path: root/persistence/src/main/java/com/yahoo/persistence/spi/PersistenceProvider.java
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-// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
-package com.yahoo.persistence.spi;
-import com.yahoo.document.Document;
-import com.yahoo.document.DocumentId;
-import com.yahoo.document.DocumentUpdate;
-import com.yahoo.document.fieldset.FieldSet;
-import com.yahoo.persistence.spi.result.*;
- * <p>
- * This interface is the basis for a persistence provider in Vespa.
- * A persistence provider is used by Vespa Storage to provide an elastic stateful system.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * The Vespa distribution mechanisms are based on distributing "buckets"
- * between the nodes in the system. A bucket is an abstract concept that
- * groups a set of documents. The persistence provider can choose freely
- * how to implement a bucket, but it needs to be able to access a bucket as
- * a unit. The placement of these units is controlled by the distributors.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * A persistence provider may support multiple "partitions". One example of
- * a partition is a physical disk, but the exact meaning of "partitions"
- * is left to the provider. It must be able to report to the service layer though.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * All operations return a Result object. The base Result class only encapsulates
- * potential errors, which can be <i>transient</i>, <i>permanent</i> or <i>fatal</i>.
- * Transient errors are errors where it's conceivable that retrying the operation
- * would lead to success, either on this data copy or on others. Permanent errors
- * are errors where the request itself is faulty. Fatal errors are transient errors
- * that have uncovered a problem with this instance of the provider (such as a failing disk),
- * and where the provider wants the process to be shut down.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * All write operations have a timestamp. This timestamp is generated
- * by the distributor, and is guaranteed to be unique for the bucket we're
- * writing to. A persistence provider is required to store "entries" for each of
- * these operations, and associate the timestamp with that entry.
- * Iteration code can retrieve these entries, including entries
- * for remove operations. The provider is not required to keep any history beyond
- * the last operation that was performed on a given document.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * The contract for all write operations is that after returning from the function,
- * provider read methods (get, iterate) should reflect the modified state.
- * </p>
- */
-public interface PersistenceProvider
- /**
- * The different types of entries that can be returned
- * from an iterator.
- */
- public enum IncludedVersions {
- }
- /**
- * The different kinds of maintenance we can do.
- * LOW maintenance may be run more often than HIGH.
- */
- public enum MaintenanceLevel {
- LOW,
- }
- /**
- * Initializes the persistence provider. This function is called exactly once when
- * the persistence provider starts. If any error is returned here, the service layer
- * will shut down.
- */
- Result initialize();
- /**
- * Returns a list of the partitions available,
- * and which are up and down.
- */
- PartitionStateListResult getPartitionStates();
- /**
- * Return list of buckets that provider has stored on the given partition.
- */
- BucketIdListResult listBuckets(short partition);
- /**
- * Updates the persistence provider with the last cluster state.
- * Only cluster states that are relevant for the provider are supplied (changes
- * that relate to the distributor will not cause an update here).
- */
- Result setClusterState(ClusterState state);
- /**
- * Sets the bucket state to active or inactive. After this returns,
- * other buckets may be deactivated, so the node must be able to serve
- * the data from its secondary index or get reduced coverage.
- */
- Result setActiveState(Bucket bucket, BucketInfo.ActiveState active);
- /**
- * If the bucket doesn't exist, return empty bucket info.
- */
- BucketInfoResult getBucketInfo(Bucket bucket);
- /**
- * Stores the given document.
- *
- * @param timestamp The timestamp for the new bucket entry.
- */
- Result put(Bucket bucket, long timestamp, Document doc);
- /**
- * <p>
- * Removes the document referenced by the document id.
- * It is strongly recommended to keep entries for the removes for
- * some period of time. For recovery to work properly, a node that
- * has been down for a longer period of time than that should be totally
- * erased. If not, documents that have been removed but have documents
- * on nodes that have been down will be reinserted.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * Postconditions:
- * A successful invocation of this function must add the remove to the
- * bucket regardless of whether the document existed. More specifically,
- * iterating over the bucket while including removes after this call
- * shall yield a remove-entry at the given timestamp for the given
- * document identifier as part of its result set. The remove entry
- * shall be added even if there exist removes for the same document id
- * at other timestamps in the bucket.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * Also, if the given timestamp is higher to or equal than any
- * existing put entry, those entries should not be returned in subsequent
- * get calls. If the timestamp is lower than an existing put entry,
- * those entries should still be available.
- * </p>
- * @param timestamp The timestamp for the new bucket entry.
- * @param id The ID to remove
- */
- RemoveResult remove(Bucket bucket, long timestamp, DocumentId id);
- /**
- * <p>
- * See remove()
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * Used for external remove operations. removeIfFound() has no extra
- * postconditions than remove, but it may choose to <i>not</i> include
- * a remove entry if there didn't already exist a put entry for the given
- * entry. It is recommended, but not required, to not insert entries in this
- * case, though if remove entries are considered critical it might be better
- * to insert them in both cases.
- * </p>
- * @param timestamp The timestamp for the new bucket entry.
- * @param id The ID to remove
- */
- RemoveResult removeIfFound(Bucket bucket, long timestamp, DocumentId id);
- /**
- * Removes the entry with the given timestamp. This is usually used to revert
- * previously performed operations. This operation should be
- * successful even if there doesn't exist such an entry.
- */
- Result removeEntry(Bucket bucket, long timestampToRemove);
- /**
- * Partially modifies a document referenced by the document update.
- *
- * @param timestamp The timestamp to use for the new update entry.
- * @param update The document update to apply to the stored document.
- */
- UpdateResult update(Bucket bucket, long timestamp, DocumentUpdate update);
- /**
- * <p>
- * For providers that store data persistently on disk, the contract of
- * flush is that data has been stored persistently so that if the node should
- * restart, the data will be available.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * The service layer may choose to batch certain commands. This means
- * that the service layer will lock the bucket only once, then perform several
- * commands, and finally get the bucket info from the bucket, and then flush it.
- * This can be used to improve performance by caching the modifications, and
- * persisting them to disk only when flush is called. The service layer guarantees
- * that after one of these operations, flush() is called, regardless of whether
- * the operation succeeded or not, before another bucket is processed in the same
- * worker thread. The following operations can be batched and have the guarantees
- * above:
- * - put
- * - get
- * - remove
- * - removeIfFound
- * - update
- * - removeEntry
- * </p>
- */
- Result flush(Bucket bucket);
- /**
- * Retrieves the latest version of the document specified by the
- * document id. If no versions were found, or the document was removed,
- * the result should be successful, but contain no document (see GetResult).
- *
- * @param fieldSet A set of fields that should be retrieved.
- * @param id The document id to retrieve.
- */
- GetResult get(Bucket bucket, FieldSet fieldSet, DocumentId id);
- /**
- * Create an iterator for a given bucket and selection criteria, returning
- * a unique, non-zero iterator identifier that can be used by the caller as
- * an argument to iterate and destroyIterator.
- *
- * Each successful invocation of createIterator shall be paired with
- * a later invocation of destroyIterator by the caller to ensure
- * resources are freed up. NOTE: this may not apply in a shutdown
- * situation due to service layer communication channels closing down.
- *
- * It is assumed that a successful invocation of this function will result
- * in some state being established in the persistence provider, holding
- * the information required to match iterator ids up to their current
- * iteration progress and selection criteria. destroyIterator will NOT
- * be called when createIterator returns an error.
- *
- * @param selection Selection criteria used to limit the subset of
- * the bucket's documents that will be returned by the iterator. The
- * provider implementation may use these criteria to optimize its
- * operation as it sees fit, as long as doing so does not violate
- * selection correctness.
- * @return A process-globally unique iterator identifier iff the result
- * is successful and internal state has been created, otherwise an
- * error. Identifier must be non-zero, as zero is used internally to
- * signify an invalid iterator ID.
- */
- CreateIteratorResult createIterator(Bucket bucket,
- FieldSet fieldSet,
- Selection selection,
- IncludedVersions versions);
- /**
- * Iterate over a bucket's document space using a valid iterator id
- * received from createIterator. Each invocation of iterate upon an
- * iterator that has not yet fully exhausted its document space shall
- * return a minimum of 1 document entry per IterateResult to ensure progress.
- * An implementation shall limit the result set per invocation to document
- * entries whose combined in-memory/serialized size is a "soft" maximum of
- * maxByteSize. More specifically, the sum of getSize() over all returned
- * DocEntry instances should be &lt;= (maxByteSize + the size of the last
- * document in the result set). This special case allows for limiting the
- * result set both by observing "before the fact" that the next potential
- * document to include would exceed the max size and by observing "after
- * the fact" that the document that was just added caused the max size to
- * be exceeded.
- * However, if a document exceeds maxByteSize and not including it implies
- * the result set would be empty, it must be included in the result anyway
- * in order to not violate the progress requirement.
- *
- * The caller shall not make any assumptions on whether or not documents
- * that arrive to--or are removed from--the bucket in the time between
- * separate invocations of iterate for the same iterator id will show up
- * in the results, assuming that these documents do not violate the
- * selection criteria. This means that there is no requirement for
- * maintaining a "snapshot" view of the bucket's state as it existed upon
- * the initial createIterator call. Neither shall the caller make any
- * assumptions on the ordering of the returned documents.
- *
- * The IterateResult shall--for each document entry that matches the
- * selection criteria and falls within the maxByteSize limit mentioned
- * above--return the following information in its result:
- *
- * -- For non-removed entries: A DocEntry where getDocumentOperation() will
- * return a valid DocumentPut instance and getSize() will return the
- * serialized size of the document.
- * -- For removed entries: A DocEntry where getDocumentId() will
- * return a valid document identifier. Remove entries shall not
- * contain document instances.
- * -- For meta entries: A DocEntry that shall not contain a document
- * instance nor should it include a document id instance (if
- * included, would be ignored by the service layer in any context
- * where metadata-only is requested).
- *
- * The service layer shall guarantee that no two invocations of iterate
- * will happen simultaneously/concurrently for the same iterator id.
- *
- * Upon a successful invocation of iterate, the persistence provider shall
- * update its internal state to account for the progress made so that new
- * invocations will cover a new subset of the document space. When an
- * IterateResult contains the final documents for the iteration, i.e. the
- * iterator has reached its end, setCompleted() must be set on the result
- * to indicate this to the caller. Calling iterate on an already completed
- * iterator must only set this flag on the result and return without any
- * documents.
- *
- * @param iteratorId An iterator ID returned by a previous call to createIterator
- * @param maxByteSize An indication of the maximum number of bytes that should be returned.
- */
- IterateResult iterate(long iteratorId, long maxByteSize);
- /**
- * <p>
- * Destroys the iterator specified by the given id.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * IMPORTANT: this method has different invocation semantics than
- * the other provider methods! It may be called from the context of
- * ANY service layer thread, NOT just from the thread in which
- * createIterator was invoked! The reason for this is because internal
- * iterator destroy messages aren't mapped to partition threads in the
- * way other messages are due to their need for guaranteed execution.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * This in turn implies that iterator states must be shared between
- * partitions (and thus protected against cross-partition concurrent
- * access).
- * </p>
- * @param iteratorId The iterator id previously returned by createIterator.
- */
- Result destroyIterator(long iteratorId);
- /**
- * Tells the provider that the given bucket has been created in the
- * service layer. There is no requirement to do anything here.
- */
- Result createBucket(Bucket bucket);
- /**
- * Deletes the given bucket and all entries contained in that bucket.
- * After this operation has succeeded, a restart of the provider should
- * not yield the bucket in getBucketList().
- */
- Result deleteBucket(Bucket bucket);
- /**
- * This function is called continuously by the service layer. It allows
- * the provider to signify whether it has done any out-of-band changes to
- * buckets that need to be recognized by the rest of the system. The service
- * layer will proceed to call getBucketInfo() on each of the returned buckets.
- * After a call to getModifiedBuckets(), the provider should clear it's list
- * of modified buckets, so that the next call does not return the same buckets.
- */
- BucketIdListResult getModifiedBuckets();
- /**
- * Allows the provider to do periodic maintenance and verification.
- *
- * @param level The level of maintenance to do. LOW maintenance is scheduled more
- * often than HIGH maintenance, so should be cheaper.
- */
- Result maintain(Bucket bucket, MaintenanceLevel level);
- /**
- * <p>
- * Splits the source bucket into the two target buckets.
- * After the split, all documents belonging to target1 should be
- * in that bucket, and all documents belonging to target2 should be
- * there. The information in SplitResult should reflect
- * this.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * Before calling this function, the service layer will iterate the bucket
- * to figure out which buckets the source should be split into. This may
- * result in splitting more than one bucket bit at a time.
- * </p>
- */
- Result split(Bucket source, Bucket target1, Bucket target2);
- /**
- * Joins two buckets into one. After the join, all documents from
- * source1 and source2 should be stored in the target bucket.
- */
- Result join(Bucket source1, Bucket source2, Bucket target);
- /**
- * Moves a bucket from one partition to another.
- *
- * @param partitionId The partition to move to.
- */
- Result move(Bucket bucket, short partitionId);