path: root/vespamalloc/bin
diff options
authorJon Bratseth <bratseth@yahoo-inc.com>2016-06-15 23:09:44 +0200
committerJon Bratseth <bratseth@yahoo-inc.com>2016-06-15 23:09:44 +0200
commit72231250ed81e10d66bfe70701e64fa5fe50f712 (patch)
tree2728bba1131a6f6e5bdf95afec7d7ff9358dac50 /vespamalloc/bin
Diffstat (limited to 'vespamalloc/bin')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vespamalloc/bin/parsememorydump.pl b/vespamalloc/bin/parsememorydump.pl
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..efd3b988aec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vespamalloc/bin/parsememorydump.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+# This is a tool to parse the output given by vespamalloc when dumping all
+# memory usage with stacktraces.
+# This tool will try to group similar stack traces together, identify them,
+# and show a report of how much memory you use for various tasks in the given
+# dump.
+# Suggested usage:
+# - Manually rotate your vespa.log file.
+# - Send signal to vespamalloc to make it dump stack traces.
+# - When dump is done, cat all the log files generated in correct order into
+# one file.
+# - Send this file to STDIN of this script.
+# By doing it like this, it's easy to rerun this script and to update it to
+# work with anything encountered in your report that this script doesn't
+# currently handle.
+# It is for instance likely, that you need to add some more regexes to match
+# unknown stack traces into appropriate groups.
+use strict;
+# If this variable is set, unrecognized stack traces will be concatenated to
+# one unrecognized chunk.
+my $combineUnrecognizedStacks = 1;
+# If this variable is set, all stack traces are shown, no matter if they are
+# recognized or not.
+my $showRecognizedStacks = 0;
+# If this variable is set, memory usage is grouped on the first word in the
+# group name. Thus, by using a proper name convention, one can distinguish
+# how much memory are used on various parts of the system
+my $sortOnCategories = 1;
+# These patterns are used to recognized what memory is used for based on the
+# stacktrace of the allocation. The keys are regular expressions that can match
+# stacktraces. The value is the group name this allocation will be marked as if
+# the trace matches the regex. If matching multiple entries, the first entry
+# found will be the match.
+# Note that as I made this tool to analyze VDS memory usage, the stuff added is
+# just stuff I found using memory in that current run. We should probably add
+# more patterns as needed.
+my %patterns = (
+ 'FRT_MemoryTub::BigAlloc.*mbus::MessageBus::send.*' => 'RPC send messagebus message - big alloc',
+ 'FRT_MemoryTub::BigAlloc.*storage::rpc::Destination::sendRequest', => 'RPC send storage API command - big alloc',
+ 'FRT_RPCRequestPool::AllocRPCRequest.*storage::rpc::Destination::sendRequest' => 'RPC send storage API command',
+ 'FNET_DataBuffer::Shrink.*FNET_Connection::HandleWriteEvent' => 'RPC shrinked write buffer',
+ 'FNET_DataBuffer::Shrink.*FNET_Connection::HandleReadEvent' => 'RPC shrinked read buffer',
+ 'FRT_MemoryTub::BigAlloc.*FRT_RPCRequestPacket::Decode.*FNET_Connection::HandleReadEvent' => 'RPC read event - decode - big alloc',
+ 'FRT_RPCRequestPool::AllocRPCRequest.*FNET_Connection::HandlePacket.*FNET_Connection::HandleReadEvent' => 'RPC read event - handle packet',
+ 'FNET_DataBuffer::Pack.*FNET_Connection::HandleReadEvent' => 'RPC packed read buffer',
+ 'FNET_DataBuffer::Pack.*FNET_Connection::HandleWriteEvent' => 'RPC packed write buffer',
+ 'FNET_PacketQueue_NoLock::ExpandBuf.*FNET_Connection::HandleWriteEvent()' => 'RPC expand write buffer',
+ 'FNET_ChannelPool::AllocChannelCluster.*storage::rpc::Destination::sendRequest' => 'RPC storage API alloc channel cluster',
+ 'storage::SlotFileBuffer::getAlignedBuffer.*SlotFileImpl::close' => 'Persistence layer - move buffer to cache',
+ 'storage::SlotFileBuffer::getAlignedBuffer.*SlotFileBuffer::getBuffer' => 'Persistence layer - Get aligned buffer',
+ 'storage::SlotFileBuffer::getInputBuffer' => 'Persistence layer - Input buffer',
+ 'storage::SlotFileBuffer::getIndexBuffer' => 'Persistence layer - Index buffer',
+ 'storage::SlotFileBuffer::getOutputBuffer' => 'Persistence layer - Output buffer',
+ 'std::vector<storage::SlotFile::WriteEntry.*storage::FileStorThread::onMultiOperation'
+ => 'Persistence layer - Temporary buffer used to store data to write multi operation commands',
+ 'storage::api::MultiOperationCommand::onDeserialize' => 'Messages - Queued multi operation commands',
+ 'storage::api::\S*::makeReply.*storage::MessageDispatcher::handleCommand' => 'Messages - Replies stored in message dispatcher',
+ 'document::SerializableArray::onDeserialize.*storage::CommunicationManager::onEvent\(std::auto_ptr<storage::rpc::Event>\)'
+ => 'Messages - Documents from storage API messages - serializable arrays',
+ 'document::SerializableDocumentSharedPointer.*storage::rpc::Handle::onEvent\(std::auto_ptr<storage::rpc::Event>\)'
+ => 'Messages - Documents from storage API messages - original byte buffers',
+ 'storage::api::StorageMessageAddress::create.*storage::rpc::Handle::onEvent\(std::auto_ptr<storage::rpc::Event>\)'
+ => 'Messages - Storage API message addresses',
+ 'document::IdString::createIdString.*storage::api::StorageMessage::onDeserialize'
+ => 'Messages - Document identifiers',
+ 'storage::api::ApplyBucketDiffCommand::Entry::Entry.*storage::FileStorThread::run'
+ => 'Messages - Merge apply entries',
+ 'storage::api::ApplyBucketDiffCommand::Entry::Entry.*storage::api::StorageMessage::onDeserialize'
+ => 'Messages - Merge apply entries',
+ 'storage::api::MultiOperationCommand::MultiOperationCommand.*storage::api::MultiOperationCommand::clone.*storage::MessageDispatcher::handleCommand'
+ => 'Messages - Queued multi operation commands - cloned for local use in message dispatcher',
+ 'storage::BufHolder::reserve.*storage::FileStorThread::onGetIterCommand' => 'Visiting - Downsized docblocks',
+ 'storage::BufHolder::resize.*storage::FileStorThread::onGetIterCommand' => 'Visiting - Upsized docblocks',
+ 'documentapi::MultiOperationMessage::MultiOperationMessage.*storage::VisitorManager::send'
+ => 'Visiting - Pending messagebus multi operation messages',
+ 'JudyLIns.*storage::StorBucketDatabase::(get|insert)' => 'Bucket database - Judy',
+ 'JudyLDel.*WrappedEntry::remove' => 'Bucket database - Judy',
+ 'std::vector<.*storage::LockableMap.*::WrappedEntry::remove()' => 'Bucket database - Lockable map lock list',
+ 'document::Printable::toString'
+ => 'Other - Temporary data created during toString operations',
+ 'metrics::MetricsManager::getSnapshotForConsumer' => 'Metrics - Snapshot created',
+ 'storage::BucketManagerMetrics::BucketManagerMetrics\(\)' => 'Metrics - Stored metrics',
+ 'storage::FileStorThreadMetrics::FileStorThreadMetrics\(std::basic_string' => 'Metrics - Stored metrics',
+ 'metrics::MetricsSet::addAll' => 'Metrics - Add all',
+ 'storage::StatusMetricConsumer::run\(\)' => 'Metrics',
+ 'slobrok::api::MirrorAPI::PerformTask\(\)' => 'Slobrok - Mirror API perform task'
+my $signal;
+my $starttime;
+my $size;
+my %vals;
+my %counts;
+my $mallocfault;
+my $local = 0;
+my $global = 0;
+my $globwaste = 0;
+# Go through all the input gotten on STDIN.
+foreach (<>) {
+ if (/^(\d+)\.\d+\s+\S+\s+\d+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+warning\s+(.*)$/) {
+ # We only care for warnings to logs printed by vespamalloc
+ my ($time, $line) = ($1, $2);
+ if ($line =~ /SignalHandler (\d+) caught/) {
+ # If a dump is just starting, reset all the variables that keeps
+ # state
+ $signal = $1;
+ $size = 0;
+ %vals = ();
+ %counts = ();
+ $local = 0;
+ $global = 0;
+ $globwaste = 0;
+ $mallocfault = undef;
+ $starttime = $time;
+ print "\nProcessing dump from " . localtime($starttime) . "\n";
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^SignalHandler $signal done/) {
+ # If we are at the end of the vespamalloc report, print a report of
+ # what we have found.
+ &printReport();
+ $starttime = undef;
+ } elsif (!$starttime) {
+ # Ignore output that is not within dump
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^SC\s*\d+\(\s*(\d+)\)\s*GetAlloc\(\s*(\d+)\)\s*GetFree\(\s*\d+\)\s*ExChangeAlloc\(\s*(\d+)\)\s*ExChangeFree\(\s*(\d+)\)\s*ExactAlloc\(\s*(\d+)\)\s*Returned\(\s*(\d+)\)\s*Malloc\(\s*(\d+)\)\s*/) {
+ # Track size groups allocated in hopes of figuring out how much data
+ # waste there is in vespa malloc
+ my ($size, $get, $exalloc, $exfree, $exact, $returned, $malloc) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
+ #print "$line\n";
+ #print "Size $size, GetAlloc $get, ExChangeAlloc $exalloc, ExChangeFree $exfree, ExactAlloc $exact, Returned $returned, Malloc $malloc\n";
+ my $mult = 65536;
+ if ($size > $mult) { $mult = $size; }
+ my $alloced = $get + $exalloc + $exact;
+ my $ret = $exfree + $returned;
+ if ($size != 2097152) {
+ #print "Adding ($alloced - $ret) * $mult = " . (($alloced - $ret) * $mult) . "\n";
+ my $global = ($alloced - $ret) * $mult;
+ my $waste = $malloc * 1024 * 1024 - ($alloced - $ret) * $mult;
+ #print "Size $size - Global $global - Waste $waste\n";
+ #$global += ($alloced - $ret) * $mult;
+ if ($waste >= 0) {
+ $global += $global;
+ $globwaste += $waste;
+ } else {
+ $mallocfault = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $mallocfault = 1;
+ }
+ } elsif ($line =~ /SC\s*\d+\(\s*(\d+)\)\s*Local\(\s*(\d+)\)/) {
+ # Track size groups allocated in hopes of figuring out how much data
+ # waste there is in vespa malloc
+ #print "Local $1 * $2 = ".($1 * $2)."\n";
+ $local += $1 * $2;
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^SizeClass\s*(\d+)/) {
+ #print "$line\n";
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^(Usage)/) {
+ print "Vespa Malloc $line\n";
+ } elsif ($line =~ /(DataSegment|Free|Start)/) {
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^(\d+)\s+:\s+\{\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+[^\}]*)/) {
+ # This should match any stacktrace reported. Add this stacktrace
+ # to the report.
+ my ($count, $value) = ($1, $2);
+ # Unify stack trace
+ $value =~ s/0x[0-9a-f]+//g;
+ $value =~ s/\(\d+\)//g;
+ $value =~ s/\(\)//g;
+ # Remove multiple UNKNOWN lines in backtrace
+ my @stack = split /\s+/, $value;
+ $value = '';
+ my $last = "";
+ foreach (@stack) {
+ my $current = &cppfilt($_);
+ if ($last !~ /UNKNOWN/ || $current !~ /UNKNOWN/) { # Don't print multiple unknown entries after one another
+ $value .= "\n " . &cppfilt($_);
+ }
+ $last = $current;
+ }
+ # Detect known stack traces
+ #print "$count - $value\n";
+ my $replaced = 0;
+ foreach my $pat (keys %patterns) {
+ #print "Does $value match $pat?\n";
+ if ($value =~ /$pat/s) {
+ if ($showRecognizedStacks) {
+ $value = $patterns{$pat} . $value;
+ } else {
+ $value = $patterns{$pat};
+ }
+ $replaced = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$replaced) {
+ if ($combineUnrecognizedStacks) {
+ $value = "Unrecognized memory allocations";
+ } elsif ($sortOnCategories) {
+ $value = "Unrecognized memory allocations" . $value;
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists $vals{$value}) {
+ $vals{$value} += $count * $size;
+ $counts{$value} += $count;
+ } else {
+ $vals{$value} = $count * $size;
+ $counts{$value} = $count;
+ }
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^Allocated Blocks SC\s*\d+\(\s*(\d+)/) {
+ $size = $1;
+ #print "Size: $1\n";
+ } else {
+ #print "$line\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ #print "$_";
+ }
+if ($starttime) {
+ print "Input stopped in incomplete trace.\n";
+my %filtered;
+sub cppfilt {
+ my $val = $_[0];
+ if ($val =~ /UNKNOWN/) {
+ return "UNKNOWN";
+ } elsif (exists $filtered{$val}) {
+ return $filtered{$val};
+ } else {
+ my $result = `c++filt $val`;
+ chomp $result;
+ $filtered{$val} = $result;
+ return $result;
+ }
+sub getByteString {
+ my $val = $_[0];
+ if ($val < 5000) {
+ return sprintf("%d B", $val);
+ } elsif ($val < 5000000) {
+ return sprintf("%d kB", $val / 1024);
+ } else {
+ return sprintf("%d MB", $val / (1024 * 1024));
+ }
+sub printReport {
+ print "Total vespa malloc unused thread local data: " . &getByteString($local) . "\n";
+ #print "Total global data: $global\n";
+ print "Total vespa malloc global waste data: " . &getByteString($globwaste). "\n";
+ my $total = 0;
+ foreach (keys %vals) {
+ $total += $vals{$_};
+ }
+ if (defined $mallocfault) {
+ print "Warning: Some sketchy numbers from vespa malloc, so global and thread local "
+ . "data is probably inaccurate.\n";
+ }
+ print "\nSummary of allocated data:\n";
+ print &getByteString($total) . " bytes tracked total\n";
+ if ($sortOnCategories) {
+ my %categories;
+ foreach (keys %vals) {
+ if (/^\s*(\S+)/) {
+ my $category = $1;
+ if (exists $categories{$category}) {
+ ${$categories{$category}}[0] += $vals{$_};
+ push @{$categories{$category}}, $_;
+ } else {
+ $categories{$category} = [ $vals{$_}, $_ ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (sort { ${$categories{$b}}[0] <=> ${$categories{$a}}[0] } keys %categories) {
+ my @values = @{ $categories{$_} };
+ print &getByteString($values[0]) . " - $_\n";
+ shift @values;
+ foreach my $val (sort { $vals{$b} <=> $vals{$a} } @values) {
+ my $stack = $val;
+ $stack =~ s/\n/\n /sg;
+ print " " . &getByteString($vals{$val}) . " - " . $counts{$val} . " allocations - $stack\n";
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach (sort { $vals{$b} <=> $vals{$a} } keys %vals) {
+ print &getByteString($vals{$_}) . " - " . $counts{$_} . " allocations - $_\n";
+ }
+ }