path: root/bundle-plugin/src/main/scala/com/yahoo/container/plugin/osgi/ExportPackageParser.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'bundle-plugin/src/main/scala/com/yahoo/container/plugin/osgi/ExportPackageParser.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/bundle-plugin/src/main/scala/com/yahoo/container/plugin/osgi/ExportPackageParser.scala b/bundle-plugin/src/main/scala/com/yahoo/container/plugin/osgi/ExportPackageParser.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cd93e84e87..00000000000
--- a/bundle-plugin/src/main/scala/com/yahoo/container/plugin/osgi/ExportPackageParser.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
-import scala.util.parsing.combinator.JavaTokenParsers
-import ExportPackages.{Parameter, Export}
-import scala.util.parsing.input.CharSequenceReader
-import scala.annotation.tailrec
- * @author tonytv
- */
-object ExportPackageParser extends JavaTokenParsers {
- val ListOfParameter = new ListOf(classOf[Parameter])
- def exportPackage = rep1sep(export, ",")
- //TODO: remove when fix is in current scala library
- //Fix for
- def stringLiteral_fixed: Parser[String] = ("\""+"""([^"\p{Cntrl}\\]|\\[\\'"bfnrt]|\\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4})*+"""+"\"").r
- @SuppressWarnings(Array("unchecked"))
- def export : Parser[Export] = packageName ~ opt(";" ~> (parameters | export)) ^^ {
- case (packageName : String) ~ optional => {
- optional match {
- case None => Export(List(packageName.asInstanceOf[String]), List())
- case Some(e: Export) => e.copy(packageNames = packageName +: e.packageNames)
- case Some(ListOfParameter(parameters)) => Export(List(packageName), parameters)
- }
- }
- }
- def parameters = rep1sep(parameter, ";")
- def parameter = (directive | attribute) ^^ {
- case k ~ v => Parameter(k.toString, v.toString)
- }
- def directive = (extended_ <~ ":=") ~ argument
- def attribute = (extended_ <~ "=") ~ argument
- def packageName = rep1sep(ident_, ".") ^^ {
- x => x.mkString(".")
- }
- def extended = rep1("""\p{Alnum}""".r | "_" | "-" | ".") ^^ {
- _.mkString
- }
- def argument = (extended_ | stringLiteral_ | failure("argument expected")) ^^ {
- val quote = '"'.toString
- _.toString.stripPrefix(quote).stripSuffix(quote)
- }
- def parseAll(in: CharSequence): ParseResult[List[Export]] = {
- try {
- parseAll(exportPackage, in)
- } catch {
- case e: StackOverflowError =>
- throw new RuntimeException("Failed parsing Export-Package: '''\n" + in + "\n'''", e)
- }
- }
- //*** For debugging StackOverflow error **/
- def ident_ = printStackOverflow(ident)("ident")
- def stringLiteral_ = printStackOverflow(stringLiteral_fixed)("stringLiteral_fixed")
- def extended_ = printStackOverflow(extended)("extended")
- def printStackOverflow[T](p: => Parser[T])(name: String): Parser[T] = Parser{ in =>
- try {
- p(in)
- } catch {
- case e: StackOverflowError =>
- val input = in match {
- case reader: CharSequenceReader => readerToString(reader)
- case other => other.toString
- }
- println(s"***StackOverflow for $name with input '''$input'''")
- throw e
- }
- }
- @tailrec
- def readerToString(reader: CharSequenceReader, current: String = ""): String = {
- if (reader.atEnd) current
- else readerToString(, current + reader.first)
- }