path: root/streamingvisitors/src/vespa/searchvisitor/rankprocessor.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'streamingvisitors/src/vespa/searchvisitor/rankprocessor.cpp')
1 files changed, 304 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/streamingvisitors/src/vespa/searchvisitor/rankprocessor.cpp b/streamingvisitors/src/vespa/searchvisitor/rankprocessor.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..090479f9b90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/streamingvisitors/src/vespa/searchvisitor/rankprocessor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Yahoo Inc. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
+#include <vespa/fastos/fastos.h>
+#include <vespa/log/log.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/fef/handle.h>
+#include <vespa/searchlib/fef/simpletermfielddata.h>
+#include <vespa/vsm/vsm/fieldsearchspec.h>
+#include "querytermdata.h"
+#include "rankprocessor.h"
+using search::FeatureSet;
+using search::HitList;
+using search::Query;
+using search::QueryTerm;
+using search::QueryTermList;
+using search::fef::FeatureHandle;
+using search::fef::MatchData;
+using search::fef::Properties;
+using search::fef::RankProgram;
+using search::fef::RankSetup;
+using search::fef::IllegalHandle;
+using search::fef::ITermData;
+using search::fef::ITermFieldData;
+using search::fef::TermFieldHandle;
+using search::fef::TermFieldMatchData;
+using search::fef::TermFieldMatchDataPosition;
+using vdslib::SearchResult;
+namespace storage {
+namespace {
+getIndexName(const vespalib::string & indexName, const vespalib::string & expandedIndexName)
+ if (indexName == expandedIndexName) {
+ return indexName;
+ }
+ return indexName + "(" + expandedIndexName + ")";
+getFeatureHandle(const RankProgram &rankProgram) {
+ std::vector<vespalib::string> featureNames;
+ std::vector<FeatureHandle> featureHandles;
+ rankProgram.get_seed_handles(featureNames, featureHandles);
+ assert(featureNames.size() == 1);
+ assert(featureHandles.size() == 1);
+ return featureHandles.front();
+ QueryWrapper::TermList & terms = _query.getTermList();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < terms.size(); ++i) {
+ if (!terms[i].isPhraseTerm() || terms[i].isFirstPhraseTerm()) { // register 1 term data per phrase
+ QueryTermData & qtd = dynamic_cast<QueryTermData &>(terms[i].getTerm()->getQueryItem());
+ qtd.getTermData().setWeight(terms[i].getTerm()->weight());
+ qtd.getTermData().setUniqueId(terms[i].getTerm()->uniqueId());
+ if (terms[i].isFirstPhraseTerm()) {
+ qtd.getTermData().setPhraseLength(terms[i].getParent()->width());
+ } else {
+ qtd.getTermData().setPhraseLength(1);
+ }
+ vespalib::string expandedIndexName = vsm::FieldSearchSpecMap::stripNonFields(terms[i].getTerm()->index());
+ const RankManager::View *view = _rankManagerSnapshot->getView(expandedIndexName);
+ if (view != NULL) {
+ RankManager::View::const_iterator iter = view->begin();
+ RankManager::View::const_iterator endp = view->end();
+ for (; iter != endp; ++iter) {
+ qtd.getTermData().addField(*iter).setHandle(_mdLayout.allocTermField(*iter));
+ }
+ } else {
+ LOG(warning, "Could not find a view for index '%s'. Ranking no fields.",
+ getIndexName(terms[i].getTerm()->index(), expandedIndexName).c_str());
+ }
+ LOG(debug, "Setup query term '%s:%s' (%s)",
+ getIndexName(terms[i].getTerm()->index(), expandedIndexName).c_str(),
+ terms[i].getTerm()->getTerm(),
+ terms[i].isFirstPhraseTerm() ? "phrase" : "term");
+ _queryEnv.addTerm(&qtd.getTermData());
+ } else {
+ LOG(debug, "Ignore query term '%s:%s' (part of phrase)",
+ terms[i].getTerm()->index().c_str(), terms[i].getTerm()->getTerm());
+ }
+ }
+RankProcessor::initHitCollector(size_t wantedHitCount)
+ _hitCollector.reset(new HitCollector(wantedHitCount));
+RankProcessor::setupRankProgram(RankProgram &program)
+ program.setup(_mdLayout, _queryEnv, search::fef::Properties());
+RankProcessor::init(bool forRanking, size_t wantedHitCount)
+ initQueryEnvironment();
+ if (forRanking) {
+ if (_rankSetup.getSecondPhaseRank().empty()) {
+ _rankProgram = _rankSetup.create_first_phase_program();
+ } else {
+ // We calculate 2. phase ranking for all hits (no need calculating 1. phase ranking as well)
+ _rankProgram = _rankSetup.create_second_phase_program();
+ }
+ setupRankProgram(*_rankProgram);
+ _rankScoreHandle = getFeatureHandle(*_rankProgram);
+ _summaryProgram = _rankSetup.create_summary_program();
+ setupRankProgram(*_summaryProgram);
+ } else {
+ _rankProgram = _rankSetup.create_dump_program();
+ setupRankProgram(*_rankProgram);
+ }
+ initHitCollector(wantedHitCount);
+RankProcessor::RankProcessor(RankManager::Snapshot::SP snapshot,
+ const vespalib::string &rankProfile,
+ search::Query & query,
+ const vespalib::string & location,
+ Properties & queryProperties,
+ const search::IAttributeManager * attrMgr) :
+ _rankManagerSnapshot(snapshot),
+ _rankSetup(snapshot->getRankSetup(rankProfile)),
+ _query(query),
+ _queryEnv(location, snapshot->getIndexEnvironment(rankProfile), queryProperties, attrMgr),
+ _mdLayout(),
+ _rankProgram(),
+ _score(0.0),
+ _summaryProgram(),
+ _rankScoreHandle(IllegalHandle),
+ _hitCollector()
+RankProcessor::initForRanking(size_t wantedHitCount)
+ return init(true, wantedHitCount);
+RankProcessor::initForDumping(size_t wantedHitCount)
+ return init(false, wantedHitCount);
+RankProcessor::runRankProgram(uint32_t docId)
+ _rankProgram->run(docId);
+ if (_rankScoreHandle != IllegalHandle) {
+ MatchData &matchData = _rankProgram->match_data();
+ _score = *(matchData.resolveFeature(_rankScoreHandle));
+ if (isnan(_score) || isinf(_score)) {
+ _score = -HUGE_VAL;
+ }
+ }
+namespace {
+copyTermFieldMatchData(const std::vector<search::fef::TermFieldMatchData> &src, MatchData &dst)
+ assert(src.size() == dst.getNumTermFields());
+ for (search::fef::TermFieldHandle handle = 0; handle < dst.getNumTermFields(); ++handle) {
+ (*dst.resolveTermField(handle)) = src[handle];
+ }
+class RankProgramWrapper : public HitCollector::IRankProgram
+ RankProgram &_rankProgram;
+ RankProgramWrapper(RankProgram &rankProgram) : _rankProgram(rankProgram) {}
+ virtual const MatchData &run(uint32_t docid, const std::vector<search::fef::TermFieldMatchData> &matchData) override {
+ // Prepare the match data object used by the rank program with earlier unpacked match data.
+ copyTermFieldMatchData(matchData, _rankProgram.match_data());
+ return _rankProgram.match_data();
+ }
+ LOG(debug, "Calculate feature set");
+ std::vector<vespalib::string> names;
+ std::vector<FeatureHandle> handles;
+ RankProgram &rankProgram = *(_summaryProgram.get() != nullptr ? _summaryProgram : _rankProgram);
+ rankProgram.get_seed_handles(names, handles);
+ LOG(debug, "Feature handles: numNames(%ld), numHandles(%ld)", names.size(), handles.size());
+ RankProgramWrapper wrapper(rankProgram);
+ FeatureSet::SP sf = _hitCollector->getFeatureSet(wrapper, names, handles);
+ LOG(debug, "Feature set: numFeatures(%u), numDocs(%u)", sf->numFeatures(), sf->numDocs());
+ return sf;
+RankProcessor::fillSearchResult(vdslib::SearchResult & searchResult)
+ _hitCollector->fillSearchResult(searchResult);
+RankProcessor::unpackMatchData(uint32_t docId)
+ MatchData &matchData = _rankProgram->match_data();
+ matchData.setDocId(docId);
+ unpackMatchData(matchData);
+RankProcessor::unpackMatchData(MatchData &matchData)
+ QueryWrapper::TermList & terms = _query.getTermList();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < terms.size(); ++i) {
+ if (!terms[i].isPhraseTerm() || terms[i].isFirstPhraseTerm()) { // consider 1 term data per phrase
+ bool isPhrase = terms[i].isFirstPhraseTerm();
+ QueryTermData & qtd = static_cast<QueryTermData &>(terms[i].getTerm()->getQueryItem());
+ const ITermData &td = qtd.getTermData();
+ HitList list;
+ const HitList & hitList = isPhrase ?
+ terms[i].getParent()->evaluateHits(list) : terms[i].getTerm()->evaluateHits(list);
+ if (hitList.size() > 0) { // only unpack if we have a hit
+ LOG(debug, "Unpack match data for query term '%s:%s' (%s)",
+ terms[i].getTerm()->index().c_str(), terms[i].getTerm()->getTerm(),
+ isPhrase ? "phrase" : "term");
+ uint32_t lastFieldId = -1;
+ TermFieldMatchData *tmd = 0;
+ uint32_t fieldLen = search::fef::FieldPositionsIterator::UNKNOWN_LENGTH;
+ // optimize for hitlist giving all hits for a single field in one chunk
+ for (const search::Hit & hit : hitList) {
+ uint32_t fieldId = hit.context();
+ if (fieldId != lastFieldId) {
+ // reset to notfound/unknown values
+ tmd = 0;
+ fieldLen = search::fef::FieldPositionsIterator::UNKNOWN_LENGTH;
+ // setup for new field that had a hit
+ const ITermFieldData *tfd = td.lookupField(fieldId);
+ if (tfd != 0) {
+ tmd = matchData.resolveTermField(tfd->getHandle());
+ tmd->setFieldId(fieldId);
+ // reset field match data, but only once per docId
+ if (tmd->getDocId() != matchData.getDocId()) {
+ tmd->reset(matchData.getDocId());
+ }
+ }
+ // find fieldLen for new field
+ if (isPhrase) {
+ if (fieldId < terms[i].getParent()->getFieldInfoSize()) {
+ const QueryTerm::FieldInfo & fi = terms[i].getParent()->getFieldInfo(fieldId);
+ fieldLen = fi.getFieldLength();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (fieldId < terms[i].getTerm()->getFieldInfoSize()) {
+ const QueryTerm::FieldInfo & fi = terms[i].getTerm()->getFieldInfo(fieldId);
+ fieldLen = fi.getFieldLength();
+ }
+ }
+ lastFieldId = fieldId;
+ }
+ if (tmd != 0) {
+ // adjust so that the position for phrase terms equals the match for the first term
+ TermFieldMatchDataPosition pos(0, hit.wordpos() - terms[i].getPosAdjust(),
+ hit.weight(), fieldLen);
+ tmd->appendPosition(pos);
+ LOG(debug, "Append position(%u), weight(%d), tfmd.weight(%d)",
+ pos.getPosition(), pos.getElementWeight(), tmd->getWeight());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace storage