// Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings. Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE in the project root. package com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.utils.staterestapi; import com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.utils.staterestapi.errors.InvalidContentException; import com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.utils.staterestapi.errors.MissingUnitException; import com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.utils.staterestapi.errors.OperationNotSupportedForUnitException; import com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.utils.staterestapi.errors.StateRestApiException; import com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.utils.staterestapi.requests.SetUnitStateRequest; import com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.utils.staterestapi.requests.UnitStateRequest; import com.yahoo.vespa.clustercontroller.utils.staterestapi.response.*; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; public class DummyStateApi implements StateRestAPI { private final DummyBackend backend; private Exception induceException; public DummyStateApi(DummyBackend backend) { this.backend = backend; } public void induceException(StateRestApiException e) { induceException = e; } public void induceException(RuntimeException e) { induceException = e; } public class SubUnitListImpl implements SubUnitList { private Map links = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private Map values = new LinkedHashMap<>(); @Override public Map getSubUnitLinks() { return links; } @Override public Map getSubUnits() { return values; } public void addUnit(DummyBackend.Cluster cluster, int recursive) { if (recursive == 0) { links.put(cluster.id, cluster.id); } else { values.put(cluster.id, getClusterState(cluster, recursive - 1)); } } public void addUnit(DummyBackend.Node node, int recursive) { if (recursive == 0) { String link = node.clusterId + '/' + node.id; links.put(node.id, link); } else { values.put(node.id, getNodeState(node)); } } } private UnitResponse getClusterList(final int recursive) { return new UnitResponse() { @Override public UnitAttributes getAttributes() { return null; } @Override public CurrentUnitState getCurrentState() { return null; } @Override public UnitMetrics getMetrics() { return null; } @Override public Map getSubUnits() { Map result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); SubUnitListImpl subUnits = new SubUnitListImpl(); result.put("cluster", subUnits); for (Map.Entry e : backend.getClusters().entrySet()) { subUnits.addUnit(e.getValue(), recursive); } return result; } }; } private UnitResponse getClusterState(final DummyBackend.Cluster cluster, final int recursive) { return new UnitResponse() { @Override public UnitAttributes getAttributes() { return null; } @Override public CurrentUnitState getCurrentState() { return null; } @Override public UnitMetrics getMetrics() { return null; } @Override public Map getSubUnits() { Map result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); SubUnitListImpl subUnits = new SubUnitListImpl(); result.put("node", subUnits); for (Map.Entry e : cluster.nodes.entrySet()) { subUnits.addUnit(e.getValue(), recursive); } return result; } }; } private UnitResponse getNodeState(final DummyBackend.Node node) { return new UnitResponse() { @Override public UnitAttributes getAttributes() { return new UnitAttributes() { @Override public Map getAttributeValues() { Map attrs = new LinkedHashMap<>(); attrs.put("group", node.group); return attrs; } }; } @Override public Map getSubUnits() { return null; } @Override public CurrentUnitState getCurrentState() { return new CurrentUnitState() { @Override public Map getStatePerType() { Map m = new LinkedHashMap<>(); m.put("current", new UnitState() { @Override public String getId() { return node.state; } @Override public String getReason() { return node.reason; } }); return m; } }; } @Override public UnitMetrics getMetrics() { return new UnitMetrics() { @Override public Map getMetricMap() { Map m = new LinkedHashMap<>(); m.put("doc-count", node.docCount); return m; } }; } }; } @Override public UnitResponse getState(UnitStateRequest request) throws StateRestApiException { checkForInducedException(); String[] path = request.getUnitPath(); if (path.length == 0) { return getClusterList(request.getRecursiveLevels()); } final DummyBackend.Cluster c = backend.getClusters().get(path[0]); if (c == null) throw new MissingUnitException(path, 0); if (path.length == 1) { return getClusterState(c, request.getRecursiveLevels()); } final DummyBackend.Node n = c.nodes.get(path[1]); if (n == null) throw new MissingUnitException(path, 1); if (path.length == 2) { return getNodeState(n); } throw new MissingUnitException(path, 3); } @Override public SetResponse setUnitState(SetUnitStateRequest request) throws StateRestApiException { checkForInducedException(); String[] path = request.getUnitPath(); if (path.length != 2) { throw new OperationNotSupportedForUnitException( path, "You can only set states on nodes"); } DummyBackend.Node n = null; DummyBackend.Cluster c = backend.getClusters().get(path[0]); if (c != null) { n = c.nodes.get(path[1]); } if (n == null) throw new MissingUnitException(path, 2); Map newState = request.getNewState(); if (newState.size() != 1 || !newState.containsKey("current")) { throw new InvalidContentException("Only state of type 'current' is allowed to be set."); } n.state = newState.get("current").getId(); n.reason = newState.get("current").getReason(); String reason = String.format("DummyStateAPI %s call", request.getResponseWait().getName()); return new SetResponse(reason, true); } private void checkForInducedException() throws StateRestApiException { if (induceException == null) return; Exception e = induceException; induceException = null; if (e instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) e; } throw (StateRestApiException) e; } }