resets all non-persisted *)
+ (* state to their initial values and only preserves acknowledged *)
+ (* mutations. *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Note that for simplicity we do not clear the persistence queue. *)
+ (* Ops are implicitly aborted depending on whether the state is *)
+ (* evaluated before or after the content node gets hold of the *)
+ (* current cluster state. *)
+ (*********************************************************************)
+ with newEpoch \in {e \in NodeEpochs: e > storEpoch} do
+ ephemeralSeqNo := 1;
+ storEpoch := newEpoch;
+ curStateS := [version |-> 0, owner |-> Null];
+ storDbState := [muts |-> storDbState.muts, seqNo |-> 0];
+ end with;
+ or
+ \* TODO notify change?
+ skip;
+ end either;
+ end while;
+end process;
+end algorithm;*)
+\* BEGIN TRANSLATION (chksum(pcal) = "7a179595" /\ chksum(tla) = "2d89f470")
+VARIABLES proposedMuts, publishedStates, storEpoch, messages
+(* define statement *)
+SeqToSet(s) == {s[i]: i \in 1..Len(s)}
+HasMessage(t, d) == \E m \in messages: (m.type = t /\ m.dest = d)
+MessagesOfTypeTo(t, d) == {m \in messages: m.type = t /\ m.dest = d}
+UnpublishedStateVersions == {s \in ClusterStates:
+ \A p \in publishedStates: s > p.version}
+Max(s) == CHOOSE x \in s: \A y \in s: x >= y
+NullDistributorDbState == [muts |-> <<>>, epoch |-> 0, seqNo |-> 0]
+VARIABLES curStateD, pendingStateD, distDbState, curStateS, ephemeralSeqNo,
+ mutQ, storDbState
+vars == << proposedMuts, publishedStates, storEpoch, messages, curStateD,
+ pendingStateD, distDbState, curStateS, ephemeralSeqNo, mutQ,
+ storDbState >>
+ProcSet == {"cc"} \cup (DistributorNodes) \cup {"content"}
+Init == (* Global variables *)
+ /\ proposedMuts = {}
+ /\ publishedStates = {}
+ /\ storEpoch \in NodeEpochs
+ /\ messages = {}
+ (* Process Distributor *)
+ /\ curStateD = [self \in DistributorNodes |-> [version |-> 0, epoch |-> 0, owner |-> Null]]
+ /\ pendingStateD = [self \in DistributorNodes |-> Null]
+ /\ distDbState = [self \in DistributorNodes |-> NullDistributorDbState]
+ (* Process Content *)
+ /\ curStateS = [version |-> 0, owner |-> Null]
+ /\ ephemeralSeqNo = 1
+ /\ mutQ = {}
+ /\ storDbState = [muts |-> <<>>, seqNo |-> 0]
+ClusterController == /\ \/ /\ \E v \in UnpublishedStateVersions:
+ \E d \in DistributorNodes:
+ publishedStates' = (publishedStates \union {[version |-> v, owner |-> d]})
+ \/ /\ TRUE
+ /\ UNCHANGED publishedStates
+ /\ UNCHANGED << proposedMuts, storEpoch, messages,
+ curStateD, pendingStateD, distDbState,
+ curStateS, ephemeralSeqNo, mutQ,
+ storDbState >>
+Distributor(self) == /\ \/ /\ \E s \in {p \in publishedStates:
+ \/ p.version > curStateD[self].version
+ \/ /\ p.version = curStateD[self].version
+ /\ storEpoch > curStateD[self].epoch}:
+ IF \/ pendingStateD[self] = Null
+ \/ pendingStateD[self].cs.version < s.version
+ \/ pendingStateD[self].epoch < storEpoch
+ THEN /\ messages' = (messages \union ({[type |-> "bucket-info-request",
+ src |-> self,
+ version |-> s.version,
+ dest |-> ContentNode]}))
+ /\ pendingStateD' = [pendingStateD EXCEPT ![self] = [cs |-> s, epoch |-> storEpoch]]
+ /\ IF s.owner # self
+ THEN /\ distDbState' = [distDbState EXCEPT ![self] = NullDistributorDbState]
+ /\ UNCHANGED distDbState
+ /\ UNCHANGED << messages,
+ pendingStateD,
+ distDbState >>
+ /\ UNCHANGED <<proposedMuts, curStateD>>
+ \/ /\ \E op \in (MutatingOps \ proposedMuts):
+ IF curStateD[self].owner = self
+ THEN /\ proposedMuts' = (proposedMuts \union {op})
+ /\ messages' = (messages \union ({[type |-> "mutation-request",
+ src |-> self,
+ dest |-> ContentNode,
+ mut |-> op]}))
+ /\ UNCHANGED << proposedMuts, messages >>
+ /\ UNCHANGED <<curStateD, pendingStateD, distDbState>>
+ \/ /\ \E m \in MessagesOfTypeTo("mutation-response", self):
+ /\ messages' = messages \ {m}
+ /\ IF /\ m.ack
+ /\ (pendingStateD[self] # Null) => (pendingStateD[self].cs.owner = self)
+ /\ (pendingStateD[self] = Null) => (curStateD[self].owner = self)
+ /\ \/ m.epoch > distDbState[self].epoch
+ \/ /\ m.epoch = distDbState[self].epoch
+ /\ m.state.seqNo > distDbState[self].seqNo
+ THEN /\ distDbState' = [distDbState EXCEPT ![self] = [muts |-> m.state.muts,
+ epoch |-> m.epoch,
+ seqNo |-> m.state.seqNo]]
+ /\ UNCHANGED distDbState
+ /\ UNCHANGED <<proposedMuts, curStateD, pendingStateD>>
+ \/ /\ \E m \in MessagesOfTypeTo("bucket-info-response", self):
+ LET effVer == IF pendingStateD[self] # Null
+ THEN pendingStateD[self].cs.version
+ ELSE curStateD[self].version IN
+ IF m.version = effVer
+ THEN /\ messages' = messages \ {m}
+ /\ IF pendingStateD[self] # Null
+ THEN /\ Assert((curStateD[self].version <= pendingStateD[self].cs.version),
+ "Failure of assertion at line 234, column 15.")
+ /\ curStateD' = [curStateD EXCEPT ![self] = [version |-> pendingStateD[self].cs.version,
+ owner |-> pendingStateD[self].cs.owner,
+ epoch |-> pendingStateD[self].epoch]]
+ /\ pendingStateD' = [pendingStateD EXCEPT ![self] = Null]
+ /\ UNCHANGED << curStateD,
+ pendingStateD >>
+ /\ IF /\ m.ack /\ \/ m.epoch > distDbState[self].epoch
+ \/ /\ m.epoch = distDbState[self].epoch
+ /\ m.state.seqNo > distDbState[self].seqNo
+ THEN /\ distDbState' = [distDbState EXCEPT ![self] = [muts |-> m.state.muts,
+ epoch |-> m.epoch,
+ seqNo |-> m.state.seqNo]]
+ /\ UNCHANGED distDbState
+ ELSE /\ IF m.version < effVer
+ THEN /\ messages' = (messages \union ( {
+ [type |-> "bucket-info-request",
+ src |-> self,
+ version |-> effVer,
+ dest |-> ContentNode]})) \ ({m})
+ ELSE /\ messages' = messages \ {m}
+ /\ UNCHANGED << curStateD,
+ pendingStateD,
+ distDbState >>
+ /\ UNCHANGED proposedMuts
+ \/ /\ TRUE
+ /\ UNCHANGED <<proposedMuts, messages, curStateD, pendingStateD, distDbState>>
+ /\ UNCHANGED << publishedStates, storEpoch, curStateS,
+ ephemeralSeqNo, mutQ, storDbState >>
+Content == /\ \/ /\ \E s \in {p \in publishedStates: p.version > curStateS.version}:
+ curStateS' = s
+ /\ UNCHANGED <<storEpoch, messages, ephemeralSeqNo, mutQ, storDbState>>
+ \/ /\ \E m \in MessagesOfTypeTo("bucket-info-request", ContentNode):
+ LET acked == /\ m.version = curStateS.version
+ /\ m.src = curStateS.owner IN
+ messages' = (messages \union ( {
+ [type |-> "bucket-info-response",
+ src |-> ContentNode,
+ dest |-> m.src,
+ ack |-> acked,
+ version |-> curStateS.version,
+ epoch |-> storEpoch,
+ state |-> storDbState]})) \ ({m})
+ /\ UNCHANGED <<storEpoch, curStateS, ephemeralSeqNo, mutQ, storDbState>>
+ \/ /\ \E m \in MessagesOfTypeTo("mutation-request", ContentNode):
+ /\ messages' = messages \ {m}
+ /\ mutQ' = (mutQ \union {m})
+ /\ UNCHANGED <<storEpoch, curStateS, ephemeralSeqNo, storDbState>>
+ \/ /\ \E qm \in mutQ:
+ /\ mutQ' = mutQ \ {qm}
+ /\ LET acked == (qm.src = curStateS.owner) IN
+ /\ IF acked = TRUE
+ THEN /\ storDbState' = [muts |-> Append(storDbState.muts, qm.mut),
+ seqNo |-> ephemeralSeqNo]
+ /\ ephemeralSeqNo' = ephemeralSeqNo + 1
+ /\ UNCHANGED << ephemeralSeqNo,
+ storDbState >>
+ /\ messages' = (messages \union ( {
+ [type |-> "mutation-response",
+ src |-> ContentNode,
+ dest |-> qm.src,
+ ack |-> acked,
+ epoch |-> storEpoch,
+ state |-> storDbState']}))
+ /\ UNCHANGED <<storEpoch, curStateS>>
+ \/ /\ \E newEpoch \in {e \in NodeEpochs: e > storEpoch}:
+ /\ ephemeralSeqNo' = 1
+ /\ storEpoch' = newEpoch
+ /\ curStateS' = [version |-> 0, owner |-> Null]
+ /\ storDbState' = [muts |-> storDbState.muts, seqNo |-> 0]
+ /\ UNCHANGED <<messages, mutQ>>
+ \/ /\ TRUE
+ /\ UNCHANGED <<storEpoch, messages, curStateS, ephemeralSeqNo, mutQ, storDbState>>
+ /\ UNCHANGED << proposedMuts, publishedStates, curStateD,
+ pendingStateD, distDbState >>
+Next == ClusterController \/ Content
+ \/ (\E self \in DistributorNodes: Distributor(self))
+Spec == /\ Init /\ [][Next]_vars
+ /\ WF_vars(ClusterController)
+ /\ \A self \in DistributorNodes : SF_vars(Distributor(self))
+ /\ WF_vars(Content)
+(* Safety invariants of the specification *)
+(* Only proposed mutations may be added to the DB states *)
+NonTriviality == /\ SeqToSet(storDbState.muts) \subseteq proposedMuts
+ /\ \A d \in DistributorNodes:
+ SeqToSet(distDbState[d].muts) \subseteq proposedMuts
+ /\ \A m \in mutQ: m.mut \in proposedMuts
+(* Type safety invariants *)
+AllowedMessages ==
+ [type: {"bucket-info-request"}, src: DistributorNodes,
+ version: Nat \ {0}, dest: {ContentNode}]
+ \union [type: {"bucket-info-response"}, src: {ContentNode},
+ dest: DistributorNodes, ack: BOOLEAN, version: Nat,
+ epoch: NodeEpochs,
+ state: [muts: Seq(MutatingOps), seqNo: Nat]]
+ \union [type: {"mutation-request"}, src: DistributorNodes,
+ dest: {ContentNode}, mut: MutatingOps]
+ \union [type: {"mutation-response"}, src: {ContentNode},
+ dest: DistributorNodes, ack: BOOLEAN, epoch: NodeEpochs,
+ state: [muts: Seq(MutatingOps), seqNo: Nat]]
+TypeOK == /\ publishedStates \subseteq [version: ClusterStates,
+ owner: DistributorNodes]
+ /\ ephemeralSeqNo \in (Nat \ {0})
+ /\ storEpoch \in NodeEpochs
+ /\ proposedMuts \subseteq MutatingOps
+ /\ mutQ \subseteq AllowedMessages
+ /\ messages \subseteq AllowedMessages
+ /\ \A d \in DistributorNodes:
+ /\ curStateD[d] \in [version: ClusterStates \union {0},
+ epoch: NodeEpochs \union {0},
+ owner: DistributorNodes \union {Null}]
+ /\ distDbState[d] \in [muts: Seq(MutatingOps),
+ epoch: NodeEpochs \union {0},
+ seqNo: Nat]
+ /\ curStateS \in [version: ClusterStates \union {0},
+ owner: DistributorNodes \union {Null}]
+ /\ storDbState \in [muts: Seq(MutatingOps), seqNo: Nat]
+(* Temporal invariants of the specification *)
+(* If a distributor has converged to the last possible cluster state, it *)
+(* must eventually (<>) converge to a stable ([]) database state that *)
+(* matches that of the content node. *)
+(* *)
+(* Note that this temporal invariant is much more expensive (10x) than *)
+(* just testing non-temporal invariants. *)
+EventualConsistency == \A d \in DistributorNodes:
+ []((/\ curStateD[d].version = Max(ClusterStates)
+ /\ curStateD[d].owner = d)
+ => <>[](distDbState[d] = storDbState))
+(* For all reachable states, if a distributor does not either own the *)
+(* bucket in the active cluster state or in the pending state, it should *)
+(* never have the bucket in its database state (not even transiently). *)
+NoResurrection ==
+ \A d \in DistributorNodes:
+ (/\ pendingStateD[d] # Null => pendingStateD[d].cs.owner # d
+ /\ pendingStateD[d] = Null => curStateD[d].owner # d)
+ => distDbState[d] = NullDistributorDbState
+(* Proper temporal invariants (i.e. EventualConsistency) are very *)
+(* expensive, so try to fake them by explicitly checking for the desired *)
+(* distributor states when the cluster is effectively quiescent, i.e. *)
+(* distributors have converged to the last possible state and there are no *)
+(* more states that can trigger further event edges. *)
+QuiescenceImpliesConsistency ==
+ \A d \in DistributorNodes:
+ (/\ curStateD[d].version = Max(ClusterStates)
+ /\ curStateD[d].epoch = storEpoch
+ /\ \A m \in messages: (m.src # d /\ m.dest # d)
+ /\ mutQ = {}
+ /\ proposedMuts = MutatingOps)
+ => \/ /\ curStateD[d].owner = d
+ /\ distDbState[d].muts = storDbState.muts
+ \/ /\ curStateD[d].owner # d
+ /\ distDbState[d] = NullDistributorDbState