path: root/bundle-plugin/src/main/scala/com/yahoo/container/plugin/classanalysis/AnalyzeMethodVisitor.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'bundle-plugin/src/main/scala/com/yahoo/container/plugin/classanalysis/AnalyzeMethodVisitor.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/bundle-plugin/src/main/scala/com/yahoo/container/plugin/classanalysis/AnalyzeMethodVisitor.scala b/bundle-plugin/src/main/scala/com/yahoo/container/plugin/classanalysis/AnalyzeMethodVisitor.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a8032b6a912..00000000000
--- a/bundle-plugin/src/main/scala/com/yahoo/container/plugin/classanalysis/AnalyzeMethodVisitor.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
-import org.objectweb.asm._
- * Picks up classes used in method bodies.
- * @author tonytv
- */
-private class AnalyzeMethodVisitor(val analyzeClassVisitor : AnalyzeClassVisitor)
- extends MethodVisitor(Opcodes.ASM6) with AnnotationVisitorTrait with AttributeVisitorTrait with SubVisitorTrait {
- override def visitParameterAnnotation(parameter: Int, desc: String, visible: Boolean): AnnotationVisitor = super.visitParameterAnnotation(parameter, desc, visible)
- override def visitAnnotationDefault(): AnnotationVisitor = super.visitAnnotationDefault()
- override def visitAttribute(attribute: Attribute): Unit = super.visitAttribute(attribute)
- override def visitAnnotation(desc: String, visible: Boolean): AnnotationVisitor = super.visitAnnotation(desc, visible)
- override def visitEnd(): Unit = super.visitEnd()
- override def visitMultiANewArrayInsn(desc: String, dims: Int) {
- imports ++= getClassName(Type.getType(desc)).toList
- }
- override def visitMethodInsn(opcode: Int, owner: String, name: String, desc: String, itf: Boolean) {
- imports ++= internalNameToClassName(owner)
- imports ++= Type.getArgumentTypes(desc).flatMap(getClassName)
- imports ++= getClassName(Type.getReturnType(desc))
- }
- override def visitFieldInsn(opcode: Int, owner: String, name: String, desc: String) {
- imports ++= internalNameToClassName(owner) ++ getClassName(Type.getType(desc)).toList
- }
- override def visitTypeInsn(opcode: Int, `type` : String) {
- imports ++= internalNameToClassName(`type`)
- }
- override def visitTryCatchBlock(start: Label, end: Label, handler: Label, `type` : String) {
- if (`type` != null) //null means finally block
- imports ++= internalNameToClassName(`type`)
- }
- override def visitLocalVariable(name: String, desc: String, signature: String, start: Label, end: Label, index: Int) {
- imports += Type.getType(desc).getClassName
- }
- override def visitLdcInsn(constant: AnyRef) {
- constant match {
- case typeConstant: Type => imports ++= getClassName(typeConstant)
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- override def visitInvokeDynamicInsn(name: String, desc: String, bootstrapMethod: Handle, bootstrapMethodArgs: AnyRef*) {
- bootstrapMethodArgs.foreach {
- case typeConstant: Type =>
- imports ++= getClassName(typeConstant)
- case handle: Handle =>
- imports ++= internalNameToClassName(handle.getOwner)
- imports ++= Type.getArgumentTypes(desc).flatMap(getClassName)
- case _ : Number =>
- case _ : String =>
- case other => throw new AssertionError(s"Unexpected type ${other.getClass} with value '$other'")
- }
- }
- override def visitMaxs(maxStack: Int, maxLocals: Int) {}
- override def visitLineNumber(line: Int, start: Label) {}
- //only for debugging
- override def visitLookupSwitchInsn(dflt: Label, keys: Array[Int], labels: Array[Label]) {}
- override def visitTableSwitchInsn(min: Int, max: Int, dflt: Label, labels: Label*): Unit = super.visitTableSwitchInsn(min, max, dflt, labels: _*)
- override def visitIincInsn(`var` : Int, increment: Int) {}
- override def visitLabel(label: Label) {}
- override def visitJumpInsn(opcode: Int, label: Label) {}
- override def visitVarInsn(opcode: Int, `var` : Int) {}
- override def visitIntInsn(opcode: Int, operand: Int) {}
- override def visitInsn(opcode: Int) {}
- override def visitFrame(`type` : Int, nLocal: Int, local: Array[AnyRef], nStack: Int, stack: Array[AnyRef]) {}
- override def visitCode() {}