path: root/container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/prelude/statistics/
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diff --git a/container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/prelude/statistics/ b/container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/prelude/statistics/
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+// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Optional;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import static*;
+ * <p>A searcher to gather statistics such as queries completed and query latency. There
+ * may be more than 1 StatisticsSearcher in the Searcher chain, each identified by a
+ * Searcher ID. The statistics accumulated by all StatisticsSearchers are stored
+ * in the singleton StatisticsManager object. </p>
+ * <p>
+ * TODO: Fix events to handle more than one of these searchers properly.
+ *
+ * @author Gene Meyers
+ * @author Steinar Knutsen
+ * @author bergum
+ */
+public class StatisticsSearcher extends Searcher {
+ private static final String MAX_QUERY_LATENCY_METRIC = "max_query_latency";
+ private static final String EMPTY_RESULTS_METRIC = "empty_results";
+ private static final String HITS_PER_QUERY_METRIC = "hits_per_query";
+ private static final String FAILED_QUERIES_METRIC = "failed_queries";
+ private static final String MEAN_QUERY_LATENCY_METRIC = "mean_query_latency";
+ private static final String QUERY_LATENCY_METRIC = "query_latency";
+ private static final String QUERIES_METRIC = "queries";
+ private static final String ACTIVE_QUERIES_METRIC = "active_queries";
+ private static final String PEAK_QPS_METRIC = "peak_qps";
+ private Counter queries; // basic counter
+ private Counter failedQueries; // basic counter
+ private Counter nullQueries; // basic counter
+ private Counter illegalQueries; // basic counter
+ private Value queryLatency; // mean pr 5 min
+ private Value queryLatencyBuckets;
+ private Value maxQueryLatency; // separate to avoid name mangling
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused") // all the work is done by the callback
+ private Value activeQueries; // raw measure every 5 minutes
+ private Value peakQPS; // peak 10s QPS
+ private Counter emptyResults; // number of results containing no concrete hits
+ private Value hitsPerQuery; // mean number of hits per query
+ private long prevMaxQPSTime; // previous measurement time of QPS
+ private double queriesForQPS = 0.0;
+ private final Object peakQpsLock = new Object();
+ private Metric metric;
+ private Map<String, Metric.Context> chainContexts = new CopyOnWriteHashMap<>();
+ private Map<String, Metric.Context> yamasOnlyContexts = new CopyOnWriteHashMap<>();
+ private void initEvents( manager, MetricReceiver metricReceiver) {
+ queries = new Counter(QUERIES_METRIC, manager, false);
+ failedQueries = new Counter(FAILED_QUERIES_METRIC, manager, false);
+ nullQueries = new Counter("null_queries", manager, false);
+ illegalQueries = new Counter("illegal_queries", manager, false);
+ queryLatency = new Value(MEAN_QUERY_LATENCY_METRIC, manager,
+ new Value.Parameters().setLogRaw(false).setLogMean(true).setNameExtension(false));
+ maxQueryLatency = new Value(MAX_QUERY_LATENCY_METRIC, manager,
+ new Value.Parameters().setLogRaw(false).setLogMax(true).setNameExtension(false));
+ queryLatencyBuckets = Value.buildValue("query_latency", manager, null);
+ activeQueries = new Value(ACTIVE_QUERIES_METRIC, manager,
+ new Value.Parameters().setLogRaw(true).setCallback(new ActivitySampler()));
+ peakQPS = new Value(PEAK_QPS_METRIC, manager, new Value.Parameters().setLogRaw(false).setLogMax(true)
+ .setNameExtension(false));
+ hitsPerQuery = new Value(HITS_PER_QUERY_METRIC, manager,
+ new Value.Parameters().setLogRaw(false).setLogMean(true).setNameExtension(false));
+ emptyResults = new Counter(EMPTY_RESULTS_METRIC, manager, false);
+ metricReceiver.declareGauge(QUERY_LATENCY_METRIC, Optional.empty(), new MetricSettings.Builder().histogram(true).build());
+ }
+ // Callback to measure queries in flight every five minutes
+ private class ActivitySampler implements Callback {
+ public void run(Handle h, boolean firstRun) {
+ if (firstRun) {
+ metric.set(ACTIVE_QUERIES_METRIC, Integer.valueOf(0), null);
+ return;
+ }
+ // TODO Server.get() is to be removed
+ final int searchQueriesInFlight = Server.get().searchQueriesInFlight();
+ ((Value) h).put(searchQueriesInFlight);
+ metric.set(ACTIVE_QUERIES_METRIC, searchQueriesInFlight, null);
+ }
+ }
+ StatisticsSearcher(Metric metric) {
+ this(, metric, MetricReceiver.nullImplementation);
+ }
+ public StatisticsSearcher( manager, Metric metric, MetricReceiver metricReceiver) {
+ this.metric = metric;
+ initEvents(manager, metricReceiver);
+ }
+ public String getMyID() {
+ return (getId().stringValue());
+ }
+ private void qps(long now, Metric.Context metricContext) {
+ // We can either have peakQpsLock _or_ have prevMaxQpsTime as a volatile
+ // and queriesForQPS as an AtomicInteger. That would lead no locking,
+ // but two memory barriers in the common case. Don't change till we know
+ // that is actually better.
+ synchronized (peakQpsLock) {
+ if ((now - prevMaxQPSTime) >= (10 * 1000)) {
+ double ms = (double) (now - prevMaxQPSTime);
+ final double peakQPS = queriesForQPS / (ms / 1000);
+ this.peakQPS.put(peakQPS);
+ metric.set(PEAK_QPS_METRIC, peakQPS, metricContext);
+ queriesForQPS = 1.0d;
+ prevMaxQPSTime = now;
+ } else {
+ queriesForQPS += 1.0d;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private Metric.Context getChainMetricContext(String chainName) {
+ Metric.Context context = chainContexts.get(chainName);
+ if (context == null) {
+ Map<String, String> dimensions = new HashMap<>();
+ dimensions.put("chain", chainName);
+ context = this.metric.createContext(dimensions);
+ chainContexts.put(chainName, context);
+ }
+ return context;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate statistics for the query passing through this Searcher
+ * 1) Add 1 to total query count
+ * 2) Add response time to total response time (time from entry to return)
+ * 3) .....
+ */
+ public Result search( query, Execution execution) {
+ Metric.Context metricContext = getChainMetricContext(execution.chain().getId().stringValue());
+ incrQueryCount(metricContext);
+ logQuery(query);
+ long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Start time, in millisecs.
+ qps(start, metricContext);
+ Result result;
+ //handle exceptions thrown below in searchers
+ try {
+ result =; // Pass on down the chain
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ incrErrorCount(null, metricContext);
+ throw e;
+ }
+ long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Start time, in millisecs.
+ long latency = end - start;
+ if (latency >= 0) {
+ addLatency(latency, metricContext);
+ } else {
+ getLogger().log(
+ LogLevel.WARNING,
+ "Apparently negative latency measure, start: " + start
+ + ", end: " + end + ", for query: " + query.toString());
+ }
+ if (result.hits().getError() != null) {
+ incrErrorCount(result, metricContext);
+ incrementYamasOnlyErrors(result, execution);
+ }
+ int hitCount = result.getConcreteHitCount();
+ hitsPerQuery.put((double) hitCount);
+ metric.set(HITS_PER_QUERY_METRIC, (double) hitCount, metricContext);
+ if (hitCount == 0) {
+ emptyResults.increment();
+ metric.add(EMPTY_RESULTS_METRIC, 1, metricContext);
+ }
+ // Update running averages
+ //setAverages();
+ return result;
+ }
+ private void logQuery( query) {
+ // Don't parse the query if it's not necessary for the logging Query.toString triggers parsing
+ if (getLogger().isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
+ getLogger().finer("Query: " + query.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ private void addLatency(long latency, Metric.Context metricContext) {
+ //myStats.addLatency(latency);
+ queryLatency.put(latency);
+ metric.set(QUERY_LATENCY_METRIC, latency, metricContext);
+ metric.set(MEAN_QUERY_LATENCY_METRIC, latency, metricContext);
+ maxQueryLatency.put(latency);
+ metric.set(MAX_QUERY_LATENCY_METRIC, latency, metricContext);
+ queryLatencyBuckets.put(latency);
+ }
+ private void incrQueryCount(Metric.Context metricContext) {
+ //myStats.incrQueryCnt();
+ queries.increment();
+ metric.add(QUERIES_METRIC, 1, metricContext);
+ }
+ private void incrErrorCount(Result result, Metric.Context metricContext) {
+ //If result is null an exception was thrown further down
+ if (result == null) {
+ //myStats.incrErrorCount();
+ failedQueries.increment();
+ metric.add(FAILED_QUERIES_METRIC, 1, metricContext);
+ metric.add("error.unhandled_exception", 1, metricContext);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (result.hits().getErrorHit().hasOnlyErrorCode(Error.NULL_QUERY.code)) {
+ nullQueries.increment();
+ return;
+ } else if (result.hits().getErrorHit().hasOnlyErrorCode(3)) {
+ illegalQueries.increment();
+ return;
+ }
+ //myStats.incrErrorCount();
+ failedQueries.increment();
+ metric.add(FAILED_QUERIES_METRIC, 1, metricContext);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates error metric for Yamas only. These metrics are only logged to state health page
+ * and not forwarded to the log file.
+ *
+ * @param result The result to check for errors
+ */
+ private void incrementYamasOnlyErrors(Result result, Execution execution) {
+ if(result == null)
+ return;
+ ErrorHit error = result.hits().getErrorHit();
+ if (error == null)
+ return;
+ for (ErrorMessage m : error.errors()) {
+ int code = m.getCode();
+ Metric.Context c = getDimensions(m.getSource(), result, execution);
+ if (code == TIMEOUT.code) {
+ metric.add("error.timeout", 1, c);
+ } else if (code == NO_BACKENDS_IN_SERVICE.code) {
+ metric.add("error.backends_oos", 1, c);
+ } else if (code == ERROR_IN_PLUGIN.code) {
+ metric.add("error.plugin_failure", 1, c);
+ } else if (code == BACKEND_COMMUNICATION_ERROR.code) {
+ metric.add("error.backend_communication_error", 1, c);
+ } else if (code == EMPTY_DOCUMENTS.code) {
+ metric.add("error.empty_document_summaries", 1, c);
+ } else if (code == ILLEGAL_QUERY.code) {
+ metric.add("error.illegal_query", 1, c);
+ } else if (code == INVALID_QUERY_PARAMETER.code) {
+ metric.add("error.invalid_query_parameter", 1, c);
+ } else if (code == INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.code) {
+ metric.add("error.internal_server_error", 1, c);
+ } else if (code == SERVER_IS_MISCONFIGURED.code) {
+ metric.add("error.misconfigured_server", 1, c);
+ } else if (code == INVALID_QUERY_TRANSFORMATION.code) {
+ metric.add("error.invalid_query_transformation", 1, c);
+ } else if (code == RESULT_HAS_ERRORS.code) {
+ metric.add("error.result_with_errors", 1, c);
+ } else if (code == UNSPECIFIED.code) {
+ metric.add("error.unspecified", 1, c);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private Metric.Context getDimensions(String source, Result r, Execution execution) {
+ Metric.Context context = yamasOnlyContexts.get(source == null ? "" : source);
+ if (context == null) {
+ Map<String, String> dims = new HashMap<>();
+ if (source != null) {
+ dims.put("source", source);
+ }
+ context = this.metric.createContext(dims);
+ yamasOnlyContexts.put(source == null ? "" : source, context);
+ }
+ //TODO add other relevant metric dimensions
+ //Would be nice to have chain as a dimension as
+ //we can separate errors from different chains
+ return context;
+ }