path: root/valgrind-suppressions.txt
diff options
authorTor Brede Vekterli <>2019-06-25 13:29:21 +0000
committerTor Brede Vekterli <>2019-06-26 08:54:37 +0000
commitfb6db2f639381f384807aaac0ec2701c4e4013fb (patch)
tree369ce0084ec3a5cc4289537557934ad56903c5fb /valgrind-suppressions.txt
parent3de18f8a3dbeb0cda98fd3f86920784be154cb9a (diff)
Remove CppUnit dependencies in modules
Move test config helpers out of cppunit submodule.
Diffstat (limited to 'valgrind-suppressions.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/valgrind-suppressions.txt b/valgrind-suppressions.txt
index 2587552ceff..13be6234a94 100644
--- a/valgrind-suppressions.txt
+++ b/valgrind-suppressions.txt
@@ -24,57 +24,6 @@
fun:(below main)
- This is a bug in cppunit.
- Memcheck:Leak
- fun:_Znwm
- fun:*addTestsToSuite*CppUnit*TestSuiteBuilderContextBase*
- Bug in cppunit. This suppression is created on CentOS7.
- Memcheck:Leak
- match-leak-kinds: definite
- fun:_Znwm
- fun:addTestsToSuite
- fun:suite
- fun:*makeTest*
- fun:_ZN7CppUnit19TestFactoryRegistry14addTestToSuiteEPNS_9TestSuiteE
- fun:_ZN7CppUnit19TestFactoryRegistry8makeTestEv
- fun:_ZN10vdstestlib17CppUnitTestRunner3runEiPKPKc
- fun:main
- Bug in cppunit. This suppression is created on CentOS7.
- Memcheck:Leak
- match-leak-kinds: definite
- fun:_Znwm
- fun:allocate
- fun:_S_create
- fun:_S_construct<char const*>
- fun:_S_construct_aux<char const*>
- fun:_S_construct<char const*>
- fun:_ZNSsC1EPKcRKSaIcE
- fun:_ZN7CppUnit10TestRunnerC1Ev
- fun:_ZN7CppUnit14TextTestRunnerC1EPNS_9OutputterE
- fun:_ZN10vdstestlib17CppUnitTestRunner3runEiPPKc
- fun:main
- Bug in cppunit. This suppression is created on CentOS7.
- Memcheck:Leak
- match-leak-kinds: definite
- fun:_Znwm
- fun:allocate
- fun:_S_create
- fun:_ZNSs12_S_constructIPKcEEPcT_S3_RKSaIcESt20forward_iterator_tag
- fun:_S_construct_aux<char const*>
- fun:_S_construct<char const*>
- fun:_ZNSsC1EPKcRKSaIcE
- fun:_ZN7CppUnit10TestRunnerC1Ev
- fun:_ZN7CppUnit14TextTestRunnerC1EPNS_9OutputterE
- fun:_ZN10vdstestlib17CppUnitTestRunner3runEiPPKc
- fun:main
RHEL6 strlen is eager and will read 16 bytes blocks.