path: root/searchlib/src/tests/attribute/attributeupdater.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'searchlib/src/tests/attribute/attributeupdater.h')
1 files changed, 299 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/searchlib/src/tests/attribute/attributeupdater.h b/searchlib/src/tests/attribute/attributeupdater.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5193ca0f873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/searchlib/src/tests/attribute/attributeupdater.h
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+#pragma once
+#include <vespa/searchlib/util/randomgenerator.h>
+#include "runnable.h"
+#include <vespa/searchlib/attribute/attribute.h>
+#define VALIDATOR_STR(str) #str
+#define VALIDATOR_ASSERT(rc) reportAssert(rc, __FILE__, __LINE__, VALIDATOR_STR(rc))
+#define VALIDATOR_ASSERT_EQUAL(a, b) reportAssertEqual(__FILE__, __LINE__, VALIDATOR_STR(a), VALIDATOR_STR(b), a, b)
+namespace search {
+class AttributeValidator
+ uint32_t _totalCnt;
+ AttributeValidator() : _totalCnt(0) {}
+ uint32_t getTotalCnt() const { return _totalCnt; }
+ bool reportAssert(bool rc, const vespalib::string & file, uint32_t line, const vespalib::string & str) {
+ _totalCnt++;
+ if (!rc) {
+ std::cout << "Assert " << _totalCnt << " failed: \"" << str << "\" ("
+ << file << ":" << line << ")" << std::endl;
+ abort();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <class A, class B>
+ bool reportAssertEqual(const vespalib::string & file, uint32_t line,
+ const vespalib::string & aStr, const vespalib::string & bStr,
+ const A & a, const B & b) {
+ _totalCnt++;
+ if (!(a == b)) {
+ std::cout << "Assert equal failed: " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << aStr << ": " << a << std::endl;
+ std::cout << bStr << ": " << b << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "(" << file << ":" << line << ")" << std::endl;
+ abort();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+class AttributeUpdaterStatus
+ double _totalUpdateTime;
+ uint64_t _numDocumentUpdates;
+ uint64_t _numValueUpdates;
+ AttributeUpdaterStatus() :
+ _totalUpdateTime(0), _numDocumentUpdates(0), _numValueUpdates(0) {}
+ void reset() {
+ _totalUpdateTime = 0;
+ _numDocumentUpdates = 0;
+ _numValueUpdates = 0;
+ }
+ void printXML() const {
+ std::cout << "<total-update-time>" << _totalUpdateTime << "</total-update-time>" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "<documents-updated>" << _numDocumentUpdates << "</documents-updated>" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "<document-update-throughput>" << documentUpdateThroughput() << "</document-update-throughput>" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "<avg-document-update-time>" << avgDocumentUpdateTime() << "</avg-document-update-time>" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "<values-updated>" << _numValueUpdates << "</values-updated>" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "<value-update-throughput>" << valueUpdateThroughput() << "</value-update-throughput>" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "<avg-value-update-time>" << avgValueUpdateTime() << "</avg-value-update-time>" << std::endl;
+ }
+ double documentUpdateThroughput() const {
+ return _numDocumentUpdates * 1000 / _totalUpdateTime;
+ }
+ double avgDocumentUpdateTime() const {
+ return _totalUpdateTime / _numDocumentUpdates;
+ }
+ double valueUpdateThroughput() const {
+ return _numValueUpdates * 1000 / _totalUpdateTime;
+ }
+ double avgValueUpdateTime() const {
+ return _totalUpdateTime / _numValueUpdates;
+ }
+// AttributeVectorInstance, AttributeVectorType, AttributeVectorBufferType
+template <typename Vector, typename T, typename BT>
+class AttributeUpdater
+ typedef AttributeVector::SP AttributePtr;
+ typedef std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<T> > AttributeCommit;
+ const AttributePtr & _attrPtr;
+ Vector & _attrVec;
+ const std::vector<T> & _values;
+ std::vector<T> _buffer;
+ std::vector<BT> _getBuffer;
+ RandomGenerator & _rndGen;
+ AttributeCommit _expected;
+ FastOS_Time _timer;
+ AttributeUpdaterStatus _status;
+ AttributeValidator _validator;
+ // config
+ bool _validate;
+ uint32_t _commitFreq;
+ uint32_t _minValueCount;
+ uint32_t _maxValueCount;
+ uint32_t getRandomCount() {
+ return _rndGen.rand(_minValueCount, _maxValueCount);
+ }
+ uint32_t getRandomDoc() {
+ return _rndGen.rand(0, _attrPtr->getNumDocs() - 1);
+ }
+ const T & getRandomValue() {
+ return _values[_rndGen.rand(0, _values.size() - 1)];
+ }
+ void updateValues(uint32_t doc);
+ void commit();
+ AttributeUpdater(const AttributePtr & attrPtr, const std::vector<T> & values,
+ RandomGenerator & rndGen, bool validate, uint32_t commitFreq,
+ uint32_t minValueCount, uint32_t maxValueCount) :
+ _attrPtr(attrPtr), _attrVec(*(static_cast<Vector *>(attrPtr.get()))),
+ _values(values), _buffer(), _getBuffer(), _rndGen(rndGen), _expected(), _timer(), _status(), _validator(),
+ _validate(validate), _commitFreq(commitFreq), _minValueCount(minValueCount), _maxValueCount(maxValueCount)
+ {
+ }
+ void resetStatus() {
+ _status.reset();
+ }
+ const AttributeUpdaterStatus & getStatus() const {
+ return _status;
+ }
+ const AttributeValidator & getValidator() const {
+ return _validator;
+ }
+ void populate();
+ void update(uint32_t numUpdates);
+template <typename Vector, typename T, typename BT>
+class AttributeUpdaterThread : public AttributeUpdater<Vector, T, BT>, public Runnable
+ typedef AttributeVector::SP AttributePtr;
+ AttributeUpdaterThread(const AttributePtr & attrPtr, const std::vector<T> & values,
+ RandomGenerator & rndGen, bool validate, uint32_t commitFreq,
+ uint32_t minValueCount, uint32_t maxValueCount) :
+ AttributeUpdater<Vector, T, BT>(attrPtr, values, rndGen, validate, commitFreq, minValueCount, maxValueCount),
+ Runnable(0) {}
+ virtual void doRun();
+template <typename Vector, typename T, typename BT>
+AttributeUpdater<Vector, T, BT>::updateValues(uint32_t doc)
+ uint32_t valueCount = getRandomCount();
+ if (_validate) {
+ _buffer.clear();
+ if (_attrPtr->hasMultiValue()) {
+ _attrPtr->clearDoc(doc);
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < valueCount; ++j) {
+ T value = getRandomValue();
+ if (_attrPtr->hasWeightedSetType()) {
+ bool exists = false;
+ for (typename std::vector<T>::iterator iter = _buffer.begin(); iter != _buffer.end(); ++iter) {
+ if (iter->getValue() == value.getValue()) {
+ exists = true;
+ iter->setWeight(value.getWeight());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!exists) {
+ _buffer.push_back(value);
+ }
+ } else {
+ _buffer.push_back(value);
+ }
+ _attrVec.append(doc, value.getValue(), value.getWeight());
+ }
+ } else {
+ _buffer.push_back(getRandomValue());
+ _attrVec.update(doc, _buffer.back().getValue());
+ }
+ _expected[doc] = _buffer;
+ } else {
+ if (_attrPtr->hasMultiValue()) {
+ _attrPtr->clearDoc(doc);
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < valueCount; ++j) {
+ T value = getRandomValue();
+ _attrVec.append(doc, value.getValue(), value.getWeight());
+ }
+ } else {
+ _attrVec.update(doc, getRandomValue().getValue());
+ }
+ }
+ _status._numDocumentUpdates++;
+ _status._numValueUpdates += (_attrPtr->hasMultiValue() ? valueCount: 1);
+template <typename Vector, typename T, typename BT>
+AttributeUpdater<Vector, T, BT>::commit()
+ AttributeGuard guard(this->_attrPtr);
+ if (_validate) {
+ _attrPtr->commit();
+ _getBuffer.resize(_maxValueCount);
+ for (typename AttributeCommit::iterator iter = _expected.begin();
+ iter != _expected.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ uint32_t valueCount = _attrPtr->get(iter->first, &_getBuffer[0], _getBuffer.size());
+ _validator.VALIDATOR_ASSERT(_minValueCount <= valueCount && valueCount <= _maxValueCount);
+ if (valueCount != iter->second.size()) {
+ std::cout << "validate(" << iter->first << ")" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "expected(" << iter->second.size() << ")" << std::endl;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < iter->second.size(); ++i) {
+ std::cout << " [" << iter->second[i].getValue() << ", " << iter->second[i].getWeight() << "]" << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cout << "actual(" << valueCount << ")" << std::endl;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < valueCount; ++i) {
+ std::cout << " [" << _getBuffer[i].getValue() << ", " << _getBuffer[i].getWeight() << "]" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ _validator.VALIDATOR_ASSERT_EQUAL(valueCount, iter->second.size());
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < valueCount; ++i) {
+ _validator.VALIDATOR_ASSERT_EQUAL(_getBuffer[i].getValue(), iter->second[i].getValue());
+ _validator.VALIDATOR_ASSERT_EQUAL(_getBuffer[i].getWeight(), iter->second[i].getWeight());
+ }
+ }
+ _expected.clear();
+ } else {
+ _attrPtr->commit();
+ }
+template <typename Vector, typename T, typename BT>
+AttributeUpdater<Vector, T, BT>::populate()
+ _timer.SetNow();
+ for (uint32_t doc = 0; doc < _attrPtr->getNumDocs(); ++doc) {
+ updateValues(doc);
+ if (doc % _commitFreq == (_commitFreq - 1)) {
+ commit();
+ }
+ }
+ commit();
+ _status._totalUpdateTime += _timer.MilliSecsToNow();
+template <typename Vector, typename T, typename BT>
+AttributeUpdater<Vector, T, BT>::update(uint32_t numUpdates)
+ _timer.SetNow();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numUpdates; ++i) {
+ uint32_t doc = getRandomDoc();
+ updateValues(doc);
+ if (i % _commitFreq == (_commitFreq - 1)) {
+ commit();
+ }
+ }
+ commit();
+ _status._totalUpdateTime += _timer.MilliSecsToNow();
+template <typename Vector, typename T, typename BT>
+AttributeUpdaterThread<Vector, T, BT>::doRun()
+ this->_timer.SetNow();
+ while(!_done) {
+ uint32_t doc = this->getRandomDoc();
+ this->updateValues(doc);
+ if (this->_status._numDocumentUpdates % this->_commitFreq == (this->_commitFreq - 1)) {
+ this->commit();
+ }
+ }
+ this->commit();
+ this->_status._totalUpdateTime += this->_timer.MilliSecsToNow();
+} // search