package cmd import ( "bufio" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "math" "os" "runtime/pprof" "time" "" "" "" ) func addFeedFlags(cli *CLI, cmd *cobra.Command, options *feedOptions) { cmd.PersistentFlags().IntVar(&options.connections, "connections", 8, "The number of connections to use") cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.compression, "compression", "auto", `Compression mode to use. Default is "auto" which compresses large documents. Must be "auto", "gzip" or "none"`) cmd.PersistentFlags().IntVar(&options.timeoutSecs, "timeout", 0, "Individual feed operation timeout in seconds. 0 to disable (default 0)") cmd.PersistentFlags().IntVar(&options.doomSecs, "deadline", 0, "Exit if this number of seconds elapse without any successful operations. 0 to disable (default 0)") cmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&options.verbose, "verbose", false, "Verbose mode. Print successful operations in addition to errors") cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.route, "route", "", `Target Vespa route for feed operations (default "default")`) cmd.PersistentFlags().IntVar(&options.traceLevel, "trace", 0, "Network traffic trace level in the range [0,9]. 0 to disable (default 0)") cmd.PersistentFlags().IntVar(&options.summarySecs, "progress", 0, "Print stats summary at given interval, in seconds. 0 to disable (default 0)") cmd.PersistentFlags().IntVar(&options.speedtestBytes, "speedtest", 0, "Perform a network speed test using given payload, in bytes. 0 to disable (default 0)") cmd.PersistentFlags().IntVar(&options.speedtestSecs, "speedtest-duration", 60, "Duration of speedtest, in seconds") memprofile := "memprofile" cpuprofile := "cpuprofile" cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.memprofile, memprofile, "", "Write a heap profile to given file") cmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&options.cpuprofile, cpuprofile, "", "Write a CPU profile to given file") // Hide these flags as they are intended for internal use cmd.PersistentFlags().MarkHidden(memprofile) cmd.PersistentFlags().MarkHidden(cpuprofile) cli.bindWaitFlag(cmd, 0, &options.waitSecs) } type feedOptions struct { connections int compression string route string verbose bool traceLevel int timeoutSecs int doomSecs int summarySecs int speedtestBytes int speedtestSecs int waitSecs int memprofile string cpuprofile string } func newFeedCmd(cli *CLI) *cobra.Command { var options feedOptions cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "feed json-file [json-file]...", Short: "Feed multiple document operations to a Vespa cluster", Long: `Feed multiple document operations to a Vespa cluster. This command can be used to feed large amounts of documents to a Vespa cluster efficiently. The contents of JSON-FILE must be either a JSON array or JSON objects separated by newline (JSONL). If JSON-FILE is a single dash ('-'), documents will be read from standard input. `, Example: `$ vespa feed docs.jsonl moredocs.json $ cat docs.jsonl | vespa feed -`, DisableAutoGenTag: true, SilenceUsage: true, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { if options.cpuprofile != "" { f, err := os.Create(options.cpuprofile) if err != nil { return err } pprof.StartCPUProfile(f) defer pprof.StopCPUProfile() } err := feed(args, options, cli) if options.memprofile != "" { f, err := os.Create(options.memprofile) if err != nil { return err } defer f.Close() pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f) } return err }, } addFeedFlags(cli, cmd, &options) return cmd } func createServices(n int, timeout time.Duration, waitSecs int, cli *CLI) ([]util.HTTPClient, string, error) { if n < 1 { return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("need at least one client") } target, err :={}) if err != nil { return nil, "", err } services := make([]util.HTTPClient, 0, n) baseURL := "" waiter := cli.waiter(false, time.Duration(waitSecs)*time.Second) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { service, err := waiter.Service(target, cli.config.cluster()) if err != nil { return nil, "", err } baseURL = service.BaseURL // Create a separate HTTP client for each service client := cli.httpClientFactory(timeout) // Feeding should always use HTTP/2 util.ForceHTTP2(client, service.TLSOptions.KeyPair, service.TLSOptions.CACertificate, service.TLSOptions.TrustAll) service.SetClient(client) services = append(services, service) } return services, baseURL, nil } func summaryTicker(secs int, cli *CLI, start time.Time, statsFunc func() document.Stats) *time.Ticker { if secs < 1 { return nil } ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(secs) * time.Second) go func() { for range ticker.C { writeSummaryJSON(cli.Stderr, statsFunc(), } }() return ticker } func (opts feedOptions) compressionMode() (document.Compression, error) { switch opts.compression { case "auto": return document.CompressionAuto, nil case "none": return document.CompressionNone, nil case "gzip": return document.CompressionGzip, nil } return 0, errHint(fmt.Errorf("invalid compression mode: %s", opts.compression), `Must be "auto", "gzip" or "none"`) } func enqueueFromFiles(files []string, dispatcher *document.Dispatcher, cli *CLI) error { for _, name := range files { var r io.ReadCloser if len(files) == 1 && name == "-" { r = io.NopCloser(cli.Stdin) } else { f, err := os.Open(name) if err != nil { cli.printErr(err) continue } r = f } if err := enqueueFrom(r, dispatcher, cli); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func enqueueFrom(r io.ReadCloser, dispatcher *document.Dispatcher, cli *CLI) error { dec := document.NewDecoder(bufio.NewReaderSize(r, 1<<26)) // Buffer up to 64M of data at a time defer r.Close() for { doc, err := dec.Decode() if err == io.EOF { break } if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to decode document: %w", err) } if err := dispatcher.Enqueue(doc); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func enqueueAndWait(files []string, dispatcher *document.Dispatcher, options feedOptions, cli *CLI) error { defer dispatcher.Close() if options.speedtestBytes > 0 { if len(files) > 0 { return fmt.Errorf("option --speedtest cannot be combined with feed files") } gen := document.NewGenerator(options.speedtestBytes,*time.Second)) return enqueueFrom(io.NopCloser(gen), dispatcher, cli) } else if len(files) > 0 { return enqueueFromFiles(files, dispatcher, cli) } return fmt.Errorf("at least one file to feed from must specified") } func feed(files []string, options feedOptions, cli *CLI) error { timeout := time.Duration(options.timeoutSecs) * time.Second clients, baseURL, err := createServices(options.connections, timeout, options.waitSecs, cli) if err != nil { return err } compression, err := options.compressionMode() if err != nil { return err } client, err := document.NewClient(document.ClientOptions{ Compression: compression, Timeout: timeout, Route: options.route, TraceLevel: options.traceLevel, BaseURL: baseURL, Speedtest: options.speedtestBytes > 0, NowFunc:, }, clients) if err != nil { return err } throttler := document.NewThrottler(options.connections) circuitBreaker := document.NewCircuitBreaker(10*time.Second, time.Duration(options.doomSecs)*time.Second) dispatcher := document.NewDispatcher(client, throttler, circuitBreaker, cli.Stderr, options.verbose) start := summaryTicker := summaryTicker(options.summarySecs, cli, start, dispatcher.Stats) defer func() { if summaryTicker != nil { summaryTicker.Stop() } elapsed := writeSummaryJSON(cli.Stdout, dispatcher.Stats(), elapsed) }() return enqueueAndWait(files, dispatcher, options, cli) } type number float32 func (n number) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%.3f", n)), nil } type feedSummary struct { Seconds number `json:"feeder.seconds"` SuccessCount int64 `json:"feeder.ok.count"` SuccessRate number `json:"feeder.ok.rate"` ErrorCount int64 `json:"feeder.error.count"` InflightCount int64 `json:"feeder.inflight.count"` RequestCount int64 `json:"http.request.count"` RequestBytes int64 `json:"http.request.bytes"` RequestRate number `json:"http.request.MBps"` ExceptionCount int64 `json:"http.exception.count"` // same as ErrorCount, for compatibility with vespa-feed-client output ResponseCount int64 `json:"http.response.count"` ResponseBytes int64 `json:"http.response.bytes"` ResponseRate number `json:"http.response.MBps"` ResponseErrorCount int64 `json:"http.response.error.count"` ResponseMinLatency int64 `json:"http.response.latency.millis.min"` ResponseAvgLatency int64 `json:"http.response.latency.millis.avg"` ResponseMaxLatency int64 `json:"http.response.latency.millis.max"` ResponseCodeCounts map[int]int64 `json:"http.response.code.counts"` } func mbps(bytes int64, duration time.Duration) float64 { return (float64(bytes) / 1000 / 1000) / math.Max(1, duration.Seconds()) } func writeSummaryJSON(w io.Writer, stats document.Stats, duration time.Duration) error { summary := feedSummary{ Seconds: number(duration.Seconds()), SuccessCount: stats.Successful(), SuccessRate: number(float64(stats.Successful()) / math.Max(1, duration.Seconds())), ErrorCount: stats.Errors, InflightCount: stats.Inflight, RequestCount: stats.Requests, RequestBytes: stats.BytesSent, RequestRate: number(mbps(stats.BytesSent, duration)), ExceptionCount: stats.Errors, ResponseCount: stats.Responses, ResponseBytes: stats.BytesRecv, ResponseRate: number(mbps(stats.BytesRecv, duration)), ResponseErrorCount: stats.Unsuccessful(), ResponseMinLatency: stats.MinLatency.Milliseconds(), ResponseAvgLatency: stats.AvgLatency().Milliseconds(), ResponseMaxLatency: stats.MaxLatency.Milliseconds(), ResponseCodeCounts: stats.ResponsesByCode, } enc := json.NewEncoder(w) enc.SetIndent("", " ") return enc.Encode(summary) }