path: root/fbench/README
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+fbench - fastserver benchmarking program
+1 Installing fbench
+The preferred way of running fbench is to create your own test
+directory where you place all fbench executables and prepare test
+files. If you have access to the fbench source, you may consult the
+'INSTALL' file for information on how to install fbench. If you have a
+pre-compiled distribution of fbench, simply extract the archive. The
+fbench install directory should contain the following set of files:
+ bin/fbench
+ bin/filterfile
+ bin/geturl
+ bin/
+ bin/
+ bin/
+ bin/
+ bin/
+ bin/splitfile
+2 Benchmark overview
+fbench measures the performance of the server by running a number of
+clients that send requests to the server in parallel. Each client has
+its own input file containing urls that should be requested from the
+server. When benchmarking fastserver, the urls contained in these
+files correspond to searches. Before you may start benchmarking you
+must collect the query urls to be used and distribute them into a
+number of files depending on how many clients you are planning to run
+in parallel. The most realistic results are obtained by using access
+logs collected by fastserver itself from actual usage (AllTheWeb is a
+good place to look for such logs). You should always collect enough
+query urls to perform a single test run without having to reuse any
+3 Preparing the test data
+This step assumes you have obtained some fastserver access log
+files. The first step is to extract the query urls from the logs. This
+is done with the 'filterfile' program.
+| usage: filterfile [-a] [-h]
+| Read concatenated fastserver logs from stdin and write
+| extracted query urls to stdout.
+| -a : all parameters to the original query urls are preserved.
+| If the -a switch is not given, only 'query' and 'type'
+| parameters are kept in the extracted query urls.
+| -h : print this usage information.
+You then need to split the query urls into a number of files. This is
+done with the 'splitfile' program.
+| usage: splitfile [-p pattern] <numparts> [<file>]
+| -p pattern : output name pattern ['query%03d.txt']
+| <numparts> : number of output files to generate.
+| Reads from <file> (stdin if <file> is not given) and
+| randomly distributes each line between <numpart> output
+| files. The names of the output files are generated by
+| combining the <pattern> with sequential numbers using
+| the sprintf function.
+Since each parallel client should have its own file, you should split
+the query urls into at least as many files as the number of clients
+you are planning to run.
+Example: the file 'logs' contains access logs from fastserver. You
+want to extract the query urls from it and save the query urls into
+200 separate files (because you are planning to run 200 clients when
+benchmarking). You may do the following:
+$ cat logs | bin/filterfile | bin/splitfile 200
+This will create 200 files with names 'query000.txt', 'query001.txt',
+'query002.txt' etc. You may control the filename pattern of the output
+files by using the -p switch with the 'splitfile' program.
+4 Running a single test
+You are now ready to begin benchmarking. The actual benchmarking is
+done with the fbench program. fbench usage information ([] are used to
+mark optional parameters and default values):
+| usage: fbench [-n numClients] [-c cycleTime] [-l limit] [-i ignoreCount]
+| [-s seconds] [-q queryFilePattern] [-o outputFilePattern]
+| [-r restartLimit] [-k] <hostname> <port>
+| -n <num> : run with <num> parallel clients [10]
+| -c <num> : each client will make a request each <num> milliseconds [1000]
+| ('-1' -> cycle time should be twice the response time)
+| -l <num> : minimum response size for successful requests [0]
+| -i <num> : do not log the <num> first results. -1 means no logging [0]
+| -s <num> : run the test for <num> seconds. -1 means forever [60]
+| -q <str> : pattern defining input query files ['query%03d.txt']
+| (the pattern is used with sprintf to generate filenames)
+| -o <str> : save query results to output files with the given pattern
+| (default is not saving.)
+| -r <num> : number of times to re-use each query file. -1 means no limit [-1]
+| -k : disable HTTP keep-alive.
+| <hostname> : the host you want to benchmark.
+| <port> : the port to use when contacting the host.
+The only mandatory parameters are the hostname and the port of the
+server you want to benchmark. If you are measuring server performance,
+you should ensure that the caches are cleared between each run. This
+may be done either by stopping and starting fsearch and fdispatch or
+by using the geturl program to fetch '/admin?command=clear_caches'
+from the http port on each fsearch and fdispatch (this requires that
+you are running from a host that is known as privileged by the
+fastserver nodes or that fastserver was compiled to accept all hosts
+as privileged).
+| usage: geturl <host> <port> <url>
+You may clear the caches by doing:
+$ bin/geturl <host> <port> "/admin?command=clear_caches"
+This must be done for each fsearch and fdispatch http port to clear
+all caches.
+Example: You want to test just how well fastserver does under massive
+preassure by letting 200 clients search continuously as fast as they
+can (they issue new queries immediately after the results from the
+previous query are obtained). Assuming you have at least 200 query
+files with default filename pattern you may do the following:
+$ bin/fbench -n 200 -c 0 <host> <port>
+This will run the test over a period of 60 seconds. Use the -s option
+to change the duration of the test.
+Example: You want to manually observe fastserver with a certain amount
+of load. You may use fbench to produce 'background noise' by using the
+-s option with argument 0, like this:
+$ bin/fbench -n 50 -c 1000 -s 0 <host> <port>
+This will start 50 clients that ask at most 1 query per second each,
+giving a maximum load of 50 queries per second if the server allows
+it. This test run will run forever due to the '-s 0' option given.
+5 Understanding Benchmarking Results
+After a test run has completed, fbench outputs various test
+results. This section will explain what each of these numbers mean.
+'connection reuse count' This value indicates how many times HTTP
+ connections were reused to issue another
+ request. Note that this number will only be
+ displayed if the -k switch (disable HTTP
+ keep-alive) is not used.
+'clients' Echo of the -n parameter.
+'cycle time' Echo of the -c parameter.
+'lower response limit' Echo of the -l parameter.
+'skipped requests' Number of requests that was skipped by
+ fbench. fbench will typically skip a request
+ if the line containing the query url exceeds
+ a pre-defined limit. Skipped requests will
+ have minimal impact on the statistical
+ results.
+'failed requests' The number of failed requests. A request will be
+ marked as failed if en error occurred while
+ reading the result or if the result contained
+ less bytes than 'lower response limit'.
+'successful requests' Number of successful requests. Each performed
+ request is counted as either successful or
+ failed. Skipped requests (see above) are not
+ performed and therefore not counted.
+'cycles not held' Number of cycles not held. The cycle time is
+ specified with the -c parameter. It defines
+ how often a client should perform a new
+ request. However, a client may not perform
+ another request before the result from the
+ previous request has been obtained. Whenever a
+ client is unable to initiate a new request
+ 'on time' due to not being finished with the
+ previous request, this value will be
+ increased.
+'minimum response time' The minimum response time. The response time
+ is measured as the time period from just
+ before the request is sent to the server,
+ till the result is obtained from the server.
+'maximum response time' The maximum response time. The response time
+ is measured as the time period from just
+ before the request is sent to the server,
+ till the result is obtained from the server.
+'average response time' The average response time. The response time
+ is measured as the time period from just
+ before the request is sent to the server,
+ till the result is obtained from the server.
+'X percentile' The X percentile of the response time samples;
+ a value selected such that X percent of the
+ response time samples are below this
+ value. In order to calculate percentiles, a
+ histogram of response times is maintained for
+ each client at runtime and merged after the
+ test run ends. If a percentile value exceeds
+ the upper bound of this histogram, it will be
+ approximated (and thus less accurate) and
+ marked with '(approx)'.
+'max query rate' The cycle time tells each client how often it
+ should perform a request. If a client is not
+ able to perform a new request on time due to
+ a previous outstanding request, this
+ increases the overtime counter, and the
+ client will preform the next request as soon
+ as the previous one is completed. The
+ opposite may also happen; a request may
+ complete in less than the cycle time. In this
+ case the client will wait the remaining time
+ of the cycle before performing another
+ request. The max query rate is an
+ extrapolated value indicating what the query
+ rate would be if no client would wait for the
+ completion of cycles, and that the average
+ response time would not increase. NOTE: This
+ number is only supplied as an inverse of the
+ average response time and should NEVER be
+ used to describe the query rate of a server.
+'actual query rate' The average number of queries per second; QPS.
+'utilization' The percentage of time used waiting for
+ the server to complete (successful)
+ requests. Note that if a request fails, the
+ utilization will drop since the client has
+ 'wasted' the time spent on the failed
+ request.
+6 Running test series
+For more complete benchmarking you will want to combine the results
+from several test runs and present them together in a graph or maybe a
+spreadsheet. The perl script may be used to convert
+the output from fbench into a single line of numbers. Lines of numbers
+produced from several test runs may then be concatenated into the same
+text file and used to plot a graph with gnuplot or imported into an
+application accepting structured text files (like Excel).
+The task described above is performed by the script. It
+runs fbench several times with varying client count and cycle
+time. Between each test run, the script (located in the bin
+directory) is run. The script should make sure that the
+server you want to benchmark is in the same state before each of the
+test runs. This typically means that the caches should be cleared. The
+supplied file does nothing, and should therefore be
+modified to fit your needs before you start benchmarking with the script. NOTE: '' must be run from the fbench
+install directory in order to find the scripts and programs it depends
+on. (fbench is run as 'bin/fbench' etc.).
+| usage: [-o] [-l] <minClients> <maxClients> <deltaClients>
+| <minCycle> <maxCycle> <deltaCycle> [fbench options] <hostname> <port>
+| The number of clients varies from <minClients> to <maxClients> with
+| <deltaClients> increments. For each client count, the cycle time will
+| vary in the same way according to <minCycle>, <maxCycle> and <deltaCycle>.
+| fbench is run with each combination of client count and cycle time, and
+| the result output is filtered with the '' script.
+| If you want to save the results you should redirect stdout to a file.
+| -o : change the order in which the tests are performed so that client
+| count varies for each cycle time.
+| -l : output a blank line between test subseries. If -o is not specified this
+| will output a blank line between test series using different client count.
+| If -o was specified this will output blank lines between test series
+| using different cycle time.
+| [fbench options] <hostname> <port>: These arguments are passed to fbench.
+| There are 2 things to remember: first; do not specify either of the -n
+| or -c options since they will override the values for client count and
+| cycle time generated by this script. secondly; make sure you specify
+| the correct host and port number. See the fbench usage (run fbench
+| without parameters) for more info on how to invoke fbench.
+Example: You want to see how well fastserver performs with varying
+client count and cycle time. Assume that you have already prepared 200
+query files and that you have edited the '' script to make
+it clear all fsearch and fdispatch caches. To test with client count
+from 10 to 200 with intervals of 10 clients and cycle time from 0 to
+5000 milliseconds with 500 ms intervals you may do the following:
+$ bin/ 10 200 10 0 5000 500 <host> <port>
+The duration of each test run will be 60 seconds (the default). This
+may be a little short. You will also get all results written directly
+to your console. Say you want to run each test run for 5 minutes and
+you want to collect the results in the file 'results.txt'. You may
+then do the following:
+$ bin/ 10 200 10 0 5000 500 -s 300 <host> <port> > result.txt
+The '-s 300' option will be given to fbench causing each test run to
+have a duration of 300 seconds = 5 minutes. The standard output is
+simply redirected to a file to collect the results for future use.
+The perl utility scripts and may be used to create
+graphs using gnuplot.
+| usage: <sepcol>
+| Separate a tabular numeric file into chunks using a blank
+| line whenever the value in column 'sepcol' changes.
+| usage: [-h] [-x] <plotno>
+| Plot the contents of 'result.txt'.
+| -h This help
+| -x Output to X11 window (default PS-file '')
+| plotno: 1: Response Time Percentiles by NumCli
+| 2: Rate by NumCli
+| 3: Response Time Percentiles by Rate
+Note that the script does the same thing as the -l option
+of; it inserts blank lines into the result to let gnuplot
+interpret each chunk as a separate dataseries.