path: root/config-model/src/main/java/com/yahoo/schema/derived/
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Diffstat (limited to 'config-model/src/main/java/com/yahoo/schema/derived/')
1 files changed, 524 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config-model/src/main/java/com/yahoo/schema/derived/ b/config-model/src/main/java/com/yahoo/schema/derived/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a8a9b4c8755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config-model/src/main/java/com/yahoo/schema/derived/
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+import ai.vespa.rankingexpression.importer.configmodelview.ImportedMlModels;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
+import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.ListIterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.OptionalDouble;
+import java.util.Set;
+ * A rank profile derived from a search definition, containing exactly the features available natively in the server
+ *
+ * @author bratseth
+ */
+public class RawRankProfile implements RankProfilesConfig.Producer {
+ /** A reusable compressor with default settings */
+ private static final Compressor compressor = new Compressor();
+ private static final String keyEndMarker = "\r=";
+ private static final String valueEndMarker = "\r\n";
+ private final String name;
+ private final Compressor.Compression compressedProperties;
+ /** The compiled profile this is created from. */
+ private final RankProfile compiled;
+ /** Creates a raw rank profile from the given rank profile. */
+ public RawRankProfile(RankProfile rankProfile, LargeRankExpressions largeExpressions,
+ QueryProfileRegistry queryProfiles, ImportedMlModels importedModels,
+ AttributeFields attributeFields, ModelContext.Properties deployProperties) {
+ =;
+ compiled = rankProfile.compile(queryProfiles, importedModels);
+ compressedProperties = compress(new Deriver(compiled, attributeFields, deployProperties, queryProfiles)
+ .derive(largeExpressions));
+ }
+ public RankProfile compiled() { return compiled; }
+ private Compressor.Compression compress(List<Pair<String, String>> properties) {
+ StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
+ for (Pair<String, String> property : properties)
+ b.append(property.getFirst()).append(keyEndMarker).append(property.getSecond()).append(valueEndMarker);
+ return compressor.compress(b.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
+ }
+ private List<Pair<String, String>> decompress(Compressor.Compression compression) {
+ String propertiesString = new String(compressor.decompress(compression), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
+ if (propertiesString.isEmpty()) return ImmutableList.of();
+ ImmutableList.Builder<Pair<String, String>> properties = new ImmutableList.Builder<>();
+ for (int pos = 0; pos < propertiesString.length();) {
+ int keyEndPos = propertiesString.indexOf(keyEndMarker, pos);
+ String key = propertiesString.substring(pos, keyEndPos);
+ pos = keyEndPos + keyEndMarker.length();
+ int valueEndPos = propertiesString.indexOf(valueEndMarker, pos);
+ String value = propertiesString.substring(pos, valueEndPos);
+ pos = valueEndPos + valueEndMarker.length();
+ properties.add(new Pair<>(key, value));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ public String getName() { return name; }
+ private void getRankProperties(RankProfilesConfig.Rankprofile.Builder b) {
+ RankProfilesConfig.Rankprofile.Fef.Builder fefB = new RankProfilesConfig.Rankprofile.Fef.Builder();
+ for (Pair<String, String> p : decompress(compressedProperties))
+ RankProfilesConfig.Rankprofile.Fef.Property.Builder().name(p.getFirst()).value(p.getSecond()));
+ b.fef(fefB);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the properties of this as an unmodifiable list.
+ * Note: This method is expensive.
+ */
+ public List<Pair<String, String>> configProperties() { return decompress(compressedProperties); }
+ @Override
+ public void getConfig(RankProfilesConfig.Builder builder) {
+ RankProfilesConfig.Rankprofile.Builder b = new RankProfilesConfig.Rankprofile.Builder().name(getName());
+ getRankProperties(b);
+ builder.rankprofile(b);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return " rank profile " + name;
+ }
+ private static class Deriver {
+ private final Map<String, FieldRankSettings> fieldRankSettings = new java.util.LinkedHashMap<>();
+ private final Set<ReferenceNode> summaryFeatures;
+ private final Set<ReferenceNode> matchFeatures;
+ private final Set<ReferenceNode> rankFeatures;
+ private final Map<String, String> featureRenames = new java.util.LinkedHashMap<>();
+ private final List<RankProfile.RankProperty> rankProperties;
+ /**
+ * Rank properties for weight settings to make these available to feature executors
+ */
+ private final List<RankProfile.RankProperty> boostAndWeightRankProperties = new ArrayList<>();
+ private final boolean ignoreDefaultRankFeatures;
+ private final RankProfile.MatchPhaseSettings matchPhaseSettings;
+ private final int rerankCount;
+ private final int keepRankCount;
+ private final int numThreadsPerSearch;
+ private final int minHitsPerThread;
+ private final int numSearchPartitions;
+ private final double termwiseLimit;
+ private final OptionalDouble postFilterThreshold;
+ private final OptionalDouble approximateThreshold;
+ private final double rankScoreDropLimit;
+ private final boolean mapBackRankingExpressionFeatures;
+ /**
+ * The rank type definitions used to derive settings for the native rank features
+ */
+ private final NativeRankTypeDefinitionSet nativeRankTypeDefinitions = new NativeRankTypeDefinitionSet("default");
+ private final Map<String, String> attributeTypes;
+ private final Map<Reference, RankProfile.Input> inputs;
+ private final Set<String> filterFields = new java.util.LinkedHashSet<>();
+ private final String rankprofileName;
+ private RankingExpression firstPhaseRanking;
+ private RankingExpression secondPhaseRanking;
+ /**
+ * Creates a raw rank profile from the given rank profile
+ */
+ Deriver(RankProfile compiled,
+ AttributeFields attributeFields,
+ ModelContext.Properties deployProperties,
+ QueryProfileRegistry queryProfiles) {
+ rankprofileName =;
+ attributeTypes = compiled.getAttributeTypes();
+ inputs = compiled.inputs();
+ firstPhaseRanking = compiled.getFirstPhaseRanking();
+ secondPhaseRanking = compiled.getSecondPhaseRanking();
+ summaryFeatures = new LinkedHashSet<>(compiled.getSummaryFeatures());
+ matchFeatures = new LinkedHashSet<>(compiled.getMatchFeatures());
+ rankFeatures = compiled.getRankFeatures();
+ rerankCount = compiled.getRerankCount();
+ matchPhaseSettings = compiled.getMatchPhaseSettings();
+ numThreadsPerSearch = compiled.getNumThreadsPerSearch();
+ minHitsPerThread = compiled.getMinHitsPerThread();
+ numSearchPartitions = compiled.getNumSearchPartitions();
+ termwiseLimit = compiled.getTermwiseLimit().orElse(deployProperties.featureFlags().defaultTermwiseLimit());
+ postFilterThreshold = compiled.getPostFilterThreshold();
+ approximateThreshold = compiled.getApproximateThreshold();
+ keepRankCount = compiled.getKeepRankCount();
+ rankScoreDropLimit = compiled.getRankScoreDropLimit();
+ mapBackRankingExpressionFeatures = deployProperties.featureFlags().avoidRenamingSummaryFeatures();
+ ignoreDefaultRankFeatures = compiled.getIgnoreDefaultRankFeatures();
+ rankProperties = new ArrayList<>(compiled.getRankProperties());
+ Map<String, RankProfile.RankingExpressionFunction> functions = compiled.getFunctions();
+ List<ExpressionFunction> functionExpressions = functions.values().stream().map(f -> f.function()).collect(Collectors.toList());
+ Map<String, String> functionProperties = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+ SerializationContext functionSerializationContext = new SerializationContext(functionExpressions,
+ Map.of(),
+ compiled.typeContext(queryProfiles));
+ if (firstPhaseRanking != null) {
+ functionProperties.putAll(firstPhaseRanking.getRankProperties(functionSerializationContext));
+ }
+ if (secondPhaseRanking != null) {
+ functionProperties.putAll(secondPhaseRanking.getRankProperties(functionSerializationContext));
+ }
+ derivePropertiesAndFeaturesFromFunctions(functions, functionProperties, functionSerializationContext);
+ deriveOnnxModelFunctionsAndFeatures(compiled);
+ deriveRankTypeSetting(compiled, attributeFields);
+ deriveFilterFields(compiled);
+ deriveWeightProperties(compiled);
+ }
+ private void deriveFilterFields(RankProfile rp) {
+ filterFields.addAll(rp.allFilterFields());
+ }
+ private void derivePropertiesAndFeaturesFromFunctions(Map<String, RankProfile.RankingExpressionFunction> functions,
+ Map<String, String> functionProperties,
+ SerializationContext functionContext) {
+ if (functions.isEmpty()) return;
+ replaceFunctionFeatures(summaryFeatures, functionContext);
+ replaceFunctionFeatures(matchFeatures, functionContext);
+ // First phase, second phase and summary features should add all required functions to the context.
+ // However, we need to add any functions not referenced in those anyway for model-evaluation.
+ deriveFunctionProperties(functions, functionProperties, functionContext);
+ for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : functionProperties.entrySet()) {
+ rankProperties.add(new RankProfile.RankProperty(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
+ }
+ }
+ private void deriveFunctionProperties(Map<String, RankProfile.RankingExpressionFunction> functions,
+ Map<String, String> functionProperties,
+ SerializationContext context) {
+ for (Map.Entry<String, RankProfile.RankingExpressionFunction> e : functions.entrySet()) {
+ String propertyName = RankingExpression.propertyName(e.getKey());
+ if (context.serializedFunctions().containsKey(propertyName)) continue;
+ String expressionString = e.getValue().function().getBody().getRoot().toString(context).toString();
+ context.addFunctionSerialization(propertyName, expressionString);
+ for (Map.Entry<String, TensorType> argumentType : e.getValue().function().argumentTypes().entrySet())
+ context.addArgumentTypeSerialization(e.getKey(), argumentType.getKey(), argumentType.getValue());
+ if (e.getValue().function().returnType().isPresent())
+ context.addFunctionTypeSerialization(e.getKey(), e.getValue().function().returnType().get());
+ // else if (e.getValue().function().arguments().isEmpty()) TODO: Enable this check when we resolve all types
+ // throw new IllegalStateException("Type of function '" + e.getKey() + "' is not resolved");
+ }
+ functionProperties.putAll(context.serializedFunctions());
+ }
+ private void replaceFunctionFeatures(Set<ReferenceNode> features, SerializationContext context) {
+ if (features == null) return;
+ Map<String, ReferenceNode> functionFeatures = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+ for (Iterator<ReferenceNode> i = features.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ ReferenceNode referenceNode =;
+ // Is the feature a function?
+ ExpressionFunction function = context.getFunction(referenceNode.getName());
+ if (function != null) {
+ String propertyName = RankingExpression.propertyName(referenceNode.getName());
+ String expressionString = function.getBody().getRoot().toString(context).toString();
+ context.addFunctionSerialization(propertyName, expressionString);
+ ReferenceNode backendReferenceNode = new ReferenceNode("rankingExpression(" + referenceNode.getName() + ")",
+ referenceNode.getArguments().expressions(),
+ referenceNode.getOutput());
+ if (mapBackRankingExpressionFeatures) {
+ // tell backend to map back to the name the user expects:
+ featureRenames.put(backendReferenceNode.toString(), referenceNode.toString());
+ }
+ functionFeatures.put(referenceNode.getName(), backendReferenceNode);
+ i.remove(); // Will add the expanded one in next block
+ }
+ }
+ // Then, replace the features that were functions
+ for (Map.Entry<String, ReferenceNode> e : functionFeatures.entrySet()) {
+ features.add(e.getValue());
+ }
+ }
+ private void deriveWeightProperties(RankProfile rankProfile) {
+ for (RankProfile.RankSetting setting : rankProfile.rankSettings()) {
+ if (setting.getType() != RankProfile.RankSetting.Type.WEIGHT) continue;
+ boostAndWeightRankProperties.add(new RankProfile.RankProperty("vespa.fieldweight." + setting.getFieldName(),
+ String.valueOf(setting.getIntValue())));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds the type boosts from a rank profile
+ */
+ private void deriveRankTypeSetting(RankProfile rankProfile, AttributeFields attributeFields) {
+ for (Iterator<RankProfile.RankSetting> i = rankProfile.rankSettingIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ RankProfile.RankSetting setting =;
+ if (setting.getType() != RankProfile.RankSetting.Type.RANKTYPE) continue;
+ deriveNativeRankTypeSetting(setting.getFieldName(), (RankType) setting.getValue(), attributeFields,
+ hasDefaultRankTypeSetting(rankProfile, setting.getFieldName()));
+ }
+ }
+ private void deriveNativeRankTypeSetting(String fieldName, RankType rankType, AttributeFields attributeFields,
+ boolean isDefaultSetting) {
+ if (isDefaultSetting) return;
+ NativeRankTypeDefinition definition = nativeRankTypeDefinitions.getRankTypeDefinition(rankType);
+ if (definition == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("In field '" + fieldName + "': " +
+ rankType + " is known but has no implementation. " +
+ "Supported rank types: " +
+ nativeRankTypeDefinitions.types().keySet());
+ FieldRankSettings settings = deriveFieldRankSettings(fieldName);
+ for (Iterator<NativeTable> i = definition.rankSettingIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ NativeTable table =;
+ // only add index field tables if we are processing an index field and
+ // only add attribute field tables if we are processing an attribute field
+ if ((FieldRankSettings.isIndexFieldTable(table) && attributeFields.getAttribute(fieldName) == null) ||
+ (FieldRankSettings.isAttributeFieldTable(table) && attributeFields.getAttribute(fieldName) != null)) {
+ settings.addTable(table);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private boolean hasDefaultRankTypeSetting(RankProfile rankProfile, String fieldName) {
+ RankProfile.RankSetting setting =
+ rankProfile.getRankSetting(fieldName, RankProfile.RankSetting.Type.RANKTYPE);
+ return setting != null && setting.getValue().equals(RankType.DEFAULT);
+ }
+ private FieldRankSettings deriveFieldRankSettings(String fieldName) {
+ FieldRankSettings settings = fieldRankSettings.get(fieldName);
+ if (settings == null) {
+ settings = new FieldRankSettings(fieldName);
+ fieldRankSettings.put(fieldName, settings);
+ }
+ return settings;
+ }
+ /** Derives the properties this produces */
+ public List<Pair<String, String>> derive(LargeRankExpressions largeRankExpressions) {
+ List<Pair<String, String>> properties = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (RankProfile.RankProperty property : rankProperties) {
+ if (RankingExpression.propertyName(RankProfile.FIRST_PHASE).equals(property.getName())) {
+ // Could have been set by function expansion. Set expressions, then skip this property.
+ try {
+ firstPhaseRanking = new RankingExpression(property.getValue());
+ } catch (ParseException e) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse first phase expression", e);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (RankingExpression.propertyName(RankProfile.SECOND_PHASE).equals(property.getName())) {
+ try {
+ secondPhaseRanking = new RankingExpression(property.getValue());
+ } catch (ParseException e) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse second phase expression", e);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>(property.getName(), property.getValue()));
+ }
+ }
+ properties.addAll(deriveRankingPhaseRankProperties(firstPhaseRanking, RankProfile.FIRST_PHASE));
+ properties.addAll(deriveRankingPhaseRankProperties(secondPhaseRanking, RankProfile.SECOND_PHASE));
+ for (FieldRankSettings settings : fieldRankSettings.values()) {
+ properties.addAll(settings.deriveRankProperties());
+ }
+ for (RankProfile.RankProperty property : boostAndWeightRankProperties) {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>(property.getName(), property.getValue()));
+ }
+ for (ReferenceNode feature : summaryFeatures) {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.summary.feature", feature.toString()));
+ }
+ for (ReferenceNode feature : matchFeatures) {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.match.feature", feature.toString()));
+ }
+ for (ReferenceNode feature : rankFeatures) {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.dump.feature", feature.toString()));
+ }
+ for (var entry : featureRenames.entrySet()) {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.feature.rename", entry.getKey()));
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.feature.rename", entry.getValue()));
+ }
+ if (numThreadsPerSearch > 0) {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.matching.numthreadspersearch", numThreadsPerSearch + ""));
+ }
+ if (minHitsPerThread > 0) {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.matching.minhitsperthread", minHitsPerThread + ""));
+ }
+ if (numSearchPartitions >= 0) {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.matching.numsearchpartitions", numSearchPartitions + ""));
+ }
+ if (termwiseLimit < 1.0) {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.matching.termwise_limit", termwiseLimit + ""));
+ }
+ if (postFilterThreshold.isPresent()) {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.matching.global_filter.upper_limit", String.valueOf(postFilterThreshold.getAsDouble())));
+ }
+ if (approximateThreshold.isPresent()) {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.matching.global_filter.lower_limit", String.valueOf(approximateThreshold.getAsDouble())));
+ }
+ if (matchPhaseSettings != null) {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.matchphase.degradation.attribute", matchPhaseSettings.getAttribute()));
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.matchphase.degradation.ascendingorder", matchPhaseSettings.getAscending() + ""));
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.matchphase.degradation.maxhits", matchPhaseSettings.getMaxHits() + ""));
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.matchphase.degradation.maxfiltercoverage", matchPhaseSettings.getMaxFilterCoverage() + ""));
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.matchphase.degradation.samplepercentage", matchPhaseSettings.getEvaluationPoint() + ""));
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.matchphase.degradation.postfiltermultiplier", matchPhaseSettings.getPrePostFilterTippingPoint() + ""));
+ RankProfile.DiversitySettings diversitySettings = matchPhaseSettings.getDiversity();
+ if (diversitySettings != null) {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.matchphase.diversity.attribute", diversitySettings.getAttribute()));
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.matchphase.diversity.mingroups", String.valueOf(diversitySettings.getMinGroups())));
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.matchphase.diversity.cutoff.factor", String.valueOf(diversitySettings.getCutoffFactor())));
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.matchphase.diversity.cutoff.strategy", String.valueOf(diversitySettings.getCutoffStrategy())));
+ }
+ }
+ if (rerankCount > -1) {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.hitcollector.heapsize", rerankCount + ""));
+ }
+ if (keepRankCount > -1) {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.hitcollector.arraysize", keepRankCount + ""));
+ }
+ if (rankScoreDropLimit > -Double.MAX_VALUE) {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.hitcollector.rankscoredroplimit", rankScoreDropLimit + ""));
+ }
+ if (ignoreDefaultRankFeatures) {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.dump.ignoredefaultfeatures", String.valueOf(true)));
+ }
+ for (String fieldName : filterFields) {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.isfilterfield." + fieldName, String.valueOf(true)));
+ }
+ for (Map.Entry<String, String> attributeType : attributeTypes.entrySet()) {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.type.attribute." + attributeType.getKey(), attributeType.getValue()));
+ }
+ for (var input : inputs.values()) {
+ if (FeatureNames.isQueryFeature( {
+ if (input.type().rank() > 0) // Proton does not like representing the double type as a rank 0 tensor
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.type.query." +,
+ input.type().toString()));
+ if (input.defaultValue().isPresent()) {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>(,
+ input.type().rank() == 0 ?
+ String.valueOf(input.defaultValue().get().asDouble()) :
+ input.defaultValue().get().toString(true, false)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (properties.size() >= 1000000) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many rank properties");
+ distributeLargeExpressionsAsFiles(properties, largeRankExpressions);
+ return properties;
+ }
+ private void distributeLargeExpressionsAsFiles(List<Pair<String, String>> properties, LargeRankExpressions largeRankExpressions) {
+ for (ListIterator<Pair<String, String>> iter = properties.listIterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ Pair<String, String> property =;
+ String expression = property.getSecond();
+ if (expression.length() > largeRankExpressions.limit()) {
+ String propertyName = property.getFirst();
+ String functionName = RankingExpression.extractScriptName(propertyName);
+ if (functionName != null) {
+ String mangledName = rankprofileName + "." + functionName;
+ largeRankExpressions.add(new RankExpressionBody(mangledName, ByteBuffer.wrap(expression.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))));
+ iter.set(new Pair<>(RankingExpression.propertyExpressionName(functionName), mangledName));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private List<Pair<String, String>> deriveRankingPhaseRankProperties(RankingExpression expression, String phase) {
+ List<Pair<String, String>> properties = new ArrayList<>();
+ if (expression == null) return properties;
+ String name = expression.getName();
+ if ("".equals(name))
+ name = phase;
+ if (expression.getRoot() instanceof ReferenceNode) {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.rank." + phase, expression.getRoot().toString()));
+ } else {
+ properties.add(new Pair<>("vespa.rank." + phase, "rankingExpression(" + name + ")"));
+ properties.add(new Pair<>(RankingExpression.propertyName(name), expression.getRoot().toString()));
+ }
+ return properties;
+ }
+ private void deriveOnnxModelFunctionsAndFeatures(RankProfile rankProfile) {
+ if (rankProfile.schema() == null) return;
+ if (rankProfile.onnxModels().isEmpty()) return;
+ replaceOnnxFunctionInputs(rankProfile);
+ replaceImplicitOnnxConfigFeatures(summaryFeatures, rankProfile);
+ replaceImplicitOnnxConfigFeatures(matchFeatures, rankProfile);
+ }
+ private void replaceOnnxFunctionInputs(RankProfile rankProfile) {
+ Set<String> functionNames = rankProfile.getFunctions().keySet();
+ if (functionNames.isEmpty()) return;
+ for (OnnxModel onnxModel: rankProfile.onnxModels().values()) {
+ for (Map.Entry<String, String> mapping : onnxModel.getInputMap().entrySet()) {
+ String source = mapping.getValue();
+ if (functionNames.contains(source)) {
+ onnxModel.addInputNameMapping(mapping.getKey(), "rankingExpression(" + source + ")");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void replaceImplicitOnnxConfigFeatures(Set<ReferenceNode> features, RankProfile rankProfile) {
+ if (features == null || features.isEmpty()) return;
+ Set<ReferenceNode> replacedFeatures = new HashSet<>();
+ for (Iterator<ReferenceNode> i = features.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ ReferenceNode referenceNode =;
+ ReferenceNode replacedNode = (ReferenceNode) OnnxModelTransformer.transformFeature(referenceNode, rankProfile);
+ if (referenceNode != replacedNode) {
+ replacedFeatures.add(replacedNode);
+ i.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ features.addAll(replacedFeatures);
+ }
+ }