path: root/container-search-gui/src/main/resources/gui/_includes/index.html
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1 files changed, 978 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/container-search-gui/src/main/resources/gui/_includes/index.html b/container-search-gui/src/main/resources/gui/_includes/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..80287979c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/container-search-gui/src/main/resources/gui/_includes/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,978 @@
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+ <div class="intro-long">Select the method for sending requests and construct a query.</div>
+ <select class="methodselector" onchange="chooseMethod();" id="method">
+ <option class="options" value="POST">POST</option>
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+ </select>
+ <input type="text" class="textbox" name="value" value="" id="url" size="30">
+ <button class="button" onclick="startSending();" id="send">Send</button>
+ <br/>
+ <div id="request">
+ </br>
+ <div class="intro-param">Construct a query by adding parameters or pasting a JSON.</div>
+ </div>
+ <br/>
+ <button class="addRow"onclick="addNewRow()" id="addRow">+</button>
+ <br/>
+ <button class="pasteJSON"onclick="pasteJSON();" id="pasteJSON"><img src="/querybuilder/img/paste.svg" height="16" width="16" style="margin-top:-2px; margin-right: 3px;"/> Paste JSON</button>
+ </br>
+ <button class="showJSON"onclick="showJSON();" id="showJSON">Show query JSON</button>
+ </br>
+ <textarea class="responsebox" id="jsonquery" cols=70 rows=15 style="display:none;"readonly></textarea>
+ </br>
+ <button class="copyJSON"onclick="copyToClipboard(jsonquery);" id="copyJSON"><img src="/querybuilder/img/copy.svg" height="17" width="17" /> Copy as JSON</button>
+ <button class="copyURL"onclick="copyURL();" id="copyURL"><img src="/querybuilder/img/copy.svg" height="17" width="17" /> Copy as URL</button>
+ <br/>
+ <div class="response">Response</div>
+ <input class="responseinfo" id="reponsestatus" value="" readonly></input></br>
+ <textarea class="responsebox" id="response" cols=70 rows=25 readonly></textarea>
+ <div id="div" >
+ <div >
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+ <script src="/querybuilder/js/jquery-1.11.0.js"></script>
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+ <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/querybuilder/editarea/edit_area/edit_area_full.js"></script>
+ <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
+ function fEALoaded() {
+ $('#frame_'+window.yqlID).contents().find('.area_toolbar').hide();
+ var iframe = document.getElementById("frame_"+window.yqlID);
+ = "vertical-align: middle; height: 117px; width: 350px; margin-bottom: 5px; ";
+ }
+ </script>
+ <SCRIPT language="javascript">
+ method = "POST";
+ var number = 0;
+ var childno = {};
+ var json = JSON.parse("{}");
+ var searchApiReference = null;
+ window.onload = function() {addNewRow(); getSearchApiReference();};
+ var possible = ["yql", "hits", "offset", "queryProfile", "nocache", "groupingSessionCache", "searchChain", "timeout", "trace", "",
+ , "model", "ranking", "presentation", "pos", "streaming", "rules", "recall", "user", "nocachewrite", "metrics"];
+ var usedProps = [];
+ var hasChilds = ["model", "ranking", "trace", "matchPhase", "diversity", "presentation","collapse", "pos", "streaming", "rules"];
+ var removedIndexes = [0];
+ var childrenProps = {
+ "model" : ["defaultIndex", "encoding", "language", "queryString", "restrict", "searchPath", "sources", "type"],
+ "ranking" : ["location", "features", "listFeatures", "profile", "properties", "sorting", "freshness", "queryCache", "matchPhase"],
+ "matchPhase" : ["maxHits", "attribute", "ascending", "diversity"],
+ "diversity" : ["attribute", "minGroups"],
+ "presentation" : ["bolding", "format", "summary", "template", "timing"],
+ "trace" : ["level", "timestamps", "rules"],
+ "metrics" : ["ignore"],
+ "collapse":["field", "size", "summary"],
+ "pos" : ["ll", "radius", "bb", "attribute"],
+ "streaming" : ["userid", "groupname", "selection", "priority", "maxbucketspervisitor"],
+ "rules" : ["off", "rulebase"]
+ };
+ var stringType = ["yql", "queryProfile", "searchChain", "defaultIndex", "encoding", "language",
+ "queryString", "searchPath", "type", "features", "profile", "properties", "sorting", "attribute", "summary",
+ "template", "select", "field", "summary", "ll", "radius", "priority", "groupname", "selection", "rulebase",
+ "user", "format"];
+ var booleanType = ["nocache", "groupingSessionCache", "timestamps", "listFeatures", "queryCache", "ascending",
+ "bolding", "timing", "off", "nocachewrite", "ignore"];
+ var listType = ["filter", "restrict", "sources", "bb", "recall"];
+ var integerType = ["hits","offset", "level", "freshness", "collapsesize", "userid", "maxbucketspervisitor", "rules"];
+ var floatType = ["timeout"];
+ var longType = ["maxHits", "minGroups"];
+ var latlongType = ["location"];
+ var yqlID = "v1";
+ function updateFields(){
+ var temp = number;
+ while (temp > 0){
+ if (!contains(removedIndexes, temp)){
+ var datalist = document.getElementById("prop"+temp);
+ datalist.innerHTML = "";
+ possible.forEach(function(item){
+ if (!contains(usedProps, item)){
+ var option = document.createElement("option");
+ option.value = item;
+ datalist.appendChild(option);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ temp -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ function pasteJSON(){
+ var button = document.getElementById("pasteJSON");
+ if (button.innerHTML === "Press CMD+V"){
+ button.innerHTML = '<img src="/querybuilder/img/paste.svg" height="16" width="16" style="margin-top:-2px; margin-right: 3px;"/> Paste JSON';
+ = "background-color: #99C1DA;"
+ }else{
+ var textarea = document.getElementById("response");
+ var button = document.getElementById("pasteJSON");
+ button.innerHTML = "Press CMD+V";
+ = "background-color: #5791d7;"
+ textarea.focus();
+ document.getElementById('response').addEventListener('paste', handlePaste);
+ }
+ }
+ function handlePaste (e) {
+ var clipboardData, pastedData;
+ // Stop data actually being pasted into div
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ // Get pasted data via clipboard API
+ clipboardData = e.clipboardData || window.clipboardData;
+ pastedData = clipboardData.getData('Text');
+ // Do whatever with pasteddata
+ alert("Converting JSON: \n\n "+pastedData);
+ //Removing eventlistener
+ var oldResponse = document.getElementById('response');
+ var newResponse = oldResponse.cloneNode(true);
+ oldResponse.parentNode.replaceChild(newResponse, oldResponse);
+ //Returning to old button and
+ pasteJSON();
+ convertPastedJSON(pastedData);
+ }
+ function convertPastedJSON(pastedData){
+ try {
+ document.getElementById("request").innerHTML = "</br> <div class=\"intro-param\">Construct a query by adding parameters or pasting a JSON.</div>";
+ number = 0;
+ var json = JSON.parse(pastedData);
+ buildFromJSON(json, 0);
+ }
+ catch (err) {
+ alert("Could not parse JSON, with error-message: \n\n"+err.message);
+ }
+ }
+ function buildFromJSON(obj,parentNo) {
+ Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
+ if ( typeof(eval('obj.'+key)) === "object" ) {
+ if (parentNo != 0){
+ var newNo = addChildProp(parentNo, key);
+ buildFromJSON(eval('obj.'+key), newNo);
+ }
+ if (parentNo === 0){
+ var newNo = addNewRow(key);
+ buildFromJSON(eval('obj.'+key), newNo);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (parentNo != 0){
+ var newNo = addChildProp(parentNo, key, eval('obj.'+key));
+ }
+ if (parentNo === 0){
+ var newNo = addNewRow(key, eval('obj.'+key));
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function copyURL(){
+ generateJSON();
+ var urlMap = dotNotate(window.json);
+ var url = buildURL(urlMap);
+ var el = document.createElement("textarea");
+ el.value = url;
+ document.body.appendChild(el);
+ copyToClipboard(el);
+ document.body.removeChild(el);
+ return url;
+ }
+ function buildURL(map){
+ var url = document.getElementById("url").value + "?";
+ var parameters = "";
+ Object.keys(map).forEach(function(key) {
+ parameters += "&" + encodeToURI(key) + "=" + encodeToURI(map[key]);
+ });
+ parameters = parameters.substr(1)
+ return url+parameters
+ }
+ function encodeToURI(string){
+ string = encodeURIComponent(string);
+ string = string.replace(/%20/g, '+');
+ return string;
+ }
+ function dotNotate(obj,target,prefix) {
+ target = target || {},
+ prefix = prefix || "";
+ Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
+ if ( typeof(obj[key]) === "object" ) {
+ dotNotate(obj[key],target,prefix + key + ".");
+ } else {
+ return target[prefix + key] = obj[key];
+ }
+ });
+ return target;
+ }
+ function copyToClipboard(id){
+ document.execCommand('copy');
+ clearSelection();
+ }
+ function clearSelection()
+ {
+ if (window.getSelection) {window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();}
+ else if (document.selection) {document.selection.empty();}
+ }
+ function chooseMethod(method) {
+ var selectBox = document.getElementById("method");
+ var selectedMethod = selectBox.options[selectBox.selectedIndex].value;
+ if (selectedMethod != method){
+ window.method = selectedMethod
+ changeDiv(selectedMethod);
+ }
+ }
+ function changeDiv(selectedMethod){
+ if (selectedMethod === "GET"){
+ console.log(selectedMethod);
+ document.getElementById("request").innerHTML = '</br><textarea class=\"responsebox\" cols=70 rows=4 id=\"url2\">'+copyURL();+'</textarea>';
+ changeVisibility();
+ }
+ else if (selectedMethod === "POST") {
+ console.log(selectedMethod);
+ document.getElementById("request").innerHTML = "</br> <div class=\"intro-param\">Construct a query by adding parameters or pasting a JSON.</div>";
+ number = 0;
+ changeVisibility();
+ let jsonString = JSON.stringify(window.json);
+ if (jsonString === "{}" || jsonString=== '{"":""}'){
+ addNewRow();
+ } else {
+ buildFromJSON(window.json, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function stripMyHTML(html)
+ {
+ var tmp = document.createElement("DIV");
+ tmp.innerHTML = html
+ for (var i = 0; i < tmp.children.length; i++){
+ tmp.children[i].classList = [];
+ }
+ return tmp.innerHTML.replace('<code>','').replace('</code>','');
+ }
+ function addNewRow(key, value){
+ number += 1;
+ const temp = number;
+ childno[temp] = 0;
+ var newInput = document.createElement("input");
+ = "i"+temp;
+ newInput.setAttribute("list", "prop"+temp);
+ newInput.onchange = function(){keySelected(temp);};
+ newInput.classList.add("input")
+ var newDatalist = document.createElement("datalist");
+ = "prop"+temp;
+ newInputVal = document.createElement("input");
+ newInputVal.type = "text";
+ = "v"+temp;
+ newInputVal.classList.add("propvalue");
+ var newButton = document.createElement("button");
+ = "b"+temp;
+ newButton.innerHTML = "-";
+ newButton.onclick = function(){removeRow(temp);};
+ newButton.classList.add("removeRow");
+ var br = document.createElement("br");
+ = "br"+temp
+ var img = document.createElement("img");
+ img.src = "/querybuilder/img/information.svg";
+ img.height = "15";
+ img.width = "15";
+ img.classList.add("information");
+ var span = document.createElement("span");
+ = "span"+temp;
+ span.innerHTML = stripMyHTML('Choose a parameter for information');
+ var a = document.createElement("a");
+ a.href = "#";
+ a.classList.add("tip");
+ = "inf"+temp
+ a.appendChild(img);
+ a.appendChild(span);
+ var div = document.createElement("div");
+ = number;
+ div.appendChild(newInput);
+ div.appendChild(newDatalist);
+ div.appendChild(a);
+ div.appendChild(newInputVal);
+ div.appendChild(newButton);
+ div.appendChild(br);
+ var bigdiv = document.getElementById("request");
+ bigdiv.appendChild(div);
+ updateFields();
+ value2 = ""+ value;
+ if (key){
+ newInput.value = key;
+ keySelected(temp, value)
+ }
+ if (value || value2==="false"){
+ if (key === "yql"){
+ editAreaLoader.setValue(window.yqlID, value);
+ } else {
+ newInputVal.value= value;
+ }
+ }
+ generateJSON();
+ return temp;
+ }
+ function showInformation(no, key){
+ var a = document.getElementById("inf"+no);
+ if(validKey(key)){
+ = "visibility: visible;";
+ try {
+ document.getElementById("span"+no).innerHTML = changeInformation(no, key);
+ } catch (err) {
+ document.getElementById("span"+no).innerHTML = "Something went wrong loading search api reference. Please refresh page";
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ = "visibility: hidden;"
+ }
+ }
+ function validKey(possibleKey){
+ if (contains(possible, possibleKey)){return true;}
+ for (var key in childrenProps){
+ if (contains(childrenProps[key],possibleKey )){
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function keySelected(no, value){
+ var key = document.getElementById("i"+no).value;
+ showInformation(no, key);
+ findUsedProps();
+ if(contains(hasChilds, key)){
+ var input = document.getElementById("v"+no);
+ if ($(input).is("textarea")){
+ editAreaLoader.delete_instance(window.yqlID);
+ }
+ var button = document.createElement("button");
+ button.innerHTML=" + Add property";
+ button.onclick = function(){addChildProp(no);};
+ button.classList.add("addpropsbutton");
+ var parent = input.parentNode;
+ parent.replaceChild(button, input);
+ } else {
+ if (document.getElementById("propb"+no) != null){
+ var button = document.getElementById("propb"+no)
+ var newInputVal = document.createElement("input");
+ newInputVal.type = "text";
+ = "v"+no;
+ newInputVal.classList.add("propvalue");
+ var parent = button.parentNode;
+ showType(newInputVal, no);
+ if (key === "yql"){
+ newInputVal = document.createElement("textarea");
+ = "v"+no;
+ window.yqlID = "v"+no;
+ newInputVal.class = "yql";
+ = "content";
+ newInputVal.cols = "80";
+ newInputVal.rows = "15";
+ newInputVal.innerHTML = "\n\n\n\n\n";
+ parent.replaceChild(newInputVal, button);
+ editAreaLoader.init({
+ id : "v"+no // textarea id
+ ,syntax: "yql" // syntax to be uses for highgliting
+ ,start_highlight: true // to display with highlight mode on start-up
+ ,autocompletion: true
+ ,plugins: 'autocompletion'
+ ,gecko_spellcheck: true
+ ,allow_toggle: false
+ ,browsers: "all"
+ ,replace_tab_by_spaces: 2
+ ,EA_load_callback: "fEALoaded"
+ });
+ }
+ if (key != "yql"){
+ parent.replaceChild(newInputVal, button);
+ }
+ }else if (true) {
+ var inputval = document.getElementById("v"+no);
+ showType(inputval, no);
+ if ($(inputval).is("textarea")){
+ var newInputVal = document.createElement("input");
+ editAreaLoader.delete_instance(window.yqlID);
+ newInputVal.type = "text";
+ = "v"+no;
+ newInputVal.classList.add("propvalue");
+ showType(newInputVal, no);
+ var parent = inputval.parentNode;
+ parent.replaceChild(newInputVal, inputval);
+ }
+ if (key === "yql"){
+ newInputVal = document.createElement("textarea");
+ = "v"+no;
+ window.yqlID = "v"+no;
+ = "content";
+ newInputVal.cols = "80";
+ newInputVal.rows = "15";
+ newInputVal.class = "yql";
+ newInputVal.innerHTML = "\n\n\n\n\n";
+ var parent = inputval.parentNode;
+ parent.replaceChild(newInputVal, inputval);
+ editAreaLoader.init({
+ id : "v"+no // textarea id
+ ,syntax: "yql" // syntax to be uses for highgliting
+ ,start_highlight: true // to display with highlight mode on start-up
+ ,autocompletion: true
+ ,plugins: 'autocompletion'
+ ,gecko_spellcheck: true
+ ,font_family: 'Tahoma'
+ ,allow_toggle: false
+ ,browsers: "all"
+ ,replace_tab_by_spaces: 2
+ ,EA_load_callback: "fEALoaded"
+ });
+ }
+ if(value){
+ inputval.value = value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!validKey(key)){
+ var keyInput = document.getElementById("i"+no);
+ = "border-width: 1px; border-color: red;"
+ var valueInput = document.getElementById("v"+no);
+ valueInput.placeholder = "Invalid parameter";
+ }
+ if (validKey(key)){
+ var keyInput = document.getElementById("i"+no);
+ = "border-width: 0px;"
+ }
+ }
+ function showType(inputVal, no){
+ var key = document.getElementById("i"+no).value;
+ if (contains(stringType, key)){
+ inputVal.placeholder = "String";
+ }
+ else if (contains(booleanType, key)){
+ inputVal.placeholder = "Boolean";
+ }
+ else if (contains(integerType, key)){
+ inputVal.placeholder = "Int";
+ }
+ else if (contains(listType, key)){
+ inputVal.placeholder = "Array";
+ }
+ else if (contains(longType, key)){
+ inputVal.placeholder = "Long";
+ }
+ else if (contains(latlongType, key)){
+ inputVal.placeholder = "Latlong";
+ }
+ else if (contains(floatType, key)){
+ inputVal.placeholder = "Float";
+ }
+ else {
+ inputVal.placeholder = "";
+ }
+ }
+ function removeRow(no){
+ var div = document.getElementById(no);
+ var key = document.getElementById("i"+no).value;
+ var bigdiv = document.getElementById("request");
+ bigdiv.removeChild(div);
+ removedIndexes.push(no);
+ findUsedProps();
+ updateFields();
+ generateJSON();
+ }
+ function removeChild(no){
+ var a = "" + no;
+ var parentIndexes;
+ var length = no.length;
+ switch (length) {
+ case 2: parentIndexes = 1; break;
+ case 3: parentIndexes = 2; break;
+ case 4: parentIndexes = 3; break;
+ case 5: parentIndexes = 4; break;
+ }
+ var div = document.getElementById(no);
+ var bigdiv = document.getElementById(no.substr(0,parentIndexes));
+ bigdiv.removeChild(div);
+ removedIndexes.push(parseInt(no));
+ findUsedProps();
+ updateFields();
+ generateJSON();
+ }
+ function addChildProp(no, key, value){
+ generateJSON();
+ childno[no] += 1;
+ var temp = ""+no+childno[no];
+ childno[temp] = 0;
+ var parentNode = document.getElementById(no);
+ var newInput = document.createElement("input");
+ = "i"+temp;
+ newInput.setAttribute("list", "prop"+temp);
+ newInput.onchange = function(){keySelected(temp);};
+ newInput.classList.add("input")
+ var newDatalist = document.createElement("datalist");
+ = "prop"+temp;
+ newInputVal = document.createElement("input");
+ newInputVal.type = "text";
+ = "v"+temp;
+ newInputVal.classList.add("propvalue");
+ var newButton = document.createElement("button");
+ = "b"+temp;
+ newButton.innerHTML = "-";
+ newButton.onclick = function(){removeChild(temp);};
+ newButton.classList.add("removeRow");
+ var br = document.createElement("br");
+ = "br"+temp
+ var div = document.createElement("div");
+ = temp;
+ var b = document.createElement('b');
+ b.innerHTML = ' ↳ ';
+ var margin = 20*(temp).length;
+ = "padding-left:"+margin+"px;";
+ var img = document.createElement("img");
+ img.src = "/querybuilder/img/information.svg";
+ img.height = "15";
+ img.width = "15";
+ img.classList.add("information");
+ var span = document.createElement("span");
+ = "span"+temp;
+ span.innerHTML = stripMyHTML('Choose a parameter for information');
+ var a = document.createElement("a");
+ a.href = "#";
+ a.classList.add("tip");
+ = "inf"+temp
+ a.appendChild(img);
+ a.appendChild(span);
+ div.appendChild(b);
+ div.appendChild(newInput);
+ div.appendChild(newDatalist);3
+ div.append(a)
+ div.appendChild(newInputVal);
+ div.appendChild(newButton);
+ div.appendChild(br);
+ parentNode.appendChild(div);
+ updateChildrenFields(no);
+ let value2 = "" + value;
+ if (key){
+ newInput.value = key;
+ keySelected(temp, value)
+ }
+ if (value2==="false" || value){
+ newInputVal.value= value;
+ }
+ return temp;
+ }
+ function updateChildrenFields(parentNo){
+ parentKey = document.getElementById("i"+parentNo).value
+ var temp = parseInt(""+parentNo+childno[parentNo]);
+ var minNumber = parseInt(""+parentNo+0);
+ while (temp > minNumber){
+ if (!contains(removedIndexes, temp)){
+ var datalist = document.getElementById("prop"+temp);
+ datalist.innerHTML = "";
+ var list = childrenProps[parentKey];
+ list.forEach(function(item){
+ var option = document.createElement("option");
+ option.value = item;
+ datalist.appendChild(option);
+ });
+ }
+ temp -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ function contains(a, obj) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
+ if (a[i] === obj) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function refresh(){
+ document.location.reload(true);
+ }
+ function generateJSON(){
+ json = JSON.parse("{}");
+ buildJSON(json, number, 0);
+ var textarea = document.getElementById("jsonquery");
+ textarea.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(window.json, undefined, 4);
+ console.log("Build json: "+JSON.stringify(json));
+ }
+ function buildJSON(parent, no, thresh){
+ var temp = no;
+ while (temp > thresh){
+ if (!contains(removedIndexes, temp)){
+ var key = document.getElementById("i"+temp).value;
+ if (document.getElementById("v"+temp) != null){
+ var value = document.getElementById("v"+temp).value
+ if (key === "yql"){
+ value = $.trim(editAreaLoader.getValue(window.yqlID).replace(/\n/g, " "));
+ }
+ if (contains(booleanType, key)){
+ if (value === 'true'){
+ value = true;
+ } if (value === 'false'){
+ value = false;
+ }}
+ if (contains(integerType, key) || contains(longType, key)){
+ value = parseInt(value);
+ value = isNaN(value) ? 0 : value;
+ }
+ if (contains(floatType, key)){
+ value = parseFloat(value);
+ value = isNaN(value) ? 0 : value;
+ }
+ parent[key] = value
+ } else {
+ parent[key] = JSON.parse("{}");
+ const newParent = parent[key];
+ const tempJSON = json;
+ var newNo = parseInt(""+temp+childno[temp]);
+ var newThresh = parseInt(""+temp+0);
+ buildJSON(newParent, newNo, newThresh);
+ }
+ }
+ temp --;
+ }
+ }
+ function findUsedProps(){
+ usedProps = [];
+ addUsedProps(number, 0);
+ }
+ function addUsedProps(no, thresh){
+ var temp = no;
+ while (temp > thresh){
+ if (!contains(removedIndexes, temp)){
+ var key = document.getElementById("i"+temp).value;
+ usedProps.push(key);
+ if (childno[temp] != -1){
+ var temp2 = parseInt(""+temp+childno[temp]);
+ var thresh2 = parseInt(""+temp+0);
+ addUsedProps(temp2, thresh2);
+ }
+ }
+ temp--;
+ }
+ }
+ function startSending(){
+ if (method === "POST"){
+ var url = document.getElementById("url").value;
+ generateJSON();
+ var jsonobj = JSON.stringify(json);
+ var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
+"POST", url, false);
+ xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
+ xmlhttp.send(jsonobj);
+ document.getElementById("reponsestatus").value = ""+xmlhttp.status+" "+xmlhttp.statusText;
+ document.getElementById("response").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText), undefined, 4);
+ }else if (method === "GET") {
+ var url = document.getElementById("url2").value;
+ }
+ }
+ function changeVisibility() {
+ var x = document.getElementById("url");
+ var y = document.getElementById("addRow")
+ var z = document.getElementById("showJSON")
+ var a = document.getElementById("pasteJSON")
+ if ( === "none") {
+ = "inline-block";
+ = "inline-block";
+ = "inline-block";
+ = "inline-block";
+ } else {
+ = "none";
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+ }
+ function showJSON(){
+ var textarea = document.getElementById("jsonquery");
+ var copyJSON = document.getElementById("copyJSON");
+ var showJSON = document.getElementById("showJSON");
+ var copyURL = document.getElementById("copyURL")
+ if ( === "none") {
+ = "inline-block";
+ = "inline-block";
+ showJSON.innerHTML = "Hide query JSON";
+ = "inline-block";
+ generateJSON();
+ } else {
+ = "none";
+ = "none";
+ showJSON.innerHTML = "Show query JSON";
+ = "none";
+ }
+ }
+ function getSearchApiReference(){
+ var div = document.getElementById("div");
+ var object = document.createElement("object");
+ = "/querybuilder/_includes/search-api-reference.html";
+ object.type ="text/html";
+ = "visibility: hidden; height: 1px; width: 200px;"
+ div.appendChild(object);
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ searchApiReference = object.contentDocument;
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ div.removeChild(object);
+ }, 20);
+ }, 150);
+ }
+ function changeInformation(no,key){
+ if (key===""){return "Choose a parameter for information"}
+ if (contains(hasChilds, key)){return "Add parameters under the parent ''" + getFullName(no,key) + "'"}
+ var refId = getFullName(no,key)
+ var ref = searchApiReference;
+ //var tag = document.createElement('div');
+ //tag.appendChild(ref.getElementById(refId).nextElementSibling);
+ var tabletext = stripMyHTML(ref.getElementById(refId).nextElementSibling.outerHTML);
+ return tabletext;
+ }
+ function getFullName(no, key){
+ var name = key;
+ no = ""+no;
+ no = no.substring(0,(no.length - 1));
+ while (no.length > 0){
+ var parentName = document.getElementById("i"+no).value;
+ name = parentName + "." + name;
+ no = no.substring(0,(no.length - 1));
+ }
+ return name;
+ }
+ </script>
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+ function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments)};
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