# Copyright Verizon Media. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. # The version to release. Defaults to the current tag or revision. # Use env VERSION=X.Y.Z make ... to override VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --tags 2> /dev/null | sed -E "s/^vespa-|-1$$//g") DEVEL_VERSION := $(shell echo "0.0.0-`git rev-parse --short HEAD`") ifeq ($(VERSION),) VERSION = $(DEVEL_VERSION) endif BIN ?= $(CURDIR)/bin SHARE ?= $(CURDIR)/share DIST ?= $(CURDIR)/dist GO_FLAGS := -ldflags "-X github.com/vespa-engine/vespa/client/go/build.Version=$(VERSION)" GIT_ROOT := $(shell git rev-parse --show-toplevel) DIST_TARGETS := dist-mac dist-linux dist-win32 dist-win64 all: test checkfmt install # # Dist targets # # Bump the version of the vespa-cli formula and create a pull request to Homebrew repository. # # Example: # # $ git checkout vespa-X.Y.Z-1 # $ make dist-github dist-homebrew: dist-version brew bump-formula-pr --tag vespa-$(VERSION)-1 --version $(VERSION) vespa-cli # Create a GitHub release draft for all platforms. Note that this only creates a # draft, which is not publicly visible until it's explicitly published. # # Once the release has been created this prints an URL to the release draft. # # This requires the GitHub CLI to be installed: brew install gh # # Example: # # $ git checkout vespa-X.Y.Z-1 # $ make dist-github dist-github: dist gh release create v$(VERSION) --repo vespa-engine/vespa --notes-file $(CURDIR)/README.md --draft --title "Vespa CLI $(VERSION)" \ $(DIST)/vespa-cli_$(VERSION)_sha256sums.txt \ $(DIST)/vespa-cli_$(VERSION)_*.{zip,tar.gz} # # Cross-platform build targets # dist: $(DIST_TARGETS) dist-sha256sums dist-mac: GOOS=darwin dist-mac: GOARCH=amd64 dist-linux: GOOS=linux dist-linux: GOARCH=amd64 dist-win32: GOOS=windows dist-win32: GOARCH=386 dist-win64: GOOS=windows dist-win64: GOARCH=amd64 $(DIST_TARGETS): DIST_NAME=vespa-cli_$(VERSION)_$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH) $(DIST_TARGETS): dist-version manpages $(DIST_TARGETS): mkdir -p $(DIST)/$(DIST_NAME)/bin env GOOS=$(GOOS) GOARCH=$(GOARCH) go build -o $(DIST)/$(DIST_NAME)/bin $(GO_FLAGS) ./... cp -a $(GIT_ROOT)/LICENSE $(DIST)/$(DIST_NAME) if [ "$(GOOS)" = "windows" ]; then \ cd $(DIST) && zip -r $(DIST)/$(DIST_NAME).zip $(DIST_NAME); \ else \ cp -a share $(DIST)/$(DIST_NAME); \ tar -czvf $(DIST)/$(DIST_NAME).tar.gz -C $(DIST) $(DIST_NAME); \ fi dist-sha256sums: cd $(DIST) && sha256sum vespa-cli_$(VERSION)_*.{zip,tar.gz} > vespa-cli_$(VERSION)_sha256sums.txt dist-version: ifeq ($(VERSION),$(DEVEL_VERSION)) $(error Invalid release version: $(VERSION). Try 'git checkout vespa-X.Y.Z-1' or 'env VERSION=X.Y.Z make ...') endif # # Development targets # install: env GOBIN=$(BIN) go install $(GO_FLAGS) ./... manpages: install mkdir -p $(SHARE)/man/man1 $(BIN)/vespa man $(SHARE)/man/man1 clean: rm -rf $(BIN) $(SHARE) $(DIST) test: go test ./... checkfmt: @bash -c "diff --line-format='%L' <(echo -n) <(gofmt -l .)" || { echo "one or more files need to be formatted: try make fmt to fix this automatically"; exit 1; } fmt: gofmt -w .