// Copyright Yahoo. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.core; import com.yahoo.jrt.ErrorCode; import com.yahoo.vdslib.state.ClusterState; import com.yahoo.vdslib.state.Node; import com.yahoo.vdslib.state.NodeState; import com.yahoo.vdslib.state.State; import com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.core.database.DatabaseHandler; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.stream.Collectors; public class SystemStateBroadcaster { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SystemStateBroadcaster.class.getName()); private final FleetControllerContext context; private final Timer timer; private final Object monitor; private ClusterStateBundle clusterStateBundle; private final List setClusterStateReplies = new LinkedList<>(); private final List activateClusterStateVersionReplies = new LinkedList<>(); private final static long minTimeBetweenNodeErrorLogging = 10 * 60 * 1000; private final Map lastErrorReported = new TreeMap<>(); private int lastOfficialStateVersion = -1; private int lastStateVersionBundleAcked = 0; private int lastClusterStateVersionConverged = 0; private ClusterStateBundle lastClusterStateBundleConverged; private final SetClusterStateWaiter setClusterStateWaiter = new SetClusterStateWaiter(); private final ActivateClusterStateVersionWaiter activateClusterStateVersionWaiter = new ActivateClusterStateVersionWaiter(); public SystemStateBroadcaster(FleetControllerContext context, Timer timer, Object monitor) { this.context = context; this.timer = timer; this.monitor = monitor; } public void handleNewClusterStates(ClusterStateBundle state) { clusterStateBundle = state; } public ClusterState getClusterState() { return clusterStateBundle.getBaselineClusterState(); } public boolean hasBroadcastedClusterStateBundle() { return clusterStateBundle != null; } public void resetBroadcastedClusterStateBundle() { clusterStateBundle = null; } public ClusterStateBundle getClusterStateBundle() { return clusterStateBundle; } public ClusterStateBundle getLastClusterStateBundleConverged() { return lastClusterStateBundleConverged; } private void reportNodeError(boolean nodeOk, NodeInfo info, String message) { long time = timer.getCurrentTimeInMillis(); Long lastReported = lastErrorReported.get(info.getNode()); boolean alreadySeen = (lastReported != null && time - lastReported < minTimeBetweenNodeErrorLogging); context.log(log, nodeOk && !alreadySeen ? Level.WARNING : Level.FINE, message); if (!alreadySeen) { lastErrorReported.put(info.getNode(), time); } } public boolean processResponses() { boolean anyResponsesFound = false; synchronized(monitor) { anyResponsesFound = !setClusterStateReplies.isEmpty() || !activateClusterStateVersionReplies.isEmpty(); processSetClusterStateResponses(); processActivateClusterStateVersionResponses(); } return anyResponsesFound; } private void processActivateClusterStateVersionResponses() { for (var req : activateClusterStateVersionReplies) { NodeInfo info = req.getNodeInfo(); int version = req.getClusterStateVersion(); boolean success = true; var reply = req.getReply(); if (reply.isError()) { // NO_SUCH_METHOD implies node is on a version that does not understand explicit activations // and it has already merrily started using the state version. Treat as if it had been ACKed. if (reply.getReturnCode() != ErrorCode.NO_SUCH_METHOD) { context.log(log, Level.FINE, () -> String.format("Activation NACK for node %s with version %d, message %s", info, version, reply.getReturnMessage())); success = false; } else { context.log(log, Level.FINE, () -> String.format("Node %s did not understand state activation RPC; " + "implicitly treating state %d as activated on node", info, version)); } } else if (reply.getActualVersion() != version) { boolean nodeOk = nodeReportsSelfAsAvailable(info); // Avoid spamming the logs since this will happen on all resends until (presumably) the controller // loses election status. // TODO this should trigger a loss of current controller's leadership! reportNodeError(nodeOk, info, String.format("Activation of version %d did not take effect, node %s " + "reports it has an actual pending version of %d. Racing with another controller?", version, info, reply.getActualVersion())); success = false; } else { context.log(log, Level.FINE, () -> String.format("Node %s reports successful activation of state version %d", info, version)); } info.setSystemStateVersionActivationAcked(version, success); // TODO we currently don't invoke reportNodeError here.. We assume that node errors will be reported // as part of processSetClusterStateResponses anyway, but can add it here as well if deemed necessary. } activateClusterStateVersionReplies.clear(); } private static boolean nodeReportsSelfAsAvailable(NodeInfo info) { return info.getReportedState().getState().oneOf("uir"); } private void processSetClusterStateResponses() { for (SetClusterStateRequest req : setClusterStateReplies) { NodeInfo info = req.getNodeInfo(); int version = req.getClusterStateVersion(); if (req.getReply().isError()) { info.setClusterStateBundleVersionAcknowledged(version, false); if (req.getReply().getReturnCode() != Communicator.TRANSIENT_ERROR) { if (info.getNewestSystemStateVersionSent() == version) { boolean nodeOk = nodeReportsSelfAsAvailable(info); reportNodeError(nodeOk, info, String.format("Got error response %d: %s from %s setdistributionstates request.", req.getReply().getReturnCode(), req.getReply().getReturnMessage(), info)); } } } else { info.setClusterStateBundleVersionAcknowledged(version, true); context.log(log, Level.FINE, () -> String.format("Node %s ACKed system state version %d.", info, version)); lastErrorReported.remove(info.getNode()); } } setClusterStateReplies.clear(); } private static boolean nodeIsReachable(NodeInfo node) { if (node.getRpcAddress() == null || node.isNotInSlobrok()) { return false; // Can't set state on nodes we don't know where are } if (node.getReportedState().getState() == State.MAINTENANCE || node.getReportedState().getState() == State.DOWN || node.getReportedState().getState() == State.STOPPING) { return false; // No point in sending system state to nodes that can't receive messages or don't want them } return true; } private boolean nodeNeedsClusterStateBundle(NodeInfo node) { if (node.getClusterStateVersionBundleAcknowledged() == clusterStateBundle.getVersion()) { return false; // No point in sending if node already has updated system state } return nodeIsReachable(node); } private boolean nodeNeedsClusterStateActivation(NodeInfo node) { if (node.getClusterStateVersionActivationAcked() == clusterStateBundle.getVersion()) { return false; // No point in sending if node already has activated cluster state version } return nodeIsReachable(node); } private List resolveStateVersionSendSet(DatabaseHandler.DatabaseContext dbContext) { return dbContext.getCluster().getNodeInfos().stream() .filter(this::nodeNeedsClusterStateBundle) .filter(node -> !newestStateBundleAlreadySentToNode(node)) .toList(); } // Precondition: no nodes in the cluster need to receive the current cluster state version bundle private List resolveStateActivationSendSet(DatabaseHandler.DatabaseContext dbContext) { return dbContext.getCluster().getNodeInfos().stream() .filter(this::nodeNeedsClusterStateActivation) .filter(node -> !newestStateActivationAlreadySentToNode(node)) .toList(); } private boolean newestStateBundleAlreadySentToNode(NodeInfo node) { return (node.getNewestSystemStateVersionSent() == clusterStateBundle.getVersion()); } private boolean newestStateActivationAlreadySentToNode(NodeInfo node) { return (node.getClusterStateVersionActivationSent() == clusterStateBundle.getVersion()); } /** * Checks if all distributor nodes have ACKed (and activated) the most recent cluster state. * Iff this is the case, triggers handleAllDistributorsInSync() on the provided FleetController * object and updates the broadcaster's last known in-sync cluster state version. */ void checkIfClusterStateIsAckedByAllDistributors(DatabaseHandler database, DatabaseHandler.DatabaseContext dbContext, FleetController fleetController) throws InterruptedException { if ((clusterStateBundle == null) || currentClusterStateIsConverged()) { return; // Nothing to do for the current state } final int currentStateVersion = clusterStateBundle.getVersion(); boolean anyDistributorsNeedStateBundle = dbContext.getCluster().getNodeInfos().stream() .filter(NodeInfo::isDistributor) .anyMatch(this::nodeNeedsClusterStateBundle); if (!anyDistributorsNeedStateBundle && (currentStateVersion > lastStateVersionBundleAcked)) { markCurrentClusterStateBundleAsReceivedByAllDistributors(); if (clusterStateBundle.deferredActivation()) { context.log(log, Level.FINE, () -> String.format("All distributors have ACKed cluster state " + "version %d, sending activation", currentStateVersion)); } else { markCurrentClusterStateAsConverged(database, dbContext, fleetController); } return; // Either converged (no two-phase) or activations must be sent before we can continue. } if (anyDistributorsNeedStateBundle || !clusterStateBundle.deferredActivation()) { return; } boolean anyDistributorsNeedActivation = dbContext.getCluster().getNodeInfos().stream() .filter(NodeInfo::isDistributor) .anyMatch(this::nodeNeedsClusterStateActivation); if (!anyDistributorsNeedActivation && (currentStateVersion > lastClusterStateVersionConverged)) { markCurrentClusterStateAsConverged(database, dbContext, fleetController); } else { context.log(log, Level.FINE, () -> String.format("distributors still need activation in state %d (last converged: %d)", currentStateVersion, lastClusterStateVersionConverged)); } } private void markCurrentClusterStateBundleAsReceivedByAllDistributors() { lastStateVersionBundleAcked = clusterStateBundle.getVersion(); } private void markCurrentClusterStateAsConverged(DatabaseHandler database, DatabaseHandler.DatabaseContext dbContext, FleetController fleetController) throws InterruptedException { context.log(log, Level.FINE, "All distributors have newest clusterstate, updating start timestamps in zookeeper and clearing them from cluster state"); lastClusterStateVersionConverged = clusterStateBundle.getVersion(); lastClusterStateBundleConverged = clusterStateBundle; fleetController.handleAllDistributorsInSync(database, dbContext); } private boolean currentClusterStateIsConverged() { return lastClusterStateVersionConverged == clusterStateBundle.getVersion(); } private boolean currentBundleVersionIsTaggedOfficial() { return clusterStateBundle.getVersion() == lastOfficialStateVersion; } private void tagCurrentBundleVersionAsOfficial() { lastOfficialStateVersion = clusterStateBundle.getVersion(); } public boolean broadcastNewStateBundleIfRequired(DatabaseHandler.DatabaseContext dbContext, Communicator communicator, int lastClusterStateVersionWrittenToZooKeeper) { if (clusterStateBundle == null || clusterStateBundle.getVersion() == 0) { return false; } if (clusterStateBundle.getVersion() != lastClusterStateVersionWrittenToZooKeeper) { return false; } ClusterState baselineState = clusterStateBundle.getBaselineClusterState(); if (!currentBundleVersionIsTaggedOfficial()) { context.log(log, Level.INFO, "Publishing cluster state version " + baselineState.getVersion()); tagCurrentBundleVersionAsOfficial(); } List recipients = resolveStateVersionSendSet(dbContext); for (NodeInfo node : recipients) { if (nodeNeedsToObserveStartupTimestamps(node)) { // TODO this is the same for all nodes, compute only once ClusterStateBundle modifiedBundle = clusterStateBundle.cloneWithMapper(state -> buildModifiedClusterState(state, dbContext)); context.log(log, Level.FINE, () -> "Sending modified cluster state version " + baselineState.getVersion() + " to node " + node + ": " + modifiedBundle); communicator.setSystemState(modifiedBundle, node, setClusterStateWaiter); } else { context.log(log, Level.FINE, () -> "Sending system state version " + baselineState.getVersion() + " to node " + node + ". (went down time " + node.getWentDownWithStartTime() + ", node start time " + node.getStartTimestamp() + ")"); communicator.setSystemState(clusterStateBundle, node, setClusterStateWaiter); } } return !recipients.isEmpty(); } public boolean broadcastStateActivationsIfRequired(DatabaseHandler.DatabaseContext dbContext, Communicator communicator) { if (clusterStateBundle == null || clusterStateBundle.getVersion() == 0 || !currentBundleVersionIsTaggedOfficial()) { return false; } if (!clusterStateBundle.deferredActivation() || !allDistributorsHaveAckedSentClusterStateBundle()) { return false; } var recipients = resolveStateActivationSendSet(dbContext); for (NodeInfo node : recipients) { context.log(log, Level.FINE, () -> "Sending cluster state activation to node " + node + " for version " + clusterStateBundle.getVersion()); communicator.activateClusterStateVersion(clusterStateBundle.getVersion(), node, activateClusterStateVersionWaiter); } return !recipients.isEmpty(); } private boolean allDistributorsHaveAckedSentClusterStateBundle() { return (lastStateVersionBundleAcked == clusterStateBundle.getVersion()); } public int lastClusterStateVersionInSync() { return lastClusterStateVersionConverged; } private static boolean nodeNeedsToObserveStartupTimestamps(NodeInfo node) { return node.getStartTimestamp() != 0 && node.getWentDownWithStartTime() == node.getStartTimestamp(); } private static ClusterState buildModifiedClusterState(ClusterState sourceState, DatabaseHandler.DatabaseContext dbContext) { ClusterState newState = sourceState.clone(); for (NodeInfo n : dbContext.getCluster().getNodeInfos()) { NodeState ns = newState.getNodeState(n.getNode()); if (!n.isDistributor() && ns.getStartTimestamp() == 0) { ns.setStartTimestamp(n.getStartTimestamp()); newState.setNodeState(n.getNode(), ns); } } return newState; } private class SetClusterStateWaiter implements Communicator.Waiter { @Override public void done(SetClusterStateRequest reply) { synchronized (monitor) { setClusterStateReplies.add(reply); } } } private class ActivateClusterStateVersionWaiter implements Communicator.Waiter { @Override public void done(ActivateClusterStateVersionRequest reply) { synchronized (monitor) { activateClusterStateVersionReplies.add(reply); } } } }