path: root/eval/src/tests/instruction/dense_simple_join_function
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'eval/src/tests/instruction/dense_simple_join_function')
2 files changed, 232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eval/src/tests/instruction/dense_simple_join_function/CMakeLists.txt b/eval/src/tests/instruction/dense_simple_join_function/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8a2df392145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eval/src/tests/instruction/dense_simple_join_function/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Copyright Verizon Media. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+vespa_add_executable(eval_dense_simple_join_function_test_app TEST
+ dense_simple_join_function_test.cpp
+ vespaeval
+vespa_add_test(NAME eval_dense_simple_join_function_test_app COMMAND eval_dense_simple_join_function_test_app)
diff --git a/eval/src/tests/instruction/dense_simple_join_function/dense_simple_join_function_test.cpp b/eval/src/tests/instruction/dense_simple_join_function/dense_simple_join_function_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2186d49385e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eval/src/tests/instruction/dense_simple_join_function/dense_simple_join_function_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+// Copyright Verizon Media. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+#include <vespa/vespalib/testkit/test_kit.h>
+#include <vespa/eval/eval/tensor_function.h>
+#include <vespa/eval/instruction/dense_simple_join_function.h>
+#include <vespa/eval/eval/test/eval_fixture.h>
+#include <vespa/eval/eval/test/tensor_model.hpp>
+#include <vespa/vespalib/util/stringfmt.h>
+using namespace vespalib;
+using namespace vespalib::eval;
+using namespace vespalib::eval::test;
+using namespace vespalib::eval::tensor_function;
+using vespalib::make_string_short::fmt;
+using Primary = DenseSimpleJoinFunction::Primary;
+using Overlap = DenseSimpleJoinFunction::Overlap;
+namespace vespalib::eval {
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, Primary primary)
+ switch(primary) {
+ case Primary::LHS: return os << "LHS";
+ case Primary::RHS: return os << "RHS";
+ }
+ abort();
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, Overlap overlap)
+ switch(overlap) {
+ case Overlap::FULL: return os << "FULL";
+ case Overlap::INNER: return os << "INNER";
+ case Overlap::OUTER: return os << "OUTER";
+ }
+ abort();
+const ValueBuilderFactory &prod_factory = FastValueBuilderFactory::get();
+EvalFixture::ParamRepo make_params() {
+ return EvalFixture::ParamRepo()
+ .add("a", spec(1.5))
+ .add("b", spec(2.5))
+ .add("sparse", spec({x({"a"})}, N()))
+ .add("mixed", spec({x({"a"}),y(5)}, N()))
+ .add_cube("a", 1, "b", 1, "c", 1)
+ .add_cube("x", 1, "y", 1, "z", 1)
+ .add_cube("x", 3, "y", 5, "z", 3)
+ .add_vector("x", 5)
+ .add_dense({{"c", 5}, {"d", 1}})
+ .add_dense({{"b", 1}, {"c", 5}})
+ .add_matrix("x", 3, "y", 5, [](size_t idx) noexcept { return double((idx * 2) + 3); })
+ .add_matrix("x", 3, "y", 5, [](size_t idx) noexcept { return double((idx * 3) + 2); })
+ .add_vector("y", 5, [](size_t idx) noexcept { return double((idx * 2) + 3); })
+ .add_vector("y", 5, [](size_t idx) noexcept { return double((idx * 3) + 2); })
+ .add_matrix("y", 5, "z", 3, [](size_t idx) noexcept { return double((idx * 2) + 3); })
+ .add_matrix("y", 5, "z", 3, [](size_t idx) noexcept { return double((idx * 3) + 2); });
+EvalFixture::ParamRepo param_repo = make_params();
+void verify_optimized(const vespalib::string &expr, Primary primary, Overlap overlap, bool pri_mut, size_t factor, int p_inplace = -1) {
+ EvalFixture slow_fixture(prod_factory, expr, param_repo, false);
+ EvalFixture fixture(prod_factory, expr, param_repo, true, true);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(fixture.result(), EvalFixture::ref(expr, param_repo));
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(fixture.result(), slow_fixture.result());
+ auto info = fixture.find_all<DenseSimpleJoinFunction>();
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(info.size(), 1u);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info[0]->result_is_mutable());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(info[0]->primary(), primary);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(info[0]->overlap(), overlap);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(info[0]->primary_is_mutable(), pri_mut);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(info[0]->factor(), factor);
+ EXPECT_TRUE((p_inplace == -1) || (fixture.num_params() > size_t(p_inplace)));
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < fixture.num_params(); ++i) {
+ if (i == size_t(p_inplace)) {
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(fixture.get_param(i), fixture.result());
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_NOT_EQUAL(fixture.get_param(i), fixture.result());
+ }
+ }
+void verify_not_optimized(const vespalib::string &expr) {
+ EvalFixture slow_fixture(prod_factory, expr, param_repo, false);
+ EvalFixture fixture(prod_factory, expr, param_repo, true);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(fixture.result(), EvalFixture::ref(expr, param_repo));
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(fixture.result(), slow_fixture.result());
+ auto info = fixture.find_all<DenseSimpleJoinFunction>();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(info.empty());
+TEST("require that basic join is optimized") {
+ TEST_DO(verify_optimized("y5+y5$2", Primary::RHS, Overlap::FULL, false, 1));
+TEST("require that unit join is optimized") {
+ TEST_DO(verify_optimized("a1b1c1+x1y1z1", Primary::RHS, Overlap::FULL, false, 1));
+TEST("require that trivial dimensions do not affect overlap calculation") {
+ TEST_DO(verify_optimized("c5d1+b1c5", Primary::RHS, Overlap::FULL, false, 1));
+TEST("require that outer nesting is preferred to inner nesting") {
+ TEST_DO(verify_optimized("a1b1c1+y5", Primary::RHS, Overlap::OUTER, false, 5));
+TEST("require that non-subset join is not optimized") {
+ TEST_DO(verify_not_optimized("x5+y5"));
+TEST("require that subset join with complex overlap is not optimized") {
+ TEST_DO(verify_not_optimized("x3y5z3+y5"));
+struct LhsRhs {
+ vespalib::string lhs;
+ vespalib::string rhs;
+ size_t lhs_size;
+ size_t rhs_size;
+ Overlap overlap;
+ size_t factor;
+ LhsRhs(const vespalib::string &lhs_in, const vespalib::string &rhs_in,
+ size_t lhs_size_in, size_t rhs_size_in, Overlap overlap_in) noexcept
+ : lhs(lhs_in), rhs(rhs_in), lhs_size(lhs_size_in), rhs_size(rhs_size_in), overlap(overlap_in), factor(1)
+ {
+ if (lhs_size > rhs_size) {
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(lhs_size % rhs_size, 0u);
+ factor = (lhs_size / rhs_size);
+ } else {
+ ASSERT_EQUAL(rhs_size % lhs_size, 0u);
+ factor = (rhs_size / lhs_size);
+ }
+ }
+vespalib::string adjust_param(const vespalib::string &str, bool float_cells, bool mut_cells, bool is_rhs) {
+ vespalib::string result = str;
+ if (mut_cells) {
+ result = "@" + result;
+ }
+ if (float_cells) {
+ result += "f";
+ }
+ if (is_rhs) {
+ result += "$2";
+ }
+ return result;
+TEST("require that various parameter combinations work") {
+ for (bool left_float: {false, true}) {
+ for (bool right_float: {false, true}) {
+ bool float_result = (left_float && right_float);
+ for (bool left_mut: {false, true}) {
+ for (bool right_mut: {false, true}) {
+ for (const char *op_pattern: {"%s+%s", "%s-%s", "%s*%s"}) {
+ for (const LhsRhs &params:
+ { LhsRhs("y5", "y5", 5, 5, Overlap::FULL),
+ LhsRhs("y5", "x3y5", 5, 15, Overlap::INNER),
+ LhsRhs("y5", "y5z3", 5, 15, Overlap::OUTER),
+ LhsRhs("x3y5", "y5", 15, 5, Overlap::INNER),
+ LhsRhs("y5z3", "y5", 15, 5, Overlap::OUTER)})
+ {
+ vespalib::string left = adjust_param(params.lhs, left_float, left_mut, false);
+ vespalib::string right = adjust_param(params.rhs, right_float, right_mut, true);
+ vespalib::string expr = fmt(op_pattern, left.c_str(), right.c_str());
+ TEST_STATE(expr.c_str());
+ Primary primary = Primary::RHS;
+ if (params.overlap == Overlap::FULL) {
+ bool w_lhs = ((left_float == float_result) && left_mut);
+ bool w_rhs = ((right_float == float_result) && right_mut);
+ if (w_lhs && !w_rhs) {
+ primary = Primary::LHS;
+ }
+ } else if (params.lhs_size > params.rhs_size) {
+ primary = Primary::LHS;
+ }
+ bool pri_mut = (primary == Primary::LHS) ? left_mut : right_mut;
+ bool pri_float = (primary == Primary::LHS) ? left_float : right_float;
+ int p_inplace = -1;
+ if (pri_mut && (pri_float == float_result)) {
+ p_inplace = (primary == Primary::LHS) ? 0 : 1;
+ }
+ verify_optimized(expr, primary, params.overlap, pri_mut, params.factor, p_inplace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TEST("require that scalar values are not optimized") {
+ TEST_DO(verify_not_optimized("a+b"));
+ TEST_DO(verify_not_optimized("a+y5"));
+ TEST_DO(verify_not_optimized("y5+b"));
+ TEST_DO(verify_not_optimized("a+sparse"));
+ TEST_DO(verify_not_optimized("sparse+a"));
+ TEST_DO(verify_not_optimized("a+mixed"));
+ TEST_DO(verify_not_optimized("mixed+a"));
+TEST("require that mapped tensors are not optimized") {
+ TEST_DO(verify_not_optimized("sparse+sparse"));
+ TEST_DO(verify_not_optimized("sparse+y5"));
+ TEST_DO(verify_not_optimized("y5+sparse"));
+ TEST_DO(verify_not_optimized("sparse+mixed"));
+ TEST_DO(verify_not_optimized("mixed+sparse"));
+TEST("require mixed tensors are not optimized") {
+ TEST_DO(verify_not_optimized("mixed+mixed"));
+ TEST_DO(verify_not_optimized("mixed+y5"));
+ TEST_DO(verify_not_optimized("y5+mixed"));