path: root/storage/src/tests/persistence/filestorage/feed_operation_batching_test.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'storage/src/tests/persistence/filestorage/feed_operation_batching_test.cpp')
1 files changed, 318 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/src/tests/persistence/filestorage/feed_operation_batching_test.cpp b/storage/src/tests/persistence/filestorage/feed_operation_batching_test.cpp
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+++ b/storage/src/tests/persistence/filestorage/feed_operation_batching_test.cpp
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+// Copyright Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+#include <tests/common/dummystoragelink.h>
+#include <tests/common/testhelper.h>
+#include <tests/persistence/common/filestortestfixture.h>
+#include <tests/persistence/filestorage/forwardingmessagesender.h>
+#include <vespa/document/test/make_document_bucket.h>
+#include <vespa/document/update/documentupdate.h>
+#include <vespa/storage/persistence/filestorage/filestorhandlerimpl.h>
+#include <vespa/storage/persistence/filestorage/filestormanager.h>
+#include <vespa/storage/persistence/filestorage/filestormetrics.h>
+#include <vespa/vespalib/util/stringfmt.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+using document::test::makeDocumentBucket;
+using document::BucketId;
+using document::DocumentId;
+using namespace ::testing;
+namespace storage {
+struct FeedOperationBatchingTest : FileStorTestFixture {
+ DummyStorageLink _top;
+ std::unique_ptr<ForwardingMessageSender> _message_sender;
+ FileStorMetrics _metrics;
+ std::unique_ptr<FileStorHandler> _handler;
+ api::Timestamp _next_timestamp;
+ FeedOperationBatchingTest();
+ ~FeedOperationBatchingTest() override;
+ void SetUp() override {
+ FileStorTestFixture::SetUp();
+ // This silly little indirection is a work-around for the top-level link needing something
+ // below it to send _up_ into it, rather than directly receiving the messages itself.
+ auto message_receiver = std::make_unique<DummyStorageLink>();
+ _message_sender = std::make_unique<ForwardingMessageSender>(*message_receiver);
+ _top.push_back(std::move(message_receiver));
+ _metrics.initDiskMetrics(1, 1);
+ // By default, sets up 1 thread with 1 stripe
+ _handler = std::make_unique<FileStorHandlerImpl>(*_message_sender, _metrics, _node->getComponentRegister());
+ _handler->set_max_feed_op_batch_size(3);
+ }
+ void TearDown() override {
+ _handler.reset();
+ FileStorTestFixture::TearDown();
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] static vespalib::string id_str_of(uint32_t bucket_idx, uint32_t doc_idx) {
+ return vespalib::make_string("id:foo:testdoctype1:n=%u:%u", bucket_idx, doc_idx);
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] static DocumentId id_of(uint32_t bucket_idx, uint32_t doc_idx) {
+ return DocumentId(id_str_of(bucket_idx, doc_idx));
+ }
+ void schedule_msg(const std::shared_ptr<api::StorageMessage>& msg) {
+ msg->setAddress(makeSelfAddress());
+ _handler->schedule(msg); // takes shared_ptr by const ref, no point in moving
+ }
+ void send_put(uint32_t bucket_idx, uint32_t doc_idx, uint32_t timestamp, vespalib::duration timeout) {
+ auto id = id_str_of(bucket_idx, doc_idx);
+ auto doc = _node->getTestDocMan().createDocument("foobar", id);
+ auto cmd = std::make_shared<api::PutCommand>(makeDocumentBucket({16, bucket_idx}), std::move(doc), timestamp);
+ cmd->setTimeout(timeout);
+ schedule_msg(cmd);
+ }
+ void send_put(uint32_t bucket_idx, uint32_t doc_idx) {
+ send_put(bucket_idx, doc_idx, next_timestamp(), 60s);
+ }
+ void send_puts(std::initializer_list<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> bucket_docs) {
+ for (const auto& bd : bucket_docs) {
+ send_put(bd.first, bd.second);
+ }
+ }
+ void send_get(uint32_t bucket_idx, uint32_t doc_idx) {
+ auto id = id_of(bucket_idx, doc_idx);
+ auto cmd = std::make_shared<api::GetCommand>(makeDocumentBucket({16, bucket_idx}), id, document::AllFields::NAME);
+ schedule_msg(cmd);
+ }
+ void send_remove(uint32_t bucket_idx, uint32_t doc_idx, uint32_t timestamp) {
+ auto id = id_of(bucket_idx, doc_idx);
+ auto cmd = std::make_shared<api::RemoveCommand>(makeDocumentBucket({16, bucket_idx}), id, timestamp);
+ schedule_msg(cmd);
+ }
+ void send_remove(uint32_t bucket_idx, uint32_t doc_idx) {
+ send_remove(bucket_idx, doc_idx, next_timestamp());
+ }
+ void send_update(uint32_t bucket_idx, uint32_t doc_idx, uint32_t timestamp) {
+ auto id = id_of(bucket_idx, doc_idx);
+ auto update = std::make_shared<document::DocumentUpdate>(
+ _node->getTestDocMan().getTypeRepo(),
+ _node->getTestDocMan().createRandomDocument()->getType(), id);
+ auto cmd = std::make_shared<api::UpdateCommand>(makeDocumentBucket({16, bucket_idx}), std::move(update), timestamp);
+ schedule_msg(cmd);
+ }
+ void send_update(uint32_t bucket_idx, uint32_t doc_idx) {
+ send_update(bucket_idx, doc_idx, next_timestamp());
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] api::Timestamp next_timestamp() {
+ auto ret = _next_timestamp;
+ ++_next_timestamp;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] vespalib::steady_time fake_now() const {
+ return _node->getClock().getMonotonicTime();
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] vespalib::steady_time fake_deadline() const {
+ return _node->getClock().getMonotonicTime() + 60s;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] FileStorHandler::LockedMessageBatch next_batch() {
+ return _handler->next_message_batch(0, fake_now(), fake_deadline());
+ }
+ template <typename CmdType>
+ static void assert_batch_msg_is(const FileStorHandler::LockedMessageBatch& batch, uint32_t msg_idx,
+ uint32_t expected_bucket_idx, uint32_t expected_doc_idx)
+ {
+ ASSERT_LT(msg_idx, batch.size());
+ auto msg = batch.messages[msg_idx].first;
+ auto* as_cmd = dynamic_cast<const CmdType*>(msg.get());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(as_cmd) << msg->toString() << " does not have the expected type";
+ EXPECT_EQ(as_cmd->getBucketId(), BucketId(16, expected_bucket_idx));
+ auto id = as_cmd->getDocumentId();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(id.getScheme().hasNumber());
+ EXPECT_EQ(id.getScheme().getNumber(), expected_bucket_idx) << id;
+ std::string actual_id_part = id.getScheme().getNamespaceSpecific();
+ std::string expected_id_part = std::to_string(expected_doc_idx);
+ EXPECT_EQ(actual_id_part, expected_id_part) << id;
+ }
+ static void assert_batch_msg_is_put(const FileStorHandler::LockedMessageBatch& batch, uint32_t msg_idx,
+ uint32_t expected_bucket_idx, uint32_t expected_doc_idx)
+ {
+ assert_batch_msg_is<api::PutCommand>(batch, msg_idx, expected_bucket_idx, expected_doc_idx);
+ }
+ static void assert_batch_msg_is_remove(const FileStorHandler::LockedMessageBatch& batch, uint32_t msg_idx,
+ uint32_t expected_bucket_idx, uint32_t expected_doc_idx)
+ {
+ assert_batch_msg_is<api::RemoveCommand>(batch, msg_idx, expected_bucket_idx, expected_doc_idx);
+ }
+ static void assert_batch_msg_is_update(const FileStorHandler::LockedMessageBatch& batch, uint32_t msg_idx,
+ uint32_t expected_bucket_idx, uint32_t expected_doc_idx)
+ {
+ assert_batch_msg_is<api::UpdateCommand>(batch, msg_idx, expected_bucket_idx, expected_doc_idx);
+ }
+ static void assert_batch_msg_is_get(const FileStorHandler::LockedMessageBatch& batch, uint32_t msg_idx,
+ uint32_t expected_bucket_idx, uint32_t expected_doc_idx)
+ {
+ assert_batch_msg_is<api::GetCommand>(batch, msg_idx, expected_bucket_idx, expected_doc_idx);
+ }
+ enum Type {
+ Put,
+ Update,
+ Remove,
+ Get
+ };
+ static void assert_empty_batch(const FileStorHandler::LockedMessageBatch& batch) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(batch.empty());
+ ASSERT_FALSE(batch.lock);
+ }
+ static void assert_batch(const FileStorHandler::LockedMessageBatch& batch,
+ uint32_t expected_bucket_idx,
+ std::initializer_list<std::pair<Type, uint32_t>> expected_msgs)
+ {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(batch.lock);
+ ASSERT_EQ(batch.lock->getBucket().getBucketId(), BucketId(16, expected_bucket_idx));
+ ASSERT_EQ(batch.size(), expected_msgs.size());
+ uint32_t idx = 0;
+ for (const auto& msg : expected_msgs) {
+ switch (msg.first) {
+ case Type::Put: assert_batch_msg_is_put(batch, idx, expected_bucket_idx, msg.second); break;
+ case Type::Update: assert_batch_msg_is_update(batch, idx, expected_bucket_idx, msg.second); break;
+ case Type::Remove: assert_batch_msg_is_remove(batch, idx, expected_bucket_idx, msg.second); break;
+ case Type::Get: assert_batch_msg_is_get(batch, idx, expected_bucket_idx, msg.second); break;
+ default: FAIL();
+ }
+ ++idx;
+ }
+ }
+ : FileStorTestFixture(),
+ _top(),
+ _message_sender(),
+ _metrics(),
+ _handler(),
+ _next_timestamp(1000)
+FeedOperationBatchingTest::~FeedOperationBatchingTest() = default;
+// Note: unless explicitly set by the testcase, max batch size is 3
+TEST_F(FeedOperationBatchingTest, batching_is_disabled_with_1_max_batch_size) {
+ _handler->set_max_feed_op_batch_size(1);
+ send_puts({{1, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {2, 4}});
+ // No batching; has the same behavior as current FIFO
+ assert_batch(next_batch(), 1, {{Put, 1}});
+ assert_batch(next_batch(), 1, {{Put, 2}});
+ assert_batch(next_batch(), 2, {{Put, 3}});
+ assert_batch(next_batch(), 2, {{Put, 4}});
+ assert_empty_batch(next_batch());
+TEST_F(FeedOperationBatchingTest, batching_is_limited_to_configured_max_size) {
+ send_puts({{1, 1}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {1, 5}});
+ assert_batch(next_batch(), 1, {{Put, 1}, {Put, 2}, {Put, 3}});
+ assert_batch(next_batch(), 1, {{Put, 4}, {Put, 5}});
+ assert_empty_batch(next_batch());
+TEST_F(FeedOperationBatchingTest, batching_can_consume_entire_queue) {
+ send_puts({{1, 1}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}});
+ assert_batch(next_batch(), 1, {{Put, 1}, {Put, 2}, {Put, 3}});
+ assert_empty_batch(next_batch());
+TEST_F(FeedOperationBatchingTest, batching_is_only_done_for_single_bucket) {
+ send_puts({{1, 1}, {2, 2}, {2, 3}, {2, 4}, {3, 5}});
+ assert_batch(next_batch(), 1, {{Put, 1}});
+ assert_batch(next_batch(), 2, {{Put, 2}, {Put, 3}, {Put, 4}});
+ assert_batch(next_batch(), 3, {{Put, 5}});
+TEST_F(FeedOperationBatchingTest, batch_can_include_all_supported_feed_op_types) {
+ send_put(1, 1);
+ send_remove(1, 2);
+ send_update(1, 3);
+ assert_batch(next_batch(), 1, {{Put, 1}, {Remove, 2}, {Update, 3}});
+TEST_F(FeedOperationBatchingTest, timed_out_reqeusts_are_ignored_by_batch) {
+ send_puts({{1, 1}});
+ send_put(1, 2, next_timestamp(), 1s);
+ send_puts({{1, 3}});
+ _node->getClock().addSecondsToTime(2);
+ // Put #2 with 1s timeout has expired in the queue and should not be returned as part of the batch
+ assert_batch(next_batch(), 1, {{Put, 1}, {Put, 3}});
+ ASSERT_EQ(_top.getNumReplies(), 0);
+ // The actual timeout is handled by the next message fetch invocation
+ assert_empty_batch(next_batch());
+ ASSERT_EQ(_top.getNumReplies(), 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(dynamic_cast<api::StorageReply&>(*_top.getReply(0)).getResult().getResult(), api::ReturnCode::TIMEOUT);
+TEST_F(FeedOperationBatchingTest, non_feed_ops_are_not_batched) {
+ send_get(1, 2);
+ send_get(1, 3);
+ assert_batch(next_batch(), 1, {{Get, 2}});
+ assert_batch(next_batch(), 1, {{Get, 3}});
+TEST_F(FeedOperationBatchingTest, pipeline_stalled_by_non_feed_op) {
+ // It can reasonably be argued that we could batch _around_ a Get operation and still
+ // have correct behavior, but the Get here is just a stand-in for an arbitrary operation such
+ // as a Split (which changes the bucket set), which is rather more tricky to reason about.
+ // For simplicity and understandability, just stall the batch pipeline (at least for now).
+ send_get(1, 2);
+ send_puts({{1, 3}, {1, 4}});
+ send_get(1, 5);
+ send_puts({{1, 6}, {1, 7}});
+ assert_batch(next_batch(), 1, {{Get, 2}}); // If first op is non-feed, only it should be returned
+ assert_batch(next_batch(), 1, {{Put, 3}, {Put, 4}});
+ assert_batch(next_batch(), 1, {{Get, 5}});
+ assert_batch(next_batch(), 1, {{Put, 6}, {Put, 7}});
+TEST_F(FeedOperationBatchingTest, pipeline_stalled_by_concurrent_ops_to_same_document) {
+ // 2 ops to doc #2. Since this is expected to be a very rare edge case, just
+ // stop batching at that point and defer the concurrent op to the next batch.
+ send_puts({{1, 1}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 2}, {1, 4}});
+ assert_batch(next_batch(), 1, {{Put, 1}, {Put, 2}, {Put, 3}});
+ assert_batch(next_batch(), 1, {{Put, 2}, {Put, 4}});
+TEST_F(FeedOperationBatchingTest, batch_respects_persistence_throttling) {
+ vespalib::SharedOperationThrottler::DynamicThrottleParams params;
+ params.min_window_size = 3;
+ params.max_window_size = 3;
+ params.window_size_increment = 1;
+ _handler->use_dynamic_operation_throttling(true);
+ _handler->reconfigure_dynamic_throttler(params);
+ _handler->set_max_feed_op_batch_size(10); // > win size to make sure we test the right thing
+ send_puts({{1, 1}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {1, 5}});
+ auto batch = next_batch(); // holds 3 throttle tokens
+ assert_batch(batch, 1, {{Put, 1}, {Put, 2}, {Put, 3}});
+ // No more throttle tokens available
+ assert_empty_batch(next_batch());
+} // storage