// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.core; import com.yahoo.lang.MutableBoolean; import com.yahoo.lang.SettableOptional; import com.yahoo.vdslib.distribution.ConfiguredNode; import com.yahoo.vdslib.distribution.Group; import com.yahoo.vdslib.state.ClusterState; import com.yahoo.vdslib.state.Node; import com.yahoo.vdslib.state.NodeState; import com.yahoo.vdslib.state.State; import com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.core.hostinfo.HostInfo; import com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.core.hostinfo.Metrics; import com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.core.hostinfo.StorageNode; import com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.utils.staterestapi.requests.SetUnitStateRequest; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import static com.yahoo.vdslib.state.NodeType.STORAGE; import static com.yahoo.vdslib.state.State.DOWN; import static com.yahoo.vdslib.state.State.RETIRED; import static com.yahoo.vdslib.state.State.UP; import static com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.core.NodeStateChangeChecker.Result.allowSettingOfWantedState; import static com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.core.NodeStateChangeChecker.Result.createAlreadySet; import static com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.core.NodeStateChangeChecker.Result.createDisallowed; import static com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.utils.staterestapi.requests.SetUnitStateRequest.Condition.FORCE; import static com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.utils.staterestapi.requests.SetUnitStateRequest.Condition.SAFE; /** * Checks if a node can be upgraded. * * @author Haakon Dybdahl */ public class NodeStateChangeChecker { public static final String BUCKETS_METRIC_NAME = "vds.datastored.bucket_space.buckets_total"; public static final Map BUCKETS_METRIC_DIMENSIONS = Map.of("bucketSpace", "default"); private final int requiredRedundancy; private final HierarchicalGroupVisiting groupVisiting; private final ClusterInfo clusterInfo; private final boolean inMoratorium; private final int maxNumberOfGroupsAllowedToBeDown; public NodeStateChangeChecker(ContentCluster cluster, boolean inMoratorium) { this.requiredRedundancy = cluster.getDistribution().getRedundancy(); this.groupVisiting = new HierarchicalGroupVisiting(cluster.getDistribution()); this.clusterInfo = cluster.clusterInfo(); this.inMoratorium = inMoratorium; this.maxNumberOfGroupsAllowedToBeDown = cluster.maxNumberOfGroupsAllowedToBeDown(); } public static class Result { public enum Action { MUST_SET_WANTED_STATE, ALREADY_SET, DISALLOWED } private final Action action; private final String reason; private Result(Action action, String reason) { this.action = action; this.reason = reason; } public static Result createDisallowed(String reason) { return new Result(Action.DISALLOWED, reason); } public static Result allowSettingOfWantedState() { return new Result(Action.MUST_SET_WANTED_STATE, "Preconditions fulfilled and new state different"); } public static Result createAlreadySet() { return new Result(Action.ALREADY_SET, "Basic preconditions fulfilled and new state is already effective"); } public boolean settingWantedStateIsAllowed() { return action == Action.MUST_SET_WANTED_STATE; } public boolean wantedStateAlreadySet() { return action == Action.ALREADY_SET; } public String getReason() { return reason; } public String toString() { return "action " + action + ": " + reason; } } public Result evaluateTransition(Node node, ClusterState clusterState, SetUnitStateRequest.Condition condition, NodeState oldWantedState, NodeState newWantedState) { if (condition == FORCE) { return allowSettingOfWantedState(); } if (inMoratorium) { return createDisallowed("Master cluster controller is bootstrapping and in moratorium"); } if (condition != SAFE) { return createDisallowed("Condition not implemented: " + condition.name()); } if (node.getType() != STORAGE) { return createDisallowed("Safe-set of node state is only supported for storage nodes! " + "Requested node type: " + node.getType().toString()); } StorageNodeInfo nodeInfo = clusterInfo.getStorageNodeInfo(node.getIndex()); if (nodeInfo == null) { return createDisallowed("Unknown node " + node); } // If the new state and description equals the existing, we're done. This is done for 2 cases: // - We can short-circuit setting of a new wanted state, which e.g. hits ZooKeeper. // - We ensure that clients that have previously set the wanted state, continue // to see the same conclusion, even though they possibly would have been denied // MUST_SET_WANTED_STATE if re-evaluated. This is important for implementing idempotent clients. if (newWantedState.getState().equals(oldWantedState.getState()) && Objects.equals(newWantedState.getDescription(), oldWantedState.getDescription())) { return createAlreadySet(); } return switch (newWantedState.getState()) { case UP -> canSetStateUp(nodeInfo, oldWantedState); case MAINTENANCE -> canSetStateMaintenanceTemporarily(nodeInfo, clusterState, newWantedState.getDescription()); case DOWN -> canSetStateDownPermanently(nodeInfo, clusterState, newWantedState.getDescription()); default -> createDisallowed("Destination node state unsupported in safe mode: " + newWantedState); }; } private Result canSetStateDownPermanently(NodeInfo nodeInfo, ClusterState clusterState, String newDescription) { NodeState oldWantedState = nodeInfo.getUserWantedState(); if (oldWantedState.getState() != UP && !oldWantedState.getDescription().equals(newDescription)) { // Refuse to override whatever an operator or unknown entity is doing. // // Note: The new state&description is NOT equal to the old state&description: // that would have been short-circuited prior to this. return createDisallowed("A conflicting wanted state is already set: " + oldWantedState.getState() + ": " + oldWantedState.getDescription()); } State reportedState = nodeInfo.getReportedState().getState(); if (reportedState != UP) { return createDisallowed("Reported state (" + reportedState + ") is not UP, so no bucket data is available"); } State currentState = clusterState.getNodeState(nodeInfo.getNode()).getState(); if (currentState != RETIRED) { return createDisallowed("Only retired nodes are allowed to be set to DOWN in safe mode - is " + currentState); } HostInfo hostInfo = nodeInfo.getHostInfo(); Integer hostInfoNodeVersion = hostInfo.getClusterStateVersionOrNull(); int clusterControllerVersion = clusterState.getVersion(); if (hostInfoNodeVersion == null || hostInfoNodeVersion != clusterControllerVersion) { return createDisallowed("Cluster controller at version " + clusterControllerVersion + " got info for storage node " + nodeInfo.getNodeIndex() + " at a different version " + hostInfoNodeVersion); } Optional bucketsMetric; bucketsMetric = hostInfo.getMetrics().getValueAt(BUCKETS_METRIC_NAME, BUCKETS_METRIC_DIMENSIONS); if (bucketsMetric.isEmpty() || bucketsMetric.get().getLast() == null) { return createDisallowed("Missing last value of the " + BUCKETS_METRIC_NAME + " metric for storage node " + nodeInfo.getNodeIndex()); } long lastBuckets = bucketsMetric.get().getLast(); if (lastBuckets > 0) { return createDisallowed("The storage node manages " + lastBuckets + " buckets"); } return allowSettingOfWantedState(); } private Result canSetStateUp(NodeInfo nodeInfo, NodeState oldWantedState) { if (oldWantedState.getState() == UP) { // The description is not significant when setting wanting to set the state to UP return createAlreadySet(); } if (nodeInfo.getReportedState().getState() != UP) { return createDisallowed("Refuse to set wanted state to UP, " + "since the reported state is not UP (" + nodeInfo.getReportedState().getState() + ")"); } return allowSettingOfWantedState(); } private Result canSetStateMaintenanceTemporarily(StorageNodeInfo nodeInfo, ClusterState clusterState, String newDescription) { NodeState oldWantedState = nodeInfo.getUserWantedState(); if (oldWantedState.getState() != UP && !oldWantedState.getDescription().equals(newDescription)) { // Refuse to override whatever an operator or unknown entity is doing. If the description is // identical, we assume it is the same operator. // // Note: The new state&description is NOT equal to the old state&description: // that would have been short-circuited prior to this. return createDisallowed("A conflicting wanted state is already set: " + oldWantedState.getState() + ": " + oldWantedState.getDescription()); } Result otherGroupCheck = anotherNodeInAnotherGroupHasWantedState(nodeInfo); if (!otherGroupCheck.settingWantedStateIsAllowed()) { return otherGroupCheck; } if (clusterState.getNodeState(nodeInfo.getNode()).getState() == DOWN) { return allowSettingOfWantedState(); } if (anotherNodeInGroupAlreadyAllowed(nodeInfo, newDescription)) { return allowSettingOfWantedState(); } Result allNodesAreUpCheck = checkAllNodesAreUp(clusterState); if (!allNodesAreUpCheck.settingWantedStateIsAllowed()) { return allNodesAreUpCheck; } Result checkDistributorsResult = checkDistributors(nodeInfo.getNode(), clusterState.getVersion()); if (!checkDistributorsResult.settingWantedStateIsAllowed()) { return checkDistributorsResult; } return allowSettingOfWantedState(); } /** * Returns a disallow-result if there is another node (in another group, if hierarchical) * that has a wanted state != UP. We disallow more than 1 suspended node/group at a time. */ private Result anotherNodeInAnotherGroupHasWantedState(StorageNodeInfo nodeInfo) { if (groupVisiting.isHierarchical()) { SettableOptional anotherNodeHasWantedState = new SettableOptional<>(); groupVisiting.visit(group -> { if (!groupContainsNode(group, nodeInfo.getNode())) { Result result = otherNodeInGroupHasWantedState(group); if (!result.settingWantedStateIsAllowed()) { anotherNodeHasWantedState.set(result); // Have found a node that is suspended, halt the visiting return false; } } return true; }); return anotherNodeHasWantedState.asOptional().orElseGet(Result::allowSettingOfWantedState); } else { // Return a disallow-result if there is another node with a wanted state return otherNodeHasWantedState(nodeInfo); } } /** Returns a disallow-result, if there is a node in the group with wanted state != UP. */ private Result otherNodeInGroupHasWantedState(Group group) { for (var configuredNode : group.getNodes()) { int index = configuredNode.index(); StorageNodeInfo storageNodeInfo = clusterInfo.getStorageNodeInfo(index); if (storageNodeInfo == null) continue; // needed for tests only State storageNodeWantedState = storageNodeInfo.getUserWantedState().getState(); if (storageNodeWantedState != UP) { return createDisallowed( "At most one group can have wanted state: Other storage node " + index + " in group " + group.getIndex() + " has wanted state " + storageNodeWantedState); } State distributorWantedState = clusterInfo.getDistributorNodeInfo(index).getUserWantedState().getState(); if (distributorWantedState != UP) { return createDisallowed( "At most one group can have wanted state: Other distributor " + index + " in group " + group.getIndex() + " has wanted state " + distributorWantedState); } } return allowSettingOfWantedState(); } private Result otherNodeHasWantedState(StorageNodeInfo nodeInfo) { for (var configuredNode : clusterInfo.getConfiguredNodes().values()) { int index = configuredNode.index(); if (index == nodeInfo.getNodeIndex()) { continue; } State storageNodeWantedState = clusterInfo.getStorageNodeInfo(index).getUserWantedState().getState(); if (storageNodeWantedState != UP) { return createDisallowed( "At most one node can have a wanted state when #groups = 1: Other storage node " + index + " has wanted state " + storageNodeWantedState); } State distributorWantedState = clusterInfo.getDistributorNodeInfo(index).getUserWantedState().getState(); if (distributorWantedState != UP) { return createDisallowed( "At most one node can have a wanted state when #groups = 1: Other distributor " + index + " has wanted state " + distributorWantedState); } } return allowSettingOfWantedState(); } private boolean anotherNodeInGroupAlreadyAllowed(StorageNodeInfo nodeInfo, String newDescription) { MutableBoolean alreadyAllowed = new MutableBoolean(false); groupVisiting.visit(group -> { if (!groupContainsNode(group, nodeInfo.getNode())) { return true; } alreadyAllowed.set(anotherNodeInGroupAlreadyAllowed(group, nodeInfo.getNode(), newDescription)); // Have found the leaf group we were looking for, halt the visiting. return false; }); return alreadyAllowed.get(); } private boolean anotherNodeInGroupAlreadyAllowed(Group group, Node node, String newDescription) { return group.getNodes().stream() .filter(configuredNode -> configuredNode.index() != node.getIndex()) .map(configuredNode -> clusterInfo.getStorageNodeInfo(configuredNode.index())) .filter(Objects::nonNull) // needed for tests only .map(NodeInfo::getUserWantedState) .anyMatch(userWantedState -> userWantedState.getState() == State.MAINTENANCE && Objects.equals(userWantedState.getDescription(), newDescription)); } private static boolean groupContainsNode(Group group, Node node) { for (ConfiguredNode configuredNode : group.getNodes()) { if (configuredNode.index() == node.getIndex()) { return true; } } return false; } private Result checkAllNodesAreUp(ClusterState clusterState) { // This method verifies both storage nodes and distributors are up (or retired). // The complicated part is making a summary error message. for (NodeInfo storageNodeInfo : clusterInfo.getStorageNodeInfos()) { State wantedState = storageNodeInfo.getUserWantedState().getState(); if (wantedState != UP && wantedState != RETIRED) { return createDisallowed("Another storage node wants state " + wantedState.toString().toUpperCase() + ": " + storageNodeInfo.getNodeIndex()); } State state = clusterState.getNodeState(storageNodeInfo.getNode()).getState(); if (state != UP && state != RETIRED) { return createDisallowed("Another storage node has state " + state.toString().toUpperCase() + ": " + storageNodeInfo.getNodeIndex()); } } for (NodeInfo distributorNodeInfo : clusterInfo.getDistributorNodeInfos()) { State wantedState = distributorNodeInfo.getUserWantedState().getState(); if (wantedState != UP && wantedState != RETIRED) { return createDisallowed("Another distributor wants state " + wantedState.toString().toUpperCase() + ": " + distributorNodeInfo.getNodeIndex()); } State state = clusterState.getNodeState(distributorNodeInfo.getNode()).getState(); if (state != UP && state != RETIRED) { return createDisallowed("Another distributor has state " + state.toString().toUpperCase() + ": " + distributorNodeInfo.getNodeIndex()); } } return allowSettingOfWantedState(); } private Result checkStorageNodesForDistributor(DistributorNodeInfo distributorNodeInfo, List storageNodes, Node node) { for (StorageNode storageNode : storageNodes) { if (storageNode.getIndex() == node.getIndex()) { Integer minReplication = storageNode.getMinCurrentReplicationFactorOrNull(); // Why test on != null? Missing min-replication is OK (indicate empty/few buckets on system). if (minReplication != null && minReplication < requiredRedundancy) { return createDisallowed("Distributor " + distributorNodeInfo.getNodeIndex() + " says storage node " + node.getIndex() + " has buckets with redundancy as low as " + storageNode.getMinCurrentReplicationFactorOrNull() + ", but we require at least " + requiredRedundancy); } else { return allowSettingOfWantedState(); } } } return allowSettingOfWantedState(); } /** * We want to check with the distributors to verify that it is safe to take down the storage node. * @param node the node to be checked * @param clusterStateVersion the cluster state we expect distributors to have */ private Result checkDistributors(Node node, int clusterStateVersion) { if (clusterInfo.getDistributorNodeInfos().isEmpty()) { return createDisallowed("Not aware of any distributors, probably not safe to upgrade?"); } for (DistributorNodeInfo distributorNodeInfo : clusterInfo.getDistributorNodeInfos()) { Integer distributorClusterStateVersion = distributorNodeInfo.getHostInfo().getClusterStateVersionOrNull(); if (distributorClusterStateVersion == null) { return createDisallowed("Distributor node " + distributorNodeInfo.getNodeIndex() + " has not reported any cluster state version yet."); } else if (distributorClusterStateVersion != clusterStateVersion) { return createDisallowed("Distributor node " + distributorNodeInfo.getNodeIndex() + " does not report same version (" + distributorNodeInfo.getHostInfo().getClusterStateVersionOrNull() + ") as fleetcontroller (" + clusterStateVersion + ")"); } List storageNodes = distributorNodeInfo.getHostInfo().getDistributor().getStorageNodes(); Result storageNodesResult = checkStorageNodesForDistributor(distributorNodeInfo, storageNodes, node); if (!storageNodesResult.settingWantedStateIsAllowed()) { return storageNodesResult; } } return allowSettingOfWantedState(); } }