path: root/searchlib/src/tests/memoryindex/memory_index/memory_index_test.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'searchlib/src/tests/memoryindex/memory_index/memory_index_test.cpp')
1 files changed, 444 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/searchlib/src/tests/memoryindex/memory_index/memory_index_test.cpp b/searchlib/src/tests/memoryindex/memory_index/memory_index_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..50f44074683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/searchlib/src/tests/memoryindex/memory_index/memory_index_test.cpp
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+// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+#include <vespa/vespalib/testkit/testapp.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/common/scheduletaskcallback.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/common/sequencedtaskexecutor.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/fef/matchdata.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/fef/matchdatalayout.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/fef/termfieldmatchdata.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/index/docbuilder.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/memoryindex/memory_index.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/query/tree/simplequery.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/queryeval/booleanmatchiteratorwrapper.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/queryeval/fake_requestcontext.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/queryeval/fake_search.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/queryeval/fake_searchable.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/queryeval/searchiterator.h>
+#include <vespa/vespalib/util/stringfmt.h>
+#include <vespa/vespalib/util/threadstackexecutor.h>
+#include <vespa/log/log.h>
+using document::Document;
+using document::FieldValue;
+using search::ScheduleTaskCallback;
+using search::index::schema::DataType;
+using vespalib::makeLambdaTask;
+using search::query::Node;
+using search::query::SimplePhrase;
+using search::query::SimpleStringTerm;
+using namespace search::fef;
+using namespace search::index;
+using namespace search::memoryindex;
+using namespace search::queryeval;
+struct Setup {
+ Schema schema;
+ Setup &field(const std::string &name) {
+ schema.addIndexField(Schema::IndexField(name, DataType::STRING));
+ return *this;
+ }
+struct Index {
+ Schema schema;
+ vespalib::ThreadStackExecutor _executor;
+ search::SequencedTaskExecutor _invertThreads;
+ search::SequencedTaskExecutor _pushThreads;
+ MemoryIndex index;
+ DocBuilder builder;
+ uint32_t docid;
+ std::string currentField;
+ Index(const Setup &setup);
+ ~Index();
+ void closeField() {
+ if (!currentField.empty()) {
+ builder.endField();
+ currentField.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ Index &doc(uint32_t id) {
+ docid = id;
+ builder.startDocument(vespalib::make_string("doc::%u", id));
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Index &field(const std::string &name) {
+ closeField();
+ builder.startIndexField(name);
+ currentField = name;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Index &add(const std::string &token) {
+ builder.addStr(token);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void internalSyncCommit() {
+ vespalib::Gate gate;
+ index.commit(std::make_shared<ScheduleTaskCallback>
+ (_executor,
+ makeLambdaTask([&]() { gate.countDown(); })));
+ gate.await();
+ }
+ Document::UP commit() {
+ closeField();
+ Document::UP d = builder.endDocument();
+ index.insertDocument(docid, *d);
+ internalSyncCommit();
+ return d;
+ }
+ Index &remove(uint32_t id) {
+ index.removeDocument(id);
+ internalSyncCommit();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Index(const Index &index);
+ Index &operator=(const Index &index);
+Index::Index(const Setup &setup)
+ : schema(setup.schema),
+ _executor(1, 128 * 1024),
+ _invertThreads(2),
+ _pushThreads(2),
+ index(schema, _invertThreads, _pushThreads),
+ builder(schema),
+ docid(1),
+ currentField()
+Index::~Index() {}
+std::string toString(SearchIterator & search)
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ bool first = true;
+ for (; ! search.isAtEnd(); + 1)) {
+ if (!first) oss << ",";
+ oss << search.getDocId();
+ first = false;
+ }
+ return oss.str();
+const std::string title("title");
+const std::string body("body");
+const std::string foo("foo");
+const std::string bar("bar");
+verifyResult(const FakeResult &expect,
+ Searchable &index,
+ std::string fieldName,
+ const Node &term)
+ uint32_t fieldId = 0;
+ FakeRequestContext requestContext;
+ MatchDataLayout mdl;
+ TermFieldHandle handle = mdl.allocTermField(fieldId);
+ MatchData::UP match_data = mdl.createMatchData();
+ FieldSpec field(fieldName, fieldId, handle);
+ FieldSpecList fields;
+ fields.add(field);
+ Blueprint::UP result = index.createBlueprint(requestContext, fields, term);
+ if (!EXPECT_TRUE(result.get() != 0)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(expect.inspect().size(), result->getState().estimate().estHits);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(expect.inspect().empty(), result->getState().estimate().empty);
+ result->fetchPostings(true);
+ SearchIterator::UP search = result->createSearch(*match_data, true);
+ if (!EXPECT_TRUE(search.get() != 0)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ TermFieldMatchData &tmd = *match_data->resolveTermField(handle);
+ FakeResult actual;
+ search->initFullRange();
+ for (search->seek(1); !search->isAtEnd(); search->seek(search->getDocId() + 1)) {
+ actual.doc(search->getDocId());
+ search->unpack(search->getDocId());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(search->getDocId(), tmd.getDocId());
+ FieldPositionsIterator p = tmd.getIterator();
+ actual.len(p.getFieldLength());
+ for (; p.valid(); {
+ actual.pos(p.getPosition());
+ }
+ }
+ return EXPECT_EQUAL(expect, actual);
+namespace {
+SimpleStringTerm makeTerm(const std::string &term) {
+ return SimpleStringTerm(term, "field", 0, search::query::Weight(0));
+Node::UP makePhrase(const std::string &term1, const std::string &term2) {
+ SimplePhrase * phrase = new SimplePhrase("field", 0, search::query::Weight(0));
+ Node::UP node(phrase);
+ phrase->append(Node::UP(new SimpleStringTerm(makeTerm(term1))));
+ phrase->append(Node::UP(new SimpleStringTerm(makeTerm(term2))));
+ return node;
+} // namespace
+// tests basic usage; index some documents in docid order and perform
+// some searches.
+ Index index(Setup().field(title).field(body));
+ index.doc(1)
+ .field(title).add(foo).add(bar).add(foo)
+ .field(body).add(foo).add(foo).add(foo)
+ .commit();
+ index.doc(2)
+ .field(title).add(bar).add(foo)
+ .field(body).add(bar).add(bar).add(bar).add(bar)
+ .commit();
+ // search for "foo" in "title"
+ EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult()
+ .doc(1).len(3).pos(0).pos(2)
+ .doc(2).len(2).pos(1),
+ index.index, title, makeTerm(foo)));
+ // search for "bar" in "title"
+ EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult()
+ .doc(1).len(3).pos(1)
+ .doc(2).len(2).pos(0),
+ index.index, title, makeTerm(bar)));
+ // search for "foo" in "body"
+ EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult()
+ .doc(1).len(3).pos(0).pos(1).pos(2),
+ index.index, body, makeTerm(foo)));
+ // search for "bar" in "body"
+ EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult()
+ .doc(2).len(4).pos(0).pos(1).pos(2).pos(3),
+ index.index, body, makeTerm(bar)));
+ // search for "bogus" in "title"
+ EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult(),
+ index.index, title, makeTerm("bogus")));
+ // search for "foo" in "bogus"
+ EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult(),
+ index.index, "bogus", makeTerm(foo)));
+ // search for "bar foo" in "title"
+ EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult()
+ .doc(1).len(3).pos(1)
+ .doc(2).len(2).pos(0),
+ index.index, title, *makePhrase(bar, foo)));
+// tests index update behavior; remove/update and unordered docid
+// indexing.
+TEST("require that documents can be removed and updated")
+ Index index(Setup().field(title));
+ // add unordered
+ index.doc(3).field(title).add(foo).add(foo).add(foo).commit();
+ Document::UP doc1 = index.doc(1).field(title).add(foo).commit();
+ Document::UP doc2 = index.doc(2).field(title).add(foo).add(foo).commit();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult()
+ .doc(1).len(1).pos(0)
+ .doc(2).len(2).pos(0).pos(1)
+ .doc(3).len(3).pos(0).pos(1).pos(2),
+ index.index, title, makeTerm(foo)));
+ // remove document
+ index.remove(2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult()
+ .doc(1).len(1).pos(0)
+ .doc(3).len(3).pos(0).pos(1).pos(2),
+ index.index, title, makeTerm(foo)));
+ // update document
+ index.doc(1).field(title).add(bar).add(foo).add(foo).commit();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult()
+ .doc(1).len(3).pos(1).pos(2)
+ .doc(3).len(3).pos(0).pos(1).pos(2),
+ index.index, title, makeTerm(foo)));
+// test the fake field source here, to make sure it acts similar to
+// the memory index field source.
+ Index index(Setup().field(title).field(body));
+ // setup fake field source with predefined results
+ FakeSearchable fakeSource;
+ fakeSource.addResult(title, foo,
+ FakeResult()
+ .doc(1).len(3).pos(0).pos(2)
+ .doc(2).len(2).pos(1));
+ fakeSource.addResult(title, bar,
+ FakeResult()
+ .doc(1).len(3).pos(1)
+ .doc(2).len(2).pos(0));
+ fakeSource.addResult(body, foo,
+ FakeResult()
+ .doc(1).len(3).pos(0).pos(1).pos(2));
+ fakeSource.addResult(body, bar,
+ FakeResult()
+ .doc(2).len(4).pos(0).pos(1).pos(2).pos(3));
+ // search for "foo" in "title"
+ EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult()
+ .doc(1).len(3).pos(0).pos(2)
+ .doc(2).len(2).pos(1),
+ fakeSource, title, makeTerm(foo)));
+ // search for "bar" in "title"
+ EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult()
+ .doc(1).len(3).pos(1)
+ .doc(2).len(2).pos(0),
+ fakeSource, title, makeTerm(bar)));
+ // search for "foo" in "body"
+ EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult()
+ .doc(1).len(3).pos(0).pos(1).pos(2),
+ fakeSource, body, makeTerm(foo)));
+ // search for "bar" in "body"
+ EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult()
+ .doc(2).len(4).pos(0).pos(1).pos(2).pos(3),
+ fakeSource, body, makeTerm(bar)));
+ // search for "bogus" in "title"
+ EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult(),
+ fakeSource, title, makeTerm("bogus")));
+ // search for foo in "bogus"
+ EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(FakeResult(),
+ fakeSource, "bogus", makeTerm(foo)));
+ Index index(Setup().field(title));
+ Document::UP doc1 = index.doc(1).field(title).add(foo).add(bar).commit();
+ FakeResult ffr = FakeResult().doc(1).len(2).pos(0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(ffr, index.index, title, makeTerm(foo)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(!index.index.isFrozen());
+ index.index.freeze();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(index.index.isFrozen());
+ index.doc(2).field(title).add(bar).add(foo).commit(); // not added
+ EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(ffr, index.index, title, makeTerm(foo)));
+ index.remove(1); // not removed
+ EXPECT_TRUE(verifyResult(ffr, index.index, title, makeTerm(foo)));
+ Index index(Setup().field(title));
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(0u, index.index.getNumDocs());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(1u, index.index.getDocIdLimit());
+ Document::UP doc1 = index.doc(1).field(title).add(foo).commit();
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(1u, index.index.getNumDocs());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(2u, index.index.getDocIdLimit());
+ Document::UP doc4 = index.doc(4).field(title).add(foo).commit();
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(2u, index.index.getNumDocs());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(5u, index.index.getDocIdLimit());
+ Document::UP doc2 = index.doc(2).field(title).add(foo).commit();
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(3u, index.index.getNumDocs());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(5u, index.index.getDocIdLimit());
+ // re-add doc4
+ index.doc(4).field(title).add(bar).commit();
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(3u, index.index.getNumDocs());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(5u, index.index.getDocIdLimit());
+ // remove doc2
+ index.remove(2);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(2u, index.index.getNumDocs());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(5u, index.index.getDocIdLimit());
+ constexpr size_t BASE_SIZE = 188172u;
+ {
+ Setup setup;
+ Index index(setup);
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(0u, index.index.getStaticMemoryFootprint());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(index.index.getStaticMemoryFootprint(), index.index.getMemoryUsage().allocatedBytes());
+ }
+ {
+ Index index(Setup().field("f1"));
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(BASE_SIZE, index.index.getStaticMemoryFootprint());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(index.index.getStaticMemoryFootprint(), index.index.getMemoryUsage().allocatedBytes());
+ }
+ {
+ Index index(Setup().field("f1").field("f2"));
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(2 * BASE_SIZE, index.index.getStaticMemoryFootprint());
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(index.index.getStaticMemoryFootprint(), index.index.getMemoryUsage().allocatedBytes());
+ }
+ Index index(Setup().field(title));
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(0u, index.index.getNumWords());
+ index.doc(1).field(title).add(foo).commit();
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(1u, index.index.getNumWords());
+ index.doc(2).field(title).add(foo).add(bar).add(body).commit();
+ EXPECT_EQUAL(3u, index.index.getNumWords());
+ Index index(Setup().field(title));
+ index.doc(1).field(title).add(foo).commit();
+ index.doc(3).field(title).add(foo).commit();
+ {
+ uint32_t fieldId = 0;
+ MatchDataLayout mdl;
+ FakeRequestContext requestContext;
+ TermFieldHandle handle = mdl.allocTermField(fieldId);
+ MatchData::UP match_data = mdl.createMatchData();
+ // filter field
+ FieldSpec field(title, fieldId, handle, true);
+ FieldSpecList fields;
+ fields.add(field);
+ Searchable &searchable = index.index;
+ Blueprint::UP res = searchable.createBlueprint(requestContext, fields, makeTerm(foo));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(res.get() != NULL);
+ res->fetchPostings(true);
+ SearchIterator::UP search = res->createSearch(*match_data, true);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(search.get() != NULL);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(dynamic_cast<BooleanMatchIteratorWrapper *>(search.get()) != NULL);
+ search->initFullRange();
+ EXPECT_EQUAL("1,3", toString(*search));
+ }