path: root/vespaclient-container-plugin/src/main/java/com/yahoo/document/restapi/OperationHandlerImpl.java
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 460 deletions
diff --git a/vespaclient-container-plugin/src/main/java/com/yahoo/document/restapi/OperationHandlerImpl.java b/vespaclient-container-plugin/src/main/java/com/yahoo/document/restapi/OperationHandlerImpl.java
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index 3d3a8fc52ad..00000000000
--- a/vespaclient-container-plugin/src/main/java/com/yahoo/document/restapi/OperationHandlerImpl.java
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root.
-package com.yahoo.document.restapi;
-import com.yahoo.document.Document;
-import com.yahoo.document.DocumentId;
-import com.yahoo.document.DocumentRemove;
-import com.yahoo.document.FixedBucketSpaces;
-import com.yahoo.document.TestAndSetCondition;
-import com.yahoo.document.fieldset.AllFields;
-import com.yahoo.document.json.JsonWriter;
-import com.yahoo.document.DocumentPut;
-import com.yahoo.documentapi.DocumentAccess;
-import com.yahoo.documentapi.DocumentAccessException;
-import com.yahoo.documentapi.ProgressToken;
-import com.yahoo.documentapi.SyncParameters;
-import com.yahoo.documentapi.SyncSession;
-import com.yahoo.documentapi.VisitorControlHandler;
-import com.yahoo.documentapi.VisitorParameters;
-import com.yahoo.documentapi.VisitorSession;
-import com.yahoo.documentapi.messagebus.MessageBusSyncSession;
-import com.yahoo.documentapi.messagebus.protocol.DocumentProtocol;
-import com.yahoo.documentapi.metrics.DocumentApiMetrics;
-import com.yahoo.documentapi.metrics.DocumentOperationStatus;
-import com.yahoo.documentapi.metrics.DocumentOperationType;
-import com.yahoo.exception.ExceptionUtils;
-import com.yahoo.messagebus.StaticThrottlePolicy;
-import com.yahoo.metrics.simple.MetricReceiver;
-import com.yahoo.vespaclient.ClusterDef;
-import com.yahoo.vespaxmlparser.FeedOperation;
-import com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.ConcurrentResourcePool;
-import com.yahoo.yolean.concurrent.ResourceFactory;
-import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
-import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
-import java.time.Instant;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Optional;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.stream.Collectors;
- * Sends operations to messagebus via document api.
- *
- * @author dybis
- */
-public class OperationHandlerImpl implements OperationHandler {
- public interface ClusterEnumerator {
- List<ClusterDef> enumerateClusters();
- }
- public interface BucketSpaceResolver {
- Optional<String> clusterBucketSpaceFromDocumentType(String clusterId, String docType);
- }
- public static class BucketSpaceRoute {
- private final String clusterRoute;
- private final String bucketSpace;
- public BucketSpaceRoute(String clusterRoute, String bucketSpace) {
- this.clusterRoute = clusterRoute;
- this.bucketSpace = bucketSpace;
- }
- public String getClusterRoute() {
- return clusterRoute;
- }
- public String getBucketSpace() {
- return bucketSpace;
- }
- }
- public static final int VISIT_TIMEOUT_MS = 120000;
- public static final int WANTED_DOCUMENT_COUNT_UPPER_BOUND = 1000; // Approximates the max default size of a bucket
- public static final int CONCURRENCY_UPPER_BOUND = 100;
- private final DocumentAccess documentAccess;
- private final DocumentApiMetrics metricsHelper;
- private final ClusterEnumerator clusterEnumerator;
- private final BucketSpaceResolver bucketSpaceResolver;
- private static final class SyncSessionFactory extends ResourceFactory<SyncSession> {
- private final DocumentAccess documentAccess;
- SyncSessionFactory(DocumentAccess documentAccess) {
- this.documentAccess = documentAccess;
- }
- @Override
- public SyncSession create() {
- return documentAccess.createSyncSession(new SyncParameters.Builder().build());
- }
- }
- private final ConcurrentResourcePool<SyncSession> syncSessions;
- public OperationHandlerImpl(DocumentAccess documentAccess, ClusterEnumerator clusterEnumerator,
- BucketSpaceResolver bucketSpaceResolver, MetricReceiver metricReceiver) {
- this.documentAccess = documentAccess;
- this.clusterEnumerator = clusterEnumerator;
- this.bucketSpaceResolver = bucketSpaceResolver;
- syncSessions = new ConcurrentResourcePool<>(new SyncSessionFactory(documentAccess));
- metricsHelper = new DocumentApiMetrics(metricReceiver, "documentV1");
- }
- @Override
- public void shutdown() {
- for (SyncSession session : syncSessions) {
- session.destroy();
- }
- documentAccess.shutdown();
- }
- private static final int HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST = 400;
- private static final int HTTP_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE = 507;
- private static final int HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED = 412;
- public static int getHTTPStatusCode(Set<Integer> errorCodes) {
- if (errorCodes.size() == 1 && errorCodes.contains(DocumentProtocol.ERROR_NO_SPACE)) {
- }
- if (errorCodes.contains(DocumentProtocol.ERROR_TEST_AND_SET_CONDITION_FAILED)) {
- }
- }
- private static Response createErrorResponse(DocumentAccessException documentException, RestUri restUri) {
- if (documentException.hasConditionNotMetError()) {
- return Response.createErrorResponse(getHTTPStatusCode(documentException.getErrorCodes()), "Condition did not match document.",
- restUri, RestUri.apiErrorCodes.DOCUMENT_CONDITION_NOT_MET);
- }
- return Response.createErrorResponse(getHTTPStatusCode(documentException.getErrorCodes()), documentException.getMessage(), restUri,
- RestUri.apiErrorCodes.DOCUMENT_EXCEPTION);
- }
- @Override
- public VisitResult visit(RestUri restUri, String documentSelection, VisitOptions options) throws RestApiException {
- VisitorParameters visitorParameters = createVisitorParameters(restUri, documentSelection, options);
- VisitorControlHandler visitorControlHandler = new VisitorControlHandler();
- visitorParameters.setControlHandler(visitorControlHandler);
- LocalDataVisitorHandler localDataVisitorHandler = new LocalDataVisitorHandler();
- visitorParameters.setLocalDataHandler(localDataVisitorHandler);
- final VisitorSession visitorSession;
- try {
- visitorSession = documentAccess.createVisitorSession(visitorParameters);
- // Not sure if this line is required
- visitorControlHandler.setSession(visitorSession);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new RestApiException(Response.createErrorResponse(
- 500,
- "Failed during parsing of arguments for visiting: " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTraceAsString(e),
- restUri,
- RestUri.apiErrorCodes.VISITOR_ERROR));
- }
- try {
- return doVisit(visitorControlHandler, localDataVisitorHandler, restUri);
- } finally {
- visitorSession.destroy();
- }
- }
- private static void throwIfFatalVisitingError(VisitorControlHandler handler, RestUri restUri) throws RestApiException {
- final VisitorControlHandler.Result result = handler.getResult();
- if (result.getCode() == VisitorControlHandler.CompletionCode.TIMEOUT) {
- if (! handler.hasVisitedAnyBuckets()) {
- throw new RestApiException(Response.createErrorResponse(500, "Timed out", restUri, RestUri.apiErrorCodes.TIME_OUT));
- } // else: some progress has been made, let client continue with new token.
- } else if (result.getCode() != VisitorControlHandler.CompletionCode.SUCCESS) {
- throw new RestApiException(Response.createErrorResponse(400, result.toString(), RestUri.apiErrorCodes.VISITOR_ERROR));
- }
- }
- private VisitResult doVisit(VisitorControlHandler visitorControlHandler,
- LocalDataVisitorHandler localDataVisitorHandler,
- RestUri restUri) throws RestApiException {
- try {
- visitorControlHandler.waitUntilDone(); // VisitorParameters' session timeout implicitly triggers timeout failures.
- throwIfFatalVisitingError(visitorControlHandler, restUri);
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- throw new RestApiException(Response.createErrorResponse(500, ExceptionUtils.getStackTraceAsString(e), restUri, RestUri.apiErrorCodes.INTERRUPTED));
- }
- if (localDataVisitorHandler.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
- Optional<String> continuationToken;
- if (! visitorControlHandler.getProgress().isFinished()) {
- continuationToken = Optional.of(visitorControlHandler.getProgress().serializeToString());
- } else {
- continuationToken = Optional.empty();
- }
- return new VisitResult(continuationToken, localDataVisitorHandler.getCommaSeparatedJsonDocuments());
- }
- throw new RestApiException(Response.createErrorResponse(500, localDataVisitorHandler.getErrors(), restUri, RestUri.apiErrorCodes.UNSPECIFIED));
- }
- private void setRoute(SyncSession session, Optional<String> route) throws RestApiException {
- if (! (session instanceof MessageBusSyncSession)) {
- // Not sure if this ever could happen but better be safe.
- throw new RestApiException(Response.createErrorResponse(
- 400, "Can not set route since the API is not using message bus.",
- }
- ((MessageBusSyncSession) session).setRoute(route.orElse("default"));
- }
- @Override
- public void put(RestUri restUri, FeedOperation data, Optional<String> route) throws RestApiException {
- SyncSession syncSession = syncSessions.alloc();
- Response response;
- try {
- Instant startTime = Instant.now();
- DocumentPut put = new DocumentPut(data.getDocument());
- put.setCondition(data.getCondition());
- setRoute(syncSession, route);
- syncSession.put(put);
- metricsHelper.reportSuccessful(DocumentOperationType.PUT, startTime);
- return;
- } catch (DocumentAccessException documentException) {
- response = createErrorResponse(documentException, restUri);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- response = Response.createErrorResponse(500, ExceptionUtils.getStackTraceAsString(e), restUri, RestUri.apiErrorCodes.INTERNAL_EXCEPTION);
- } finally {
- syncSessions.free(syncSession);
- }
- metricsHelper.reportFailure(DocumentOperationType.PUT, DocumentOperationStatus.fromHttpStatusCode(response.getStatus()));
- throw new RestApiException(response);
- }
- @Override
- public void update(RestUri restUri, FeedOperation data, Optional<String> route) throws RestApiException {
- SyncSession syncSession = syncSessions.alloc();
- Response response;
- try {
- Instant startTime = Instant.now();
- setRoute(syncSession, route);
- syncSession.update(data.getDocumentUpdate());
- metricsHelper.reportSuccessful(DocumentOperationType.UPDATE, startTime);
- return;
- } catch (DocumentAccessException documentException) {
- response = createErrorResponse(documentException, restUri);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- response = Response.createErrorResponse(500, ExceptionUtils.getStackTraceAsString(e), restUri, RestUri.apiErrorCodes.INTERNAL_EXCEPTION);
- } finally {
- syncSessions.free(syncSession);
- }
- metricsHelper.reportFailure(DocumentOperationType.UPDATE, DocumentOperationStatus.fromHttpStatusCode(response.getStatus()));
- throw new RestApiException(response);
- }
- @Override
- public void delete(RestUri restUri, String condition, Optional<String> route) throws RestApiException {
- SyncSession syncSession = syncSessions.alloc();
- Response response;
- try {
- Instant startTime = Instant.now();
- DocumentId id = new DocumentId(restUri.generateFullId());
- DocumentRemove documentRemove = new DocumentRemove(id);
- setRoute(syncSession, route);
- if (condition != null && ! condition.isEmpty()) {
- documentRemove.setCondition(new TestAndSetCondition(condition));
- }
- syncSession.remove(documentRemove);
- metricsHelper.reportSuccessful(DocumentOperationType.REMOVE, startTime);
- return;
- } catch (DocumentAccessException documentException) {
- if (documentException.hasConditionNotMetError()) {
- response = Response.createErrorResponse(412, "Condition not met: " + documentException.getMessage(),
- restUri, RestUri.apiErrorCodes.DOCUMENT_CONDITION_NOT_MET);
- } else {
- response = Response.createErrorResponse(400, documentException.getMessage(), restUri, RestUri.apiErrorCodes.DOCUMENT_EXCEPTION);
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- response = Response.createErrorResponse(500, ExceptionUtils.getStackTraceAsString(e), restUri, RestUri.apiErrorCodes.UNSPECIFIED);
- } finally {
- syncSessions.free(syncSession);
- }
- metricsHelper.reportFailure(DocumentOperationType.REMOVE, DocumentOperationStatus.fromHttpStatusCode(response.getStatus()));
- throw new RestApiException(response);
- }
- @Override
- public Optional<String> get(RestUri restUri, Optional<String> fieldSet, Optional<String> cluster) throws RestApiException {
- SyncSession syncSession = syncSessions.alloc();
- // Explicit unary used instead of map() due to unhandled exceptions, blargh.
- Optional<String> route = cluster.isPresent()
- ? Optional.of(clusterDefToRoute(resolveClusterDef(cluster, clusterEnumerator.enumerateClusters())))
- : Optional.empty();
- setRoute(syncSession, route);
- try {
- DocumentId id = new DocumentId(restUri.generateFullId());
- final Document document = syncSession.get(id, fieldSet.orElse(restUri.getDocumentType() + ":[document]"), DocumentProtocol.Priority.NORMAL_1);
- if (document == null) {
- return Optional.empty();
- }
- ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(outputStream);
- jsonWriter.write(document);
- return Optional.of(outputStream.toString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8.name()));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new RestApiException(Response.createErrorResponse(500, ExceptionUtils.getStackTraceAsString(e), restUri, RestUri.apiErrorCodes.UNSPECIFIED));
- } finally {
- syncSessions.free(syncSession);
- }
- }
- @Override
- public Optional<String> get(RestUri restUri, Optional<String> fieldSet) throws RestApiException {
- return get(restUri, fieldSet, Optional.empty());
- }
- @Override
- public Optional<String> get(RestUri restUri) throws RestApiException {
- return get(restUri, Optional.empty());
- }
- private static boolean isValidBucketSpace(String spaceName) {
- // TODO need bucket space repo in Java as well
- return (FixedBucketSpaces.defaultSpace().equals(spaceName)
- || FixedBucketSpaces.globalSpace().equals(spaceName));
- }
- protected BucketSpaceRoute resolveBucketSpaceRoute(Optional<String> wantedCluster,
- Optional<String> wantedBucketSpace,
- RestUri restUri) throws RestApiException {
- final List<ClusterDef> clusters = clusterEnumerator.enumerateClusters();
- ClusterDef clusterDef = resolveClusterDef(wantedCluster, clusters);
- String targetBucketSpace;
- if (!restUri.isRootOnly()) {
- String docType = restUri.getDocumentType();
- Optional<String> resolvedSpace = bucketSpaceResolver.clusterBucketSpaceFromDocumentType(clusterDef.getName(), docType);
- if (!resolvedSpace.isPresent()) {
- throw new RestApiException(Response.createErrorResponse(400, String.format(
- "Document type '%s' in cluster '%s' is not mapped to a known bucket space", docType, clusterDef.getName()),
- RestUri.apiErrorCodes.UNKNOWN_BUCKET_SPACE));
- }
- targetBucketSpace = resolvedSpace.get();
- } else {
- if (wantedBucketSpace.isPresent() && !isValidBucketSpace(wantedBucketSpace.get())) {
- // TODO enumerate known bucket spaces from a repo instead of having a fixed set
- throw new RestApiException(Response.createErrorResponse(400, String.format(
- "Bucket space '%s' is not a known bucket space (expected '%s' or '%s')",
- wantedBucketSpace.get(), FixedBucketSpaces.defaultSpace(), FixedBucketSpaces.globalSpace()),
- RestUri.apiErrorCodes.UNKNOWN_BUCKET_SPACE));
- }
- targetBucketSpace = wantedBucketSpace.orElse(FixedBucketSpaces.defaultSpace());
- }
- return new BucketSpaceRoute(clusterDefToRoute(clusterDef), targetBucketSpace);
- }
- protected static ClusterDef resolveClusterDef(Optional<String> wantedCluster, List<ClusterDef> clusters) throws RestApiException {
- if (clusters.size() == 0) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Your Vespa cluster does not have any content clusters " +
- "declared. Visiting feature is not available.");
- }
- if (! wantedCluster.isPresent()) {
- if (clusters.size() != 1) {
- String message = "Several clusters exist: " +
- clusters.stream().map(c -> "'" + c.getName() + "'").collect(Collectors.joining(", ")) +
- ". You must specify one.";
- throw new RestApiException(Response.createErrorResponse(400,
- message,
- RestUri.apiErrorCodes.SEVERAL_CLUSTERS));
- }
- return clusters.get(0);
- }
- for (ClusterDef clusterDef : clusters) {
- if (clusterDef.getName().equals(wantedCluster.get())) {
- return clusterDef;
- }
- }
- String message = "Your vespa cluster contains the content clusters " +
- clusters.stream().map(c -> "'" + c.getName() + "'").collect(Collectors.joining(", ")) +
- ", not '" + wantedCluster.get() + "'. Please select a valid vespa cluster.";
- throw new RestApiException(Response.createErrorResponse(400,
- message,
- RestUri.apiErrorCodes.MISSING_CLUSTER));
- }
- protected static String clusterDefToRoute(ClusterDef clusterDef) {
- return "[Storage:cluster=" + clusterDef.getName() + ";clusterconfigid=" + clusterDef.getConfigId() + "]";
- }
- private static String buildAugmentedDocumentSelection(RestUri restUri, String documentSelection) {
- if (restUri.isRootOnly()) {
- return documentSelection; // May be empty, that's fine.
- }
- StringBuilder selection = new StringBuilder();
- if (! documentSelection.isEmpty()) {
- selection.append("((").append(documentSelection).append(") and ");
- }
- selection.append(restUri.getDocumentType()).append(" and (id.namespace=='").append(restUri.getNamespace()).append("')");
- if (! documentSelection.isEmpty()) {
- selection.append(")");
- }
- return selection.toString();
- }
- private static int computeEffectiveConcurrency(Optional<Integer> requestConcurrency) {
- int wantedConcurrency = requestConcurrency.orElse(1);
- return Math.min(Math.max(wantedConcurrency, 1), CONCURRENCY_UPPER_BOUND);
- }
- private VisitorParameters createVisitorParameters(
- RestUri restUri,
- String documentSelection,
- VisitOptions options)
- throws RestApiException {
- if (restUri.isRootOnly() && !options.cluster.isPresent()) {
- throw new RestApiException(Response.createErrorResponse(400,
- "Must set 'cluster' parameter to a valid content cluster id when visiting at a root /document/v1/ level",
- RestUri.apiErrorCodes.MISSING_CLUSTER));
- }
- String augmentedSelection = buildAugmentedDocumentSelection(restUri, documentSelection);
- VisitorParameters params = new VisitorParameters(augmentedSelection);
- // Only return fieldset that is part of the document, unless we're visiting across all
- // document types in which case we can't explicitly state a single document type.
- // This matches legacy /visit API and vespa-visit tool behavior.
- params.fieldSet(options.fieldSet.orElse(
- restUri.isRootOnly() ? AllFields.NAME : restUri.getDocumentType() + ":[document]"));
- params.setMaxBucketsPerVisitor(1);
- params.setMaxPending(32);
- params.setMaxFirstPassHits(1);
- params.setMaxTotalHits(options.wantedDocumentCount
- .map(n -> Math.min(Math.max(n, 1), WANTED_DOCUMENT_COUNT_UPPER_BOUND))
- .orElse(1));
- params.setThrottlePolicy(new StaticThrottlePolicy().setMaxPendingCount(computeEffectiveConcurrency(options.concurrency)));
- params.setToTimestamp(0L);
- params.setFromTimestamp(0L);
- params.setSessionTimeoutMs(VISIT_TIMEOUT_MS);
- params.visitInconsistentBuckets(true); // TODO document this as part of consistency doc
- BucketSpaceRoute bucketSpaceRoute = resolveBucketSpaceRoute(options.cluster, options.bucketSpace, restUri);
- params.setRoute(bucketSpaceRoute.getClusterRoute());
- params.setBucketSpace(bucketSpaceRoute.getBucketSpace());
- params.setTraceLevel(0);
- params.setPriority(DocumentProtocol.Priority.NORMAL_4);
- params.setVisitRemoves(false);
- if (options.continuation.isPresent()) {
- try {
- params.setResumeToken(ProgressToken.fromSerializedString(options.continuation.get()));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new RestApiException(Response.createErrorResponse(500, ExceptionUtils.getStackTraceAsString(e), restUri, RestUri.apiErrorCodes.UNSPECIFIED));
- }
- }
- return params;
- }