path: root/container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/search/querytransform/NGramSearcher.java
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1 files changed, 285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/search/querytransform/NGramSearcher.java b/container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/search/querytransform/NGramSearcher.java
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+++ b/container-search/src/main/java/com/yahoo/search/querytransform/NGramSearcher.java
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+// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+package com.yahoo.search.querytransform;
+import com.yahoo.component.chain.dependencies.After;
+import com.yahoo.language.Linguistics;
+import com.yahoo.language.process.CharacterClasses;
+import com.yahoo.language.process.GramSplitter;
+import com.yahoo.prelude.Index;
+import com.yahoo.prelude.IndexFacts;
+import com.yahoo.prelude.hitfield.AnnotateStringFieldPart;
+import com.yahoo.prelude.hitfield.JSONString;
+import com.yahoo.prelude.hitfield.XMLString;
+import com.yahoo.prelude.query.*;
+import com.yahoo.search.Query;
+import com.yahoo.search.Result;
+import com.yahoo.search.Searcher;
+import com.yahoo.search.result.Hit;
+import com.yahoo.search.searchchain.Execution;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Set;
+import static com.yahoo.prelude.searcher.JuniperSearcher.JUNIPER_TAG_REPLACING;
+import static com.yahoo.language.LinguisticsCase.toLowerCase;
+ * Handles NGram indexes by splitting query terms to them into grams and combining summary field values
+ * from such fields into the original text.
+ * <p>
+ * This declares it must be placed after Juniper searchers because it assumes Juniper token separators
+ * (which are returned on bolding) are not replaced by highlight tags when this is run (and "after" means
+ * "before" from the point of view of the result).
+ *
+ * @author bratseth
+ */
+public class NGramSearcher extends Searcher {
+ private final GramSplitter gramSplitter;
+ private final CharacterClasses characterClasses;
+ public NGramSearcher(Linguistics linguistics) {
+ gramSplitter= linguistics.getGramSplitter();
+ characterClasses= linguistics.getCharacterClasses();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Result search(Query query, Execution execution) {
+ IndexFacts indexFacts = execution.context().getIndexFacts();
+ if ( ! indexFacts.hasNGramIndices()) return execution.search(query); // shortcut
+ IndexFacts.Session session = indexFacts.newSession(query);
+ boolean rewritten = rewriteToNGramMatching(query.getModel().getQueryTree().getRoot(), 0, session, query);
+ if (rewritten)
+ query.trace("Rewritten to n-gram matching",true,2);
+ Result result=execution.search(query);
+ recombineNGrams(result.hits().deepIterator(), session);
+ return result;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void fill(Result result, String summaryClass, Execution execution) {
+ execution.fill(result, summaryClass);
+ IndexFacts indexFacts = execution.context().getIndexFacts();
+ if (indexFacts.hasNGramIndices())
+ recombineNGrams(result.hits().deepIterator(), indexFacts.newSession(result.getQuery()));
+ }
+ private boolean rewriteToNGramMatching(Item item, int indexInParent, IndexFacts.Session indexFacts, Query query) {
+ boolean rewritten = false;
+ if (item instanceof SegmentItem) { // handle CJK segmented terms which should be grams instead
+ SegmentItem segments = (SegmentItem)item;
+ Index index = indexFacts.getIndex(segments.getIndexName());
+ if (index.isNGram()) {
+ Item grams = splitToGrams(segments, toLowerCase(segments.getRawWord()), index.getGramSize(), query);
+ replaceItemByGrams(item, grams, indexInParent);
+ rewritten = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (item instanceof CompositeItem) {
+ CompositeItem composite = (CompositeItem)item;
+ for (int i=0; i<composite.getItemCount(); i++)
+ rewritten = rewriteToNGramMatching(composite.getItem(i), i, indexFacts, query) || rewritten;
+ }
+ else if (item instanceof TermItem) {
+ TermItem term = (TermItem)item;
+ Index index = indexFacts.getIndex(term.getIndexName());
+ if (index.isNGram()) {
+ Item grams = splitToGrams(term,term.stringValue(), index.getGramSize(), query);
+ replaceItemByGrams(item, grams, indexInParent);
+ rewritten = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return rewritten;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Splits the given item into n-grams and adds them as a CompositeItem containing WordItems searching the
+ * index of the input term. If the result is a single gram, that single WordItem is returned rather than the AndItem
+ *
+ * @param term the term to split, must be an item which implement the IndexedItem and BlockItem "mixins"
+ * @param text the text of the item, just stringValue() if the item is a TermItem
+ * @param gramSize the gram size to split to
+ * @param query the query in which this rewriting is done
+ * @return the root of the query subtree produced by this, containing the split items
+ */
+ protected Item splitToGrams(Item term, String text, int gramSize, Query query) {
+ CompositeItem and = createGramRoot(query);
+ String index = ((HasIndexItem)term).getIndexName();
+ Substring origin = ((BlockItem)term).getOrigin();
+ for (Iterator<GramSplitter.Gram> i = getGramSplitter().split(text,gramSize); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ GramSplitter.Gram gram = i.next();
+ WordItem gramWord = new WordItem(gram.extractFrom(text), index, false, origin);
+ gramWord.setWeight(term.getWeight());
+ gramWord.setProtected(true);
+ and.addItem(gramWord);
+ }
+ return and.getItemCount()==1 ? and.getItem(0) : and; // return the AndItem, or just the single gram if not multiple
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the (thread-safe) object to use to split the query text into grams.
+ */
+ protected final GramSplitter getGramSplitter() { return gramSplitter; }
+ /**
+ * Creates the root of the query subtree which will contain the grams to match,
+ * called by {@link #splitToGrams}. This hook is provided to make it easy to create a subclass which
+ * matches grams using a different composite item, e.g an OrItem.
+ * <p>
+ * This default implementation return new AndItem();
+ *
+ * @param query the input query, to make it possible to return a different composite item type
+ * depending on the query content
+ * @return the composite item to add the gram items to in {@link #splitToGrams}
+ */
+ protected CompositeItem createGramRoot(Query query) {
+ return new AndItem();
+ }
+ private void replaceItemByGrams(Item item, Item grams, int indexInParent) {
+ if (!(grams instanceof CompositeItem) || !(item.getParent() instanceof PhraseItem)) { // usually, simply replace
+ item.getParent().setItem(indexInParent, grams);
+ }
+ else { // but if the parent is a phrase, we cannot add the AND to it, so add each gram to the phrase
+ PhraseItem phraseParent = (PhraseItem)item.getParent();
+ phraseParent.removeItem(indexInParent);
+ int addedTerms = 0;
+ for (Iterator<Item> i = ((CompositeItem)grams).getItemIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ phraseParent.addItem(indexInParent+(addedTerms++),i.next());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void recombineNGrams(Iterator<Hit> hits, IndexFacts.Session session) {
+ while (hits.hasNext()) {
+ Hit hit = hits.next();
+ if (hit.isMeta()) continue;
+ Object sddocname = hit.getField(Hit.SDDOCNAME_FIELD);
+ if (sddocname == null) return;
+ for (String fieldName : hit.fieldKeys()) {
+ Index index = session.getIndex(fieldName, sddocname.toString());
+ if (index.isNGram() && (index.getHighlightSummary() || index.getDynamicSummary())) {
+ hit.setField(fieldName, recombineNGramsField(hit.getField(fieldName), index.getGramSize()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private Object recombineNGramsField(Object fieldValue,int gramSize) {
+ String recombined=recombineNGrams(fieldValue.toString(),gramSize);
+ if (fieldValue instanceof JSONString)
+ return new JSONString(recombined);
+ else if (fieldValue instanceof XMLString)
+ return new XMLString(recombined);
+ else
+ return recombined;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts grams to the original string.
+ *
+ * Example (gram size 3): <code>blulue rededs</code> becomes <code>blue reds</code>
+ */
+ private String recombineNGrams(final String string,final int gramSize) {
+ StringBuilder b=new StringBuilder();
+ int consecutiveWordChars=0;
+ boolean inBolding=false;
+ MatchTokenStrippingCharacterIterator characters=new MatchTokenStrippingCharacterIterator(string);
+ while (characters.hasNext()) {
+ char c=characters.next();
+ boolean atBoldingSeparator = (c=='\u001f');
+ if (atBoldingSeparator && characters.peek()=='\u001f') {
+ characters.next();
+ }
+ else if ( ! characterClasses.isLetterOrDigit(c)) {
+ if (atBoldingSeparator)
+ inBolding=!inBolding;
+ if ( ! (atBoldingSeparator && nextIsLetterOrDigit(characters)))
+ consecutiveWordChars=0;
+ if (inBolding && atBoldingSeparator && areWordCharactersBackwards(gramSize-1,b)) {
+ // we are going to skip characters from a gram, so move bolding start earlier
+ b.insert(b.length()-(gramSize-1),c);
+ }
+ else {
+ b.append(c);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ consecutiveWordChars++;
+ if (consecutiveWordChars<gramSize || (consecutiveWordChars % gramSize)==0)
+ b.append(c);
+ }
+ }
+ return b.toString();
+ }
+ private boolean areWordCharactersBackwards(int count,StringBuilder b) {
+ for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
+ int checkIndex=b.length()-1-i;
+ if (checkIndex<0) return false;
+ if ( ! characterClasses.isLetterOrDigit(b.charAt(checkIndex))) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private boolean nextIsLetterOrDigit(MatchTokenStrippingCharacterIterator characters) {
+ return characterClasses.isLetterOrDigit(characters.peek());
+ }
+ /**
+ * A string wrapper which skips match token forms marked up Juniper style, such that
+ * \uFFF9originalToken\uFFFAtoken\uFFFB is returned as originalToken
+ */
+ private static class MatchTokenStrippingCharacterIterator {
+ private final String s;
+ private int current =0;
+ public MatchTokenStrippingCharacterIterator(String s) {
+ this.s=s;
+ }
+ public boolean hasNext() {
+ skipMarkup();
+ return current <s.length();
+ }
+ public char next() {
+ skipMarkup();
+ return s.charAt(current++);
+ }
+ /** Returns the next character without moving to it. Returns \uFFFF if there is no next */
+ public char peek() {
+ skipMarkup();
+ if (s.length()< current +1)
+ return '\uFFFF';
+ else
+ return s.charAt(current);
+ }
+ private void skipMarkup() {
+ if (current>=s.length()) return;
+ char c=s.charAt(current);
+ if (c== AnnotateStringFieldPart.RAW_ANNOTATE_BEGIN_CHAR) { // skip it
+ current++;
+ }
+ else if (c==AnnotateStringFieldPart.RAW_ANNOTATE_SEPARATOR_CHAR) { // skip to RAW_ANNOTATE_END_CHAR
+ do {
+ current++;
+ } while (current<s.length() && s.charAt(current)!=AnnotateStringFieldPart.RAW_ANNOTATE_END_CHAR);
+ current++; // also skip the RAW_ANNOTATE_END_CHAR
+ skipMarkup(); // skip any immediately following markup
+ }
+ }
+ }