path: root/integration/intellij
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Diffstat (limited to 'integration/intellij')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/integration/intellij/src/main/bnf/ai/vespa/intellij/schema/parser/sd.bnf b/integration/intellij/src/main/bnf/ai/vespa/intellij/schema/parser/sd.bnf
index 4eb57044441..e7ee550a741 100644
--- a/integration/intellij/src/main/bnf/ai/vespa/intellij/schema/parser/sd.bnf
+++ b/integration/intellij/src/main/bnf/ai/vespa/intellij/schema/parser/sd.bnf
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
-SdFile ::= (NL)* ( SchemaDefinition | DocumentDefinition | RankProfileDefinition )
-SchemaDefinition ::= (search | schema) IdentifierVal? (NL)* (inherits IdentifierVal)? BlockStart SchemaBody BlockEnd
+SdFile ::= NL* ( SchemaDefinition | DocumentDefinition | RankProfileDefinition )
+SchemaDefinition ::= (search | schema) IdentifierVal? NL* (inherits IdentifierVal)? BlockStart SchemaBody BlockEnd
SchemaBody ::= ( SchemaBodyOptions | NL )* DocumentDefinition ( SchemaBodyOptions | NL )* // Does not support zero-or-one occurrences
private SchemaBodyOptions ::= SchemaFieldDefinition | ImportFieldDefinition | DocumentSummaryDefinition |
RankProfileDefinition | IndexDefinition | DocumentStructDefinition |
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ DocumentSummaryDefinition ::= document-summary IdentifierWithDashVal (inherits I
{ mixin="ai.vespa.intellij.schema.psi.impl.SdNamedElementImpl"
implements=["ai.vespa.intellij.schema.psi.SdDeclaration" "ai.vespa.intellij.schema.psi.SdNamedElement"]
-DocumentSummaryBody ::= ( DocumentSummaryBodyOptions (NL)* )* // Does not support zero-or-one occurrences
+DocumentSummaryBody ::= ( DocumentSummaryBodyOptions NL* )* // Does not support zero-or-one occurrences
private DocumentSummaryBodyOptions ::= SummaryDefinition | omit-summary-features | from-disk
ImportFieldDefinition ::= import field IdentifierVal '.' IdentifierVal as IdentifierVal BlockStart BlockEnd
@@ -119,11 +119,11 @@ IfFunctionExpr ::= "if" ClauseStart RankingExpression CommaSeparator RankingExpr
InListRankingExpr ::= RankingExpression "in" '[' RankingExpression (CommaSeparator RankingExpression)* ']'
-BinaryExpr ::= RankingExpression (NL)* ( ArithmeticOperator | ComparisonOperator) (NL)* RankingExpression
+BinaryExpr ::= RankingExpression NL* ( ArithmeticOperator | ComparisonOperator) NL* RankingExpression
ArithmeticOperator ::= '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '^' | "||" | "&&"
ComparisonOperator ::= '<' | '>' | "==" | "<=" | ">=" | "~=" | "!="
-UnaryExpr ::= UnaryOperator (NL)* RankingExpression
+UnaryExpr ::= UnaryOperator NL* RankingExpression
UnaryOperator ::= '!' | '-'
RankFeatureExpr ::= RankFeature
@@ -151,14 +151,14 @@ KeyValue ::= IdentifierVal ':' ( RankingExpression | Label )
LiteralOrGenerateTensorExpr ::= TensorType (
- ( (NL)* ':' (NL)* TensorValue ) | // literal verbose form tensor
+ ( NL* ':' NL* TensorValue ) | // literal verbose form tensor
ParenthesisedExpr // generate tensor
TensorValue ::= MappedTensorValue | ArrayTensorValues
MappedTensorValue ::= BlockStart MappedTensorBlock ( COMMA MappedTensorBlock )* BlockEnd
MappedTensorBlock ::= TensorAddress ':' ( TensorCellValue | ArrayTensorValues )
-ArrayTensorValues ::= (NL)* '[' (NL)* ( TensorCellValue | ArrayTensorValues ) ( CommaSeparator ( TensorCellValue | ArrayTensorValues ) )* (NL)* ']' (NL)*
+ArrayTensorValues ::= NL* '[' NL* ( TensorCellValue | ArrayTensorValues ) ( CommaSeparator ( TensorCellValue | ArrayTensorValues ) )* NL* ']' NL*
TensorAddress ::= Label | FullTensorAddress
TensorCellValue ::= RankingExpression
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ SecondPhaseBody ::= ( SecondPhaseBodyOptions | NL )*
private SecondPhaseBodyOptions ::= (rerank-count ':' INTEGER_REG) | ExpressionDefinition
RankPropertiesDefinition ::= rank-properties BlockStart RankPropertiesBody BlockEnd
-RankPropertiesBody ::= (RankPropertiesKey ':' RankPropertiesValue (NL)+ )+
+RankPropertiesBody ::= (RankPropertiesKey ':' RankPropertiesValue NL+ )+
RankPropertiesKey ::= (IdentifierWithDashVal | STRING_REG | '(' | ')' | '.' | COMMA | '$' | INTEGER_REG)+
RankPropertiesValue ::= AnyNumber | WORD_REG | DottedIdentifier | STRING_REG
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ FunctionDefinition ::= (function | macro) inline? IdentifierVal Arguments
// Not using ClauseEnd here to avoid consuming trailing NL's, which must be left to terminate single-line
// rank feature lists in summary/match/rank-features
-Arguments ::= '()' | ( ClauseStart ArgumentDefinition (CommaSeparator ArgumentDefinition)* (NL)* ')' )
+Arguments ::= '()' | ( ClauseStart ArgumentDefinition (CommaSeparator ArgumentDefinition)* NL* ')' )
// When used in function declarations this should really be IdentifierVal only
ArgumentDefinition ::= IdentifierVal | INTEGER_REG | STRING_REG | STRING_REG_SINGLE_QUOTE
@@ -230,11 +230,11 @@ ArgumentDefinition ::= IdentifierVal | INTEGER_REG | STRING_REG | STRING_REG_SIN
implements=["ai.vespa.intellij.schema.psi.SdDeclaration" "ai.vespa.intellij.schema.psi.SdNamedElement"]
-SummaryFeaturesDefinition ::= summary-features ((':' (RankFeature)+ (NL)+) | ((inherits IdentifierWithDashVal)? BlockStart ( RankFeature | NL )* BlockEnd))
+SummaryFeaturesDefinition ::= summary-features ((':' RankFeature+ NL+) | ((inherits IdentifierWithDashVal)? BlockStart ( RankFeature | NL )* BlockEnd))
-MatchFeaturesDefinition ::= match-features ((':' (RankFeature)+ (NL)+) | ((inherits IdentifierWithDashVal)? BlockStart ( RankFeature | NL )* BlockEnd))
+MatchFeaturesDefinition ::= match-features ((':' RankFeature+ NL+) | ((inherits IdentifierWithDashVal)? BlockStart ( RankFeature | NL )* BlockEnd))
-RankFeaturesDefinition ::= rank-features ((':' (RankFeature)+ (NL)+) | (BlockStart ( RankFeature | NL )* BlockEnd))
+RankFeaturesDefinition ::= rank-features ((':' RankFeature+ NL+) | (BlockStart ( RankFeature | NL )* BlockEnd))
ConstantsDefinition ::= constants BlockStart ( InnerConstantDefinition | NL )* BlockEnd
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ DocumentStructFieldDefinition ::= field IdentifierVal type FieldTypeName BlockSt
{ mixin="ai.vespa.intellij.schema.psi.impl.SdNamedElementImpl"
implements=["ai.vespa.intellij.schema.psi.SdDeclaration" "ai.vespa.intellij.schema.psi.SdNamedElement"]
-DocumentStructFieldBody ::= ( MatchDefinition (NL)* )?
+DocumentStructFieldBody ::= ( MatchDefinition NL* )?
DocumentFieldDefinition ::= field IdentifierVal type FieldTypeName BlockStart DocumentFieldBody BlockEnd
{ mixin="ai.vespa.intellij.schema.psi.impl.SdNamedElementImpl"
@@ -311,44 +311,44 @@ StructFieldBodyOptions ::= SummaryDefinition | IndexingDefinition | AttributeDef
QueryCommandDefinition | StructFieldDefinition | RankDefinition
// Match
-MatchDefinition ::= match ((':' MatchProperty (NL)*) | ( BlockStart ( MatchProperty (NL)* )* BlockEnd))
+MatchDefinition ::= match ((':' MatchProperty NL*) | ( BlockStart ( MatchProperty NL* )* BlockEnd))
MatchProperty ::= text | token | exact | (exact-terminator ':' STRING_REG) | word | prefix | cased | uncased | substring |
suffix | (max-length ':' INTEGER_REG) | gram | (gram-size ':' INTEGER_REG) | WordWrapper
// Indexing
-IndexingDefinition ::= indexing ((':' IndexingStatement (NL)+) | ( BlockStart ( IndexingStatement ';' (NL)*)* BlockEnd))
+IndexingDefinition ::= indexing ((':' IndexingStatement NL+) | ( BlockStart ( IndexingStatement ';' NL* )* BlockEnd))
IndexingStatement ::= IndexingExpression (('|' IndexingExpression)*)
IndexingExpression ::= (input ( DottedIdentifier | IndexingStuff )+ )+ |
summary DottedIdentifier? | attribute DottedIdentifier? | index DottedIdentifier? |
set_language | lowercase |
- (IndexingStuff)+ |
- ( (WordWrapper)? BlockStart (NL | IndexingStatement)* BlockEnd) |
+ IndexingStuff+ |
+ ( WordWrapper? BlockStart (NL | IndexingStatement)* BlockEnd) |
// TODO: Parse advanced indexing statements properly
private IndexingStuff ::= WordWrapper | AnyNumber | STRING_REG |
':' | '.' | '(' | ')' | ArithmeticOperator | ComparisonOperator
// Attribute
-AttributeDefinition ::= attribute ((':' SimpleAttributeProperty (NL)+ ) |
+AttributeDefinition ::= attribute ((':' SimpleAttributeProperty NL+ ) |
BlockStart (ComplexAttributeProperty | SimpleAttributeProperty | NL)+ BlockEnd )
-SimpleAttributeProperty ::= fast-search | fast-rank | fast-access | paged | mutable | enable-bit-vectors | enable-only-bit-vector | WordWrapper // Does not support zero-or-one occurrences
-ComplexAttributeProperty ::= AliasDefinition | SortingDefinition | DistanceMetricDef // Does not support zero-or-one occurrences
-DistanceMetricDef ::= distance-metric ':' IdentifierWithDashVal (NL)+
-AliasDefinition ::= alias (DottedIdentifier)? ':' DottedIdentifierWithDash (NL)+
-StemmingDefinition ::= stemming ':' IdentifierWithDashVal (NL)+
-RankDefinition ::= rank ((DottedIdentifier? ':' RankingSetting (NL)+) | (BlockStart ( RankingSetting | NL )+ BlockEnd))
+SimpleAttributeProperty ::= fast-search | fast-rank | fast-access | paged | mutable | enable-bit-vectors | enable-only-bit-vector | WordWrapper
+ComplexAttributeProperty ::= AliasDefinition | SortingDefinition | DistanceMetricDef
+DistanceMetricDef ::= distance-metric ':' IdentifierWithDashVal NL+
+AliasDefinition ::= alias DottedIdentifier? ':' DottedIdentifierWithDash NL+
+StemmingDefinition ::= stemming ':' IdentifierWithDashVal NL+
+RankDefinition ::= rank ((DottedIdentifier? ':' RankingSetting NL+) | (BlockStart ( RankingSetting | NL )+ BlockEnd))
RankingSetting ::= filter | normal | literal | WordWrapper
-IndexingRewriteState ::= indexing-rewrite ':' none (NL)+
-QueryCommandDefinition ::= query-command ':' (IdentifierWithDashVal | STRING_REG | WordWrapper) (NL)+
+IndexingRewriteState ::= indexing-rewrite ':' none NL+
+QueryCommandDefinition ::= query-command ':' (IdentifierWithDashVal | STRING_REG | WordWrapper) NL+
// Summary
-SummaryDefinition ::= summary IdentifierWithDashVal? (type FieldTypeName)? ((':' SummaryBodyOptions (NL)+ ) | ( BlockStart SummaryBody BlockEnd))
+SummaryDefinition ::= summary IdentifierWithDashVal? (type FieldTypeName)? ((':' SummaryBodyOptions NL+ ) | ( BlockStart SummaryBody BlockEnd))
{ mixin="ai.vespa.intellij.schema.psi.impl.SdSummaryDefinitionMixin" }
SummaryBody ::= ( SummaryBodyOptions | NL )* // Does not support zero-or-one occurrences
SummaryBodyOptions ::= full | static | dynamic | ((source ':' DottedIdentifier) (COMMA DottedIdentifier)*) |
(to ':' IdentifierVal (COMMA IdentifierVal)*) | matched-elements-only | BoldingDefinition
-SummaryToDefinition ::= summary-to ':' WordWrapper (COMMA WordWrapper)* (NL)+
-BoldingDefinition ::= bolding ':' (on | off | true | false) (NL)+
+SummaryToDefinition ::= summary-to ':' WordWrapper (COMMA WordWrapper)* NL+
+BoldingDefinition ::= bolding ':' (on | off | true | false) NL+
// Index
-IndexDefinition ::= index IdentifierVal? ((':' IndexProperty (NL)+ ) | (BlockStart ( IndexProperty | NL)* BlockEnd))
+IndexDefinition ::= index IdentifierVal? ((':' IndexProperty NL+ ) | (BlockStart ( IndexProperty | NL)* BlockEnd))
private IndexProperty ::= (alias ':' DottedIdentifierWithDash) | StemmingDefinition | (arity ':' INTEGER_REG) |
(lower-bound ':' INTEGER_REG ('L')?) | (upper-bound ':' INTEGER_REG ('L')?) |
(dense-posting-list-threshold ':' FLOAT_REG) | enable-bm25 | prefix | HnswDefinition
@@ -363,12 +363,12 @@ SortingProperty ::= ascending | descending | (function ':' SortingFunction) | (s
SortingFunction ::= uca | raw | lowercase
SortingStrength ::= primary | secondary | tertiary | quaternary | identical
// Rank Type
-RankTypeDefinition ::= rank-type IdentifierVal? ':' IdentifierVal (NL)+
+RankTypeDefinition ::= rank-type IdentifierVal? ':' IdentifierVal NL+
// Weighted Set
-WeightedSetDefinition ::= weightedset ((':' WeightedSetProperty (NL)+ ) | (BlockStart ( WeightedSetProperty | NL )* BlockEnd))
+WeightedSetDefinition ::= weightedset ((':' WeightedSetProperty NL+ ) | (BlockStart ( WeightedSetProperty | NL )* BlockEnd))
WeightedSetProperty ::= create-if-nonexistent | remove-if-zero
// Dictionary
-DictionaryDefinition ::= dictionary ((':' DictionarySetting (NL)+) | (BlockStart ( DictionarySetting | NL )* BlockEnd))
+DictionaryDefinition ::= dictionary ((':' DictionarySetting NL+) | (BlockStart ( DictionarySetting | NL )* BlockEnd))
DictionarySetting ::= hash | btree | cased | uncased
private WordWrapper ::= KeywordOrIdentifier | KeywordNotIdentifier | ID_REG | IdentifierWithDashVal | WORD_REG
@@ -384,11 +384,11 @@ IdentifierWithDashVal ::= IdentifierVal ('-' ( IdentifierVal | INTEGER_REG ) )*
DottedIdentifierWithDash ::= IdentifierWithDashVal ('.' IdentifierWithDashVal )*
-BlockStart ::= (NL)* '{' (NL)*
-BlockEnd ::= (NL)* '}' (NL)*
-ClauseStart ::= (NL)* '(' (NL)*
-ClauseEnd ::= (NL)* ')' (NL)*
-CommaSeparator ::= (NL)* COMMA (NL)*
+BlockStart ::= NL* '{' NL*
+BlockEnd ::= NL* '}' NL*
+ClauseStart ::= NL* '(' NL*
+ClauseEnd ::= NL* ')' NL*
+CommaSeparator ::= NL* COMMA NL*
AnyNumber ::= ('-')? ( FLOAT_REG | INTEGER_REG)
// Those lists of keywords (KeywordOrIdentifier and KeywordNotIdentifier) have to be synchronized with sd.flex file.