path: root/container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/search/federation/http/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 261 deletions
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-// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
-import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.util.logging.Level;
-import java.util.logging.Logger;
- * Superclass of searchers which talks to HTTP backends. Implement a subclass to talk to a backend
- * over HTTP which is not supported by the platform out of the box.
- * <p>
- * Implementations must override one of the <code>unmarshal</code> methods to unmarshal the response.
- * </p>
- *
- * @author Arne Bergene Fossaa
- * @author bratseth
- * @deprecated
- */
-// TODO: Remove on Vespa 7
-@Deprecated // OK
-public abstract class HTTPProviderSearcher extends HTTPSearcher {
- private final Counter emptyResults;
- private final Value hitsPerQuery;
- private final Value responseLatency;
- private final Counter readTimeouts;
- private final static List<String> excludedSourceProperties = ImmutableList.of("offset", "hits", "provider");
- protected final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(HTTPProviderSearcher.class.getName());
- /** The name of the cache used (which is just getid().stringValue(), or null if no cache is used */
- protected String cacheName=null;
- public HTTPProviderSearcher(ComponentId id, List<Connection> connections,String path, Statistics statistics) {
- this(id,connections,new HTTPParameters(path), statistics);
- }
- /** Creates a http provider searcher using id.getName as provider name */
- public HTTPProviderSearcher(ComponentId id, List<Connection> connections, String path,
- Statistics statistics, CertificateStore certificateStore) {
- this(id, connections, new HTTPParameters(path), statistics, certificateStore);
- }
- public HTTPProviderSearcher(ComponentId id, List<Connection> connections, HTTPParameters parameters,
- Statistics statistics) {
- this(id, connections, parameters, statistics, new ThrowingCertificateStore());
- }
- /**
- * Creates a provider searcher
- *
- * @param id the id of this instance
- * @param connections the connections this will load balance and fail over between
- * @param parameters the parameters to use when making http calls
- */
- public HTTPProviderSearcher(ComponentId id, List<Connection> connections, HTTPParameters parameters,
- Statistics statistics, CertificateStore certificateStore) {
- super(id, connections, parameters, statistics, certificateStore);
- String suffix = "_" + getId().getName().replace('.', '_');
- hitsPerQuery = new Value("hits_per_query" + suffix, statistics,
- new Value.Parameters().setLogRaw(false).setNameExtension(false).setLogMean(true));
- responseLatency = new Value(LOG_LATENCY_START + suffix, statistics,
- new Value.Parameters().setLogRaw(false).setLogMean(true).setNameExtension(false));
- emptyResults = new Counter("empty_results" + suffix, statistics, false);
- readTimeouts = new Counter(LOG_READ_TIMEOUT_PREFIX + suffix, statistics, false);
- }
- /** @deprecated this method does nothing */
- @Deprecated // OK
- protected void configureCache(final QrBinaryCacheConfig cacheConfig,final QrBinaryCacheRegionConfig regionConfig) {
- }
- /**
- * Unmarshal the stream by converting it to hits and adding the hits to the given result.
- * A convenience hook called by the default <code>unmarshal(entity,result).</code>
- * Override this in subclasses which does not override <code>unmarshal(entity,result).</code>
- * <p>
- * This default implementation throws an exception.
- *
- * @param stream the stream of data returned
- * @param contentLength the length of the content in bytes if known, or a negative number if unknown
- * @param result the result to which unmarshalled data should be added
- */
- public void unmarshal(final InputStream stream, long contentLength, final Result result) throws IOException {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unmarshal must be implemented by " + this);
- }
- /**
- * Unmarshal the result from an http entity. This default implementation calls
- * <code>unmarshal(entity.getContent(), entity.getContentLength(), result)</code>
- * (and does some detailed query tracing).
- *
- * @param entity the entity containing the data to unmarshal
- * @param result the result to which unmarshalled data should be added
- */
- public void unmarshal(HttpEntity entity,Result result) throws IOException {
- Query query=result.getQuery();
- long len = entity.getContentLength();
- if (query.getTraceLevel()>=4)
- query.trace("Received " + len + " bytes response in " + this, false, 4);
- query.trace("Unmarshaling result.", false, 6);
- unmarshal(entity.getContent(), len, result);
- if (query.getTraceLevel()>=2)
- query.trace("Handled " + len + " bytes response in " + this, false, 2);
- }
- protected void addNonExcludedSourceProperties(Query query, Map<String, String> queryMap) {
- Properties sourceProperties = FederationSearcher.getSourceProperties(query);
- if (sourceProperties != null) {
- for(Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : sourceProperties.listProperties("").entrySet()) {
- if (!excludedSourceProperties.contains(entry.getKey())) {
- queryMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toString());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Hook called at the moment the result is returned from this searcher. This default implementation
- * does <code>return result</code>.
- *
- * @param result the result which is to be returned
- * @param requestMeta the request information hit, or null if none was created (e.g if this was a cache lookup)
- * @param e the exception caused during execution of this query, or null if none
- * @return the result which is returned upwards
- */
- protected Result inspectAndReturnFinalResult(Result result, Hit requestMeta, Exception e) {
- return result;
- }
- private Result statisticsBeforeInspection(Result result, Hit requestMeta, Exception e) {
- int hitCount = result.getConcreteHitCount();
- if (hitCount == 0) {
- emptyResults.increment();
- }
- hitsPerQuery.put((double) hitCount);
- if (requestMeta != null) {
- requestMeta.setField(LOG_HITCOUNT, Integer.valueOf(hitCount));
- }
- return inspectAndReturnFinalResult(result, requestMeta, e);
- }
- @Override
- protected void logResponseLatency(long latency) {
- responseLatency.put((double) latency);
- }
- @Override
- public Result search(Query query, Execution execution,Connection connection) {
- // Create default meta hit for holding logging information
- Hit requestMeta = createRequestMeta();
- Result result = new Result(query);
- result.hits().add(requestMeta);
- query.trace("Created request information hit", false, 9);
- try {
- URI uri = getURI(query, requestMeta, connection);
- if (query.getTraceLevel()>=1)
- query.trace("Fetching " + uri.toString(), false, 1);
- long requestStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- HttpEntity entity = getEntity(uri, requestMeta, query);
- // Why should consumeEntity call inspectAndReturnFinalResult itself?
- // Seems confusing to me.
- return entity == null
- ? statisticsBeforeInspection(result, requestMeta, null)
- : consumeEntity(entity, query, result, requestMeta, requestStartTime);
- } catch (MalformedURLException|URISyntaxException e) {
- result.hits().addError(createMalformedUrlError(query,e));
- return statisticsBeforeInspection(result, requestMeta, e);
- } catch (TimeoutException e) {
- result.hits().addError(ErrorMessage.createTimeout("No time left for HTTP traffic in "
- + this
- + " for " + query + ": " + e.getMessage()));
- return statisticsBeforeInspection(result, requestMeta, e);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- result.hits().addError(ErrorMessage.createBackendCommunicationError(
- "Error when trying to connect to HTTP backend in " + this
- + " for " + query + ": " + Exceptions.toMessageString(e)));
- return statisticsBeforeInspection(result, requestMeta, e);
- }
- }
- private Result consumeEntity(HttpEntity entity, Query query, Result result, Hit logHit, long requestStartTime) {
- try {
- // remove some time from timeout to allow for close calls with return result
- unmarshal(new TimedHttpEntity(entity, query.getStartTime(), Math.max(1, query.getTimeout() - 10)), result);
- logHit.setField(LOG_LATENCY_FINISH, System.currentTimeMillis() - requestStartTime);
- return statisticsBeforeInspection(result, logHit, null);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- result.hits().addError(ErrorMessage.createBackendCommunicationError(
- "Error when trying to consume input in " + this + ": " + Exceptions.toMessageString(e)));
- return statisticsBeforeInspection(result, logHit, e);
- } catch (TimeoutException e) {
- readTimeouts.increment();
- result.hits().addError(ErrorMessage
- .createTimeout("Timed out while reading/unmarshaling from backend in "
- + this + " for " + query
- + ": " + e.getMessage()));
- return statisticsBeforeInspection(result, logHit, e);
- } finally { // TODO: The scope of this finally must be enlarged to release the connection also on errors
- cleanupHttpEntity(entity);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the key-value pairs that should be added as properties to the request url sent to the service.
- * Must be overridden in subclasses to add the key-values expected by the service in question, unless
- * {@link #getURI} (from which this is called) is overridden.
- * <p>
- * This default implementation returns the prefixed by
- * "source.[sourceName]" or "property.[propertyName]"
- * (by calling {@link #addNonExcludedSourceProperties}).
- */
- @Override
- public Map<String,String> getQueryMap(Query query) {
- Map<String,String> queryMap = super.getQueryMap(query);
- addNonExcludedSourceProperties(query, queryMap);
- return queryMap;
- }
- /**
- * @deprecated the cache key is ignored as there is no built-in caching support
- */
- @Deprecated // OK
- public abstract Map<String, String> getCacheKey(Query q);