path: root/document/src/main/java/com/yahoo/document/select/rule/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'document/src/main/java/com/yahoo/document/select/rule/')
1 files changed, 434 insertions, 434 deletions
diff --git a/document/src/main/java/com/yahoo/document/select/rule/ b/document/src/main/java/com/yahoo/document/select/rule/
index b0d5030978e..9db5ff0384b 100644
--- a/document/src/main/java/com/yahoo/document/select/rule/
+++ b/document/src/main/java/com/yahoo/document/select/rule/
@@ -1,435 +1,435 @@
// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.regex.Pattern;
- * @author <a href="">Simon Thoresen</a>
- */
-public class ComparisonNode implements ExpressionNode {
- // The left- and right-hand-side of this comparison.
- private ExpressionNode lhs, rhs;
- // The operator string for this.
- private String operator;
- /**
- * Constructs a new comparison node.
- *
- * @param lhs The left-hand-side of the comparison.
- * @param operator The comparison operator.
- * @param rhs The right-hand-side of the comparison.
- */
- public ComparisonNode(ExpressionNode lhs, String operator, ExpressionNode rhs) {
- this.lhs = lhs;
- this.operator = operator;
- this.rhs = rhs;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the left hand side of this comparison.
- *
- * @return The left hand side expression.
- */
- public ExpressionNode getLHS() {
- return lhs;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the left hand side of this comparison.
- *
- * @param lhs The new left hand side.
- * @return This, to allow chaining.
- */
- public ComparisonNode setLHS(ExpressionNode lhs) {
- this.lhs = lhs;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the comparison operator of this.
- *
- * @return The operator.
- */
- public String getOperator() {
- return operator;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the comparison operator of this.
- *
- * @param operator The operator string.
- * @return This, to allow chaining.
- */
- public ComparisonNode setOperator(String operator) {
- this.operator = operator;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the right hand side of this comparison.
- *
- * @return The right hand side expression.
- */
- public ExpressionNode getRHS() {
- return rhs;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the right hand side of this comparison.
- *
- * @param rhs The new right hand side.
- * @return This, to allow chaining.
- */
- public ComparisonNode setRHS(ExpressionNode rhs) {
- this.rhs = rhs;
- return this;
- }
- public OrderingSpecification getOrdering(IdNode lhs, LiteralNode rhs, String operator, int order) {
- if (lhs.getWidthBits() == -1 || lhs.getDivisionBits() == -1 || !(rhs.getValue() instanceof Long)) {
- return null;
- }
- if (operator.equals("==") || operator.equals("=")) {
- return new OrderingSpecification(order, (Long)rhs.getValue(), lhs.getWidthBits(), lhs.getDivisionBits());
- }
- if (order == OrderingSpecification.ASCENDING) {
- if ((operator.equals("<") || operator.equals("<="))) {
- return new OrderingSpecification(order, 0, lhs.getWidthBits(), lhs.getDivisionBits());
- }
- if (operator.equals(">")) {
- return new OrderingSpecification(order, (Long)rhs.getValue() + 1, lhs.getWidthBits(), lhs.getDivisionBits());
- }
- if (operator.equals(">=")) {
- return new OrderingSpecification(order, (Long)rhs.getValue(), lhs.getWidthBits(), lhs.getDivisionBits());
- }
- } else {
- if (operator.equals("<")) {
- return new OrderingSpecification(order, (Long)rhs.getValue() - 1, lhs.getWidthBits(), lhs.getDivisionBits());
- }
- if (operator.equals("<=")) {
- return new OrderingSpecification(order, (Long)rhs.getValue(), lhs.getWidthBits(), lhs.getDivisionBits());
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public OrderingSpecification getOrdering(int order) {
- if (lhs instanceof IdNode && rhs instanceof LiteralNode) {
- return getOrdering((IdNode)lhs, (LiteralNode)rhs, operator, order);
- } else if (rhs instanceof IdNode && lhs instanceof LiteralNode) {
- return getOrdering((IdNode)rhs, (LiteralNode)rhs, operator, order);
- }
- return null;
- }
- // Inherit doc from ExpressionNode.
- public BucketSet getBucketSet(BucketIdFactory factory) {
- if (operator.equals("==") || operator.equals("=")) {
- if (lhs instanceof IdNode && rhs instanceof LiteralNode) {
- return compare(factory, (IdNode)lhs, (LiteralNode)rhs, operator);
- } else if (rhs instanceof IdNode && lhs instanceof LiteralNode) {
- return compare(factory, (IdNode)rhs, (LiteralNode)lhs, operator);
- } else if (lhs instanceof SearchColumnNode && rhs instanceof LiteralNode) {
- return compare(factory, (SearchColumnNode)lhs, (LiteralNode)rhs);
- } else if (rhs instanceof SearchColumnNode && lhs instanceof LiteralNode) {
- return compare(factory, (SearchColumnNode)rhs, (LiteralNode)lhs);
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Compares a search column node with a literal node.
- *
- * @param factory The bucket id factory used.
- * @param node The search column node.
- * @param literal The literal node to compare to.
- * @return The bucket set containing the buckets covered.
- */
- private BucketSet compare(BucketIdFactory factory, SearchColumnNode node, LiteralNode literal) {
- Object value = literal.getValue();
- int bucketCount = (int) Math.pow(2, 16);
- if (value instanceof Long) {
- BucketSet ret = new BucketSet();
- for (int i = 0; i < bucketCount; i++) {
- BucketId id = new BucketId(16, i);
- if ((Long)value == node.getDistribution().getColumn(id)) {
- ret.add(new BucketId(16, i));
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- return null;
- }
- private BucketSet compare(BucketIdFactory factory, IdNode id, LiteralNode literal, String operator) {
- String field = id.getField();
- Object value = literal.getValue();
- if (field == null) {
- if (value instanceof String) {
- String name = (String)value;
- if ((operator.equals("=") && name.contains("*")) ||
- (operator.equals("=~") && ((name.contains("*") || name.contains("?")))))
- {
- return null; // no idea
- }
- return new BucketSet(factory.getBucketId(new DocumentId(name)));
- }
- } else if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("user")) {
- if (value instanceof Long) {
- return new BucketSet(new BucketId(factory.getLocationBitCount(), (Long)value));
- }
- } else if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("group")) {
- if (value instanceof String) {
- String name = (String)value;
- if ((operator.equals("=") && name.contains("*")) ||
- (operator.equals("=~") && ((name.contains("*") || name.contains("?")))))
- {
- return null; // no idea
- }
- return new BucketSet(new BucketId(factory.getLocationBitCount(), new GroupDocIdString("", name, "").getLocation()));
- }
- } else if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("bucket")) {
- if (value instanceof Long) {
- return new BucketSet(new BucketId((Long)value));
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- // Inherit doc from Node.
- public Object evaluate(Context context) {
- Object oLeft = lhs.evaluate(context);
- Object oRight = rhs.evaluate(context);
- if (oLeft == null && oRight == null) {
- return new ResultList(Result.TRUE);
- }
- if (oLeft == Result.INVALID || oRight == Result.INVALID) {
- return new ResultList(Result.INVALID);
- }
- if (oLeft instanceof AttributeNode.VariableValueList && oRight instanceof AttributeNode.VariableValueList) {
- if (operator.equals("==")) {
- return evaluateListsTrue((AttributeNode.VariableValueList)oLeft, (AttributeNode.VariableValueList)oRight);
- } else if (operator.equals("!=")) {
- return evaluateListsFalse((AttributeNode.VariableValueList)oLeft, (AttributeNode.VariableValueList)oRight);
- } else {
- return new ResultList(Result.INVALID);
- }
- } else if (oLeft instanceof AttributeNode.VariableValueList) {
- return evaluateListAndSingle((AttributeNode.VariableValueList)oLeft, oRight);
- } else if (oRight instanceof AttributeNode.VariableValueList) {
- return evaluateListAndSingle((AttributeNode.VariableValueList)oRight, oLeft);
- }
- return new ResultList(evaluateBool(oLeft, oRight));
- }
- public ResultList evaluateListsTrue(AttributeNode.VariableValueList lhs, AttributeNode.VariableValueList rhs) {
- if (lhs.size() != rhs.size()) {
- return new ResultList(Result.FALSE);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < lhs.size(); i++) {
- if (!lhs.get(i).getVariables().equals(rhs.get(i).getVariables())) {
- return new ResultList(Result.FALSE);
- }
- if (evaluateEquals(lhs.get(i).getValue(), rhs.get(i).getValue()) == Result.FALSE) {
- return new ResultList(Result.FALSE);
- }
- }
- return new ResultList(Result.TRUE);
- }
- public ResultList evaluateListsFalse(AttributeNode.VariableValueList lhs, AttributeNode.VariableValueList rhs) {
- ResultList lst = evaluateListsTrue(lhs, rhs);
- if (lst.toResult() == Result.TRUE) {
- return new ResultList(Result.FALSE);
- } else if (lst.toResult() == Result.FALSE) {
- return new ResultList(Result.TRUE);
- } else {
- return lst;
- }
- }
- public ResultList evaluateListAndSingle(AttributeNode.VariableValueList lhs, Object rhs) {
- if (rhs == null && lhs == null) {
- return new ResultList(Result.TRUE);
- }
- if (rhs == null || lhs == null) {
- return new ResultList(Result.FALSE);
- }
- ResultList retVal = new ResultList();
- for (int i = 0; i < lhs.size(); i++) {
- Result result = evaluateBool(lhs.get(i).getValue(), rhs);
- retVal.add((FieldPathIteratorHandler.VariableMap)lhs.get(i).getVariables().clone(), result);
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- /**
- * Evaluate this expression on two operands, given that they are not invalid.
- *
- * @param lhs Left hand side of operation.
- * @param rhs Right hand side of operation.
- * @return The evaluation result.
- */
- private Result evaluateBool(Object lhs, Object rhs) {
- if (operator.equals("==")) {
- return evaluateEquals(lhs, rhs);
- } else if (operator.equals("!=")) {
- return Result.invert(evaluateEquals(lhs, rhs));
- } else if (operator.equals("<") || operator.equals("<=") ||
- operator.equals(">") || operator.equals(">=")) {
- return evaluateNumber(lhs, rhs);
- } else if (operator.equals("=~") || operator.equals("=")) {
- return evaluateString(lhs, rhs);
- }
- throw new IllegalStateException("Comparison operator '" + operator + "' is not supported.");
- }
- /**
- * Compare two operands for equality.
- *
- * @param lhs Left hand side of operation.
- * @param rhs Right hand side of operation.
- * @return Wether or not the two operands are equal.
- */
- private Result evaluateEquals(Object lhs, Object rhs) {
- if (lhs == null || rhs == null) {
- return Result.toResult(lhs == rhs);
- }
- double a = getAsNumber(lhs);
- double b = getAsNumber(rhs);
- if (Double.isNaN(a) || Double.isNaN(b)) {
- return Result.toResult(lhs.toString().equals(rhs.toString()));
- }
- return Result.toResult(a == b); // Ugh, comparing doubles? Should be converted to long value perhaps...
- }
- private double getAsNumber(Object value) {
- if (value instanceof Number) {
- return ((Number)value).doubleValue();
- } else if (value instanceof NumericFieldValue) {
- return getAsNumber(((NumericFieldValue)value).getNumber());
- } else {
- return Double.NaN; //new IllegalStateException("Term '" + value + "' (" + value.getClass() + ") does not evaluate to a number.");
- }
- }
- /**
- * Evalutes the value of this term over a document, given that both operands must be numbers.
- *
- * @param lhs Left hand side of operation.
- * @param rhs Right hand side of operation.
- * @return The evaluation result.
- */
- private Result evaluateNumber(Object lhs, Object rhs) {
- double a = getAsNumber(lhs);
- double b = getAsNumber(rhs);
- if (Double.isNaN(a) || Double.isNaN(b)) {
- return Result.INVALID;
- }
- if (operator.equals("<")) {
- return Result.toResult(a < b);
- } else if (operator.equals("<=")) {
- return Result.toResult(a <= b);
- } else if (operator.equals(">")) {
- return Result.toResult(a > b);
- } else {
- return Result.toResult(a >= b);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Evalutes the value of this term over a document, given that both operands must be strings.
- *
- * @param lhs Left hand side of operation.
- * @param rhs Right hand side of operation.
- * @return The evaluation result.
- */
- private Result evaluateString(Object lhs, Object rhs) {
- String left = "" + lhs; // Allows null objects to evaluate to string.
- String right = "" + rhs;
- if (operator.equals("=~")) {
- return Result.toResult(Pattern.compile(right).matcher(left).find());
- } else {
- return Result.toResult(Pattern.compile(globToRegex(right)).matcher(left).find());
- }
- }
- /**
- * Converts a glob pattern to a corresponding regular expression string.
- *
- * @param glob The glob pattern.
- * @return The regex string.
- */
- private String globToRegex(String glob) {
- StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
- ret.append("^");
- for (int i = 0; i < glob.length(); i++) {
- ret.append(globToRegex(glob.charAt(i)));
- }
- ret.append("$");
- return ret.toString();
- }
- /**
- * Converts a single character in a glob expression to the corresponding regular expression string.
- *
- * @param glob The glob character.
- * @return The regex string.
- */
- private String globToRegex(char glob) {
- switch (glob) {
- case'*':
- return ".*";
- case'?':
- return ".";
- case'^':
- case'$':
- case'|':
- case'{':
- case'}':
- case'(':
- case')':
- case'[':
- case']':
- case'\\':
- case'+':
- case'.':
- return "\\" + glob;
- default:
- return "" + glob;
- }
- }
- public void accept(Visitor visitor) {
- visitor.visit(this);
- }
- // Inherit doc from Object.
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return lhs + " " + operator + " " + rhs;
- }
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+ * @author <a href="">Simon Thoresen</a>
+ */
+public class ComparisonNode implements ExpressionNode {
+ // The left- and right-hand-side of this comparison.
+ private ExpressionNode lhs, rhs;
+ // The operator string for this.
+ private String operator;
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new comparison node.
+ *
+ * @param lhs The left-hand-side of the comparison.
+ * @param operator The comparison operator.
+ * @param rhs The right-hand-side of the comparison.
+ */
+ public ComparisonNode(ExpressionNode lhs, String operator, ExpressionNode rhs) {
+ this.lhs = lhs;
+ this.operator = operator;
+ this.rhs = rhs;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the left hand side of this comparison.
+ *
+ * @return The left hand side expression.
+ */
+ public ExpressionNode getLHS() {
+ return lhs;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the left hand side of this comparison.
+ *
+ * @param lhs The new left hand side.
+ * @return This, to allow chaining.
+ */
+ public ComparisonNode setLHS(ExpressionNode lhs) {
+ this.lhs = lhs;
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the comparison operator of this.
+ *
+ * @return The operator.
+ */
+ public String getOperator() {
+ return operator;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the comparison operator of this.
+ *
+ * @param operator The operator string.
+ * @return This, to allow chaining.
+ */
+ public ComparisonNode setOperator(String operator) {
+ this.operator = operator;
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the right hand side of this comparison.
+ *
+ * @return The right hand side expression.
+ */
+ public ExpressionNode getRHS() {
+ return rhs;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the right hand side of this comparison.
+ *
+ * @param rhs The new right hand side.
+ * @return This, to allow chaining.
+ */
+ public ComparisonNode setRHS(ExpressionNode rhs) {
+ this.rhs = rhs;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public OrderingSpecification getOrdering(IdNode lhs, LiteralNode rhs, String operator, int order) {
+ if (lhs.getWidthBits() == -1 || lhs.getDivisionBits() == -1 || !(rhs.getValue() instanceof Long)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (operator.equals("==") || operator.equals("=")) {
+ return new OrderingSpecification(order, (Long)rhs.getValue(), lhs.getWidthBits(), lhs.getDivisionBits());
+ }
+ if (order == OrderingSpecification.ASCENDING) {
+ if ((operator.equals("<") || operator.equals("<="))) {
+ return new OrderingSpecification(order, 0, lhs.getWidthBits(), lhs.getDivisionBits());
+ }
+ if (operator.equals(">")) {
+ return new OrderingSpecification(order, (Long)rhs.getValue() + 1, lhs.getWidthBits(), lhs.getDivisionBits());
+ }
+ if (operator.equals(">=")) {
+ return new OrderingSpecification(order, (Long)rhs.getValue(), lhs.getWidthBits(), lhs.getDivisionBits());
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (operator.equals("<")) {
+ return new OrderingSpecification(order, (Long)rhs.getValue() - 1, lhs.getWidthBits(), lhs.getDivisionBits());
+ }
+ if (operator.equals("<=")) {
+ return new OrderingSpecification(order, (Long)rhs.getValue(), lhs.getWidthBits(), lhs.getDivisionBits());
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public OrderingSpecification getOrdering(int order) {
+ if (lhs instanceof IdNode && rhs instanceof LiteralNode) {
+ return getOrdering((IdNode)lhs, (LiteralNode)rhs, operator, order);
+ } else if (rhs instanceof IdNode && lhs instanceof LiteralNode) {
+ return getOrdering((IdNode)rhs, (LiteralNode)rhs, operator, order);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Inherit doc from ExpressionNode.
+ public BucketSet getBucketSet(BucketIdFactory factory) {
+ if (operator.equals("==") || operator.equals("=")) {
+ if (lhs instanceof IdNode && rhs instanceof LiteralNode) {
+ return compare(factory, (IdNode)lhs, (LiteralNode)rhs, operator);
+ } else if (rhs instanceof IdNode && lhs instanceof LiteralNode) {
+ return compare(factory, (IdNode)rhs, (LiteralNode)lhs, operator);
+ } else if (lhs instanceof SearchColumnNode && rhs instanceof LiteralNode) {
+ return compare(factory, (SearchColumnNode)lhs, (LiteralNode)rhs);
+ } else if (rhs instanceof SearchColumnNode && lhs instanceof LiteralNode) {
+ return compare(factory, (SearchColumnNode)rhs, (LiteralNode)lhs);
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compares a search column node with a literal node.
+ *
+ * @param factory The bucket id factory used.
+ * @param node The search column node.
+ * @param literal The literal node to compare to.
+ * @return The bucket set containing the buckets covered.
+ */
+ private BucketSet compare(BucketIdFactory factory, SearchColumnNode node, LiteralNode literal) {
+ Object value = literal.getValue();
+ int bucketCount = (int) Math.pow(2, 16);
+ if (value instanceof Long) {
+ BucketSet ret = new BucketSet();
+ for (int i = 0; i < bucketCount; i++) {
+ BucketId id = new BucketId(16, i);
+ if ((Long)value == node.getDistribution().getColumn(id)) {
+ ret.add(new BucketId(16, i));
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ private BucketSet compare(BucketIdFactory factory, IdNode id, LiteralNode literal, String operator) {
+ String field = id.getField();
+ Object value = literal.getValue();
+ if (field == null) {
+ if (value instanceof String) {
+ String name = (String)value;
+ if ((operator.equals("=") && name.contains("*")) ||
+ (operator.equals("=~") && ((name.contains("*") || name.contains("?")))))
+ {
+ return null; // no idea
+ }
+ return new BucketSet(factory.getBucketId(new DocumentId(name)));
+ }
+ } else if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("user")) {
+ if (value instanceof Long) {
+ return new BucketSet(new BucketId(factory.getLocationBitCount(), (Long)value));
+ }
+ } else if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("group")) {
+ if (value instanceof String) {
+ String name = (String)value;
+ if ((operator.equals("=") && name.contains("*")) ||
+ (operator.equals("=~") && ((name.contains("*") || name.contains("?")))))
+ {
+ return null; // no idea
+ }
+ return new BucketSet(new BucketId(factory.getLocationBitCount(), new GroupDocIdString("", name, "").getLocation()));
+ }
+ } else if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("bucket")) {
+ if (value instanceof Long) {
+ return new BucketSet(new BucketId((Long)value));
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Inherit doc from Node.
+ public Object evaluate(Context context) {
+ Object oLeft = lhs.evaluate(context);
+ Object oRight = rhs.evaluate(context);
+ if (oLeft == null && oRight == null) {
+ return new ResultList(Result.TRUE);
+ }
+ if (oLeft == Result.INVALID || oRight == Result.INVALID) {
+ return new ResultList(Result.INVALID);
+ }
+ if (oLeft instanceof AttributeNode.VariableValueList && oRight instanceof AttributeNode.VariableValueList) {
+ if (operator.equals("==")) {
+ return evaluateListsTrue((AttributeNode.VariableValueList)oLeft, (AttributeNode.VariableValueList)oRight);
+ } else if (operator.equals("!=")) {
+ return evaluateListsFalse((AttributeNode.VariableValueList)oLeft, (AttributeNode.VariableValueList)oRight);
+ } else {
+ return new ResultList(Result.INVALID);
+ }
+ } else if (oLeft instanceof AttributeNode.VariableValueList) {
+ return evaluateListAndSingle((AttributeNode.VariableValueList)oLeft, oRight);
+ } else if (oRight instanceof AttributeNode.VariableValueList) {
+ return evaluateListAndSingle((AttributeNode.VariableValueList)oRight, oLeft);
+ }
+ return new ResultList(evaluateBool(oLeft, oRight));
+ }
+ public ResultList evaluateListsTrue(AttributeNode.VariableValueList lhs, AttributeNode.VariableValueList rhs) {
+ if (lhs.size() != rhs.size()) {
+ return new ResultList(Result.FALSE);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < lhs.size(); i++) {
+ if (!lhs.get(i).getVariables().equals(rhs.get(i).getVariables())) {
+ return new ResultList(Result.FALSE);
+ }
+ if (evaluateEquals(lhs.get(i).getValue(), rhs.get(i).getValue()) == Result.FALSE) {
+ return new ResultList(Result.FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ return new ResultList(Result.TRUE);
+ }
+ public ResultList evaluateListsFalse(AttributeNode.VariableValueList lhs, AttributeNode.VariableValueList rhs) {
+ ResultList lst = evaluateListsTrue(lhs, rhs);
+ if (lst.toResult() == Result.TRUE) {
+ return new ResultList(Result.FALSE);
+ } else if (lst.toResult() == Result.FALSE) {
+ return new ResultList(Result.TRUE);
+ } else {
+ return lst;
+ }
+ }
+ public ResultList evaluateListAndSingle(AttributeNode.VariableValueList lhs, Object rhs) {
+ if (rhs == null && lhs == null) {
+ return new ResultList(Result.TRUE);
+ }
+ if (rhs == null || lhs == null) {
+ return new ResultList(Result.FALSE);
+ }
+ ResultList retVal = new ResultList();
+ for (int i = 0; i < lhs.size(); i++) {
+ Result result = evaluateBool(lhs.get(i).getValue(), rhs);
+ retVal.add((FieldPathIteratorHandler.VariableMap)lhs.get(i).getVariables().clone(), result);
+ }
+ return retVal;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Evaluate this expression on two operands, given that they are not invalid.
+ *
+ * @param lhs Left hand side of operation.
+ * @param rhs Right hand side of operation.
+ * @return The evaluation result.
+ */
+ private Result evaluateBool(Object lhs, Object rhs) {
+ if (operator.equals("==")) {
+ return evaluateEquals(lhs, rhs);
+ } else if (operator.equals("!=")) {
+ return Result.invert(evaluateEquals(lhs, rhs));
+ } else if (operator.equals("<") || operator.equals("<=") ||
+ operator.equals(">") || operator.equals(">=")) {
+ return evaluateNumber(lhs, rhs);
+ } else if (operator.equals("=~") || operator.equals("=")) {
+ return evaluateString(lhs, rhs);
+ }
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Comparison operator '" + operator + "' is not supported.");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compare two operands for equality.
+ *
+ * @param lhs Left hand side of operation.
+ * @param rhs Right hand side of operation.
+ * @return Wether or not the two operands are equal.
+ */
+ private Result evaluateEquals(Object lhs, Object rhs) {
+ if (lhs == null || rhs == null) {
+ return Result.toResult(lhs == rhs);
+ }
+ double a = getAsNumber(lhs);
+ double b = getAsNumber(rhs);
+ if (Double.isNaN(a) || Double.isNaN(b)) {
+ return Result.toResult(lhs.toString().equals(rhs.toString()));
+ }
+ return Result.toResult(a == b); // Ugh, comparing doubles? Should be converted to long value perhaps...
+ }
+ private double getAsNumber(Object value) {
+ if (value instanceof Number) {
+ return ((Number)value).doubleValue();
+ } else if (value instanceof NumericFieldValue) {
+ return getAsNumber(((NumericFieldValue)value).getNumber());
+ } else {
+ return Double.NaN; //new IllegalStateException("Term '" + value + "' (" + value.getClass() + ") does not evaluate to a number.");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Evalutes the value of this term over a document, given that both operands must be numbers.
+ *
+ * @param lhs Left hand side of operation.
+ * @param rhs Right hand side of operation.
+ * @return The evaluation result.
+ */
+ private Result evaluateNumber(Object lhs, Object rhs) {
+ double a = getAsNumber(lhs);
+ double b = getAsNumber(rhs);
+ if (Double.isNaN(a) || Double.isNaN(b)) {
+ return Result.INVALID;
+ }
+ if (operator.equals("<")) {
+ return Result.toResult(a < b);
+ } else if (operator.equals("<=")) {
+ return Result.toResult(a <= b);
+ } else if (operator.equals(">")) {
+ return Result.toResult(a > b);
+ } else {
+ return Result.toResult(a >= b);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Evalutes the value of this term over a document, given that both operands must be strings.
+ *
+ * @param lhs Left hand side of operation.
+ * @param rhs Right hand side of operation.
+ * @return The evaluation result.
+ */
+ private Result evaluateString(Object lhs, Object rhs) {
+ String left = "" + lhs; // Allows null objects to evaluate to string.
+ String right = "" + rhs;
+ if (operator.equals("=~")) {
+ return Result.toResult(Pattern.compile(right).matcher(left).find());
+ } else {
+ return Result.toResult(Pattern.compile(globToRegex(right)).matcher(left).find());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts a glob pattern to a corresponding regular expression string.
+ *
+ * @param glob The glob pattern.
+ * @return The regex string.
+ */
+ private String globToRegex(String glob) {
+ StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
+ ret.append("^");
+ for (int i = 0; i < glob.length(); i++) {
+ ret.append(globToRegex(glob.charAt(i)));
+ }
+ ret.append("$");
+ return ret.toString();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts a single character in a glob expression to the corresponding regular expression string.
+ *
+ * @param glob The glob character.
+ * @return The regex string.
+ */
+ private String globToRegex(char glob) {
+ switch (glob) {
+ case'*':
+ return ".*";
+ case'?':
+ return ".";
+ case'^':
+ case'$':
+ case'|':
+ case'{':
+ case'}':
+ case'(':
+ case')':
+ case'[':
+ case']':
+ case'\\':
+ case'+':
+ case'.':
+ return "\\" + glob;
+ default:
+ return "" + glob;
+ }
+ }
+ public void accept(Visitor visitor) {
+ visitor.visit(this);
+ }
+ // Inherit doc from Object.
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return lhs + " " + operator + " " + rhs;
+ }