// Copyright Vespa.ai. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.container.plugin.util; import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toMap; /** * Translates the scope of dependencies when constructing a test bundle. * Used by {@link Artifacts} to determine which artifacts that are provided by the runtime or must be included in the bundle. * * Dependencies of scope 'test' are by default translated to 'compile'. Dependencies of other scopes are kept as is. * * Default scope translation for 'test' scope dependencies can be overridden through a comma-separated configuration string. * Each substring is a triplet on the form [groupId]:[artifactId]:[scope]. * Scope translation overrides affects all transitive dependencies. * The ordering of the triplets determines the priority - only the first matching override will affect a given dependency. * * @author bjorncs */ public class TestBundleDependencyScopeTranslator implements Artifacts.ScopeTranslator { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TestBundleDependencyScopeTranslator.class.getName()); private final Map dependencyScopes; private TestBundleDependencyScopeTranslator(Map dependencyScopes) { this.dependencyScopes = dependencyScopes; } @Override public String scopeOf(Artifact artifact) { return Objects.requireNonNull(dependencyScopes.get(artifact), () -> "Could not lookup scope for " + artifact); } public static TestBundleDependencyScopeTranslator from(Collection dependencies, String rawConfig) { List dependencyOverrides = toDependencyOverrides(rawConfig); Map dependencyScopes = new HashMap<>(); Map dependenciesById = dependencies.stream().collect(toMap(Artifact::getId, Function.identity())); for (Artifact dependency : dependencies) { dependencyScopes.put(dependency, getScopeForDependency(dependency, dependencyOverrides, dependenciesById)); } return new TestBundleDependencyScopeTranslator(dependencyScopes); } private static List toDependencyOverrides(String rawConfig) { if (rawConfig == null || rawConfig.isBlank()) return List.of(); return Arrays.stream(rawConfig.split(",")) .map(String::strip) .filter(s -> !s.isBlank()) .map(TestBundleDependencyScopeTranslator::toDependencyOverride) .toList(); } private static DependencyOverride toDependencyOverride(String overrideString) { String[] elements = overrideString.split(":"); if (elements.length != 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid dependency override: " + overrideString); } return new DependencyOverride(elements[0], elements[1], elements[2]); } private static String getScopeForDependency( Artifact dependency, List overrides, Map otherArtifacts) { String oldScope = dependency.getScope(); if (!oldScope.equals(Artifact.SCOPE_TEST)) return oldScope; for (DependencyOverride override : overrides) { for (Artifact dependent : dependencyTrailOf(dependency, otherArtifacts)) { if (override.isForArtifact(dependent)) { log.fine(() -> String.format( "Overriding scope of '%s'; scope '%s' overridden to '%s'", dependency.getId(), oldScope, override.scope)); return override.scope; } } } log.fine(() -> String.format( "Using default scope translation for '%s'; scope 'test' translated to 'compile'", dependency.getId())); return Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE; } private static List dependencyTrailOf(Artifact artifact, Map otherArtifacts) { return artifact.getDependencyTrail().stream() .skip(1) // Maven project itself is the first entry .map(otherArtifacts::get) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .toList(); } private static class DependencyOverride { final String groupId; final String artifactId; final String scope; DependencyOverride(String groupId, String artifactId, String scope) { this.groupId = groupId; this.artifactId = artifactId; this.scope = scope; } boolean isForArtifact(Artifact artifact) { return artifact.getGroupId().equals(groupId) && artifact.getArtifactId().equals(artifactId); } } }