path: root/config-model/src/test/java/com/yahoo/schema/processing/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'config-model/src/test/java/com/yahoo/schema/processing/')
1 files changed, 417 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config-model/src/test/java/com/yahoo/schema/processing/ b/config-model/src/test/java/com/yahoo/schema/processing/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..94a51d25717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config-model/src/test/java/com/yahoo/schema/processing/
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
+import static;
+public class RankingExpressionWithOnnxTestCase {
+ private final Path applicationDir = Path.fromString("src/test/integration/onnx/");
+ private final static String name = "mnist_softmax";
+ private final static String vespaExpression = "join(reduce(join(rename(Placeholder, (d0, d1), (d0, d2)), constant(mnist_softmax_layer_Variable), f(a,b)(a * b)), sum, d2) * 1.0, constant(mnist_softmax_layer_Variable_1) * 1.0, f(a,b)(a + b))";
+ @After
+ public void removeGeneratedModelFiles() {
+ IOUtils.recursiveDeleteDir(applicationDir.append(ApplicationPackage.MODELS_GENERATED_DIR).toFile());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testOnnxReferenceWithConstantFeature() {
+ RankProfileSearchFixture search = fixtureWith("constant(mytensor)",
+ "onnx_vespa('mnist_softmax.onnx')",
+ "constant mytensor { file: ignored\ntype: tensor<float>(d0[1],d1[784]) }",
+ null);
+ search.assertFirstPhaseExpression(vespaExpression, "my_profile");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testOnnxReferenceWithQueryFeature() {
+ String queryProfile = "<query-profile id='default' type='root'/>";
+ String queryProfileType =
+ "<query-profile-type id='root'>" +
+ " <field name='query(mytensor)' type='tensor&lt;float&gt;(d0[1],d1[784])'/>" +
+ "</query-profile-type>";
+ StoringApplicationPackage application = new StoringApplicationPackage(applicationDir,
+ queryProfile,
+ queryProfileType);
+ RankProfileSearchFixture search = fixtureWith("query(mytensor)",
+ "onnx_vespa('mnist_softmax.onnx')",
+ null,
+ null,
+ "Placeholder",
+ application);
+ search.assertFirstPhaseExpression(vespaExpression, "my_profile");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testOnnxReferenceWithDocumentFeature() {
+ StoringApplicationPackage application = new StoringApplicationPackage(applicationDir);
+ RankProfileSearchFixture search = fixtureWith("attribute(mytensor)",
+ "onnx_vespa('mnist_softmax.onnx')",
+ null,
+ "field mytensor type tensor<float>(d0[1],d1[784]) { indexing: attribute }",
+ "Placeholder",
+ application);
+ search.assertFirstPhaseExpression(vespaExpression, "my_profile");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testOnnxReferenceWithFeatureCombination() {
+ String queryProfile = "<query-profile id='default' type='root'/>";
+ String queryProfileType =
+ "<query-profile-type id='root'>" +
+ " <field name='query(mytensor)' type='tensor&lt;float&gt;(d0[1],d1[784],d2[10])'/>" +
+ "</query-profile-type>";
+ StoringApplicationPackage application = new StoringApplicationPackage(applicationDir, queryProfile, queryProfileType);
+ RankProfileSearchFixture search = fixtureWith("sum(query(mytensor) * attribute(mytensor) * constant(mytensor),d2)",
+ "onnx_vespa('mnist_softmax.onnx')",
+ "constant mytensor { file: ignored\ntype: tensor<float>(d0[1],d1[784]) }",
+ "field mytensor type tensor<float>(d0[1],d1[784]) { indexing: attribute }",
+ "Placeholder",
+ application);
+ search.assertFirstPhaseExpression(vespaExpression, "my_profile");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testNestedOnnxReference() {
+ RankProfileSearchFixture search = fixtureWith("tensor<float>(d0[1],d1[784])(0.0)",
+ "5 + sum(onnx_vespa('mnist_softmax.onnx'))");
+ search.assertFirstPhaseExpression("5 + reduce(" + vespaExpression + ", sum)", "my_profile");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testOnnxReferenceWithSpecifiedOutput() {
+ RankProfileSearchFixture search = fixtureWith("tensor<float>(d0[1],d1[784])(0.0)",
+ "onnx_vespa('mnist_softmax.onnx', 'layer_add')");
+ search.assertFirstPhaseExpression(vespaExpression, "my_profile");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testOnnxReferenceWithSpecifiedOutputAndSignature() {
+ RankProfileSearchFixture search = fixtureWith("tensor<float>(d0[1],d1[784])(0.0)",
+ "onnx_vespa('mnist_softmax.onnx', 'default.layer_add')");
+ search.assertFirstPhaseExpression(vespaExpression, "my_profile");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testOnnxReferenceMissingFunction() throws ParseException {
+ try {
+ RankProfileSearchFixture search = new RankProfileSearchFixture(
+ new StoringApplicationPackage(applicationDir),
+ new QueryProfileRegistry(),
+ " rank-profile my_profile {\n" +
+ " first-phase {\n" +
+ " expression: onnx_vespa('mnist_softmax.onnx')" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }");
+ search.compileRankProfile("my_profile", applicationDir.append("models"));
+ search.assertFirstPhaseExpression(vespaExpression, "my_profile");
+ fail("Expecting exception");
+ }
+ catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
+ assertEquals("Rank profile 'my_profile' is invalid: Could not use Onnx model from " +
+ "onnx_vespa(\"mnist_softmax.onnx\"): " +
+ "Model refers input 'Placeholder' of type tensor<float>(d0[1],d1[784]) but this function is " +
+ "not present in rank profile 'my_profile'",
+ Exceptions.toMessageString(expected));
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testOnnxReferenceWithWrongFunctionType() {
+ try {
+ RankProfileSearchFixture search = fixtureWith("tensor(d0[1],d5[10])(0.0)",
+ "onnx_vespa('mnist_softmax.onnx')");
+ search.assertFirstPhaseExpression(vespaExpression, "my_profile");
+ fail("Expecting exception");
+ }
+ catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
+ assertEquals("Rank profile 'my_profile' is invalid: Could not use Onnx model from " +
+ "onnx_vespa(\"mnist_softmax.onnx\"): " +
+ "Model refers input 'Placeholder'. The required type of this is tensor<float>(d0[1],d1[784]), " +
+ "but this function returns tensor(d0[1],d5[10])",
+ Exceptions.toMessageString(expected));
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testOnnxReferenceSpecifyingNonExistingOutput() {
+ try {
+ RankProfileSearchFixture search = fixtureWith("tensor<float>(d0[2],d1[784])(0.0)",
+ "onnx_vespa('mnist_softmax.onnx', 'y')");
+ search.assertFirstPhaseExpression(vespaExpression, "my_profile");
+ fail("Expecting exception");
+ }
+ catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
+ assertEquals("Rank profile 'my_profile' is invalid: Could not use Onnx model from " +
+ "onnx_vespa(\"mnist_softmax.onnx\",\"y\"): " +
+ "No expressions named 'y' in model 'mnist_softmax.onnx'. Available expressions: default.layer_add",
+ Exceptions.toMessageString(expected));
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testImportingFromStoredExpressions() throws IOException {
+ RankProfileSearchFixture search = fixtureWith("tensor<float>(d0[1],d1[784])(0.0)",
+ "onnx_vespa(\"mnist_softmax.onnx\")");
+ search.assertFirstPhaseExpression(vespaExpression, "my_profile");
+ // At this point the expression is stored - copy application to another location which do not have a models dir
+ Path storedApplicationDirectory = applicationDir.getParentPath().append("copy");
+ try {
+ storedApplicationDirectory.toFile().mkdirs();
+ IOUtils.copyDirectory(applicationDir.append(ApplicationPackage.MODELS_GENERATED_DIR).toFile(),
+ storedApplicationDirectory.append(ApplicationPackage.MODELS_GENERATED_DIR).toFile());
+ StoringApplicationPackage storedApplication = new StoringApplicationPackage(storedApplicationDirectory);
+ RankProfileSearchFixture searchFromStored = fixtureWith("tensor<float>(d0[2],d1[784])(0.0)",
+ "onnx_vespa('mnist_softmax.onnx')",
+ null,
+ null,
+ "Placeholder",
+ storedApplication);
+ searchFromStored.assertFirstPhaseExpression(vespaExpression, "my_profile");
+ // Verify that the constants exists, but don't verify the content as we are not
+ // simulating file distribution in this test
+ }
+ finally {
+ IOUtils.recursiveDeleteDir(storedApplicationDirectory.toFile());
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testImportingFromStoredExpressionsWithFunctionOverridingConstantAndInheritance() throws IOException {
+ String rankProfile =
+ " rank-profile my_profile {\n" +
+ " function Placeholder() {\n" +
+ " expression: tensor<float>(d0[1],d1[784])(0.0)\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " function " + name + "_layer_Variable() {\n" +
+ " expression: tensor<float>(d1[10],d2[784])(0.0)\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " first-phase {\n" +
+ " expression: onnx_vespa('mnist_softmax.onnx')" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }" +
+ " rank-profile my_profile_child inherits my_profile {\n" +
+ " }";
+ String vespaExpressionWithoutConstant =
+ "join(reduce(join(rename(Placeholder, (d0, d1), (d0, d2)), " + name + "_layer_Variable, f(a,b)(a * b)), sum, d2) * 1.0, constant(" + name + "_layer_Variable_1) * 1.0, f(a,b)(a + b))";
+ RankProfileSearchFixture search = uncompiledFixtureWith(rankProfile, new StoringApplicationPackage(applicationDir));
+ search.compileRankProfile("my_profile", applicationDir.append("models"));
+ search.compileRankProfile("my_profile_child", applicationDir.append("models"));
+ search.assertFirstPhaseExpression(vespaExpressionWithoutConstant, "my_profile");
+ search.assertFirstPhaseExpression(vespaExpressionWithoutConstant, "my_profile_child");
+ assertNull("Constant overridden by function is not added",
+ + "_Variable"));
+ // At this point the expression is stored - copy application to another location which do not have a models dir
+ Path storedApplicationDirectory = applicationDir.getParentPath().append("copy");
+ try {
+ storedApplicationDirectory.toFile().mkdirs();
+ IOUtils.copyDirectory(applicationDir.append(ApplicationPackage.MODELS_GENERATED_DIR).toFile(),
+ storedApplicationDirectory.append(ApplicationPackage.MODELS_GENERATED_DIR).toFile());
+ StoringApplicationPackage storedApplication = new StoringApplicationPackage(storedApplicationDirectory);
+ RankProfileSearchFixture searchFromStored = uncompiledFixtureWith(rankProfile, storedApplication);
+ searchFromStored.compileRankProfile("my_profile", applicationDir.append("models"));
+ searchFromStored.compileRankProfile("my_profile_child", applicationDir.append("models"));
+ searchFromStored.assertFirstPhaseExpression(vespaExpressionWithoutConstant, "my_profile");
+ searchFromStored.assertFirstPhaseExpression(vespaExpressionWithoutConstant, "my_profile_child");
+ assertNull("Constant overridden by function is not added",
+ + "_Variable"));
+ } finally {
+ IOUtils.recursiveDeleteDir(storedApplicationDirectory.toFile());
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testFunctionGeneration() {
+ final String name = "small_constants_and_functions";
+ final String rankProfiles =
+ " rank-profile my_profile {\n" +
+ " function input() {\n" +
+ " expression: tensor<float>(d0[3])(0.0)\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " first-phase {\n" +
+ " expression: onnx_vespa('" + name + ".onnx')" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }";
+ final String functionName = "imported_ml_function_" + name + "_exp_output";
+ final String expression = "join(" + functionName + ", reduce(join(join(reduce(" + functionName + ", sum, d0), tensor<float>(d0[1])(1.0), f(a,b)(a * b)), constant(" + name + "_epsilon), f(a,b)(a + b)), sum, d0), f(a,b)(a / b))";
+ final String functionExpression = "map(input, f(a)(exp(a)))";
+ RankProfileSearchFixture search = uncompiledFixtureWith(rankProfiles, new StoringApplicationPackage(applicationDir));
+ search.compileRankProfile("my_profile", applicationDir.append("models"));
+ search.assertFirstPhaseExpression(expression, "my_profile");
+ search.assertFunction(functionExpression, functionName, "my_profile");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testImportingFromStoredExpressionsWithSmallConstantsAndInheritance() throws IOException {
+ final String name = "small_constants_and_functions";
+ final String rankProfiles =
+ " rank-profile my_profile {\n" +
+ " function input() {\n" +
+ " expression: tensor<float>(d0[3])(0.0)\n" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " first-phase {\n" +
+ " expression: onnx_vespa('" + name + ".onnx')" +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }" +
+ " rank-profile my_profile_child inherits my_profile {\n" +
+ " }";
+ final String functionName = "imported_ml_function_" + name + "_exp_output";
+ final String expression = "join(" + functionName + ", reduce(join(join(reduce(" + functionName + ", sum, d0), tensor<float>(d0[1])(1.0), f(a,b)(a * b)), constant(" + name + "_epsilon), f(a,b)(a + b)), sum, d0), f(a,b)(a / b))";
+ final String functionExpression = "map(input, f(a)(exp(a)))";
+ RankProfileSearchFixture search = uncompiledFixtureWith(rankProfiles, new StoringApplicationPackage(applicationDir));
+ search.compileRankProfile("my_profile", applicationDir.append("models"));
+ search.compileRankProfile("my_profile_child", applicationDir.append("models"));
+ search.assertFirstPhaseExpression(expression, "my_profile");
+ search.assertFirstPhaseExpression(expression, "my_profile_child");
+ assertSmallConstant(name + "_epsilon", TensorType.fromSpec("tensor()"), search);
+ search.assertFunction(functionExpression, functionName, "my_profile");
+ search.assertFunction(functionExpression, functionName, "my_profile_child");
+ // At this point the expression is stored - copy application to another location which do not have a models dir
+ Path storedApplicationDirectory = applicationDir.getParentPath().append("copy");
+ try {
+ storedApplicationDirectory.toFile().mkdirs();
+ IOUtils.copyDirectory(applicationDir.append(ApplicationPackage.MODELS_GENERATED_DIR).toFile(),
+ storedApplicationDirectory.append(ApplicationPackage.MODELS_GENERATED_DIR).toFile());
+ StoringApplicationPackage storedApplication = new StoringApplicationPackage(storedApplicationDirectory);
+ RankProfileSearchFixture searchFromStored = uncompiledFixtureWith(rankProfiles, storedApplication);
+ searchFromStored.compileRankProfile("my_profile", applicationDir.append("models"));
+ searchFromStored.compileRankProfile("my_profile_child", applicationDir.append("models"));
+ searchFromStored.assertFirstPhaseExpression(expression, "my_profile");
+ searchFromStored.assertFirstPhaseExpression(expression, "my_profile_child");
+ assertSmallConstant(name + "_epsilon", TensorType.fromSpec("tensor()"), search);
+ searchFromStored.assertFunction(functionExpression, functionName, "my_profile");
+ searchFromStored.assertFunction(functionExpression, functionName, "my_profile_child");
+ }
+ finally {
+ IOUtils.recursiveDeleteDir(storedApplicationDirectory.toFile());
+ }
+ }
+ private void assertSmallConstant(String name, TensorType type, RankProfileSearchFixture search) {
+ var value = search.compiledRankProfile("my_profile").constants().get(FeatureNames.asConstantFeature(name));
+ assertNotNull(value);
+ assertEquals(type, value.type());
+ }
+ private RankProfileSearchFixture fixtureWith(String placeholderExpression, String firstPhaseExpression) {
+ return fixtureWith(placeholderExpression, firstPhaseExpression, null, null, "Placeholder",
+ new StoringApplicationPackage(applicationDir));
+ }
+ private RankProfileSearchFixture fixtureWith(String placeholderExpression, String firstPhaseExpression,
+ String constant, String field) {
+ return fixtureWith(placeholderExpression, firstPhaseExpression, constant, field, "Placeholder",
+ new StoringApplicationPackage(applicationDir));
+ }
+ private RankProfileSearchFixture uncompiledFixtureWith(String rankProfile, StoringApplicationPackage application) {
+ try {
+ return new RankProfileSearchFixture(application, application.getQueryProfiles(),
+ rankProfile, null, null);
+ }
+ catch (ParseException e) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ private RankProfileSearchFixture fixtureWith(String functionExpression,
+ String firstPhaseExpression,
+ String constant,
+ String field,
+ String functionName,
+ StoringApplicationPackage application) {
+ try {
+ RankProfileSearchFixture fixture = new RankProfileSearchFixture(
+ application,
+ application.getQueryProfiles(),
+ " rank-profile my_profile {\n" +
+ " function " + functionName + "() {\n" +
+ " expression: " + functionExpression +
+ " }\n" +
+ " first-phase {\n" +
+ " expression: " + firstPhaseExpression +
+ " }\n" +
+ " }",
+ constant,
+ field);
+ fixture.compileRankProfile("my_profile", applicationDir.append("models"));
+ return fixture;
+ }
+ catch (ParseException e) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ static class StoringApplicationPackage extends MockApplicationPackage {
+ StoringApplicationPackage(Path applicationPackageWritableRoot) {
+ this(applicationPackageWritableRoot, null, null);
+ }
+ StoringApplicationPackage(Path applicationPackageWritableRoot, String queryProfile, String queryProfileType) {
+ super(new File(applicationPackageWritableRoot.toString()),
+ null, null, List.of(), Map.of(), null,
+ null, null, false, queryProfile, queryProfileType);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public ApplicationFile getFile(Path file) {
+ return new MockApplicationFile(file, Path.fromString(root().toString()));
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List<NamedReader> getFiles(Path path, String suffix) {
+ File[] files = getFileReference(path).listFiles();
+ if (files == null) return List.of();
+ List<NamedReader> readers = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (File file : files) {
+ if ( ! file.getName().endsWith(suffix)) continue;
+ try {
+ readers.add(new NamedReader(file.getName(), new FileReader(file)));
+ }
+ catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ return readers;
+ }
+ }