diff options
2 files changed, 14 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/config-model/src/test/derived/tensor/tensor.sd b/config-model/src/test/derived/tensor/tensor.sd
index 2566708d488..8845b5c7447 100644
--- a/config-model/src/test/derived/tensor/tensor.sd
+++ b/config-model/src/test/derived/tensor/tensor.sd
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ search tensor {
rank-profile profile8 {
first-phase {
- expression: sum(tensor(d0[1])(attribute{x:functionNotLabel()}))
+ expression: sum(tensor(d0[1])(attribute(f2){x:functionNotLabel()}))
function functionNotLabel() {
diff --git a/integration/intellij/src/main/bnf/ai/vespa/intellij/schema/parser/sd.bnf b/integration/intellij/src/main/bnf/ai/vespa/intellij/schema/parser/sd.bnf
index 526196c9d57..d90e46ec953 100644
--- a/integration/intellij/src/main/bnf/ai/vespa/intellij/schema/parser/sd.bnf
+++ b/integration/intellij/src/main/bnf/ai/vespa/intellij/schema/parser/sd.bnf
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
* Vespa schema file grammar.
* NOTE: This grammar does not enforce zero-or-one occurrences of elements (treats it like zero-to-many)
- * @author: Shahar Ariel
+ * @author Shahar Ariel
+ * @author bratseth
@@ -36,7 +37,8 @@
//BLOCK_END = '}'
INTEGER_REG = 'regexp:[0-9]+'
FLOAT_REG = 'regexp:[0-9]+[.][0-9]+[e]?'
- STRING_REG = 'regexp:\"([^\"\\]*(\\.[^\"\\]*)*)\"' // TODO: Should also support single-quotes
+ STRING_REG = 'regexp:\"([^\"\\]*(\\.[^\"\\]*)*)\"'
+ STRING_REG_SINGLE_QUOTE = "regexp:'([^'\\]*(\\.[^'\\]*)*)'" // TODO: This appears not to work
WORD_REG = 'regexp:\w+'
@@ -110,7 +112,7 @@ AnnotationFieldDefinition ::= field IdentifierVal type FieldTypeName '{' '}'
// NOTE: These must end by "Expr" - see this line above: extends(".*Expr")=RankingExpression
// The *Expr alternatives are consumed greedily so order matters.
-RankingExpression ::= LiteralOrGenerateTensorExpr | FilePathExpr | ParenthesisedExpr | BooleanExpr | ArithmeticExpr | IfFunctionExpr |
+RankingExpression ::= RenameExpr | LiteralOrGenerateTensorExpr | FilePathExpr | ParenthesisedExpr | BooleanExpr | ArithmeticExpr | IfFunctionExpr |
FunctionCallOrLambdaExpr | RankFeatureExpr | InListRankingExpr | PrimitiveExpr | SliceExpr
FilePathExpr ::= file ':' (FilePath | WordWrapper)
@@ -129,6 +131,9 @@ ArithmeticOperator ::= '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '^' | "||" | "&&"
RankFeatureExpr ::= RankFeature
+// The rename function allows lists of identifiers as arguments
+RenameExpr ::= "rename" '(' RankingExpression ',' ( Arguments | ArgumentDefinition ) ',' ( Arguments | ArgumentDefinition ) ')'
// Rough parsing but hard to do better due to greediness: If this is a lambda arg expressions must be identifiers
FunctionCallOrLambdaExpr ::= IdentifierWithDashVal '(' RankingExpression (COMMA RankingExpression)* ')' ('.' IdentifierWithDashVal)?
ParenthesisedExpr? // This turns the function call into a lambda
@@ -139,16 +144,14 @@ PrimitiveExpr ::= ( (('-')? INTEGER_REG) | (('-')? FLOAT_REG) | IdentifierVal |
SliceExpr ::= RankingExpression ( SliceKey | SliceIndex | FullTensorAddress )
-GenerateExpr ::= TensorType ParenthesisedExpr
SliceKey ::= '{' Label '}'
SliceIndex ::= '[' RankingExpression ']'
FullTensorAddress ::= '{' KeyValue ( ',' KeyValue )* '}'
-KeyValue ::= IdentifierVal ':' ( Label | RankingExpression )
+KeyValue ::= IdentifierVal ':' ( RankingExpression | Label )
-Label ::= IdentifierVal | STRING_REG
LiteralOrGenerateTensorExpr ::= TensorType (
( ':' TensorValue ) | // literal verbose form tensor
@@ -157,9 +160,10 @@ LiteralOrGenerateTensorExpr ::= TensorType (
TensorValue ::= MappedTensorValue | ArrayTensorValues
MappedTensorValue ::= '{' MappedTensorBlock ( ',' MappedTensorBlock )* '}'
-MappedTensorBlock ::= TensorAddress ':' ( FLOAT_REG | ArrayTensorValues )
-ArrayTensorValues ::= '[' ( FLOAT_REG | ArrayTensorValues ) ( ',' ( FLOAT_REG | ArrayTensorValues ) )* ']'
+MappedTensorBlock ::= TensorAddress ':' ( TensorCellValue | ArrayTensorValues )
+ArrayTensorValues ::= '[' ( TensorCellValue | ArrayTensorValues ) ( ',' ( TensorCellValue | ArrayTensorValues ) )* ']'
TensorAddress ::= Label | FullTensorAddress
+TensorCellValue ::= RankingExpression
//-- Rank Profile rules ---
@@ -360,11 +364,6 @@ WeightedSetProperty ::= create-if-nonexistent | remove-if-zero
// Dictionary
DictionaryDefinition ::= dictionary ((':' DictionarySetting) | ('{' DictionarySetting* '}'))
DictionarySetting ::= hash | btree | cased | uncased
-//***** End of Field's body elements ******//
-//---- Util rules -----
private WordWrapper ::= KeywordOrIdentifier | KeywordNotIdentifier | ID_REG | ID_WITH_DASH_REG | WORD_REG