// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.core; import com.yahoo.vdslib.state.ClusterState; import com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.core.listeners.SlobrokListener; import com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.core.listeners.NodeListener; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.Optional; public abstract class RemoteClusterControllerTask { public static class Context { public ContentCluster cluster; public ClusterState currentConsolidatedState; public ClusterStateBundle publishedClusterStateBundle; public MasterInterface masterInfo; public NodeListener nodeListener; public SlobrokListener slobrokListener; } private final Object monitor = new Object(); private boolean completed = false; public abstract void doRemoteFleetControllerTask(Context context); /** * If the task should _not_ be considered complete before a cluster state * version representing the changes made by the task has been ACKed by * all distributors. * * Note that if a task performs a no-op state change (e.g. setting maintenance * mode on a node already in maintenance mode), the task may be considered complete * immediately if its effective changes have already been ACKed. */ public boolean hasVersionAckDependency() { return false; } /** * If true, signals that a task has failed and can be immediately marked as * complete without waiting for a version ACK. The task implementation has * the responsibility of communicating any failure to the caller, and ensuring * that the lack of version waiting does not violate any invariants. */ public boolean isFailed() { return false; } public enum FailureCondition { LEADERSHIP_LOST, DEADLINE_EXCEEDED } public static class Failure { private final FailureCondition condition; private final String message; private Failure(FailureCondition condition, String message) { this.condition = condition; this.message = message; } public static Failure of(FailureCondition condition, String message) { return new Failure(condition, message); } public static Failure of(FailureCondition condition) { return new Failure(condition, ""); } public FailureCondition getCondition() { return condition; } public String getMessage() { return message; } } /** * If the task completion has been deferred due to hasVersionAckDependency(), * this method will be invoked if a failure occurs before the version has * been successfully ACKed. * * LEADERSHIP_LOST will be the failure condition if the cluster controller * discovers it has lost leadership in the time between task execution and * deferred completion time. * * DEADLINE_EXCEEDED will be the failure condition if the completion has been * deferred for more than a configurable amount of time. * * This method will also be invoked if the controller is signalled to shut down * before the dependent cluster version has been published. * * The task implementation is responsible for communicating the appropriate * error semantics to the caller who initially scheduled the task. If additional * details are available, Failure.getMessage() will return a non-empty string. */ public void handleFailure(Failure failure) {} public Optional getDeadline() { return Optional.empty(); } public boolean isCompleted() { synchronized (monitor) { return completed; } } /** This is called by the fleet controller. */ public void notifyCompleted() { synchronized (monitor) { completed = true; monitor.notifyAll(); } } public void waitForCompletion() { synchronized (monitor) { while (!completed) { try{ monitor.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } } @Override public String toString() { return RemoteClusterControllerTask.class.getSimpleName(); } }