import { ACTION, reducer, } from 'app/pages/querybuilder/context/query-builder-provider'; const state = reducer(); test('default state', () => { const fixed = { ...state, params: hideTypes(state.params) }; expect(fixed).toEqual({ http: {}, params: { value: [{ id: '0', value: '', type: 'yql' }], }, query: { input: '{\n "yql": ""\n}', }, request: { body: '{\n "yql": ""\n}', fullUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/search/', method: 'POST', url: 'http://localhost:8080/search/', }, }); }); test('manipulates inputs', () => { function assert(state, queryJson, querySearchParams, params) { expect(hideTypes(state.params).value).toEqual(params); expect({ ...state.query, input: JSON.parse(state.query.input) }).toEqual( queryJson ); const spState = reducer(state, { action: ACTION.SET_METHOD, data: 'GET' }); expect(hideTypes(spState.params).value).toEqual(params); expect(spState.query).toEqual(querySearchParams); } const s1 = reduce(state, [[ACTION.INPUT_ADD, { type: 'hits' }]]); assert(s1, { input: { yql: '', hits: null } }, { input: 'yql=&hits=' }, [ { id: '0', value: '', type: 'yql' }, { id: '1', value: '', type: 'hits' }, ]); const s2 = reduce(s1, [ [ACTION.INPUT_UPDATE, { id: '1', value: '12' }], [ACTION.INPUT_ADD, { type: 'ranking' }], [ACTION.INPUT_UPDATE, { id: '1', type: 'offset' }], [ACTION.INPUT_REMOVE, '0'], [ACTION.INPUT_ADD, { id: '2', type: 'location' }], [ACTION.INPUT_ADD, { id: '2', type: 'matchPhase' }], [ACTION.INPUT_UPDATE, { id: '2.0', value: 'us' }], [ACTION.INPUT_ADD, { id: '2', type: 'features' }], [ACTION.INPUT_ADD, { id: '2.2', type: '' }], [ACTION.INPUT_UPDATE, { id: '2.2.0', type: 'abc' }], [ACTION.INPUT_UPDATE, { id: '2.2.0', value: '123' }], ]); assert( s2, { input: { offset: 12, ranking: { location: 'us', matchPhase: {}, features: { abc: '123' } }, }, }, { input: 'offset=12&ranking.location=us&' }, [ { id: '1', value: '12', type: 'offset' }, { id: '2', type: 'ranking', value: [ { id: '2.0', value: 'us', type: 'location' }, { id: '2.1', type: 'matchPhase', value: [] }, { id: '2.2', type: 'features', value: [{ id: '2.2.0', type: 'abc', value: '123' }], }, ], }, ] ); assert( reduce(s2, [[ACTION.INPUT_UPDATE, { id: '2', type: 'noCache' }]]), { input: { offset: 12, noCache: false } }, { input: 'offset=12&noCache=' }, [ { id: '1', value: '12', type: 'offset' }, { id: '2', value: '', type: 'noCache' }, ] ); assert( reduce(s2, [[ACTION.INPUT_REMOVE, '2']]), { input: { offset: 12 } }, { input: 'offset=12' }, [{ id: '1', value: '12', type: 'offset' }] ); }); test('set query', () => { const query = (method, input) => reduce(state, [ [ACTION.INPUT_REMOVE, '0'], [ACTION.SET_METHOD, method], [ACTION.SET_QUERY, input], ]); function assert(inputJson, inputSearchParams, params) { const s2 = query('POST', inputJson); expect(hideTypes(s2.params).value).toEqual(params); expect(s2.query.input).toEqual(inputJson); expect(s2.query.error).toBeUndefined(); if (inputSearchParams == null) return; const s3 = query('GET', inputSearchParams); expect(hideTypes(s3.params).value).toEqual(params); expect(s3.query.input).toEqual(inputSearchParams); expect(s3.query.error).toBeUndefined(); } function error(method, input, error) { const s = query(method, input); expect(s.params.value).toEqual([]); expect(s.query.input).toEqual(input); expect(s.query.error).toEqual(error); } assert('{"yql":"abc"}', '?yql=abc', [{ id: '0', value: 'abc', type: 'yql' }]); assert( '{"hits":12,"ranking":{"location":"us","matchPhase":{"attribute":"[\\"a b\\"]"}},"noCache":true,"offset":""}', 'hits=12&ranking.location=us&noCache=true&ranking.matchPhase.attribute=%5B%22a+b%22%5D&offset', [ { id: '0', value: '12', type: 'hits' }, { id: '1', type: 'ranking', value: [ { id: '1.0', value: 'us', type: 'location' }, { id: '1.1', type: 'matchPhase', value: [{ id: '1.1.0', value: '["a b"]', type: 'attribute' }], }, ], }, { id: '2', value: 'true', type: 'noCache' }, { id: '3', value: '', type: 'offset' }, ] ); assert('{"ranking":{"matchPhase":{}}}', null, [ { id: '0', type: 'ranking', value: [{ id: '0.0', type: 'matchPhase', value: [] }], }, ]); assert( '{"ranking":{"features":{"abc":"123","def":"456"}}}', '', [ { id: '0', type: 'ranking', value: [ { id: '0.0', type: 'features', value: [ { id: '0.0.0', type: 'abc', value: '123' }, { id: '0.0.1', type: 'def', value: '456' }, ], }, ], }, ] ); let msg = "Unknown property 'asd' on root level"; error('POST', '{"asd":123}', msg); error('GET', 'asd=123', msg); msg = "Unknown property 'asd' under 'matchPhase'"; error('POST', '{"ranking":{"matchPhase":{"asd":123}}}', msg); error('GET', 'ranking.matchPhase.asd=123', msg); error('POST', '{"yql":"test}', 'Unexpected end of JSON input'); msg = "Property 'ranking' cannot have a value, supported children: features,freshness,listFeatures,location,matchPhase,matching,profile,properties,queryCache,rerankCount,softtimeout,sorting"; error('POST', '{"ranking":123}', msg); error('GET', 'ranking=123', msg); error('POST', '{"yql":{}}', "Expected property 'yql' to be String"); }); function hideTypes({ type, value, ...copy }) { if ( copy.type =; copy.value = type.children ? : value; return copy; } function reduce(state, operations) { return operations.reduce( (acc, [action, data]) => reducer(acc, { action, data }), state ); }