path: root/container-di/src/main/scala/com/yahoo/container/di/Container.scala
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1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/container-di/src/main/scala/com/yahoo/container/di/Container.scala b/container-di/src/main/scala/com/yahoo/container/di/Container.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..28d99f89d73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/container-di/src/main/scala/com/yahoo/container/di/Container.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+import{ComponentsConfigs, BootstrapConfigs}
+import{JerseyNode, ComponentGraph, ComponentNode}
+import{RestApiContext, SubscriberFactory}
+import Container._
+import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
+import scala.math.max
+import java.util.IdentityHashMap
+import java.util.logging.Logger
+import{Injector, Guice}
+import{BundlesConfig, ComponentsConfig}
+ *
+ * @author gjoranv
+ * @author tonytv
+ */
+class Container(
+ subscriberFactory: SubscriberFactory,
+ configId: String,
+ componentDeconstructor: ComponentDeconstructor,
+ osgi: Osgi = new Osgi {}
+ )
+ val bundlesConfigKey = new ConfigKey(classOf[BundlesConfig], configId)
+ val componentsConfigKey = new ConfigKey(classOf[ComponentsConfig], configId)
+ var configurer = new ConfigRetriever(Set(bundlesConfigKey, componentsConfigKey), subscriberFactory.getSubscriber(_))
+ var previousConfigGeneration = -1L
+ var leastGeneration = -1L
+ @throws(classOf[InterruptedException])
+ def runOnce(
+ oldGraph: ComponentGraph = new ComponentGraph,
+ fallbackInjector: GuiceInjector = Guice.createInjector()): ComponentGraph = {
+ def deconstructObsoleteComponents(oldGraph: ComponentGraph, newGraph: ComponentGraph) {
+ val oldComponents = new IdentityHashMap[AnyRef, AnyRef]()
+ oldGraph.allComponentsAndProviders foreach(oldComponents.put(_, null))
+ newGraph.allComponentsAndProviders foreach(oldComponents.remove(_))
+ oldComponents.keySet foreach(componentDeconstructor.deconstruct(_))
+ }
+ try {
+ //TODO: wrap user exceptions.
+ val newGraph = createNewGraph(oldGraph, fallbackInjector)
+ newGraph.reuseNodes(oldGraph)
+ constructComponents(newGraph)
+ deconstructObsoleteComponents(oldGraph, newGraph)
+ newGraph
+ } catch {
+ case e : Throwable =>
+ invalidateGeneration()
+ throw e
+ }
+ }
+ private def invalidateGeneration() {
+ leastGeneration = max(configurer.getComponentsGeneration, configurer.getBootstrapGeneration) + 1
+ }
+ final def createNewGraph(graph: ComponentGraph = new ComponentGraph,
+ fallbackInjector: Injector): ComponentGraph = {
+ val snapshot = configurer.getConfigs(graph.configKeys, leastGeneration)
+ log.fine("""createNewGraph:
+ graph.configKeys = %s
+ graph.generation = %s
+ snapshot = %s
+ """.format(graph.configKeys, graph.generation, snapshot))
+ val preventTailRecursion =
+ snapshot match {
+ case BootstrapConfigs(configs) if getBootstrapGeneration > previousConfigGeneration =>
+ installBundles(configs)
+ createNewGraph(
+ createComponentsGraph(configs, getBootstrapGeneration,fallbackInjector),
+ fallbackInjector)
+ case BootstrapConfigs(_) =>
+ createNewGraph(graph, fallbackInjector)
+ case ComponentsConfigs(configs) =>
+ createAndConfigureComponentsGraph(configs, fallbackInjector)
+ }
+ preventTailRecursion
+ }
+ def getBootstrapGeneration: Long = {
+ configurer.getBootstrapGeneration
+ }
+ def getComponentsGeneration: Long = {
+ configurer.getComponentsGeneration
+ }
+ private def createAndConfigureComponentsGraph[T](
+ componentsConfigs: Map[ConfigKeyT, ConfigInstance],
+ fallbackInjector: Injector): ComponentGraph = {
+ val componentGraph = createComponentsGraph(componentsConfigs, getComponentsGeneration, fallbackInjector)
+ componentGraph.setAvailableConfigs(componentsConfigs)
+ componentGraph
+ }
+ def injectNodes(config: ComponentsConfig, graph: ComponentGraph) {
+ for {
+ component <- config.components()
+ inject <- component.inject()
+ } {
+ def getNode = ComponentGraph.getNode(graph, _: String)
+ //TODO: Support
+ getNode(
+ }
+ }
+ def installBundles(configsIncludingBootstrapConfigs: Map[ConfigKeyT, ConfigInstance]) {
+ val bundlesConfig = getConfig(bundlesConfigKey, configsIncludingBootstrapConfigs)
+ osgi.useBundles(bundlesConfig.bundle())
+ }
+ private def createComponentsGraph[T](
+ configsIncludingBootstrapConfigs: Map[ConfigKeyT, ConfigInstance],
+ generation: Long,
+ fallbackInjector: Injector): ComponentGraph = {
+ previousConfigGeneration = generation
+ val graph = new ComponentGraph(generation)
+ val componentsConfig = getConfig(componentsConfigKey, configsIncludingBootstrapConfigs)
+ addNodes(componentsConfig, graph)
+ injectNodes(componentsConfig, graph)
+ graph.complete(fallbackInjector)
+ graph
+ }
+ def addNodes[T](componentsConfig: ComponentsConfig, graph: ComponentGraph) {
+ def isRestApiContext(clazz: Class[_]) = classOf[RestApiContext].isAssignableFrom(clazz)
+ def asRestApiContext(clazz: Class[_]) = clazz.asInstanceOf[Class[RestApiContext]]
+ for (config : ComponentsConfig.Components <- componentsConfig.components) {
+ val specification = bundleInstatiationSpecification(config)
+ val componentClass = osgi.resolveClass(specification)
+ val componentNode =
+ if (isRestApiContext(componentClass))
+ new JerseyNode(, config.configId(), asRestApiContext(componentClass), osgi)
+ else
+ new ComponentNode(, config.configId(), componentClass)
+ graph.add(componentNode)
+ }
+ }
+ private def constructComponents(graph: ComponentGraph) {
+ graph.nodes foreach (_.newOrCachedInstance())
+ }
+ def shutdown(graph: ComponentGraph, deconstructor: ComponentDeconstructor) {
+ shutdownConfigurer()
+ if (graph != null)
+ deconstructAllComponents(graph, deconstructor)
+ }
+ def shutdownConfigurer() {
+ configurer.shutdown()
+ }
+ // Reload config manually, when subscribing to non-configserver sources
+ def reloadConfig(generation: Long) {
+ subscriberFactory.reloadActiveSubscribers(generation)
+ }
+ def deconstructAllComponents(graph: ComponentGraph, deconstructor: ComponentDeconstructor) {
+ graph.allComponentsAndProviders foreach(deconstructor.deconstruct(_))
+ }
+object Container {
+ val log = Logger.getLogger(classOf[Container].getName)
+ def getConfig[T <: ConfigInstance](key: ConfigKey[T], configs: Map[ConfigKeyT, ConfigInstance]) : T = {
+ key.getConfigClass.cast(configs.getOrElse(key.asInstanceOf[ConfigKeyT], sys.error("Missing config " + key)))
+ }
+ def bundleInstatiationSpecification(config: ComponentsConfig.Components) =
+ BundleInstantiationSpecification.getFromStrings(, config.classId(), config.bundle())