# Creating Vespa documentation All features of Vespa must have user documentation. This document explains how to add documentation. ## Practical information Vespa documentation is served using straightforward [GitHub Project pages](https://help.github.com/categories/github-pages-basics/) with [Jekyll](https://help.github.com/categories/customizing-github-pages/). To edit documentation check out and work off the branch gh-pages from Vespa repo. This branch contains documentation instead of the code. Documentation are written in straightforward HTML. We use a single Jekyll template (_layouts/default-html) to add header, footer and layout. With Jekyll installed (follow the link above) you can use bundle exec jekyll serve to set up a local server at localhost:4000 to see the pages as they will look when served. The layout is written in Bootstrap and we refer directly to the Bootstrap CSS. Refer to [Bootstrap documentation](http://getbootstrap.com/css/) if you need to add style effects to your page. Note that the enture documentation page content is contained in a Bootstrap layout column with cilumn with 12. Please do not add custom style sheets as it is a pain to maintain. ## Writing good documentation Please read the following guide to writing good documentation before writing some. ### Guides and references A document cannot be both comprehensive and comprehendible. Because of this we split our documentation into *guides* and *reference* documents. Guides should be easy to understand by only explain the most important concepts under discussion. Reference documents on the other hand must be complete but should skip verbiage meant to aid understanding. Reference documents are those that are placed in reference/ subdirectories (with the exception of parts of content/, where this separation became messed up at some point). ### Maintainability Prioritize maintainability higher than usability: * Don't include unnecessary details, especially ephemeral ones such as that a feature is "recently added" or how things was before, etc. The guide/reference distinction helps here: Guides are harder to maintain as they contain more verbiage, and they should not unnecessarily repeat information found in a reference doc. **Write such that the document will still be correct in a half decade.** * Don't repeat information found in other documents. It is tempting to make life easier for users by writing use-case oriented documentation on how to accomplish specific tasks, but this backfires as it leads to a lot of repetition which we fail to maintain. In the long run it is better to explain the concepts clearly and succinctly and leave it to the users to piece together the information. **Use the same principles for documentation as for code: DRY, refactor for coherency etc.** * Be wary of adding code in the documentation. The code will becomes incorrect over time and should in most cases be placed in git as continuously built code and referenced from the doc. ### Text quality Documentation is not high prose, and not a podcast. Users want to consume the information as soon as possible with as little effort as possible and get on with their lives. Make the text as short, clear, and easy to read as possible: * Describe things plainly "as they are". You usually shouldn't worry about explaining why, what you can do with it etc. * Use short sentences with simple structure. * Avoid superfluous words such as "very". * Avoid filler sentences intended to improve the flow of the text - documents are usually browsed, not read anyway. * Use consistent terminology even when it leads to repetition which would be bad in other kind of writing. * Use active form "index the documents", not passive "indexing the documents" * Avoid making it personal - do not use "we", "you", "our" * Do not use &quot; , &mdash; and the likes - makes the document harder to edit, and no need to use it. * Less is more - <em> and <strong> is sufficient formatting in most cases ### Links Add an *id* attribute to each heading such that link can refer to it: Use the exact same text as the heading as id, lowercased and with spaces replaced by dashes such that references can be made without checking the source. Don't change headings/ids unless completely necessary as that breaks links. Example: <h2 id="my-nice-heading">My nice Heading</h2> If this algorithmic transformation is followed it is possible to link to this section using <a href="doc.html#my-nice-heading"> without having to consult the html source of the page to find the right id. *By Jon Bratseth in June 2016*