path: root/searchlib/src/tests/attribute/enumstore/enumstore_test.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'searchlib/src/tests/attribute/enumstore/enumstore_test.cpp')
1 files changed, 879 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/searchlib/src/tests/attribute/enumstore/enumstore_test.cpp b/searchlib/src/tests/attribute/enumstore/enumstore_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e63889bbeb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/searchlib/src/tests/attribute/enumstore/enumstore_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,879 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+#include <vespa/fastos/fastos.h>
+#include <vespa/log/log.h>
+#include <vespa/vespalib/testkit/testapp.h>
+//#define LOG_ENUM_STORE
+#include <vespa/searchlib/attribute/enumstore.hpp>
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+namespace search {
+size_t enumStoreAlign(size_t size)
+ return (size + 15) & -UINT64_C(16);
+// EnumStoreBase::Index(0,0) is reserved thus 16 bytes are reserved in buffer 0
+const uint32_t RESERVED_BYTES = 16u;
+typedef EnumStoreT<NumericEntryType<uint32_t> > NumericEnumStore;
+class EnumStoreTest : public vespalib::TestApp
+ typedef EnumStoreT<StringEntryType> StringEnumStore;
+ typedef EnumStoreT<NumericEntryType<float> > FloatEnumStore;
+ typedef EnumStoreT<NumericEntryType<double> > DoubleEnumStore;
+ typedef EnumStoreBase::Index EnumIndex;
+ typedef vespalib::GenerationHandler::generation_t generation_t;
+ void testIndex();
+ void fillDataBuffer(char * data, uint32_t enumValue, uint32_t refCount,
+ const std::string & string);
+ void fillDataBuffer(char * data, uint32_t enumValue, uint32_t refCount,
+ uint32_t value);
+ void testStringEntry();
+ void testNumericEntry();
+ template <typename EnumStoreType, typename T>
+ void testFloatEnumStore(EnumStoreType & es);
+ void testFloatEnumStore();
+ void testAddEnum();
+ template <typename EnumStoreType>
+ void testAddEnum(bool hasPostings);
+ template <typename EnumStoreType, typename Dictionary>
+ void
+ testUniques(const EnumStoreType &ses,
+ const std::vector<std::string> &unique);
+ void testCompaction();
+ template <typename EnumStoreType>
+ void testCompaction(bool hasPostings, bool disableReEnumerate);
+ void testReset();
+ template <typename EnumStoreType>
+ void testReset(bool hasPostings);
+ void testHoldListAndGeneration();
+ void testMemoryUsage();
+ void requireThatAddressSpaceUsageIsReported();
+ void testBufferLimit();
+ // helper methods
+ typedef std::vector<std::string> StringVector;
+ template <typename T>
+ T random(T low, T high);
+ std::string getRandomString(uint32_t minLen, uint32_t maxLen);
+ StringVector fillRandomStrings(uint32_t numStrings, uint32_t minLen, uint32_t maxLen);
+ StringVector sortRandomStrings(StringVector & strings);
+ struct StringEntry {
+ StringEntry(uint32_t e, uint32_t r, const std::string & s) :
+ _enum(e), _refCount(r), _string(s) {}
+ uint32_t _enum;
+ uint32_t _refCount;
+ std::string _string;
+ };
+ struct Reader {
+ typedef StringEnumStore::Index Index;
+ typedef std::vector<Index> IndexVector;
+ typedef std::vector<StringEntry> ExpectedVector;
+ uint32_t _generation;
+ IndexVector _indices;
+ ExpectedVector _expected;
+ Reader(uint32_t generation, const IndexVector & indices,
+ const ExpectedVector & expected) :
+ _generation(generation), _indices(indices), _expected(expected) {}
+ };
+ void
+ checkReaders(const StringEnumStore &ses,
+ generation_t sesGen,
+ const std::vector<Reader> &readers);
+ EnumStoreTest() {}
+ int Main();
+ {
+ StringEnumStore::Index idx;
+ EXPECT_TRUE( ! idx.valid());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(idx.offset(), 0u);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(idx.bufferId() == 0);
+ }
+ {
+ StringEnumStore::Index idx(enumStoreAlign(1000), 0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(idx.offset() == enumStoreAlign(1000));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(idx.bufferId() == 0);
+ }
+ {
+ StringEnumStore::Index idx((UINT64_C(1) << 31)- RESERVED_BYTES, 1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(idx.offset() == (UINT64_C(1) << 31) - RESERVED_BYTES);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(idx.bufferId() == 1);
+ }
+ {
+ StringEnumStore::Index idx((UINT64_C(1) << 33) - RESERVED_BYTES, 1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(idx.offset() == (UINT64_C(1) << 33) - RESERVED_BYTES);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(idx.bufferId() == 1);
+ }
+ {
+ StringEnumStore::Index idx((UINT64_C(1) << 35) - RESERVED_BYTES, 1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(idx.offset() == (UINT64_C(1) << 35) - RESERVED_BYTES);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(idx.bufferId() == 1);
+ }
+ {
+ // Change offsets when alignment changes.
+ StringEnumStore::Index idx1(48, 0);
+ StringEnumStore::Index idx2(80, 0);
+ StringEnumStore::Index idx3(48, 0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(!(idx1 == idx2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(idx1 == idx3);
+ }
+ {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(StringEnumStore::Index::numBuffers() == 2);
+ }
+EnumStoreTest::fillDataBuffer(char * data, uint32_t enumValue, uint32_t refCount,
+ const std::string & string)
+ StringEnumStore::insertEntry(data, enumValue, refCount, string.c_str());
+EnumStoreTest::fillDataBuffer(char * data, uint32_t enumValue, uint32_t refCount,
+ uint32_t value)
+ NumericEnumStore::insertEntry(data, enumValue, refCount, value);
+ {
+ char data[9];
+ fillDataBuffer(data, 0, 0, "");
+ StringEnumStore::Entry e(data);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(StringEnumStore::getEntrySize("") ==
+ StringEnumStore::alignEntrySize(8 + 1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(e.getEnum() == 0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(e.getRefCount() == 0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(e.getValue(), "") == 0);
+ e.incRefCount();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(e.getEnum() == 0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(e.getRefCount() == 1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(e.getValue(), "") == 0);
+ e.decRefCount();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(e.getEnum() == 0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(e.getRefCount() == 0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(e.getValue(), "") == 0);
+ }
+ {
+ char data[18];
+ fillDataBuffer(data, 10, 5, "enumstore");
+ StringEnumStore::Entry e(data);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(StringEnumStore::getEntrySize("enumstore") ==
+ StringEnumStore::alignEntrySize(8 + 1 + 9));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(e.getEnum() == 10);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(e.getRefCount() == 5);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(e.getValue(), "enumstore") == 0);
+ e.incRefCount();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(e.getEnum() == 10);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(e.getRefCount() == 6);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(e.getValue(), "enumstore") == 0);
+ e.decRefCount();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(e.getEnum() == 10);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(e.getRefCount() == 5);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(e.getValue(), "enumstore") == 0);
+ }
+ {
+ char data[12];
+ fillDataBuffer(data, 10, 20, 30);
+ NumericEnumStore::Entry e(data);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(NumericEnumStore::getEntrySize(30) ==
+ NumericEnumStore::alignEntrySize(8 + 4));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(e.getEnum() == 10);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(e.getRefCount() == 20);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(e.getValue() == 30);
+ e.incRefCount();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(e.getEnum() == 10);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(e.getRefCount() == 21);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(e.getValue() == 30);
+ e.decRefCount();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(e.getEnum() == 10);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(e.getRefCount() == 20);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(e.getValue() == 30);
+ }
+template <typename EnumStoreType, typename T>
+EnumStoreTest::testFloatEnumStore(EnumStoreType & es)
+ EnumIndex idx;
+ T a[5] = {-20.5f, -10.5f, -0.5f, 9.5f, 19.5f};
+ T b[5] = {-25.5f, -15.5f, -5.5f, 4.5f, 14.5f};
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+ es.addEnum(a[i], idx);
+ }
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(es.findIndex(a[i], idx));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(!es.findIndex(b[i], idx));
+ }
+ es.addEnum(std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN(), idx);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(es.findIndex(std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN(), idx));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(es.findIndex(std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN(), idx));
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(es.findIndex(a[i], idx));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(!es.findIndex(b[i], idx));
+ }
+ {
+ FloatEnumStore fes(1000, false);
+ testFloatEnumStore<FloatEnumStore, float>(fes);
+ }
+ {
+ DoubleEnumStore des(1000, false);
+ testFloatEnumStore<DoubleEnumStore, double>(des);
+ }
+ testAddEnum<StringEnumStore>(false);
+ testAddEnum<StringEnumStore>(true);
+template <typename EnumStoreType>
+EnumStoreTest::testAddEnum(bool hasPostings)
+ EnumStoreType ses(100, hasPostings);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(enumStoreAlign(100u) + RESERVED_BYTES,
+ ses.getBuffer(0).capacity());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(RESERVED_BYTES, ses.getBuffer(0).size());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(enumStoreAlign(100u), ses.getBuffer(0).remaining());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(RESERVED_BYTES, ses.getBuffer(0)._deadElems);
+ EnumIndex idx;
+ uint64_t offset = ses.getBuffer(0).size();
+ std::vector<EnumIndex> indices;
+ std::vector<std::string> unique;
+ unique.push_back("");
+ unique.push_back("add");
+ unique.push_back("enumstore");
+ unique.push_back("unique");
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < unique.size(); ++i) {
+ ses.addEnum(unique[i].c_str(), idx);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(offset, idx.offset());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(0u, idx.bufferId());
+ ses.incRefCount(idx);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(1u, ses.getRefCount(idx));
+ indices.push_back(idx);
+ offset += EnumStoreType::alignEntrySize(unique[i].size() + 1 + 8);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.findIndex(unique[i].c_str(), idx));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getLastEnum() == i);
+ }
+ ses.freezeTree();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i) {
+ uint32_t e = ses.getEnum(indices[i]);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.findEnum(unique[i].c_str(), e));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getEnum(btree::EntryRef(e)) == i);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.findIndex(unique[i].c_str(), idx));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(idx == indices[i]);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(1u, ses.getRefCount(indices[i]));
+ StringEntryType::Type value = 0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getValue(indices[i], value));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(unique[i].c_str(), value) == 0);
+ }
+ if (hasPostings) {
+ testUniques<EnumStoreType, EnumPostingTree>(ses, unique);
+ } else {
+ testUniques<EnumStoreType, EnumTree>(ses, unique);
+ }
+template <typename EnumStoreType, typename Dictionary>
+(const EnumStoreType &ses, const std::vector<std::string> &unique)
+ const EnumStoreDict<Dictionary> *enumDict =
+ dynamic_cast<const EnumStoreDict<Dictionary> *>
+ (&ses.getEnumStoreDict());
+ assert(enumDict != NULL);
+ const Dictionary &dict = enumDict->getDictionary();
+ uint32_t i = 0;
+ EnumIndex idx;
+ for (typename Dictionary::Iterator iter = dict.begin();
+ iter.valid(); ++iter, ++i) {
+ idx = iter.getKey();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(unique[i].c_str(), ses.getValue(idx)) == 0);
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(static_cast<uint32_t>(unique.size()), i);
+ testCompaction<StringEnumStore>(false, false);
+ testCompaction<StringEnumStore>(true, false);
+ testCompaction<StringEnumStore>(false, true);
+ testCompaction<StringEnumStore>(true, true);
+template <typename EnumStoreType>
+EnumStoreTest::testCompaction(bool hasPostings, bool disableReEnumerate)
+ // entrySize = 15 before alignment
+ uint32_t entrySize = EnumStoreType::alignEntrySize(15);
+ uint32_t bufferSize = entrySize * 5;
+ EnumStoreType ses(bufferSize, hasPostings);
+ EnumIndex idx;
+ std::vector<EnumIndex> indices;
+ typename EnumStoreType::Type t = "foo";
+ std::vector<std::string> uniques;
+ uniques.push_back("enum00");
+ uniques.push_back("enum01");
+ uniques.push_back("enum02");
+ uniques.push_back("enum03");
+ uniques.push_back("enum04");
+ // fill with unique values
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getRemaining() == bufferSize - i * entrySize);
+ ses.addEnum(uniques[i].c_str(), idx);
+ ses.incRefCount(idx);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getRefCount(idx));
+ indices.push_back(idx);
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(0u, ses.getRemaining());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(0u, ses.getBuffer(0).remaining());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(entrySize * 5 + RESERVED_BYTES, ses.getBuffer(0).size());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(RESERVED_BYTES, ses.getBuffer(0)._deadElems);
+ uint32_t failEntrySize = ses.getEntrySize("enum05");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(failEntrySize > ses.getRemaining());
+ // change from enum00 -> enum01
+ ses.decRefCount(indices[0]);
+ ses.incRefCount(indices[1]);
+ indices[0] = indices[1];
+ // check correct refcount
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.findIndex(uniques[i].c_str(), idx));
+ uint32_t refCount = ses.getRefCount(idx);
+ if (i == 0) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(refCount == 0);
+ } else if (i == 1) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(refCount == 2);
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(refCount == 1);
+ }
+ }
+ // free unused enums
+ ses.freeUnusedEnums(true);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(!ses.findIndex("enum00", idx));
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(entrySize + RESERVED_BYTES, ses.getBuffer(0)._deadElems);
+ // perform compaction
+ if (disableReEnumerate) {
+ ses.disableReEnumerate();
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.performCompaction(3 * entrySize));
+ if (disableReEnumerate) {
+ ses.enableReEnumerate();
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getRemaining() >= 3 * entrySize);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getBuffer(1).remaining() >= 3 * entrySize);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getBuffer(1).size() == entrySize * 4);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getBuffer(1)._deadElems == 0);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL((disableReEnumerate ? 4u : 3u), ses.getLastEnum());
+ // add new unique strings
+ ses.addEnum("enum05", idx);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL((disableReEnumerate ? 5u : 4u), ses.getEnum(idx));
+ ses.addEnum("enum06", idx);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL((disableReEnumerate ? 6u : 5u), ses.getEnum(idx));
+ ses.addEnum("enum00", idx);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL((disableReEnumerate ? 7u : 6u), ses.getEnum(idx));
+ EXPECT_EQUAL((disableReEnumerate ? 7u : 6u), ses.getLastEnum());
+ // compare old and new indices
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getCurrentIndex(indices[i], idx));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(indices[i].bufferId() == 0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(idx.bufferId() == 1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getValue(indices[i], t));
+ typename EnumStoreType::Type s = "bar";
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getValue(idx, s));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(t, s) == 0);
+ }
+ // EnumIndex(0,0) is reserved so we have 4 bytes extra at the start of buffer 0
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getCurrentIndex(indices[0], idx));
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(entrySize + RESERVED_BYTES, indices[0].offset());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(0u, idx.offset());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getCurrentIndex(indices[1], idx));
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(entrySize + RESERVED_BYTES, indices[1].offset());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(0u, idx.offset());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getCurrentIndex(indices[2], idx));
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(2 * entrySize + RESERVED_BYTES, indices[2].offset());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(entrySize, idx.offset());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getCurrentIndex(indices[3], idx));
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(3 * entrySize + RESERVED_BYTES, indices[3].offset());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(2 * entrySize, idx.offset());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getCurrentIndex(indices[4], idx));
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(4 * entrySize + RESERVED_BYTES, indices[4].offset());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(3 * entrySize, idx.offset());
+ testReset<StringEnumStore>(false);
+ testReset<StringEnumStore>(true);
+template <typename EnumStoreType>
+EnumStoreTest::testReset(bool hasPostings)
+ uint32_t numUniques = 10000;
+ srand(123456789);
+ StringVector rndStrings = fillRandomStrings(numUniques, 10, 15);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(rndStrings.size(), size_t(numUniques));
+ StringVector uniques = sortRandomStrings(rndStrings);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(uniques.size(), size_t(numUniques));
+ // max entrySize = 25 before alignment
+ uint32_t maxEntrySize = EnumStoreType::alignEntrySize(8 + 1 + 16);
+ EnumStoreType ses(numUniques * maxEntrySize, hasPostings);
+ EnumIndex idx;
+ uint32_t cnt = 0;
+ // add new unique strings
+ for (StringVector::reverse_iterator iter = uniques.rbegin(); iter != uniques.rend(); ++iter) {
+ ses.addEnum(iter->c_str(), idx);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(ses.getNumUniques(), ++cnt);
+ }
+ // check for unique strings
+ for (StringVector::iterator iter = uniques.begin(); iter != uniques.end(); ++iter) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.findIndex(iter->c_str(), idx));
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(ses.getNumUniques(), numUniques);
+ if (hasPostings) {
+ testUniques<EnumStoreType, EnumPostingTree>(ses, uniques);
+ } else {
+ testUniques<EnumStoreType, EnumTree>(ses, uniques);
+ }
+ rndStrings = fillRandomStrings(numUniques, 15, 20);
+ StringVector newUniques = sortRandomStrings(rndStrings);
+ typename EnumStoreType::Builder builder;
+ for (StringVector::iterator iter = newUniques.begin(); iter != newUniques.end(); ++iter) {
+ builder.insert(iter->c_str());
+ }
+ ses.reset(builder);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(RESERVED_BYTES, ses.getRemaining());
+ // check for old unique strings
+ for (StringVector::iterator iter = uniques.begin(); iter != uniques.end(); ++iter) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(!ses.findIndex(iter->c_str(), idx));
+ }
+ // check for new unique strings
+ for (StringVector::iterator iter = newUniques.begin(); iter != newUniques.end(); ++iter) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.findIndex(iter->c_str(), idx));
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(ses.getNumUniques(), numUniques);
+ if (hasPostings) {
+ testUniques<EnumStoreType, EnumPostingTree>(ses, newUniques);
+ } else {
+ testUniques<EnumStoreType, EnumTree>(ses, newUniques);
+ }
+ uint32_t entrySize = StringEnumStore::alignEntrySize(8 + 1 + 6);
+ StringEnumStore ses(100 * entrySize, false);
+ StringEnumStore::Index idx;
+ StringVector uniques;
+ generation_t sesGen = 0u;
+ uniques.reserve(100);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
+ char tmp[16];
+ sprintf(tmp, i < 10 ? "enum0%u" : "enum%u", i);
+ uniques.push_back(tmp);
+ }
+ StringVector newUniques;
+ newUniques.reserve(100);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
+ char tmp[16];
+ sprintf(tmp, i < 10 ? "unique0%u" : "unique%u", i);
+ newUniques.push_back(tmp);
+ }
+ uint32_t generation = 0;
+ std::vector<Reader> readers;
+ // insert first batch of unique strings
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
+ ses.addEnum(uniques[i].c_str(), idx);
+ ses.incRefCount(idx);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getRefCount(idx));
+ // associate readers
+ if (i % 10 == 9) {
+ Reader::IndexVector indices;
+ Reader::ExpectedVector expected;
+ for (uint32_t j = i - 9; j <= i; ++j) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.findIndex(uniques[j].c_str(), idx));
+ indices.push_back(idx);
+ StringEnumStore::Entry entry = ses.getEntry(idx);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry.getEnum() == j);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(entry.getRefCount() == 1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(strcmp(entry.getValue(), uniques[j].c_str()) == 0);
+ expected.push_back(StringEntry(entry.getEnum(), entry.getRefCount(),
+ std::string(entry.getValue())));
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(indices.size() == 10);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(expected.size() == 10);
+ sesGen = generation++;
+ readers.push_back(Reader(sesGen, indices, expected));
+ checkReaders(ses, sesGen, readers);
+ }
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(0u, ses.getRemaining());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(RESERVED_BYTES, ses.getBuffer(0)._deadElems);
+ // remove all uniques
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.findIndex(uniques[i].c_str(), idx));
+ ses.decRefCount(idx);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(0u, ses.getRefCount(idx));
+ }
+ ses.freeUnusedEnums(true);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(100 * entrySize + RESERVED_BYTES, ses.getBuffer(0)._deadElems);
+ // perform compaction
+ uint32_t newEntrySize = StringEnumStore::alignEntrySize(8 + 1 + 8);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.performCompaction(5 * newEntrySize));
+ // check readers again
+ checkReaders(ses, sesGen, readers);
+ // fill up buffer
+ uint32_t i = 0;
+ while (ses.getRemaining() >= newEntrySize) {
+ //LOG(info, "fill: %s", newUniques[i].c_str());
+ ses.addEnum(newUniques[i++].c_str(), idx);
+ ses.incRefCount(idx);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getRefCount(idx));
+ }
+ EXPECT_LESS(ses.getRemaining(), newEntrySize);
+ // buffer on hold list
+ EXPECT_TRUE(!ses.performCompaction(5 * newEntrySize));
+ checkReaders(ses, sesGen, readers);
+ ses.transferHoldLists(sesGen);
+ ses.trimHoldLists(sesGen + 1);
+ // buffer no longer on hold list
+ EXPECT_LESS(ses.getRemaining(), newEntrySize);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.performCompaction(5 * newEntrySize));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getRemaining() >= 5 * newEntrySize);
+ StringEnumStore ses(200, false);
+ StringEnumStore::Index idx;
+ uint32_t num = 8;
+ std::vector<StringEnumStore::Index> indices;
+ std::vector<std::string> uniques;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "enum" << i;
+ uniques.push_back(ss.str());
+ }
+ generation_t sesGen = 0u;
+ uint32_t entrySize = StringEnumStore::alignEntrySize(8 + 1 + 5); // enum(4) + refcount(4) + 1(\0) + strlen("enumx")
+ // usage before inserting enums
+ MemoryUsage usage = ses.getMemoryUsage();
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(ses.getNumUniques(), uint32_t(0));
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(enumStoreAlign(200u) + RESERVED_BYTES, usage.allocatedBytes());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(RESERVED_BYTES, usage.usedBytes());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(RESERVED_BYTES, usage.deadBytes());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(0u, usage.allocatedBytesOnHold());
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+ ses.addEnum(uniques[i].c_str(), idx);
+ indices.push_back(idx);
+ ses.incRefCount(idx);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getRefCount(idx));
+ }
+ // usage after inserting enums
+ usage = ses.getMemoryUsage();
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(ses.getNumUniques(), num);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(enumStoreAlign(200u) + RESERVED_BYTES, usage.allocatedBytes());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(num * entrySize + RESERVED_BYTES, usage.usedBytes());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(RESERVED_BYTES, usage.deadBytes());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(0u, usage.allocatedBytesOnHold());
+ // assign new enum for num / 2 of indices
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num / 2; ++i) {
+ ses.decRefCount(indices[i]);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.findIndex(uniques.back().c_str(), idx));
+ ses.incRefCount(idx);
+ indices[i] = idx;
+ }
+ ses.freeUnusedEnums(true);
+ // usage after removing enums
+ usage = ses.getMemoryUsage();
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(ses.getNumUniques(), num / 2);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(enumStoreAlign(200u) + RESERVED_BYTES, usage.allocatedBytes());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(num * entrySize + RESERVED_BYTES, usage.usedBytes());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL((num / 2) * entrySize + RESERVED_BYTES, usage.deadBytes());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(0u, usage.allocatedBytesOnHold());
+ ses.performCompaction(400);
+ // usage after compaction
+ MemoryUsage usage2 = ses.getMemoryUsage();
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(ses.getNumUniques(), num / 2);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(usage.usedBytes() + (num / 2) * entrySize, usage2.usedBytes());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(usage.deadBytes(), usage2.deadBytes());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(usage.usedBytes() - usage.deadBytes(), usage2.allocatedBytesOnHold());
+ ses.transferHoldLists(sesGen);
+ ses.trimHoldLists(sesGen + 1);
+ // usage after hold list trimming
+ MemoryUsage usage3 = ses.getMemoryUsage();
+ EXPECT_EQUAL((num / 2) * entrySize, usage3.usedBytes());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(0u, usage3.deadBytes());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(0u, usage3.allocatedBytesOnHold());
+namespace {
+addEnum(NumericEnumStore &store, uint32_t value)
+ NumericEnumStore::Index result;
+ store.addEnum(value, result);
+ store.incRefCount(result);
+ return result;
+decRefCount(NumericEnumStore &store, NumericEnumStore::Index idx)
+ store.decRefCount(idx);
+ store.freeUnusedEnums(false);
+ const size_t ADDRESS_LIMIT = 34359738368; // NumericEnumStore::DataStoreType::RefType::offsetSize()
+ NumericEnumStore store(200, false);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(AddressSpace(0, ADDRESS_LIMIT), store.getAddressSpaceUsage());
+ NumericEnumStore::Index idx1 = addEnum(store, 10);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(AddressSpace(16, ADDRESS_LIMIT), store.getAddressSpaceUsage());
+ NumericEnumStore::Index idx2 = addEnum(store, 20);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(AddressSpace(32, ADDRESS_LIMIT), store.getAddressSpaceUsage());
+ decRefCount(store, idx1);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(AddressSpace(16, ADDRESS_LIMIT), store.getAddressSpaceUsage());
+ decRefCount(store, idx2);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(AddressSpace(0, ADDRESS_LIMIT), store.getAddressSpaceUsage());
+digits(size_t num)
+ size_t digits = 1;
+ while (num / 10 > 0) {
+ num /= 10;
+ digits++;
+ }
+ return digits;
+ size_t enumSize = StringEnumStore::Index::offsetSize();
+ StringEnumStore es(enumSize, false);
+ size_t strLen = 65536;
+ char str[strLen + 1];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < strLen; ++i) {
+ str[i] = 'X';
+ }
+ str[strLen] = 0;
+ size_t entrySize = StringEnumStore::getEntrySize(str);
+ size_t numUniques = enumSize / entrySize;
+ size_t uniqDigits = digits(numUniques);
+ EnumIndex idx;
+ EnumIndex lastIdx;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numUniques; ++i) {
+ sprintf(str, "%0*zu", (int)uniqDigits, i);
+ str[uniqDigits] = 'X';
+ es.addEnum(str, idx);
+ if (i % (numUniques / 32) == 1) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(idx.offset() > lastIdx.offset());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(i + 1, es.getNumUniques());
+ std::cout << "idx.offset(" << idx.offset() << "), str(" << std::string(str, uniqDigits) << ")" << std::endl;
+ }
+ lastIdx = idx;
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(idx.offset(), lastIdx.offset());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(numUniques, es.getNumUniques());
+ std::cout << "idx.offset(" << idx.offset() << "), str(" << std::string(str, uniqDigits) << ")" << std::endl;
+template <typename T>
+EnumStoreTest::random(T low, T high)
+ return (rand() % (high - low)) + low;
+EnumStoreTest::getRandomString(uint32_t minLen, uint32_t maxLen)
+ uint32_t len = random(minLen, maxLen);
+ std::string retval;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ char c = random('a', 'z');
+ retval.push_back(c);
+ }
+ return retval;
+EnumStoreTest::fillRandomStrings(uint32_t numStrings, uint32_t minLen, uint32_t maxLen)
+ StringVector retval;
+ retval.reserve(numStrings);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numStrings; ++i) {
+ retval.push_back(getRandomString(minLen, maxLen));
+ }
+ return retval;
+EnumStoreTest::sortRandomStrings(StringVector & strings)
+ std::sort(strings.begin(), strings.end());
+ std::vector<std::string> retval;
+ retval.reserve(strings.size());
+ std::vector<std::string>::iterator pos = std::unique(strings.begin(), strings.end());
+ std::copy(strings.begin(), pos, std::back_inserter(retval));
+ return retval;
+EnumStoreTest::checkReaders(const StringEnumStore & ses,
+ generation_t sesGen,
+ const std::vector<Reader> & readers)
+ (void) sesGen;
+ //uint32_t refCount = 1000;
+ StringEnumStore::Type t = "";
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < readers.size(); ++i) {
+ const Reader & r = readers[i];
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < r._indices.size(); ++j) {
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(r._expected[j]._enum, ses.getEnum(r._indices[j]));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ses.getValue(r._indices[j], t));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(r._expected[j]._string == std::string(t));
+ }
+ }
+ TEST_INIT("enumstore_test");
+ testIndex();
+ testStringEntry();
+ testNumericEntry();
+ testFloatEnumStore();
+ testAddEnum();
+ testCompaction();
+ testReset();
+ testHoldListAndGeneration();
+ testMemoryUsage();
+ TEST_DO(requireThatAddressSpaceUsageIsReported());
+ if (_argc > 1) {
+ testBufferLimit(); // large test with 8 GB buffer
+ }