path: root/standalone-container/src/main/scala/com/yahoo/application/container/impl/ClassLoaderOsgiFramework.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'standalone-container/src/main/scala/com/yahoo/application/container/impl/ClassLoaderOsgiFramework.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 206 deletions
diff --git a/standalone-container/src/main/scala/com/yahoo/application/container/impl/ClassLoaderOsgiFramework.scala b/standalone-container/src/main/scala/com/yahoo/application/container/impl/ClassLoaderOsgiFramework.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ac8636de2cb..00000000000
--- a/standalone-container/src/main/scala/com/yahoo/application/container/impl/ClassLoaderOsgiFramework.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
-package com.yahoo.application.container.impl
-import java.io.InputStream
-import java.net.{URL, URLClassLoader}
-import java.util
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
-import java.util.jar.JarFile
-import java.util.{Collections, Dictionary, Hashtable}
-import com.yahoo.container.standalone.StandaloneContainerApplication
-import com.yahoo.jdisc.application.{OsgiFramework, OsgiHeader}
-import org.osgi.framework._
-import org.osgi.framework.wiring._
-import org.osgi.resource.{Capability, Requirement, Wire}
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
- * A (mock) OSGI implementation which loads classes from the system classpath
- *
- * @author tonytv
- */
-final class ClassLoaderOsgiFramework extends OsgiFramework {
- private val bundleLocations = new ArrayBuffer[URL]
- private val bundleList = ArrayBuffer[Bundle](SystemBundleImpl)
- private var classLoader: ClassLoader = null
- private val nextBundleId = new AtomicInteger(1)
- override def installBundle(bundleLocation: String) = {
- if (bundleLocation != "") {
- val url = new URL(bundleLocation)
- bundleLocations += url
- bundleList += new JarBundleImpl(url)
- }
- bundles()
- }
- def getClassLoader = {
- if (bundleLocations.isEmpty) {
- getClass.getClassLoader
- } else {
- if(classLoader == null)
- classLoader = new URLClassLoader(bundleLocations.toArray, getClass.getClassLoader)
- classLoader
- }
- }
- override def startBundles(bundles: util.List[Bundle], privileged: Boolean) {}
- override def refreshPackages() {}
- override def bundleContext():BundleContext = BundleContextImpl
- override def bundles() = bundleList.asJava
- override def start() {}
- override def stop() {}
- private abstract class BundleImpl extends Bundle {
- override def getState = Bundle.ACTIVE
- override def start(options: Int) {}
- override def start() {}
- override def stop(options: Int) {}
- override def stop() {}
- override def update(input: InputStream) {}
- override def update() {}
- override def uninstall() {}
- override def getHeaders(locale: String) = getHeaders
- override def getSymbolicName = ClassLoaderOsgiFramework.this.getClass.getName
- override def getLocation = getSymbolicName
- override def getRegisteredServices = Array[ServiceReference[_]]()
- override def getServicesInUse = getRegisteredServices
- override def hasPermission(permission: Any) = true
- override def getResource(name: String) = getClassLoader.getResource(name)
- override def loadClass(name: String) = getClassLoader.loadClass(name)
- override def getResources(name: String) = getClassLoader.getResources(name)
- override def getEntryPaths(path: String) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- override def getEntry(path: String) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- override def findEntries(path: String, filePattern: String, recurse: Boolean) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- override def getLastModified = 1L
- override def getBundleContext = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- override def getSignerCertificates(signersType: Int) = Collections.emptyMap()
- override def adapt[A](`type`: Class[A]): A = {
- if (`type` == classOf[BundleRevision]) BundleRevisionImpl.asInstanceOf[A]
- else if (`type` == classOf[BundleWiring]) BundleWiringImpl.asInstanceOf[A]
- else null.asInstanceOf[A]
- }
- override def getDataFile(filename: String) = null
- override def compareTo(o: Bundle) = getBundleId compareTo o.getBundleId
- }
- private object BundleRevisionImpl extends BundleRevision {
- override def getSymbolicName: String = this.getClass.getName
- override def getDeclaredRequirements(p1: String): util.List[BundleRequirement] = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- override def getVersion: Version = Version.emptyVersion
- override def getWiring: BundleWiring = BundleWiringImpl
- override def getDeclaredCapabilities(p1: String): util.List[BundleCapability] = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- override def getTypes: Int = 0
- override def getBundle: Bundle = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- override def getCapabilities(p1: String): util.List[Capability] = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- override def getRequirements(p1: String): util.List[Requirement] = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- }
- private object BundleWiringImpl extends BundleWiring {
- override def findEntries(p1: String, p2: String, p3: Int): util.List[URL] = ???
- override def getRequiredResourceWires(p1: String): util.List[Wire] = ???
- override def getResourceCapabilities(p1: String): util.List[Capability] = ???
- override def isCurrent: Boolean = ???
- override def getRequiredWires(p1: String): util.List[BundleWire] = ???
- override def getCapabilities(p1: String): util.List[BundleCapability] = ???
- override def getProvidedResourceWires(p1: String): util.List[Wire] = ???
- override def getProvidedWires(p1: String): util.List[BundleWire] = ???
- override def getRevision: BundleRevision = ???
- override def getResourceRequirements(p1: String): util.List[Requirement] = ???
- override def isInUse: Boolean = ???
- override def listResources(p1: String, p2: String, p3: Int): util.Collection[String] = ???
- override def getClassLoader: ClassLoader = ClassLoaderOsgiFramework.this.getClassLoader
- override def getRequirements(p1: String): util.List[BundleRequirement] = ???
- override def getResource: BundleRevision = ???
- override def getBundle: Bundle = ???
- }
- private object SystemBundleImpl extends BundleImpl {
- override val getBundleId = 0L
- override def getVersion = Version.emptyVersion
- override def getHeaders: Dictionary[String, String] = new Hashtable[String, String](Map(OsgiHeader.APPLICATION -> classOf[StandaloneContainerApplication].getName).asJava)
- }
- private class JarBundleImpl(location: URL) extends BundleImpl {
- override val getBundleId = nextBundleId.getAndIncrement.asInstanceOf[Long]
- private val headers = retrieveHeaders(location)
- override def getHeaders: Dictionary[String, String] = headers
- override val getSymbolicName = headers.get("Bundle-SymbolicName")
- override val getVersion = Version.parseVersion(headers.get("Bundle-Version"))
- private def retrieveHeaders(location: URL) = {
- val jarFile = new JarFile(location.getFile)
- try {
- val attributes = jarFile.getManifest.getMainAttributes
- new Hashtable[String, String](attributes.entrySet().asScala.map( entry => entry.getKey.toString -> entry.getValue.toString).toMap.asJava)
- } finally {
- jarFile.close()
- }
- }
- }
- private object BundleContextImpl extends BundleContext {
- private val bundleImpl = SystemBundleImpl
- override def getProperty(key: String) = null
- override def getBundle = bundleImpl
- override def installBundle(location: String, input: InputStream) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- override def installBundle(location: String) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- override def getBundle(id: Long) = bundleImpl
- override def getBundles = Array(bundleImpl)
- override def getBundle(location: String) = bundleImpl
- override def addServiceListener(listener: ServiceListener, filter: String) {}
- override def addServiceListener(listener: ServiceListener) {}
- override def removeServiceListener(listener: ServiceListener) {}
- override def addBundleListener(listener: BundleListener) {}
- override def removeBundleListener(listener: BundleListener) {}
- override def addFrameworkListener(listener: FrameworkListener) {}
- override def removeFrameworkListener(listener: FrameworkListener) {}
- override def registerService(clazzes: Array[String], service: Any, properties: Dictionary[String, _]) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- override def registerService(clazz: String, service: Any, properties: Dictionary[String, _]) = null
- override def registerService[S](clazz: Class[S], service: S, properties: Dictionary[String, _]) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- override def getServiceReferences(clazz: String, filter: String) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- override def getAllServiceReferences(clazz: String, filter: String) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- override def getServiceReference(clazz: String) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- override def getServiceReference[S](clazz: Class[S]) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- override def getServiceReferences[S](clazz: Class[S], filter: String) = Collections.emptyList()
- override def getService[S](reference: ServiceReference[S]) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- override def ungetService(reference: ServiceReference[_]) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- override def getDataFile(filename: String) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- override def createFilter(filter: String) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- override def registerService[S](aClass: Class[S], serviceFactory: ServiceFactory[S], dictionary: Dictionary[String, _]): ServiceRegistration[S] = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- override def getServiceObjects[S](serviceReference: ServiceReference[S]): ServiceObjects[S] = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- }