path: root/sd-plugin/src/main/java/org/intellij/sdk/language/parser/sd.bnf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sd-plugin/src/main/java/org/intellij/sdk/language/parser/sd.bnf')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/sd-plugin/src/main/java/org/intellij/sdk/language/parser/sd.bnf b/sd-plugin/src/main/java/org/intellij/sdk/language/parser/sd.bnf
index 245975f301c..073673ee30c 100644
--- a/sd-plugin/src/main/java/org/intellij/sdk/language/parser/sd.bnf
+++ b/sd-plugin/src/main/java/org/intellij/sdk/language/parser/sd.bnf
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ NOTE: This grammar does not enforce zero-or-one occurrences of elements (treats
ARITHMETIC_OPERATOR = 'regexp:[\-+*/]'
INTEGER_REG = 'regexp:[0-9]+'
FLOAT_REG = 'regexp:[0-9]+[.][0-9]+[e]?'
- STRING = 'regexp:[\"][^\"]*[\"]'
+ STRING_REG = 'regexp:[\"][^\"]*[\"]'
WORD_REG = 'regexp:\w+'
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ private UriPath ::= ('H'|'h') ('T'|'t') ('T'|'t') ('P'|'p') ('S'|'s')? ':' ('//'
OnnxModelDefinition ::= onnx-model IdentifierVal '{' OnnxModelBody '}'
OnnxModelBody ::= OnnxModelBodyOptions*
private OnnxModelBodyOptions ::= (file ':' FilePath) | (uri ':' UriPath) |
- ((input | output) (IdentifierVal | STRING) ':' ('.' | '/' | '(' | ')' | IdentifierWithDashVal | WORD_REG))
+ ((input | output) (IdentifierVal | STRING_REG) ':' ('.' | '/' | '(' | ')' | IdentifierWithDashVal | WORD_REG))
SchemaAnnotationDefinition ::= AnnotationDefinition
{ mixin="org.intellij.sdk.language.psi.impl.SdNamedElementImpl"
@@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ private SecondPhaseBodyOptions ::= (rerank-count ':' INTEGER_REG) | ExpressionDe
RankPropertiesDefinition ::= rank-properties '{' RankPropertiesBody '}'
RankPropertiesBody ::= (RankPropertiesKey ':' RankPropertiesValue)+
-RankPropertiesKey ::= (IdentifierWithDashVal | STRING | '(' | ')' | '.' | ',')+
-RankPropertiesValue ::= (('-')? INTEGER_REG) | (('-')? FLOAT_REG) | WORD_REG | IdentifierVal | STRING
+RankPropertiesKey ::= (IdentifierWithDashVal | STRING_REG | '(' | ')' | '.' | ',')+
+RankPropertiesValue ::= (('-')? INTEGER_REG) | (('-')? FLOAT_REG) | WORD_REG | IdentifierVal | STRING_REG
FunctionDefinition ::= (function | macro) inline? IdentifierVal '(' (ArgumentDefinition (',' ArgumentDefinition)*)? ')'
'{' ExpressionDefinition '}'
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ DocumentFieldBody ::= DocumentFieldBodyOptions* // Does not support zero-or-one
private DocumentFieldBodyOptions ::= StructFieldDefinition | MatchDefinition | IndexingDefinition | AttributeDefinition |
AliasDef | RankDefinition | IndexingRewriteState | QueryCommandDefinition | SummaryDefinition |
BoldingDefinition | (id ':' INTEGER_REG) | IndexDefinition | (normalizing ':' IdentifierWithDashVal) |
- SortingDefinition | StemmingDefinition | (weight ': INTEGER_REG') | WeightedSetDefinition |
+ SortingDefinition | StemmingDefinition | (weight ':' INTEGER_REG) | WeightedSetDefinition |
RankTypeDefinition | DictionaryDefinition
//***** Field's body elements ******//
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ MatchProperty ::= text | exact | exact-terminator | word | prefix | cased | unca
IndexingDefinition ::= indexing (':' IndexingStatement) | ('{' IndexingStatement+ '}')
IndexingStatement ::= IndexingStatementOptions (('|' IndexingStatementOptions)*) | ((';' IndexingStatementOptions)*)
// Does not support zero-or-one occurrences
-IndexingStatementOptions ::= summary | attribute | index | "set_language"
+IndexingStatementOptions ::= summary | attribute | index | set_language
// Attribute
AttributeDefinition ::= attribute ((':' SimpleAttributeProperty) | ('{' (SimpleAttributeProperty | ComplexAttributeProperty)+ '}'))
SimpleAttributeProperty ::= fast-search | fast-access | paged | mutable // Does not support zero-or-one occurrences
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ RankingSetting ::= filter | normal
// Indexing Rewrite
IndexingRewriteState ::= indexing-rewrite ':' none
// Query Command
-QueryCommandDefinition ::= query-command ':' IdentifierVal | STRING
+QueryCommandDefinition ::= query-command ':' IdentifierVal | STRING_REG
// Summary
SummaryDefinition ::= summary ((':' SummaryBodyOptions) | (IdentifierWithDashVal? (type FieldTypeName)? '{' SummaryBody '}'))
{ methods=[getName getPresentation] }
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ KeywordOrIdentifier ::= schema | search | document | struct | field | type | ind
bolding | on | off | true | false | id | normalizing | stemming | arity | hnsw | dictionary | hash | btree |
fieldset | fields | constant | annotation
| attribute | body | header | index |
- reference | summary
+ reference | summary | set_language
// Note- in this form, those keywords can't be use as identifier-with-dash!
KeywordNotIdentifier ::= struct-field | document-summary | omit-summary-features | from-disk | rank-profile | rank-type |