path: root/storage/src/tests/common/metricstest.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/src/tests/common/metricstest.cpp')
1 files changed, 393 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/src/tests/common/metricstest.cpp b/storage/src/tests/common/metricstest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e06b2183380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/src/tests/common/metricstest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+#include <vespa/fastos/fastos.h>
+#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
+#include <vespa/document/fieldvalue/document.h>
+#include <vespa/document/bucket/bucketid.h>
+#include <vespa/log/log.h>
+#include <vespa/storageapi/message/persistence.h>
+#include <vespa/storageframework/defaultimplementation/clock/fakeclock.h>
+#include <vespa/storage/bucketdb/bucketmanager.h>
+#include <vespa/storageframework/storageframework.h>
+#include <vespa/storage/common/statusmetricconsumer.h>
+#include <vespa/storage/persistence/filestorage/filestormanager.h>
+#include <vespa/storage/visiting/visitormetrics.h>
+#include <vespa/documentapi/loadtypes/loadtype.h>
+#include <tests/common/teststorageapp.h>
+#include <tests/common/testhelper.h>
+#include <tests/common/dummystoragelink.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <chrono>
+namespace storage {
+struct MetricsTest : public CppUnit::TestFixture {
+ FastOS_ThreadPool _threadPool;
+ framework::defaultimplementation::FakeClock* _clock;
+ std::unique_ptr<TestServiceLayerApp> _node;
+ std::unique_ptr<DummyStorageLink> _top;
+ std::unique_ptr<StatusMetricConsumer> _metricsConsumer;
+ std::unique_ptr<vdstestlib::DirConfig> _config;
+ std::unique_ptr<metrics::MetricSet> _topSet;
+ std::unique_ptr<metrics::MetricManager> _metricManager;
+ std::shared_ptr<FileStorMetrics> _filestorMetrics;
+ std::shared_ptr<BucketManagerMetrics> _bucketManagerMetrics;
+ std::shared_ptr<VisitorMetrics> _visitorMetrics;
+ void createSnapshotForPeriod(std::chrono::seconds secs);
+ void assertMetricLastValue(const std::string& name,
+ int interval,
+ uint64_t expected);
+ MetricsTest();
+ void setUp();
+ void tearDown();
+ void runLoad(uint32_t count = 1);
+ void createFakeLoad();
+ void testFileStorMetrics();
+ void testSnapshotPresenting();
+ void testHtmlMetricsReport();
+ void testCurrentGaugeValuesOverrideSnapshotValues();
+ void testVerboseReportIncludesNonSetMetricsEvenAfterSnapshot();
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testFileStorMetrics);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testSnapshotPresenting);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testHtmlMetricsReport);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testCurrentGaugeValuesOverrideSnapshotValues);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testVerboseReportIncludesNonSetMetricsEvenAfterSnapshot);
+namespace {
+ struct MetricClock : public metrics::MetricManager::Timer
+ {
+ framework::Clock& _clock;
+ MetricClock(framework::Clock& c) : _clock(c) {}
+ virtual time_t getTime() const
+ { return _clock.getTimeInSeconds().getTime(); }
+ virtual time_t getTimeInMilliSecs() const
+ { return _clock.getTimeInMillis().getTime(); }
+ };
+ : _threadPool(256*1024),
+ _clock(0),
+ _top(),
+ _metricsConsumer()
+void MetricsTest::setUp() {
+ assert(system("rm -rf vdsroot") == 0);
+ _config.reset(new vdstestlib::DirConfig(getStandardConfig(true)));
+ try {
+ _node.reset(new TestServiceLayerApp(DiskCount(4), NodeIndex(0),
+ _config->getConfigId()));
+ _node->setupDummyPersistence();
+ _clock = &_node->getClock();
+ _clock->setAbsoluteTimeInSeconds(1000000);
+ _top.reset(new DummyStorageLink);
+ } catch (config::InvalidConfigException& e) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", e.what());
+ }
+ _metricManager.reset(new metrics::MetricManager(
+ std::unique_ptr<metrics::MetricManager::Timer>(
+ new MetricClock(*_clock))));
+ _topSet.reset(new metrics::MetricSet("vds", "", ""));
+ {
+ metrics::MetricLockGuard guard(_metricManager->getMetricLock());
+ _metricManager->registerMetric(guard, *_topSet);
+ }
+ _metricsConsumer.reset(new StatusMetricConsumer(
+ _node->getComponentRegister(),
+ *_metricManager,
+ "status"));
+ uint16_t diskCount = _node->getPartitions().size();
+ documentapi::LoadTypeSet::SP loadTypes(_node->getLoadTypes());
+ _filestorMetrics.reset(new FileStorMetrics(
+ _node->getLoadTypes()->getMetricLoadTypes()));
+ _filestorMetrics->initDiskMetrics(
+ diskCount, loadTypes->getMetricLoadTypes(), 1);
+ _topSet->registerMetric(*_filestorMetrics);
+ _bucketManagerMetrics.reset(new BucketManagerMetrics);
+ _bucketManagerMetrics->setDisks(diskCount);
+ _topSet->registerMetric(*_bucketManagerMetrics);
+ _visitorMetrics.reset(new VisitorMetrics);
+ _visitorMetrics->initThreads(4, loadTypes->getMetricLoadTypes());
+ _topSet->registerMetric(*_visitorMetrics);
+ _metricManager->init(_config->getConfigId(), _node->getThreadPool());
+void MetricsTest::tearDown() {
+ _metricManager->stop();
+ _metricsConsumer.reset(0);
+ _topSet.reset(0);
+ _metricManager.reset(0);
+ _top.reset(0);
+ _node.reset(0);
+ _config.reset(0);
+ _filestorMetrics.reset();
+ _bucketManagerMetrics.reset();
+ _visitorMetrics.reset();
+void MetricsTest::createFakeLoad()
+ _clock->addSecondsToTime(1);
+ _metricManager->timeChangedNotification();
+ uint32_t n = 5;
+ for (uint32_t i=0; i<_bucketManagerMetrics->disks.size(); ++i) {
+ DataStoredMetrics& metrics(*_bucketManagerMetrics->disks[i]);
+ * n);
+ * n);
+ }
+ _filestorMetrics->;
+ _filestorMetrics->;
+ _filestorMetrics->;
+ for (uint32_t i=0; i<_filestorMetrics->disks.size(); ++i) {
+ FileStorDiskMetrics& disk(*_filestorMetrics->disks[i]);
+ disk.queueSize.addValue(4 * n);
+ disk.averageQueueWaitingTime[documentapi::LoadType::DEFAULT].addValue(10 * n);
+ disk.pendingMerges.addValue(4 * n);
+ for (uint32_t j=0; j<disk.threads.size(); ++j) {
+ FileStorThreadMetrics& thread(*disk.threads[j]);
+ * n);
+ * n);
+ using documentapi::LoadType;
+ thread.put[LoadType::DEFAULT] * n);
+ thread.put[LoadType::DEFAULT].latency.addValue(5 * n);
+ thread.get[LoadType::DEFAULT] * n);
+ thread.get[LoadType::DEFAULT] * n);
+ thread.get[LoadType::DEFAULT].latency.addValue(3 * n);
+ thread.remove[LoadType::DEFAULT] * n);
+ thread.remove[LoadType::DEFAULT] * n);
+ thread.remove[LoadType::DEFAULT].latency.addValue(2 * n);
+ thread.update[LoadType::DEFAULT] * n);
+ thread.update[LoadType::DEFAULT] * n);
+ thread.update[LoadType::DEFAULT].latencyRead.addValue(2 * n);
+ thread.update[LoadType::DEFAULT].latency.addValue(7 * n);
+ thread.revert[LoadType::DEFAULT] * n);
+ thread.revert[LoadType::DEFAULT] / 2);
+ thread.revert[LoadType::DEFAULT].latency.addValue(2 * n);
+ thread.visit[LoadType::DEFAULT] * n);
+ * n);
+ * n);
+ * n);
+ * n);
+ * n);
+ * n);
+ * n);
+ * n);
+ * n);
+ * n);
+ * n);
+ * n);
+ * n);
+ thread.mergeLatencyTotal.addValue(300 * n);
+ thread.mergeMetadataReadLatency.addValue(20 * n);
+ thread.mergeDataReadLatency.addValue(40 * n);
+ thread.mergeDataWriteLatency.addValue(50 * n);
+ thread.mergeAverageDataReceivedNeeded.addValue(0.8);
+ }
+ }
+ for (uint32_t i=0; i<_visitorMetrics->threads.size(); ++i) {
+ VisitorThreadMetrics& thread(*_visitorMetrics->threads[i]);
+ thread.queueSize.addValue(2);
+ thread.averageQueueWaitingTime[documentapi::LoadType::DEFAULT].addValue(10);
+ thread.averageVisitorLifeTime[documentapi::LoadType::DEFAULT].addValue(1000);
+ thread.createdVisitors[documentapi::LoadType::DEFAULT].inc(5 * n);
+ thread.abortedVisitors[documentapi::LoadType::DEFAULT].inc(1 * n);
+ thread.completedVisitors[documentapi::LoadType::DEFAULT].inc(4 * n);
+ thread.failedVisitors[documentapi::LoadType::DEFAULT].inc(2 * n);
+ }
+ _clock->addSecondsToTime(60);
+ _metricManager->timeChangedNotification();
+ while (uint64_t(_metricManager->getLastProcessedTime())
+ < _clock->getTimeInSeconds().getTime())
+ {
+ FastOS_Thread::Sleep(5);
+ _metricManager->timeChangedNotification();
+ }
+void MetricsTest::testFileStorMetrics() {
+ createFakeLoad();
+ std::ostringstream ost;
+ framework::HttpUrlPath path("metrics?interval=-1&format=text");
+ bool retVal = _metricsConsumer->reportStatus(ost, path);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("_metricsConsumer->reportStatus failed", retVal);
+ std::string s = ost.str();
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("No get statistics in:\n" + s,
+ s.find("vds.filestor.alldisks.allthreads.get.sum.count count=240") != std::string::npos);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("No put statistics in:\n" + s,
+ s.find("vds.filestor.alldisks.allthreads.put.sum.count count=200") != std::string::npos);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("No remove statistics in:\n" + s,
+ s.find("vds.filestor.alldisks.allthreads.remove.sum.count count=120") != std::string::npos);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("No removenotfound stats in:\n" + s,
+ s.find("vds.filestor.alldisks.allthreads.remove.sum.not_found count=20") != std::string::npos);
+#define ASSERT_METRIC(interval, metric, count) \
+{ \
+ std::ostringstream pathost; \
+ pathost << "metrics?interval=" << interval << "&format=text"; \
+ std::ostringstream ost;\
+ framework::HttpUrlPath path(pathost.str()); \
+ bool retVal = _metricsConsumer->reportStatus(ost, path); \
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("_metricsConsumer->reportStatus failed", retVal); \
+ std::string s = ost.str(); \
+ if (count == -1) { \
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(std::string("Metric ") + metric + " was set", \
+ s.find(metric) == std::string::npos); \
+ } else { \
+ std::ostringstream valueost; \
+ valueost << metric << " count=" << count; \
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Did not find value " + valueost.str() \
+ + " in metric dump " + s, \
+ s.find(valueost.str()) != std::string::npos); \
+ } \
+void MetricsTest::testSnapshotPresenting() {
+ FileStorDiskMetrics& disk0(*_filestorMetrics->disks[0]);
+ FileStorThreadMetrics& thread0(*disk0.threads[0]);
+ LOG(info, "Adding to get metric");
+ using documentapi::LoadType;
+ thread0.get[LoadType::DEFAULT];
+ LOG(info, "Waiting for 5 minute snapshot to be taken");
+ // Wait until active metrics have been added to 5 min snapshot and reset
+ for (uint32_t i=0; i<6; ++i) {
+ _clock->addSecondsToTime(60);
+ _metricManager->timeChangedNotification();
+ while (
+ uint64_t(_metricManager->getLastProcessedTime())
+ < _clock->getTimeInSeconds().getTime())
+ {
+ FastOS_Thread::Sleep(1);
+ }
+ }
+ LOG(info, "5 minute snapshot should have been taken. Adding put count");
+ thread0.put[LoadType::DEFAULT];
+ // Verify that active metrics have set put count but not get count
+ ASSERT_METRIC(-2, "vds.filestor.alldisks.allthreads.put.sum.count", 1);
+ ASSERT_METRIC(-2, "vds.filestor.alldisks.allthreads.get.sum.count", -1);
+ // Verify that 5 min metrics have set get count but not put count
+ ASSERT_METRIC(300, "vds.filestor.alldisks.allthreads.put.sum.count", -1);
+ ASSERT_METRIC(300, "vds.filestor.alldisks.allthreads.get.sum.count", 1);
+ // Verify that the total metrics is equal to 5 minute
+ ASSERT_METRIC(0, "vds.filestor.alldisks.allthreads.put.sum.count", -1);
+ ASSERT_METRIC(0, "vds.filestor.alldisks.allthreads.get.sum.count", 1);
+ // Verify that total + active have set both
+ ASSERT_METRIC(-1, "vds.filestor.alldisks.allthreads.put.sum.count", 1);
+ ASSERT_METRIC(-1, "vds.filestor.alldisks.allthreads.get.sum.count", 1);
+void MetricsTest::testHtmlMetricsReport() {
+ createFakeLoad();
+ _clock->addSecondsToTime(6 * 60);
+ _metricManager->timeChangedNotification();
+ _metricsConsumer->waitUntilTimeProcessed(_clock->getTimeInSeconds());
+ createFakeLoad();
+ std::ostringstream ost;
+ framework::HttpUrlPath path("metrics?interval=300&format=html");
+ bool retVal = _metricsConsumer->reportStatus(ost, path);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("_metricsConsumer->reportStatus failed", retVal);
+ std::string s = ost.str();
+ // Not actually testing against content. Better to manually verify that
+ // HTML look sane after changes.
+ //std::cerr << s << "\n";
+ {
+ std::ofstream out("metricsreport.html");
+ out << s;
+ out.close();
+ }
+MetricsTest::assertMetricLastValue(const std::string& name,
+ int interval,
+ uint64_t expected)
+ std::ostringstream path;
+ path << "metrics?interval=" << interval
+ << "&format=text&pattern=" << name
+ << "&verbosity=2";
+ std::ostringstream report;
+ framework::HttpUrlPath uri(path.str());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(_metricsConsumer->reportStatus(report, uri));
+ std::ostringstream expectedSubstr;
+ expectedSubstr << " last=" << expected;
+ auto str = report.str();
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Did not find value " + expectedSubstr.str()
+ + " in metric dump " + str,
+ str.find(expectedSubstr.str()) != std::string::npos);
+using namespace std::chrono_literals;
+MetricsTest::createSnapshotForPeriod(std::chrono::seconds secs)
+ _clock->addSecondsToTime(secs.count());
+ _metricManager->timeChangedNotification();
+ while (uint64_t(_metricManager->getLastProcessedTime())
+ < _clock->getTimeInSeconds().getTime())
+ {
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(100ms);
+ }
+ auto& metrics(*_bucketManagerMetrics->disks[0]);
+ // Take a 5 minute snapshot of active metrics (1000 docs).
+ createSnapshotForPeriod(5min);
+ // Active metrics are now 2000 docs. Asking for metric snapshots with
+ // an interval of -1 implies that the _active_ metric values should
+ // be added to the total snapshot, which in the case of gauge metrics
+ // only makes sense if the _active_ gauge value gets reported back.
+ // In this case it means we should observe 2000 docs, not 1000.
+ assertMetricLastValue("", -1, 2000);
+ createSnapshotForPeriod(5min);
+ // When using verbosity=2 (which is what the system test framework invokes),
+ // all metrics should be included regardless of whether they've been set or
+ // not. In this case, the bytes gauge metric has not been set explicitly
+ // but should be reported as zero.
+ assertMetricLastValue("vds.datastored.alldisks.bytes", -1, 0);
+} // storage