path: root/node-admin/basic-search-for-docker/src/main/application
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'node-admin/basic-search-for-docker/src/main/application')
3 files changed, 126 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/node-admin/basic-search-for-docker/src/main/application/deployment.xml b/node-admin/basic-search-for-docker/src/main/application/deployment.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0a2397bbca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node-admin/basic-search-for-docker/src/main/application/deployment.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<deployment version='1.0'>
+ <test />
+ <staging />
+ <prod/>
diff --git a/node-admin/basic-search-for-docker/src/main/application/searchdefinitions/ b/node-admin/basic-search-for-docker/src/main/application/searchdefinitions/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d6bcaac8ae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node-admin/basic-search-for-docker/src/main/application/searchdefinitions/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+search music {
+ document music {
+ field artist type string {
+ indexing: summary | index
+ }
+ field artistId type string {
+ indexing: summary | attribute
+ }
+ field title type string {
+ indexing: summary | index
+ }
+ field album type string {
+ indexing: index
+ }
+ field duration type int {
+ indexing: summary
+ }
+ field year type int {
+ indexing: summary | attribute
+ }
+ field popularity type int {
+ indexing: summary | attribute
+ }
+ }
+ fieldset default {
+ fields: artist, title, album
+ }
+ rank-profile song inherits default {
+ first-phase {
+ expression:nativeRank(artist,title,album) + if(isNan(attribute(popularity)) == 1, 0,attribute(popularity))
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/node-admin/basic-search-for-docker/src/main/application/services.xml b/node-admin/basic-search-for-docker/src/main/application/services.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cea6861ca91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node-admin/basic-search-for-docker/src/main/application/services.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<services version='1.0' xmlns:deploy="vespa" xmlns:preprocess="properties">
+ <jdisc id='default' version='1.0'>
+ <!-- See Vespa tutorial
+ <document-processing>
+ <chain id="default">
+ <documentprocessor id="" bundle="basic-application"/>
+ </chain>
+ </document-processing>
+ -->
+ <!-- YCA Access Control
+ Enable this to limit access to your application using YCA; we will support http://yo/athens later.
+ deploy:environment="prod" is needed if you want to enable easier access to other environments. You will not
+ be able to use YCA access control from an openhouse instance to the hosted Vespa Dev instance.
+ The nonyca-request-chain is needed to allow e.g. health checks to bypass YCA
+ In <yca.appid.allow> list the igor roles that includes the hosts that should be allowed to access this application
+ See
+ To test this you can use curl, and add the Yahoo-App-Auth header:
+ -H "Yahoo-App-Auth: `yca-cert-util -show yahoo.namespace.role|cut -d" " -f2`"
+ -->
+ <!--
+ <http deploy:environment="prod">
+ <filtering>
+ <request-chain id="yca-request-chain" excludes="" inherits="standard-request-filters">
+ <filter bundle="jdisc_http_filters" class="" id="access-filter">
+ <filter-config>
+ <yca.appid.allow>yahoo.namespace.role</yca.appid.allow>
+ <yca.allowAny>false</yca.allowAny>
+ <yca.optional>false</yca.optional>
+ </filter-config>
+ </filter>
+ <binding>http://*/*</binding>
+ <binding>https://*/*</binding>
+ </request-chain>
+ <request-chain excludes="access-filter" id="nonyca-request-chain" inherits="yca-request-chain">
+ <binding>http://*/state/*</binding>
+ <binding>http://*/status.html</binding>
+ <binding>http://*/ApplicationStatus</binding>
+ <binding>https://*/state/*</binding>
+ <binding>https://*/status.html</binding>
+ <binding>https://*/ApplicationStatus</binding>
+ </request-chain>
+ </filtering>
+ <server id="main-server" port="4080" />
+ </http>
+ -->
+ <search>
+ <chain id='default' inherits='vespa'>
+ <searcher bundle='basic-application' id=''>
+ <config name='example.message'>
+ <message>Hello, Vespa! (test build iteration 90)</message>
+ </config>
+ </searcher>
+ </chain>
+ </search>
+ <document-api/>
+ <nodes count='1' flavor='docker' docker-image='vespa-local:latest'/>
+ </jdisc>
+ <content id='music' version='1.0'>
+ <redundancy>2</redundancy>
+ <documents>
+ <document mode='index' type='music'/>
+ </documents>
+ <nodes count='1' flavor='docker' docker-image='vespa-local:latest'/>
+ <engine>
+ <proton>
+ <searchable-copies>1</searchable-copies>
+ </proton>
+ </engine>
+ </content>